posted on April 26, 2001 04:40:23 AM new
Wish I could help too. I just looked in my book of American Jewelry Manufacturers and I do not see that mark. There are so many new companies popping up that the book is really best for vintage stuff....
posted on April 26, 2001 06:12:07 AM new
Hi Joe, I used the "titles and descriptions" search in the jewelry section and pulled up a few auctions with "arrow through U." Most didn't know what the sig meant either.
But, one seller said that it is the mark of Uncas, est. 1911 and one called them the Uncas Mfg Co. out of Providence RI, est 1911 by Vincent Sorrentino. The name was changed by 1920.
You might do a search for Sorrentino and Uncas on the net for a postive ID. Check out the Uncas auctions on Ebay, too. Labrat4GMOS
[Edited to add I checked two Warman's jewelry
and Miller's antique jewelry and did not find Uncas listed.]
[ edited by labrat4gmos on Apr 26, 2001 06:13 AM ]