Vendio Shipping Insurance is powered by Shipsurance
Quick reference:excluded items | excluded countries | jewelry requirements | lcd, monitors, laptops, and mobile phones
Covers freight from all risks of physical
loss or damage from an external cause (subject to exclusions) while in transit.
Shipments must originate from the United States of America and/or Canada and
must be sent via Federal Express (FedEx), United Parcel Service (UPS), or the
United States Postal Service (USPS). Shipments sent via and originating from any
other shipping carrier are excluded from coverage. Coverage is for outbound
shipments and is package-by-package, only.
If you reside in the state
of California, you acknowledge that the insurance coverage is provided by
certain Underwriters at Voyager Indemnity Insurance Company. Voyager is a non-admitted insurer.
If you are shipping using the
United States Postal Service, make sure to follow the USPS International Mail
Manual rules located here:
All provided information
regarding shipments that require coverage must be correct and complete. If
incorrect details are provided when insuring a package there will be no
coverage. For example: If a package is submitted for insurance and declared as
a USPS First Class mail shipment but actually sent via the USPS Priority Mail
service, or any other service or carrier, there is no coverage.
In order for a package to be covered, the shipping carrier must have verified acceptance of your package for mailing. This is found on the respective tracking websites of the shipping carriers. If a shipping label is printed but not scanned by the carrier as accepted it is deemed as never been mailed and there is no coverage.
Throughout this Certificate the following
definitions apply:
("VENDIO"): Vendio Online Services LLC
("SHIPSURANCE"): The insurance agent - Shipsurance Insurance
("INS"): The insurance company - Underwriters at
Voyager Indemnity Insurance Company
("Insured"): The insured - Vendio users
("Shipping Carrier"): The company that is transporting the
shipments covered by this Certificate.
("Total Insured
Value") or ("TIV"): The total value of the item(s)
declared for insurance coverage. Includes the Shipping Carrier provided
coverage, if any.
Coverage Limits
This insurance
covers up to $2,500.00 per package for non USPS First-Class mail shipments and
$999.99 for USPS First-Class mail shipments.
The following is a list of exclusions this
Certificate does not cover:
- Excluded Items
Accounts, bills, currency, cash in transit, evidence of debt, checks, money orders, COD payments, coins (collectible coins are not excluded), securities and other negotiable papers, tickets, deeds, notes, gift cards, manuscripts, documents, neon items, hazardous material (per UPS Hazardous Materials List), LCD monitors or screens, televisions (including LCD, plasma, CRT, projection, and similar), perishable cargo or similar property, eggs, any stone or ceramic slabs, automobiles, motorcycles, live animals, flowers, plants, seeds, cigarettes/cigars, cotton, tobacco, windows, plate glass, stained glass, float glass, laptop computers, and mobile telephones.
Note, the following items are excluded as well:
LCD monitors or screens, televisions (including LCD, plasma, CRT, projection, and similar), laptop computers (including tablet computers, iPads, and similar), and mobile telephones (including cell phones, smart phones, messaging phones, iPhones, android phones, blackberry phones, and similar) are NOT covered! - Excluded countries
Shipments sent to Afghanistan, Angola, Bolivia, Burma, Congo, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire), Liberia, Nigeria, North Korea, Paraguay, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Venezuela. Any location that would be in violation of any U.S. economic or trade sanctions including OFAC Restricted Countries. For shipments to Russian and other Commonwealth of Independent States countries (includes Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan) coverage ceases upon touchdown of the aircraft at the airport of destination or upon discharge from the overseas vessel at the destination discharge port. - Shipments that require a signature confirmation or signature required
service that are not sent using the required signature service are excluded
from coverage.
- Signature requirements (if required by SHIPSURANCE) are listed in the
"Covered Carriers and Limits of Coverage" section
and the "Certificate Conditions" section of
this certificate.
- The limits are for the TIV. The TIV does not change if a claim if for shortage or repairable damage.
- Signature confirmation and signature required are services that are offered by the Shipping Carriers, often at an additional expense to their core shipping service.
- Signature requirements (if required by SHIPSURANCE) are listed in the
"Covered Carriers and Limits of Coverage" section
and the "Certificate Conditions" section of
this certificate.
- Loss, damage, shortage, or non-arrival of any parcel and its contents which is addressed incorrectly or packed insufficiently to withstand the normal rigors of transit.
- Loss, damage, shortage, or non-arrival of any parcel and its contents when it bears a descriptive label or packaging which describes, or alludes to, the nature of the contents. This includes shipments sent in the manufacturers packaging. International shipments that contain customs declarations are NOT excluded from coverage.
- Loss, damage, shortage, or non-arrival of any parcel and its contents when it is obtained by trick, false pretense, or other fraudulent schemes
- Loss, damage, shortage arising out of loss of market, delay, loss of use, cleanup costs, decay, inherent vise, changes in temperature or humidity, or other deterioration, any remote or consequential loss, whether or not arising out of a peril insured against.
- War Exclusion / Atomic and Nuclear Exclusion: In no case shall this insurance cover loss damage or expense caused by (i)War, civil war, revolution, rebellion, insurrection, or civil strife arising therefrom, or any hostile act by or against a belligerent power. (ii) Capture, seizure, arrest, restraint or detainment (piracy excepted), and the consequences thereof or any attempt thereat. (iii) Derelict mines, torpedoes, bombs, or other derelict weapons of war. In no case shall this insurance cover loss damage or expense arising from the use of any weapon of war employing atomic or nuclear fission and/or fusion or other like reaction or radioactive force or matter.
- Mechanical and Electrical Derangement. Loss of or damage due to mechanical, electrical, or electronic derangement unless there is evidence of external damage to the insured item or its packaging. Data files and installed computer programs are not covered for erasure, corruption, or loss.
- AIMU Extended Radioactive Contamination Exclusion clause.
- AIMU Chemical, Biological, Bio-Chemical, Electromagnetic, and Cyber Weapons Exclusion clause.
- Shipments involving illegal or controlled substances are excluded from coverage.
- This program does not apply to any damage, expense, cost, loss, liability or legal obligation arising out of or in any way related to pollution, however caused. Pollution includes the actual, alleged or potential presence in or introduction into the environment of any substance if such substance has or is alleged to have, the effect of making the environment impure, harmful, or dangerous. Environment includes any air, land, structure or the air therein, watercourse or water, including underground water. We will have no duty to defend any suit arising out of or in any way related to pollution.
- Shipments sent through owned, leased or rented vehicles that are not commercial parcel or freight businesses.
- All parcels that are covered by this Certificate will be shipped in strict accordance with all regulations of the carrier and amendments thereto.
- Jewelry (includes necklaces, earrings, watches, rings, bracelets, broaches, etc.) with a value of $500.00 or more must be sent with the direct or adult Signature Confirmation service provided by the shipping carriers (must be signed for at delivery). This service is available by most shipping carriers often at an additional expense to their core shipping service.
- Deductible
- If a deductible exists, it will be deducted from the total claim amount. Deductibles are on a per package basis. The Insured is responsible for collecting any amounts from the Shipping Carrier that the Shipping Carrier may be liable for.
- Claims will be paid net of Shipping Carrier's per package limitation.
- Valuation
- Underwriters shall be liable for the invoice value of property lost, destroyed or damaged, however, in the event there is no invoice, underwriters shall be liable for the actual cash value of the property. Claims for repairs shall be payable for the fair market costs of such repairs.
- In no event shall claims exceed the value declared prior to shipment and declared for premium purposes.
- Other Insurance
- Underwriters are not responsible for any loss, damage, or shortage that
is covered by another insurance policy or for carrier's
- If other insurance or coverage is present on a shipment, Underwriters will only provide the excess coverage.
- Underwriters are not responsible for any loss, damage, or shortage that
is covered by another insurance policy or for carrier's
- Claims
- All packaging material and damaged goods must be kept in the original form as received. Packaging and damaged goods should not be disposed of, released to the shipping carrier, or returned to the seller before a claim is completed. Failure to comply can result in the denial of the claim.
- Concealed Damage - Allows for the discovery of loss or damage up to 15 days after final delivery. The loss is deemed to have possibly occurred during the insured transit. Discovery of loss or damage occurring 16 days or later after final delivery is deemed to have occurred while the shipment was NOT in transit, and therefore, is not covered.
- The Insured will file immediate notice of non-delivery, damage, or
shortage with the Shipping Carrier and with SHIPSURANCE. Take
proper exceptions on the delivery receipt when any loss or
damage is apparent at the time of taking delivery. The Insured will complete
a SHIPSURANCE claim form and provide all required documents to
SHIPSURANCE within sixty (60) calendar days from the date of
shipment. If the carrier has liability and their remittance
(carrier's claim check and stub) or response has not been received by the
Insured within the 60 day timeframe, all other claim paperwork
must be received by SHIPSURANCE within sixty (60) calendar days
from the date of shipment. A complete claim submission includes a
SHIPSURANCE claim form, proof of mailing, a copy of the
carrier's tracer form, a copy of the invoice or recent
appraisal, photos of damaged goods and packaging, a repair estimate, a claim
statement signed by the recipient, and any other documentation
requested by SHIPSURANCE. Failure to complete the claim form and
follow all claim instructions could lead to non-settlement of claim.
- If the shipment is sent via the United States Postal Service (USPS), complete claims must be submitted and received by SHIPSURANCE within one hundred and twenty (120) calendar days of the shipment date. If the claim is for loss the Insured must wait 21 calendar days (Domestic shipments) or 45 calendar days (International shipments) before filing claim with SHIPSURANCE.
- All damaged property that was not repaired must be made available (given) to SHIPSURANCE or INS if requested.
- Once claim has been accepted and approved by the underwriters, prompt payment will be made to the Insured. SHIPSURANCE and INS rely on the determination of responsibility made by the original Shipping Carrier to assist in substantiating the loss.
- Claim Disputes
- This Certificate shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of California.
- Venue for any claims arising out of or relating to this agreement will be the state courts of San Mateo County, California, or the federal courts of the Northern District of California.
- The Insured agrees to INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS VENDIO, SHIPSURANCE and Underwriters from any loss, liability, damage or costs, including court costs and attorney fees that they may incur due to misreading, misunderstanding, and not following the coverage requirements as per this SHIPSURANCE certificate or as endorsed.
- Other Provisions
- If any term or condition of this Certificate is found to be invalid or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, the invalidity or unenforceability of any such term or condition shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining terms and conditions of this Certificate.
- This Certificate constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the specific rights, duties, and obligations identified herein.
- Every user of SHIPSURANCE Insurance through this coverage will be monitored for adverse claims experience. SHIPSURANCE reserves the right to disallow any user to purchase SHIPSURANCE insurance at any time with 10 days written, certified notice.
Special Vendio terms:
Your insurance policy will be
initiated only when you have marked the order as shipped through your Vendio
account; your policy will not be initiated merely by selecting the "Insure" or
similar button. Vendio is providing this insurance through a third party
company. You agree that neither Vendio nor its affiliates will be liable for
any issues or claims that arise from purchasing or using Shipsurance. All
claims will be filed through Shipsurance and will be enforced by the above
coverage, terms, conditions and exclusions which are subject to change. You
agree that Vendio is in no way responsible for any loss, liability, claim, or
demand that relates to insurance. Any issues must go through Shipsurance
You are solely responsible for ensuring that listings that you
intend to insure are covered under the above terms.
Your insurable address
Vendio will provide Shipsurance
specific data for each item that you insure through our software including,
without limitation: your name, your address, and the eBay item number being
insured. This data is gathered from eBay directly through eBay's API. By
default, the address Vendio uses as your 'insured address' is your default
address on file with eBay. If this is an issue, you should choose not to use
our insurance.
By purchasing shipping insurance online, you certify that all information provided is accurate and truthful. The submission of a false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement may result in imprisonment of up to 5 years and a fine of up to $10,000 (18 USC 1001). In addition, a civil penalty of up to $5,000 and an assessment of twice the amount falsely claimed may be imposed (31 USC 3802). Warning: any fraudulent claims will make the shipper and/or consignee liable for any prosecution for mail fraud under federal crime code.
Please note: Placing a postage stamp on your package and dropping it in the mail flow DOES NOT provide proof of shipping. Please use an online label printing service or take your package to the post office to pay for postage and generate a label.