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posted on November 29, 2004 12:51:50 PM new
Was using Endicia and let my account expire. No biggie because I wasn't shipping much for a couple of months.

I could reinstate my account with them (and pay for all the back months of non-use, seems like a waste to me)...

Or I could explore other options. I've already got a bunch of labels that I had configured with Endicia (thanks to people here) and want the same flexibility. I also like that the barcodes created I can just drop off at the post office without waiting in line (especially THIS time of year) and the free delivery confirmation is good too.

So... Does Stamps.com offer this? I looked over the Paypal "ship" option, but it seems limited in terms of what you can do.

Other vendors?

"Bend over backward for the customer. Don't bend forward."

Bush/Cheney 2004 -- FOR AMERICA'S SAKE!
posted on November 29, 2004 01:00:19 PM new
Just use either Click and Ship through USPS, you create an account (for free) there, and start making labels with postage, no waiting in lines, drop them off like you did Endicia. I cancelled Endicia because of it. Also my husband uses PayPal, they do postage and labels right on their site, they also give the 'stealth' postage (where you can't see how much it was on the label) When I found these options, as good as Endicia is, I couldn't afford to pay a monthy fee, when I could do it without a fee.
posted on November 29, 2004 01:44:27 PM new
I use eBay/PayPal for all of my postage. You can buy postage from P/P even if the buyer paid another way. Works great & no extra cost plus you get DC free.

Life Is Too Short To Drink Bad Wine
posted on November 29, 2004 01:54:03 PM new
Sanmars right, you get free DC with PayPal, and you get it free with Click N Ship. Why pay the Endicia fees with the choices you have?

Oh yeah both offer insurance on their sites also

posted on November 29, 2004 01:56:00 PM new

"Works great & no extra cost plus you get DC free..."

YES, but only for PRIORITY MAIL.

As with ENDICIA, etc, all other PACKAGE SERVICES the cost for eDC is $0.14

PLUS: PayPal charges $0.20 EXTRA everytime you print OTHER than a PRIORITY or EXPRESS MAIL item

GRANTED, it's difficult to justify ENDICIA for me-N-Ralphie anymore, but I do LOVE the site & the software & the convenience...

For somebody who prints a huge number of postal labels, ENDICIA will work out CHEAPER than PAYPAL/USPS...

$0.20 adds up pretty quickly with MEDIA MAIL & FIRST CLASS & PARCEL POST items...

posted on November 29, 2004 01:59:08 PM new
Another Endicia advantage is the ability to print International postage which you cannot do with Click N Ship. Also with Endicia you can use a thermal printer.

posted on November 29, 2004 02:06:49 PM new
I've been using USPS shipping assistant, but because I still have to wait on line at the post office to pay for the items, I am considering Endicia. I'm concerned that I may have a hard time figuring out the program. I tend to take a bit to learn a new program and am concerned that I may eat up lots of $$$$ in postage trying to figure it out. I would like to get it because my dad will be taking my packages to the post office for me and I think it would be easier on him if I had already paid for the postage. If I use Endicia, will he still have to wait on line to have the delivery confirmation items scanned in or is it automatically done through Endicia?



posted on November 29, 2004 02:29:03 PM new
Tom, I believe you can do other postage (parcel, media) with Click n Ship (I think)
posted on November 29, 2004 02:34:42 PM new
NOT Click-N-Ship...





WHICH is FREE, but, like all the USPS proggies, chock crammed with clunky JAVA...

I don't know...I truly love ENDICIA, & it makes my life so much easier, & prevents me from losing more hair, plus keeps Ralphie's winter coat shiney & puts a smile on his sad sad little face...

BUT: that $15/mo is a killer...

posted on November 29, 2004 03:16:30 PM new

I switched from USPS Shipping Assistant to Endicia about 6 weeks ago, and there is NO looking back for me. It is easy to use, and actually is MUCH faster than shipping assistant. Where I had to keep going back and forth between my invoice program copy/paste to different fields of shipping assistant, I just copy the entire address from my invoice file, and the address is already there on DAZzle, the Endicia program! I just verify the address, click on print, and I am done. Yes, there are cheaper ways, but for the savings in time, I am sold. With Shipping Assistant and using stamps, I was processing about 12-15 packages an hour. I timed myself the other night, I processed 50 orders in an hour using endicia! That certainly is worth $15/month, plus I love the stealth mode, and I absolutely need international shipping. Plus, you do get to try it free for a month, so if you don't like it, you can always go back.

posted on November 29, 2004 03:46:46 PM new
Hi Diane

Endicia is not hard to learn. And you can print a sample before you print the actual postage. You can also reprint the label once (in case of printer problems) and you can request a credit from the site if you do something like print with the wrong class or address.

I really like the stealth postage. Another thing that will help you and your Dad is that you can print customs forms. Even the large ones with the copies. I just send the copy that goes with the package and the one the post office keeps. You can also print out a nice little record to send your customer if they get horsey and question you about an item being sent. You can track the package from the site too.

I never have to stand in line for anything. Just put the packages on the counter and smile at the other customers as I walk out.

Do you have any of those white boxes the PO provides? If not, ask for some. They are free and come in different sizes. Just fill up a box for your Dad to take. The PO guys will dump it out and hand the empty box back to him. I keep several on hand in case there is a line. I leave box and all and get another one next time.


Be kind. Everyone is fighting their own secret battles.
...Author Unknown
posted on November 29, 2004 04:08:11 PM new
Thanks so much for the responses! I have one other question -- When I print out the delivery confirmation sheet with Shipping Assistant, the second half of the label is for the postal service to stamp. I was told that I needed that second half stamped if there is ever a problem. Is this true? How does this work with Endicia?


posted on November 29, 2004 04:12:52 PM new
One of the biggest advantages of using Endicia is the ability to use one of the Eltron/Zebra thermal printers available on eBay for less than $40 and the free labels from UPS. Saves a ton of money on ink and labels!

posted on November 29, 2004 04:14:22 PM new
When you take the packages to the PO they are supposed to scan them. Most times they do, but sometimes they don't. They only time they have to is when the package is delivered.

Anyway, when you print the electronic DC it is sent to the Postal Service to expect the package.

If there is a problem you just have to show the sheet I mentioned earlier. You can have that stamped if you want.

Be kind. Everyone is fighting their own secret battles.
...Author Unknown
posted on November 29, 2004 04:16:18 PM new

If you ever have a Paypal claim for non-delivery with a label printed via Endicia, you can just confirm delivery from within Dazzle or the Endicia web site. All you then have to do is copy the Endicia Delivery Confirmation link and send to Paypal. This is all they need to verify shipment. I print 150 to 200 labels every week and there is no better method for postage available!

posted on November 29, 2004 04:27:27 PM new
I realize I am in the monority for using USPS. Over half of my sales go by FedEx Ground. I don't use anything of USPS but Priority Mail. So what works for me doesn't work for everyone. In the past 6 months I have mailed only one parcel by 1st Class Mail.

Life Is Too Short To Drink Bad Wine
posted on November 29, 2004 07:35:06 PM new
To Diane & others,

If you want to save yourself some waiting time at the post office, here is something to consider.

I have been going into the post office before regular business hours at my local PO. They started asking Ebayers if they would like to come in before they open their doors to the public. Apparently, they were being audited by a government shopper or whatever, who would time the clerks and how they handled the customers. They freaked when they were there one day where an Ebayer took 40 minutes to process their items. They were lectured since they are suppose to get them in and out. Yeah, right!!

You may want to ask your local post office manager if they would like to implement this procedure.

I love it since they get you in and help only you. I call the day before to schedule an appointment and arrive to find someone there to open the door for me. So far so good. Especially with the holiday before us.


posted on November 29, 2004 09:55:02 PM new
Roseanne, I would love it if the PO over here did that! I dont know how many people do ebay or online sales here but one day I went in and this guy in front of me actually had a pallet load of packages!! I looked at him and said, "ebay seller?" and he nodded yeah. (I dont know why he's not doing online postage?...) but the clerks at this particular PO are pretty good at moving the line. Never really had to wait too long, except if I go at lunchtime or closing.

posted on November 30, 2004 06:21:39 AM new

Endicia News, Fall 2004
Dear Ralph,

We are writing to clarify some of Endicia's features, pass on some USPS news, and let you know of some product options you might be interested in.

Parcel Insurance Can Be Easy & Affordable
With Endicia, you have several options to insure your packages:

a.. USPS Insured Mail. Endicia includes the USPS Insured Mail fee to your postage based on the package value you declare. But remember, with USPS Insurance, you must go to your Post Office, fill out the insurance forms, and present your package at the counter.

b.. U-PIC or other 3rd Party Insurer. You can save time & money with 3rd party insurance, such as U-PIC: rates up to 80% lower, no package forms to fill, and no trips to the Post Office - just declare the value when you print a package label! To start, you open an account with the insurer, then periodically, you submit logs and pay the insurer directly. Endicia makes life easier by printing a "billing" report, and if you use U-PIC, you transfer the report to them electronically. For a tutorial on U-PIC insurance, click here.

c.. Endicia Insurance. Endicia Insurance is the easiest way: you get all the advantages of 3rd party insurance with no sign ups or 3rd party payments - insurance fees are charged to your credit card with the normal billing cycle each month. Our rates are up to 70% lower than USPS insurance - great savings for all but the highest volume insurers, who may get better rates directly with 3rd parties. For a tutorial on Endicia insurance, click here.

Timely Refund Requests & Reprints Make Life Easier

To get the most from your refunds, always request them right away - this is essential, and you'll save time & effort. If you misprint a label, you have two options to recover:

a.. Reprint the Label. Did you know that if your label fails to print, you can reprint the same label once from DAZzle, if you do it within 24 hours? It's easy - just go to the postage log, select the print transaction, and press the reprint button. No need for a refund!

b.. Request a Refund. Did you know that you can get an electronic refund for a label with Delivery or Signature Confirmation (or an Express Mail/Global Express Mail label) if you submit it within 48 hours? This is easy too - just select Refund Request from the Postage menu in DAZzle, select the label, and submit the request. You don't mail anything in!

Obviously, timeliness is key to refunds. If you miss your 48 hour window, you can still submit refund requests within 30 days of printing, but you have to physically mail the labels to us and the processing time is longer. To learn more, click here.

New Software Update Now Available

DAZzle V4.7 was released on November 12, 2004 and is now available to all current Endicia customers. While we recommend that all customers install this free update, it is considered a maintenance release and is an optional upgrade. Highlights of this release include:

a.. Priority Mail Flat Rate Box support (see below), effective November 20, 2004.
b.. Fairbanks USB scale support.

For more information on DAZzle V4.7, click here.

A Note for Global Express Mail Users

If you use Global Express Mail (GEM), you should know the two distinct ways to create your shipping label and customs form:

a.. By far the easiest (and recommended) approach is to use the integrated GEM label. This form prints on a half page format and combines the shipping address, postage indicium and customs form. For a tutorial on this form, click here.

b.. The alternative (manual) approach is to print a simple label with just the destination address and the proper amount of postage. However, you then must attach two additional forms to your package - a customs form and the multi-part Global Express Mail form.

We recommend you always use the integrated label. It saves you time and eliminates the hassle of filling out forms by hand.

Flat Rate Priority Mail Boxes Now Available

On November 20, 2004, the USPS started offering a new flat rate Priority Mail box. Two corrugated box sizes were introduced with outside dimensions of:

a.. 14"x12"x3.5"
b.. 11.25"x8.75"x6"

The USPS will ship these boxes for $7.70, regardless of their weight or destination. In other words, this is a zone-independent flat rate, and Endicia already supports it.

Enhanced Automation Tools for High Volume Shippers

Most Endicia subscribers find that our basic software does most everything they need. However, higher volume shippers often need to print USPS shipping labels using data from their order management systems. The following tools help you do just that:

a.. Galaxy. Galaxy is designed for fulfillment operations where you process orders directly from your database. If you've integrated your database with private carrier software, like UPS WorldShip, Galaxy will do the same for your USPS shipments. The program monitors the weight of the package you are preparing, and based on an order ID you type or scan in, pulls the destination address directly from your database and prints your USPS shipping label. To learn more, click here.

b.. Tarantula. Tarantula is designed for batch fulfillment operations where you are dealing with order files from PayPal, Yahoo, Amazon or other sources. Here you can assemble multiple orders and print shipping labels in batch mode. To learn more, click here.

Thank you for using Endicia.

Endicia Customer Support
1-800-576-3279 x130
[email protected]

[ edited by tomwiii on Nov 30, 2004 06:23 AM ]
posted on November 30, 2004 09:17:46 PM new
OK... Just packed up my first post-Endicia packages and here's my report on the various services...

Stamps.com -- Software very limited in terms of the labels you can use. I used the $5.00 free postage they gave me for signing up, but think I will pass on this service. I did like that it lets you paste the ENTIRE address in one box instead of line by line. Postage has to be purchased in blocks ala Endicia.

USPS.COM -- Pain. At least to get going. Each line of the address has to be entered separately (no cutting and pasting from Paypal or Vendio). Did not print any postage from here directly.

Paypal -- Nicest of the three. Was easy to use and fortunately I had some full page labels sitting around that I could use. Would like to see more options for other label types. Don't like having to cut out labels from the sheet. Taping them (as paper) would be a royal pain as well. I had to print all in multiples of two before I could cut an use the label (although I suppose I could feed in a half sheet and pre-cut). Need to trim 1/2 sheet still to fit many packages.

Also someone said Paypal had DC, etc FREE like Endicia. Not true. Only with Priority Mail. And if you do Media Mail, you pay a $0.20 label processing fee. So if you do a lot of non-Priority stuff it could cost you still in service fees.

I do like the UPS option however. I have one big package to prepare tomorrow that may get this treatment.

The cool thing about Paypal was that you only pay for the postage you use. $5.50 for this package -- POOF out of Paypal. None of this tie up $25 just for a $4 package thing.

Endicia and Dazzle is still the hands-down winner EXCEPT for their service fee. stamps.com is $15.95 per month as well.

IN all tonight was a chore getting only SEVEN packages prepared. Perhaps there are some ways to configure Paypal's label arrangement, but it seems pretty much fixed to a 1/2 sheet of paper/label. Which sucks unless you buy a label printer (another investment).

There you have it.
"Bend over backward for the customer. Don't bend forward."

Bush/Cheney 2004 -- FOR AMERICA'S SAKE!
[ edited by peiklk on Nov 30, 2004 09:18 PM ]
[ edited by peiklk on Nov 30, 2004 09:18 PM ]
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