posted on September 10, 2003 02:24:59 PM new
Was wondering if you remember what you were doing on 9/11/01. I was lieing a hospital bed having had prostate surgery the day before. Watched TV form about 8 AM until late that night.
posted on September 10, 2003 02:27:04 PM new
I was home from work that day watching TV. I had a vacation day. Since our office was on the edge of downtown Cleveland, it was evacuated. I remember calling the Operations Director who is a close friend and my boss and crying with her on the phone. I also remember gathering my children.
posted on September 10, 2003 02:34:49 PM new
I was at work and left at around 10:00 to do home visits. Prior to leaving we were all upset and listening to the radio (we had no tv). I was anxious to visit patients so I could see a tv. My patients are all inner city and relatively apathetic to what's going on around them (except the crime in their own neighborhood). I remember being shocked and upset when not one of my patients cared to turn on the news and really didn't care if it was terrorist or not (or what that really meant to them). I ended up coming home for lunch around 2:00 and staying home the rest of the day.
posted on September 10, 2003 02:47:44 PM new
i was at work when my husband called to tell me. then we hooked up a small tv at work to watch.
i remember crying and being angry that someone would do that to so many innocent people.
I also worried about 2 of my boys and their families....they live in Texas and California and I just wanted to be able to hug them all close and know they were safe.
i worried until i had spoken to all my children and knew where they were.
posted on September 10, 2003 02:48:34 PM new
I was a dispatcher for the new york state police.We got a call from a woman in Greene county new york.She got a cell call from her son who said they're plane was being hi-jacked.This was after the 2nd tower was hit.At first we thougt it was a prank,so we got her name and address and sent a trooper up to see what was going on.In the mean time we got all the information from her about her sons plane flight number and destination.We contacted the FAA and they confirmed they had no contact with the airplane and were monitoring its flight path.When we found out the call was legtimate, the woman was telling us everything her son was telling her.So we had almost first hand information what was going on only seconds after they were happening.Finally after 20 mintues she told us her son and a few others were going to rush the hijackers..then she said a few seconds later she heard screaming and the phone went dead.The FAA confirmed they had lost radar contact with the plane.We found out later that day, like everyone else that the plance had crashed in Pa.The frustating part we knew what was going on as it was actually happening,but there wasnt a damn thing anyone could do about it.
posted on September 10, 2003 02:54:39 PM new
I was doing housework when a relative called and told me. I remember thinking "some drunken fool", because I thought it was a small plane, but as I turned on the tv the second plane hit. Then later the local news in Johnstown broke in and said a plane hit in somerset county. I will never forget the weather that day. There was no clouds in the sky at all, and just a very light wind. Seemed quite errie.
posted on September 10, 2003 02:59:18 PM new
Dang it sanmar I can't remember what I did yesterday and you want me to remember 2 years ago. lol I was in bed, late sleeper, and my neighbor came over and knocked on the door and said we had better watch the TV. Horror!... Didn't go out all day...
posted on September 10, 2003 03:01:03 PM new
Blairwitch-my wifes mom is from Johnstown
she told us about the great floods they had there.A year ago labor day we were in Boiling Springs,Pa for a wedding.
posted on September 10, 2003 03:03:20 PM new
A friend and I stayed overnight at Foxwood Casino in CT. Woke up turned on TV and everything had just started.
Another time we went to the same place, woke up and on the news was the story about the Shuttle Exploding.
We don't really like going overnight anymore, cause bad things just happen everytime we go (in addition to losing money).
posted on September 10, 2003 03:22:15 PM new
I was in my car on my way to class and listening to all of the beginnings of it on the radio. I remember being parked at a stoplight, and literally looking up at into the sky and thinking "what in the *hell* is going on here??"
It wasn't until I got to school and my classes were cancelled and there were TVs set up all over that I realized just how devastating it was. Truly beyond the realm of imagination.
posted on September 10, 2003 03:30:55 PM new
In the hospital..wife was in labour
posted on September 10, 2003 03:40:46 PM new
I woke up that morning to a TV report of the first plane hitting. While I was watching that report and footage a second plane came into view and struck the second tower. Then I left for for my last day dreading every minute of the trip. At the time I was doing some part time work for a digital dispatch company, with more than a few accounts in the Towers. I somehow managed to time my breaks around the fall of the towers so I watched both collaspse on TVs in the break room. In between them I took calls from family members of people working in and around the towers leaving desperate messages for their loved ones to call home. There are two calls I will never forget.
The first was a man that apparently worked nights while his wife worked days in the towers. He got home from working the morning and went to sleep. When he woke up that afternoon and turned on the TV he saw what was happening and realised that his wife was not home and had left no messages, while he was asking to send a message to his wife to call home, he stopped to ask how we were doing tht day. I still wonder if his wife ever made it home.
The call that finally made me smile that day was a man calling from his front porch for us to send a message to his wife to "Come outside and kiss your husband".
I spent the next couple days glued to the TV.
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
Men Are Like Grapes. If You Stomp on Them and Keep Them in the Dark Long Enough, They Might Turn Into Something That You Would Take to Dinner
posted on September 10, 2003 03:44:01 PM new
I as driving towork, singing along withthe radio and feeling like everything was going to be okay.. I was learning a lot in this job and i was pretty happy about it. I got to work, and noone was in the back and all the machines were quiet. Everyone was sitting in the office, watching on TV. i kind of laughed, and I will never forget the look of horror on my co-worker's faces. I sat down in front of the TV- I was just understanding what I was looking at, and then the second plane came banking in, so gracefully, and the second tower exploded into flames. I called my husband who was just waking the kids up and he kept them home that day. I tried to keep my eyes on my job, but by noon none of us were being productive so we all went home to be with the eople we loved. Each time you met anyone on the street, they would search your face and most of the time two strangers would be in tears together. Of course it didn't take long for the jingoistic flagwavers to start spouting off, and the fake patriots started pouring out of every corner.
On my favorite forum, we had two people in the Pentagon, and several people in Manhatten, and we had such a long and terrifying wait for them to check in. We made a telephone tree after that.
"And All Shall be Well, and All Shall be Well, and All Manner of Things Shall be Well"
posted on September 10, 2003 03:59:38 PM new
I was watching Good Morning America at the time and watched in horror every minute of the tragedy - it seems to me that the first view of the first plane hitting happened as they did a background shot of NYC and no one knew what was happening at first. I don't think any of us will ever forget how we first learned of the tragedy!
posted on September 10, 2003 04:14:03 PM new
I was walking out the door to go to work when my wife came out and said that a plane had flown into the WTC. I didn't think much about it, thinking it was an accident. However, I was listening to the radio in my car and they were commenting on the situation and watching the TV coverage when the radio personality said, "That was another plane that just flew into the other tower." Right then I knew that it was much more than an accident. I kept the radio on at work all day and watched TV all night until way past time to go to bed.
posted on September 10, 2003 05:20:03 PM new
I was on vacation in Mexico with my husband and adult son (22) and daughter (30). We turned on the television and saw what was happening on CNN. It was awful being out of the country. We were supposed to return home on Sep. 13 but didn't get home until Sep. 15. We spent 2 days sitting in the Cancun airport on the floor waiting for the Mexican government to say we could leave. The first night we were stuck at the airport, they finally took us to a hotel around midnight. The hotel was full of teenagers from Venzuela on their "spring break" and all night they ran up and down the halls and were shouting "death to the Americans" was frightening.
posted on September 10, 2003 05:25:43 PM new
i was on my way to play golf when i saw on cnn that a plane hit one of the that time they were sayin it was a small commuter plane. after playing i went into clubhouse and heard the real story.
posted on September 10, 2003 05:34:51 PM new
We had just returned that morning from a wonderful weekend of scalloping on the Gulf in Florida. I had the TV on in the next room as I was answering some emails and checking my sales when I heard about the first plane. Then the second plane hit and the announcer said "THIS IS NOT A ACCIDENT" Remember being really scare and crying a lot that day. I don't think I will ever forget!!!
posted on September 10, 2003 05:47:09 PM new
I remember it was a beautiful day here in Pennsylvania and I was at home getting ready to do my days worth of eBay auctions and my son called me from work to see if I heard the news (I hadn't)
He said to turn on the TV and I couldn't believe my eyes. I was so upset and just cried and cried.
Needless to say that I never did get any auctions up that day. It was like, who cares about eBay. After he called, I sat in front of the TV all day and night.
NOT gina50 on eBay
posted on September 10, 2003 05:57:48 PM new
I was at work. A co-worker called and told me about the first plane. I didn't think much about it at first, but when we became aware that it was deliberate, someone turned on a tv in a conference room and people drifted in and out of it all day. When they said the Pentagon had been hit my heart just sank. I know there was more death and destruction in New York and PA, but for some reason at that point the Pentagon just seemed more real to me. (maybe because both of my parents had served in the military).
I also have an Aunt who had just been transferred to a job in Manhattan, we couldn't reach her for a while, but we could see the building she works in (Verizon) in the background of some of the New York footage it was very scary.
posted on September 10, 2003 06:04:38 PM new
I had just gotten out of bed and had logged onto this very board. Someone had started a thread telling everyone to turn on their TV's.
I still drove the kids to school that morning and everything seemed pretty normal around town.
Then the local news broke in with a report that the FAA could not get in touch with a plane from China that was heading towards Anchorage. I was terribly nervous because one of my kids was on a field trip downtown. The Airforce did manage to intercept it and divert it to Canada.
Still there was that moment of vunerability and fear that I won't forget.
posted on September 10, 2003 06:47:12 PM new
I was watching CNN. I was hysterical because I had friends in both of the big towers and in the AmEx Financial Center next door. I lost four friends that day. A dear friend lost her brother in Ladder 88. I cried for days. I still can't watch anything about it on TV.
posted on September 10, 2003 06:50:46 PM new
I was still sleeping, when the phone kept ringing and ringing, and I was ignoring it.
Finally answered it, my daughter who had been at work that morning since 5 AM told me, no she screamed at me to turn the TV on.. she was crying
Turned it on, JUST as the 2nd plane hit, it was so surreal, I thought I had turned a movie on.... it was awful, after that, the TV seemed never to be off. Mike took off that day from work.
God, that was an awful day.
Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night
posted on September 10, 2003 06:51:02 PM new
So sorry to hear that. I just can't imagine how horrible that must have been for you.
posted on September 10, 2003 06:59:29 PM new
I had just stepped out the tub and was getting ready to go to Walmarts to blow up balloons for American Greetings (for my aunt) and the news broke into the show that was on.I cried for a while then called my husband and asked if they had heard (construction site) They hadn't so they turned on the radio.....that had to be the longest day ever.I cried then and still cry today for all the families that lost loved ones and friends.
posted on September 10, 2003 07:40:42 PM new
Such a sad day for everyone....I still pray for all of the families and the lives touched that day.
I was at the hospital with my dad, as my mother was dieing of lung cancer,we were waiting for the doctor to come in.
While I cried for my mother, I also did alot of crying for the many lives lost and for their families.
posted on September 10, 2003 09:55:32 PM new
I live approximately 50 miles north of Manhattan. I was at work when I found out and became frantic immediately. My husband was supposed to go there for a meeting that day (He usually would only go twice per year). We had limited telephone or cellular connection into the city and surrounding areas. Finally, he showed up at my job around 2 pm. It took him a while to get out of the traffic to get back up north. I thank god every day. It turned out that his boss rescheduled the meeting because he has to drive his wife to the dentist. On top of that my grandfather was in Westchester medical center having major surgery and they closed the hospital down. I could not get in touch with anyone of my family until the next day, as well as not get to the hospital. 2 of my husbands aunts were in the WTC and were just about to get in the elevator to go up when it happened. They got out. It was very scary for all of us in the NY Metro and Suburban Area as well as the entire country. My stomach has been in knots thinking about it lately.
posted on September 10, 2003 11:56:17 PM new
I have friends who live in Jersey, Beth is an actress starring in "42nd Street", she was on her way for rehersals when she heard it on the radio. She went over the bridge, turned around & went home, just minutes before they closed the bridge
posted on September 11, 2003 05:22:48 AM new
I was sitting in the living room talking on the phone to my daughter, who had just had a baby girl, she was making her little gurgling noises in the background. Suddenly my daughter told me to turn on CNN quick, a plane had hit the World Trade Center. We watched it together, trying to work out how it had happened, thinking it could have been this reason or that, when suddenly the second plane hit, and we realized it was no accident! I will never forget the shock and horror of that moment.
posted on September 11, 2003 05:41:08 AM new
I was out buying antiques. When I heard the news it took all the wind out of my sails and I went home. I spent 3 days at home feeling sad, mad, bad, feeling everything a person can feel.