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  • What are the basic steps to get started using Post-Sale?
    Login, and click the Sales Manager Tab. In the left navigation bar, click on Post Sale. This will open the Post Sale Summary page. Clicking any of the links in the left navigation bar will open the page of listings corresponding to the stage of the post-sale process.

    You will notice a row of action buttons at the top of each page. Place your mouse over these buttons to get a quick description of each action, or click on '?' to see a more complete description. Each set of action buttons will correspond to the specific step in the post-sale process under which the listing is categorized. Note that you must select the checkbox(s) next to an item(s) before you initiate an action.

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  • What do the different icons shown in the Post Sale Summary page mean?
    Each of the action buttons on the Post Sale Summary page represents a step in the Post Sale Management process. For a description of what each icon means, please click here.

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  • I forgot to set the Auto-WBN feature when I set up my auctions. Is it too late now that the auction is live?
    No, as long as your auction is active you may change the status of the Auto-WBN feature. In the left navigation bar, select Control Panel > All Active. Click the checkbox(s) to the left of the items you want to change, and click on the 'Set WBN' action button. On the next page, you will see an Auto WBN column to your right that lists either On or Off for WBN. For anything that says Off, please select -- then click on the On/Off button to turn on the Auto WBN.

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  • How do I get back to the Post Sale home page?
    To get to the Post Sale Summary page, click on the Sales Manager Tab, then click on Post Sale in the left navigation bar.

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  • I cannot set auto-WBN without a shipping amount, but I don't have a zip code. What can I do?
    In order to send an auto-WBN, you have to enter a shipping amount or select the calculated shipping option (available for USPS only at this time.) Calculated shipping will automatically calculate the correct shipping based on the zip code that your customer enters as they check out.

    If you do not want to use USPS calculated shipping, you can enter an estimated amount, and format your WBN messaging to indicate that it is an estimate and that you will send a final amount after receiving the customer's response. When you receive a response, uncheck steps 1 and 2 in post-sale, edit your WBN, and resend it with the correct shipping amount.

    If you want to use calculated shipping, you can select this option as you list, or set it as your default. To use calculated shipping as your default, login, click on the My Account link at the top of the page, then click on the Global Preferences link.

    You may also opt-out of auto-WBN altogether, and just send the WBN manually after obtaining the customer's zip code.

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  • What is calculated shipping? How do I use this?
    USPS calculated shipping will allow your buyers to enter their zip code during checkout and receive the actual shipping cost based on their location and the shipping dimensions/weight that you entered when listing your auction. Using calculated shipping will eliminate the need for your buyer to send you their zip code before you send out your WBN.

    To enable calculated shipping, go to My Account -> Global Preferences. Note that information you enter here will be displayed as a default when you create your listings, but you may edit this information.

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  • How do I print multiple invoices/packing slips?
    In the left navigation bar of Sales Manager, select Post Sale > Items to Ship. On the Items to Ship page, select the checkbox(s) of the items you want to print invoices and packing slips for, and click the 'Print Invoice' action button. This will take you to the Invoice/packing slip page, where you can select the correct print mode (you can choose to print your shipping labels and invoices together, shipping labels only, or invoices only). Make sure that shipping cost information has been updated in the WBNs before invoices are printed.

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  • My WBNs are not going out when my auctions close. Why?
    Some potential reasons for this are:

    • You do not have auto-WBN selected in your preferences. To check this, login, click on the My Account link at the top of the page, then click on the Post Sale Management link. On the Post Sale Management Preferences page, make sure the auto-WBN option is selected.
      If you would like to check the status of your active listings, you may do so by selecting Control Panel > All Active in the left navigation bar of Sales Manager. Click the 'Select All' button, then click 'Set WBN'. Select the items which indicate WBN off, and toggle them on.
    • Your items have ended using Buy It Now. We have implemented a mail relay system that will help eliminate this problem. Click here for more information.
    • Your email address that is on file at Vendio is invalid. To correct this, login, click on the My Account link at the top of the page, then click on the Personal Info link. Click the (edit) link next to your email address to update it.
    • You have relisted on eBay directly. If you relist on eBay rather than through Sales Manager, your listing will not be automatically imported. You will need to import the listing(s) using the Track Other Listings (track by listing) option. Note that we cannot guarantee that tracked listings will retain post-sale functionality.

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  • How do I create preset feedback messages for my auctions?
    In the left navigation bar of Sales Manager, select Post Sale > Feedback to Send. On the Feedback to Send page, select the checkbox(s) of the items you want to send feedback for, and click the 'Send Feedback' action button. Click the 'Customize Preset Feedback' button at the bottom of page to create multiple messages which will be used in random order. No negative feedback may be created.

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  • My PayPal payments are not being recorded in Post-Sale. Why is this?
    Enabling the PayPal IPN will allow payments made to you through PayPal to record in Post-Sale, automatically checking off step 3 of your Post-Sale keys. Please Click Here for instructions on how to enable the IPN in your PayPal account.

    There are also some additional options available on the Post-Sale Acceleration page regarding how PayPal payments are processed, in conjunction with your Post Sale. Please see this page to activate any of these options.

    A small percentage of PayPal payments may not be recorded in Post-Sale. Reasons for this include:

    • The buyer has not used the WBN to enter PayPal, and has not filled in the auction information when making their payment. If your buyer does not supply this information, our system will be unable to track the payment.
    • The PayPal email address we have on file is incorrect (you can check this here.)
    Note that there will be a certain percentage of buyers who will not use our system to make their payment. Post Sale Acceleration features work when used properly, and we will do our best to provide adequate messaging for your buyers to ensure the highest possible success rate.

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  • The shipping is being added to the total when my buyers pay using PayPal. What can I do?
    This problem generally results when shipping is specified in both your Vendio and your PayPal preferences.

    In order to work around this, you will need to update your PayPal preferences to allow a shipping override on a per-item basis. To do this, please follow these steps:

    • Login to your PayPal account
    • Click the Profile Tab
    • Click 'Shipping Calculations'
    • Click the 'Edit' button at the bottom of the page
    • Select the checkbox at the bottom that says "Click here to allow transaction-based shipping values to override the profile shipping settings listed above" (if profile settings are enabled)
    • Click the 'Save' button
    This should allow your Vendio shipping preferences to override those at PayPal on a per-transaction basis, without requiring you to disable your PayPal shipping preferences altogether.

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  • How can I use auto-WBN when I don't have the buyer's zip code?
    The auto-WBN system is set up in such a way that you must enter a shipping amount prior to sending the WBN. If you prefer, you may opt-out of using auto-WBN and email your customer directly in order to obtain their zip code so that you can calculate the actual shipping and enter it before sending the WBN. You may also use USPS Priority calculated shipping, which will calculate the shipping as the buyer checks out, based on their zip code.

    If you want to use auto-WBN, but you don't want to use calculated shipping and you are not using fixed shipping prices, you can enter an estimated amount and state in the body of the WBN that the shipping price is estimated and will be calculated once the customer responds with a zip code. When they respond, you can uncheck step #2, edit the WBN, enter the correct shipping amount, and resend.

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  • How do I use the Apply Payments / Credits feature?
    A credit is payment or a discount towards an item, or an order. This can be used for partial payments, price matching discounts (applied after the sale), special discounts for preferred payment types, etc.

    All credits you have control over (payments and discounts you specifically entered, but not automatic shipping discounts) will be reflected in the subtotal/total area of the Post Sale Fulfillment Checklist page. Next to each of these credits is a 'delete' mini-button, should you wish to delete a credit. Click this button to remove the credit. If you want to change the amount of a credit, simply delete it and then re-enter it for the proper amount.

    Credits offer additional flexibility, but you may simply use the "mark as paid" checkbox if you prefer to do so. If you do not want to use credits, simply check the step 3 status box to mark paid will automatically create an appropriate credit with no extra effort by you.

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  • How do I change the shipping information before I send my WBN?
    To edit the shipping information in a WBN, please follow the steps outlined below:

    • In the left navigation bar of Sales Manager, click on Post Sale. This will open the Sold Items list.
    • If step #1 is not checked, select the checkbox(s) of the item(s) you would like to edit and click the 'Edit WBN' button. Make your edits, and save.
    • If step #1 is checked, click the number keys, then uncheck step #1. Click on the Edit link next to step #1, make your edits, and save.

    Once this is done, the shipping and handling will be updated and you will be able to resend the WBN, or print an invoice reflecting the updated amount.

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  • What if my customer doesn't fill out the WBN, or I want to make some changes to his information?
    You can edit (or add) the information from your buyer by following these steps:

    • Click the number keys next to your closed items. If step #2 is checked off, uncheck step #2.
    • Click on the edit link next to step #2. You will be able to edit or add their information (including shipping) here.
    • Fill in the appropriate information, then click 'Save Changes'.

    This will enable you to print an invoice and keep your customer's information for your records even if they did not use the WBN to respond.

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  • How do I combine items to create an order?
    From the Post Sale Fulfillment Checklist page, click the 'Search for Combinable Purchases' button. This will search all of your listings for potential candidates (items that have closed with the same buyer). The results will be displayed on the "Combine Items, step 1" page.

    On the "Combine items, step 1" page, you can choose the items to be combined by selecting the checkbox(s) next to each one. Click the 'combine' button. On the "Combine items, step 2" page, you may specify an additional credit to apply to the combined order, and the status of the 1-9 keys for the order as a whole after combining.

    If any of the individual items already had a credit applied (for example, ones already marked paid), these credits will be default be applied to the combined order (but you may also choose to not apply them on this page.

    You may also elect to send a new WBN for the entire order, if you'd like the winner to go through the checkout process. Click "combine items". You'll be taken to the Post Sale Fulfillment Checklist for the combined order afterward.

    Keep in mind that you don't need to have shopping carts enabled, or a Store, to manually combine items. You do need shopping carts enabled for orders of multiple items to be automatically created when your buyers checkout.

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  • What are shipping discounts?
    Shipping discounts can be used to offer your buyers discounts on shipping when they purchase more than one item at a time (even if one or more are auctions). This is great for encouraging buyers to add items from your Vendio Store to their order during the checkout process.

    Note that you must have Shopping Cart enabled to offer shipping discounts. To enable Shopping Cart, login, click on the My Account link at the top of the page, then click on the Global Preferences link. Select the 'Enable Shopping Cart' checkbox and set the shipping discount to automatically be applied to buyers' orders as they check out (this is the default). Make sure you click the 'Save' button at the bottom of the page when you are finished. Enabling Shopping Cart will also allow your buyer to combine their items into an order.

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  • How can I best use shipping discounts?
    To encourage buyers to purchase more than one item, you can offer shipping discounts on multiple items purchased in a single order. To configure your shipping discounts, login, click on the My Account link at the top of the page, then click on the Global Preferences link. In the Shipping Discounts section, enter an amount or percentage to be deducted from the shipping charges from the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. items in an order. Click the 'Save' button when you are finished.

    Here are some things to remember when using shipping discounts:

    • The minimum shipping amount that will be charged is the shipping charge for the most expensive to ship item (this is not necessarily the most expensive to purchase item.)
    • Remember that the buyer selected the shipping carrier for each item in an order at checkout time, and they may not select the same shipping carrier for each item (if you offer different carriers.) The discounts will be applied regardless of the carriers selected; you may choose to disregard the carrier selections, or honor it and use the discount as more of a encouragement to purchase additional items than a way to pass on shipping-carton savings.
    • Be sure to choose reasonable discounts. If you always ship by USPS Priority, for example, and every item is $5.00 S&H, a discount of $1.00 (or 20%) might be reasonable. Discounts of $5.00 would probably be unreasonable, unless you were certain you'd be able to fit all of any order's items into the same package as the first one. (In this example, a $5.00 discount would essentially mean a buyer would never pay more than $5.00 for shipping, no matter how many items they purchased.)
    • Discounts are calculated when buyers checkout. Changes made to your settings will not take effect until the next time a buyer checks out; they are not retroactive to existing orders.

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  • How do I stop the auto-WBN from going out?
    To prevent the auto-WBN from going out in future listings, login, click on the My Account link at the top of the page, then click on the Post Sale Management link. On the Post Sale Management Preferences page, deselect the auto-WBN checkbox and click the 'Save' button.

    To prevent the auto-WBN from going out for your currently active listings, select Post Sale > All Active from the left navigation bar in Sales Manager. On the All Active Listings page, select the checkbox(s) of the items that you want to prevent the auto-WBN from going out, and click the 'Set WBN' button. On the next page you will see the On/Off status in the far right column - use the On/Off button at the top of the list to reset the auto-WBN status.

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  • Why are my WBN reminders going out when my customer has already paid?
    This can happen if step #1 and step #3 in post-sale are checked, but step #2 is not. If you have selected to automatically send WBN reminders (you can check this setting in your Post Sale Management Preferences), and your customer has not responded to the WBN, when you enter their information please be sure to check step #2. Leaving this step unchecked will result in the WBN reminder being sent.

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  • How do I uncombine an order that has been combined?
    To uncombine an order, click the order number, then click the 'Edit Buyer' button. Uncheck the Relist option, and click 'Split Order'.

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  • Where is the delete button? How can I delete my closed auctions?
    You may use the Archive feature, which will allow you to archive your closed auctions rather than simply delete them. Archiving an item will remove it from Closed, but will still allow you to access and download pertinent data into and Excel spreadsheet for reporting purposes.

    We have removed the Delete button, as Archive serves essentially the same purpose as Delete if you do not use the archived data.

    Note that you are not required to delete items from archives.

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  • What is auto-archive? Does it cost anything?
    The auto-archive feature will archive your closed sales data in order to reduce the amount of unused data stored in our system and to keep your costs as low as possible. Auto-archive is currently free, however, if you decide to opt-out of auto-archive you may be subject to fees at some point in the future.

    If your data is inadvertently archived, you can reimport it using the Restore function, but note that this is available for only a limited time after the data is archived. Please be sure to remember the auto-archive intervals set in your account.

    If you find that you are relaunching auctions that closed with a winner from your closed section frequently, you should save your auctions to Inventory as you list them. This will save a copy of the auction which can then be relaunched at any time. Note that by using Inventory, you will be able to organize your listings in separate folders which will allow for greater efficiency and ease of use. You can also easily list a single inventory item to any venue, which will save time if you are using multiple venues.

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  • How do I download my archived sales data?
    To download your archived sales data, login, and click the Sales Manager Tab. In the left navigation bar, select Sales Archive > Download Archive. Specify your date range, type, and format, then click the 'Download' button.

    Note that the archives are automatically exported in Excel CSV format, arranged in titled columns. Only raw sales data will be exported; no descriptions or images will be saved in archives.

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  • What is eBay Checkout Redirect?
    Vendio has recently implemented support for eBay Checkout Redirect. This feature will ensure that your buyers complete their transactions using Vendio Checkout even if they click to check out via the eBay/PayPal "Pay Now" button. If this feature is enabled, and your buyer clicks "Pay Now" on eBay, they will be seamlessly redirected through Vendio checkout. Fewer buyers will bypass your Vendio Checkout with this feature.

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  • How do I enable eBay Checkout Redirect?
    To enable Checkout Redirect, login, click on the My Account link at the top of the page, then click on the Post Sale Management link. On the Post Sale Management Preferences page, select the 'Use eBay Checkout Redirect' checkbox and click the 'Save' button.

    Please note that eBay does not support Checkout Redirect for Live Auctions, Real Estate, or Motor Vehicles, and cannot be used in conjunction with the PayPal Immediate payment option. Note also that if you have Checkout Redirect enabled, your WBNs will not be sent out for 30 minutes after the listing closes. This to avoid confusing your buyer, and will allow them some time to use Checkout from the listing. If your buyer has not checked out from the listing in 30 minutes, the WBN will be sent.

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  • What if I have other questions or need more help?
    You may email our responsive customer service staff by clicking here to access the Contact Us form. This form can also be found by clicking on the Help link at the top of the page, then on the Contact Us link.

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