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posted on July 19, 2004 07:45:28 AM new
I can't believe anybody (nobody?) else over here hasn't experienced the new ActiveX popup on ebay while doing search. I see on the community board in Search and also on Technical that a lot of people are complaining about it.

I think it's related to the DoubleClick tracking software that Ebay uses - that I have permanently blocked.

Every time I try to search I get two popups saying my current security settings prohibit running ActiveX controls on this page. It's annoying enough that I won't search for anything and that includes shopping.

Ebay has screwed around with the scripting again.
posted on July 19, 2004 07:52:16 AM new
I disabled Active Scripting in my browser to keep out all the Active X stuff, since there is malicious Active X on some websites. I have to deal with one or two error messages every time I land back on my search page. Very irritating.

OH! The light bulb just went off. Many of our customers must be experiencing this as well. Many know that Microsoft and Kim Komando are both advising to disable active scripting until MS fixes the holes in IE.

If our potential buyers are experiencing this, they may be shortening their willingnes to browse eBay as well. Possibly at least a partial contributor to sell-through rate being down?
posted on July 19, 2004 08:02:49 AM new
I see where everybody (else) is really frustrated with this!

Duh Ebay. If you can't SEARCH you can't BUY.
All the fingers are pointing at Doubleclick so far.




posted on July 19, 2004 08:17:25 AM new
yeah, doubleclick mandatory. I hate them! try opting out-what a joke!

posted on July 19, 2004 08:48:22 AM new
Okay, so eBay has set up their site so that if we try to disable Double Click, we get punished by incessant error messages. I think only diehard eBayers will browse as long as they normally would with this in place. I'm not about to enable Double-Click as a trusted site. Neither should anyone else who values their privacy. Stupid eBay!
posted on July 19, 2004 08:54:45 AM new
Here's the transcript of your conversation
Your chat session started.

glassgrl: can't search on Ebay anymore due to the ActiveX popup I keep getting due to the Doubleclick cookies wanting to download on my computer. I will never allow doubleclick on my computer and active scripting.

glassgrl: I can't search, so I can't sell or buy. How many others are Ebay running away by not being able to search?

glassgrl: this started July 15th.

glassgrl: I am VERY ANNOYED

Erich N.: Hi, welcome to eBay Live Chat. My name is Erich, how can I assist you today?

glassgrl: can you read all of the above?

Erich N.: Yes. Please give me a moment to read your entry.

Erich N.: eBay doesn't allow doubleclick cookies.

glassgrl: I see in Community under Search and also under technical issues that this is indeed a problem.

glassgrl: get real. Ebay uses doubleclick. Do a google on it.

Erich N.: Even if you do block them, it wouldn't affect your ability to search.

Erich N.: Just block the cookie

Erich N.: Hey, where is the search in Community.

Erich N.: ?

glassgrl: Erich. I understand where you get your paycheck from. Please do me a favor and go to community boards. Look under Search and also under Technical Issues.

Erich N.: How do I search the topics?

glassgrl: http://forums.ebay.com/db1/thread.jsp?forum=80&thread=410208289&modified=1090203419078

Erich N.: I am at the disscusion board page. I need to know how to search the topics.

Erich N.: Nevermind I found it

glassgrl: http://forums.ebay.com/db2thread.jsp?forum=87&thread=410209558&modified=109024627056

Erich N.: Now I know why I didn't know how to do that. I can't go to the boards with my employee account.

glassgrl: http://www.wilderssecurity.com/showthread.php?t=41405

Erich N.: Okay, that article says that the problem is caused by Spywareblaster 3.2

glassgrl: no that article is saying it is the Doubleclick Ebay connection.

Erich N.: How far do I have to read to get that?

glassgrl: Ebay uses Doubleclick to track search statistics etc.

glassgrl: I have Dboubleclick blocked.

glassgrl: put doubleclick ebay into google and see what you come up with.

Erich N.: It goes on to say that people with no popup blocker and no spyware protection are getting that error as well..

Erich N.: It says that if you remove doubleclick,net from your protection list you wont' get the error any more.

glassgrl: yes and that allows doubleclick to track your usage.

glassgrl: no way

Erich N.: Just do that and have IE disallow cookies

Erich N.: touchette

glassgrl: I've used ebay and I've used spyware blocker for quite some time. I'm not willing to allow spyware on my computer EVEN for ebay

Erich N.: You don't need a spywareblocker to block cookies.

Erich N.: IE can do that on it's own.

glassgrl: just please make my complaint known. I'm sure in a few days when they (ebay) gets around to noticing that their searches and buyers have come to a grinding halt - THEN they might get around to fixing this scripting problem.

Erich N.: Okay. Have a good day.

glassgrl: yes I WOULD like a copy of this transcript.

Erich N.: You can request that on your own when we close the chat.

Erich N.: Thank you for chatting with eBay!

posted on July 19, 2004 09:39:01 AM new
A large part of eBay's problem is that their employees are "technically challenged" to say the least. Why would they put such a person (nice man, but doesn't have a clue as to what's up) in charge of a live chat?
posted on July 19, 2004 09:52:12 AM new
Hi all,

As Glassgrl suggested in her Live Chat, I just took a look on Google. From what I read, Doubleclick is to deliver the ads for the Keyword banner ad program on eBay.

Here's a link...


Edited because I messed up the link...

[ edited by OhMsLucy on Jul 19, 2004 09:52 AM ]
posted on July 19, 2004 10:06:14 AM new
Quote: "I can't go to the boards with my employee account"

Gotta love that feature. What were they thinking? there might be a mass defection from Ebay if they can read the community boards?

posted on July 19, 2004 10:23:36 AM new
I guess ebay has made the decision that delivery of KeyWord Banners (revenue) is more important than frustration level of users! VERY BIZARRE but I guess that's how it works in the real world of bottom line generated business decisions. IT SUCKS!

Maybe they told their Live Help people to "play dumb" on the issue and to make sure they end conversation ASAP with " Okay. Have a good day"

I got the pop-ups too and I can just imagine granny sitting at her 'puter somewhere being so totally stymied by the whole thing she just quits searching!
Sig files are too much trouble!
posted on July 19, 2004 02:02:55 PM new
Occasionally I would get the pop-ups. My blocker for some reason didn't catch them all. However, my firewall does. I don't find spyware an acceptable addition to the eBay experience or to the Internet experience either. It's terribly invasive. Maybe there would be someone way we could track Meg's every move. Wonder how much she'd appreciate that.


Your conversation with support is very frightening! These are the people we rely on to keep eBay up and running properly? Good heavens.

posted on July 19, 2004 02:05:31 PM new
glassgrl: Please keep posting the transcripts from eBay Live Help. They're very useful. Thanks.


posted on July 19, 2004 04:39:12 PM new
Running Opera as your browser solves the popup problem quite nicely.

posted on July 19, 2004 04:59:12 PM new
same with Netscape

We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. -- John F. Kennedy
posted on July 19, 2004 05:23:18 PM new
Your mission, if you wish to accept it, is to destroy the most popular on-line auction site ever developed. If you are discovered we will disavow any knowledge of your actions.


Hebrews 13:8
posted on July 19, 2004 06:46:08 PM new
I'm getting the same Active X pop-ups. It doesn't seem to affect searches, but new ebay users are probably getting worried. This is not good for business!

posted on July 20, 2004 03:44:05 PM new
So I emailed Ebay and received their answer. Are you sitting down?

"Click on Tools, Internet Options, Security Tab and reset it to Low Security Level.

I hope I have been of some assistance to you in this matter. Thank you
for being part of the eBay community.

With best regards,

Mary Ann D.
eBay Customer Support"

Oh yeah Mary Ann - I'll get right on that one.........

posted on July 20, 2004 04:22:58 PM new
glassgrl, the ebay employees must also sign an agreement to not surf at home or work or to stay in touch with what's happening in the world!

Based on the type of advice they give, they would tell a burglary victim to leave his doors open and unlocked, then burglars won't break the windows!
[ edited by meadowlark on Jul 20, 2004 04:56 PM ]
posted on July 20, 2004 11:24:10 PM new
Still having the same problems. In fact, it's worse than ever. It takes 30 seconds to load the Search list after backing out of an auction. And I've got a cable connection. I'm not listing anything new until this is fixed.

If there are any ebay execs reading this, I just have this to say: YOU SUCK!

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