Vendio Knowledge Base

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  • Why did AuctionWatch decide to change the name of the company?
    The short answer is that it no longer fits what we do. Since we first began back in 1999, the company has gone through significant changes. Originally, AuctionWatch started as a resource website for online auctions – “the definitive resource for the online auction community”. Since then, the company began to offer sellers tools and services that helped automate the listing and post-sale process on eBay. As the auction management business grew, we noticed that many of our sellers had other needs as well – the desire to sell direct to their customers, better manage their email communications, open their own branded store, etc… And the list of requests is continually growing.

    Today, our mission is simple. We provide services to online sellers that help them better manage their business and build their brand in multiple online channels. Our old name, AuctionWatch, was too centered on auctions, and too passive. Our sellers do not spend their time watching – they are active in their business. And so are we.

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  • Why did you choose the name Vendio?
    After examining a number of alternative names, we decided that Vendio was the best fit for the services we offer. Vendio actually means “sold” or “to sell” in many languages. We build services that streamline the process of selling – whether it’s through merchandising and automation or customer management – our business is sales. Hence, the name was a perfect fit.

    Another benefit is that the name is short, only 6 letters, which is half the length of AuctionWatch.

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  • Will the URL www.auctionwatch.com still work?
    Yes. We will re-direct all hits to www.auctionwatch.com to the Vendio website. If you have any AuctionWatch bookmarks, however, we would recommend that you update them to the new Vendio URLs as soon as you can.

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  • Have you changed the way the services work?
    No. When customers log in, they’ll find everything looks pretty much the same. We’ve changed a few colors here and there, and the site navigation is a bit different, but the new name should not adversely affect anyone’s sales.

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  • Will my AuctionWatch image URLs still work?
    Yes. You may have noticed that we have already started serving images from Vendio.com, but your AuctionWatch image URLs will continue to work until all image traffic is referenced by the Vendio.com URLs. If you have embedded AuctionWatch image URLs into your auctions, you may update these URLs simply by substituting the word AuctionWatch with Vendio (eg. replace /imagehost.auctionwatch.com/ with /imagehost.vendio.com/ in the URLs.)

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  • Do I need to change my Store URL?
    Yes. We recommend that you update your Store URL to shop.vendio.com/your_username. For the near future, all hits to your old store URL (shop.auctionwatch.com/your_username) will automatically forward to the correct vendio.com URL, but automatic redirect will be discontinued eventually so you will need to make this change.

    If you are redirecting your own domain name to the shop.auctionwatch.com URL, you should update the redirect to the shop.vendio.com URL as soon as you can.

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  • Now that you have changed the name to Vendio, are you planning to increase prices?
    At this time, there is no plan to increase our fees. As the saying goes - never say never - but for the forseeable future, we don't see a need to do so. Our sellers enjoy some of the lowest fees in the industry, and quite frankly, it's a competitive edge we do not want to give up.

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