Export Shipping Instructions | UPS World Ship

If you do not already have the UPS Online World Ship Software:
  1. Register at UPS.com
  2. Create a UPS Account
  3. Download UPS Online Worldship Software
    1. http://www.ups.com/content/us/en/bussol/offering/worldship/offering.html
    2. Click "Order Online Worldship" on the right navigation
  4. Wait for the Software to arrive via mail
  5. Install the Software
To Import the UPS file into UPS OnLine WorldShip (first time users):
  1. Click on [UPS OnLine Connect] from the menu bar at the top of the screen.
  2. Click on [Connection Assistant] from the drop down menu that is displayed after you click on [UPS OnLine Connect].
  3. Click on the radio button beside [Create a New Map for Import]. Radio buttons are the circles, usually white, beside a selection in a list where only one item may be chosen.
  4. Click on the [Next] button.
  5. Select [Shipment] from the drop down list under: [Import Data Types]
  6. Click on the [Next] button.
  7. Click on the radio button beside [By File] under the heading: [Select the Data Source]
  8. Enter the path of the file into the text box under: [Currently Selected File]
  9. If you are not sure of the exact path, click on the [Browse] button.
  10. Select [Text Files (*.txt;*.csv)] from the drop down list beside: [Files of type]
  11. Navigate to the location of the CSV file.
  12. Click on the appropriate file once it is located.
  13. Click on the [Open] button.
  14. In the text box under [Data Source Name (DSN)] at the top of the screen, enter a name. This can be any name you like, such as your name, your company name or the name of the file without the extension.
  15. In the selection box under [ODBC Drivers] click on [Microsoft Text Driver (*.txt; *.csv)].
  16. Click on the [Next] button.
  17. Click on the radio button beside [New Map] under the heading: [Select a New Map or New Map based on Existing Map]
  18. Enter a name in the text box next to: [New Map Name]. You may name the map anything you like; if you wish to be consistent, you can use the same thing you entered for the [Data Source Name] as the map name.
  19. Click on the [Next] button.
  20. Click on the [Finish] button.
  21. Click on the [Options] button.
  22. Click on the [Define Format] button.
  23. Click on the name of your CSV file from the list under [Tables].
  24. Click on the check box beside [Column Name Header] so that it is checked.
  25. Select [CSV Delimited] from the drop down list beside [Format].
  26. Type [255] in the text box beside [Rows to Scan].
  27. Click on the [Guess] button.
  28. The titles in your header row should appear in the box under [Columns].
  29. Click on the one of the names in the list under [Columns]. You may wish to start with the first in the list to begin with.
  30. Ensure that [Char] is selected from the [Data Type] dropdown list.
  31. Ensure that [255] is listed in the [width] text box.
  32. Click on the [Modify] button.
  33. Repeat steps thirty through thirty-three for each line in the [Columns] box for each item that does not have [Char] and [255] already selected (pay particular attention to 'ToZip' and 'FromZip'). You can skip items that already have [Char] and [255] selected.
  34. Click on the [OK] button when done.
  35. Click on the [OK] button if you receive a pop up box with the message "Failed to save table attributes of (null) into (null)".
  36. Click on the [OK] button on the [ODBC Text Setup] window that appears.
  37. In the drop down list for [ODBC Tables], select the file you are importing from (if it is not already selected) and then click on the [Primary Table] button, located below the table. A blue key symbol should appear to the left of the file name.
  38. At this point, you will need to map the fields from the CSV file to the existing fields in UOW. The table on the left contains the column names from the CSV file and the table on the right contains the existing field names in UOW.
  39. Click on a column name from the table on the left and then click on a title from the table on the right that describes the data contained in the column you selected from the left. The selections should be highlighted.
  40. Once you have highlighted a selection from both tables, click on the [Connect] button located beneath the left table. A small red symbol will appear to the left of both selected field names. Continue this process until you have mapped all of the fields that you would like to import. The fields should be mapped as follows:
    "Shipment Information" dropdown:
    Export FileUPS
    Service TypeService Type

    "Ship To" dropdown:
    Export FileUPS
    ToCompanyOrNameCompany Or Name
    ToStreetStreet Address

    "Ship From" dropdown:
    Export FileUPS
    FromCompanyOrNameCompany Or Name
    FromStreetStreet Address

    "Package" dropdown:
    Export FileUPS

  41. Once all of the fields have been mapped, you will need to define one as the primary key. This should be a field that contains data that is unique for each address. To define a field as the key, click on the desired field from the table on the left and click on the [Define Key] button. A blue key symbol will appear to the left of the field name. If you are not sure which field to use, "ItemID" is a good field to choose as your primary key.
  42. Once you have finished mapping the fields and you have defined a key, click on the [OK] button.
  43. A prompt window will pop up asking if you want to batch import the file now. Click on the [Yes] button.
  44. A screen titled [Batch import data] will appear. Click on the name of your map from the list under: [Select a map to import data from]
  45. After selecting the appropriate options, click on the [Next] button.
  46. An [Import/Export Preview] screen will be displayed and it will show how many records are detected for the import. Click on the [Next] button to begin the import of the addresses.
  47. A [Import/Export Summary] screen will be displayed and it will show how many records were processed, how many were duplicates and how many were invalid. If there were any invalid addresses, these will be saved to C:\UPS\UOWS\ImpExp\Invalid\InvAddr.csv when you save the import.
  48. Click on the [Save] button to save the import (if you do not click on [Save], then the data will not be imported).
  49. Click on [Window] from the menu bar at the top of the screen.
  50. Click on [Pickup Log] from the drop down menu that is displayed after you click on [Window].
  51. Click on [+] button next to "Imported Shipments".
  52. Click on [+] button next to your account number to get the list of imported items.
  53. For each of the shipment that you want to process:
    - Select the shipment
    - Click on [Activities] from the menu bar at the top of the screen.
    - Click on [Edit/Reconcile Shipment...] from the drop down menu.
    - Click "Yes" in the verification pop-up window.
    - Review the information and when ready to process, click the "Process Shipment" button.
To Import the UPS file into UPS OnLine WorldShip using an existing mapping:
  1. Click on [UPS OnLine Connect] from the menu bar at the top of the screen.
  2. Click on [Connection Assistant] from the drop down menu that is displayed after you click on [UPS OnLine Connect].
  3. Click on the radio button beside [Import using an existing map]
  4. Click on the [Finish] button
  5. Select the map name to use in this import.
    This is the same map name that was entered in step 18 when importing the UPS file for the first time. Also the import file must be in the same directory and have the same name as when you initially created this mapping
  6. Duplicate step 45 onward from the first time users section