Tickets Manager
Automate Your Post-Sale Management Process
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After your tickets have sold, they will appear under the Closed Listings tab. From here, you can manage all of your Post Sale tasks to fulfill your orders quickly and easily.
- Login, and click the Sales Manager tab.
- Click on Post Sale in the left navigation bar.
- The Post Sale Summary page displays an overview of all your closed ticket listings broken down according to which step of the post-sale process they are in.
- You can click on the row of numbers next to a closed auction item to access the Fulfillment Checklist, where you can complete each of the steps in the post-sale process for one item individually.
- Alternatively, you can use the post-sale links in the left navigation bar to complete each of the steps in the post-sale process in bulk. As you complete each of the steps in the post-sale process in bulk, they will be reflected in each items' Fulfillment Checklist.
The Vendio Post-Sale Management System and fulfillment checklist helps you track each step in the post-sale process. You can use as many or as few of these steps as needed to help manage your orders:
- Winning Bidder Notification (WBN)
Checking off this step indicates that an e-mail has been sent by Vendio on your behalf to your winning bidder, indicating they have won the auction. It also provides them a Vendio Checkout link so that they can complete the check out process. - Checkout Completed
Checking off this step indicates that your buyer has completed the Vendio Checkout process, or that the buyer's shipping and payment information has been entered into the system manually. - Payment Received
Checking off this step indicates that payment has been received from your buyer, and can be automatically checked off if you set your PayPal Instant Payment Notifications properly in Post-Sale Acceleration Preferences. A Payment Received Notice can also be sent to your buyer at this step. - Postage/Address Printed
Checking off this step indicates that a packaging slip/invoice has been printed. - Item Shipped
Checking off this step indicates that an item has been shipped. - Shipment Status sent to buyer
Checking off this step indicates that a Shipment Notification e-mail has been sent to your buyer. - Feedback Sent
Checking off this step indicates that you have left feedback for your buyer. - Shipment Arrived
Checking off this step indicates that your shipment has arrived at the buyer's location. You can also send a Post-Receipt Message to your buyer at this step. - Feedback Received
Checking off this step indicates that your buyer has left feedback for you. You can also send a Feedback Reminder message to your buyer at this step.
Step 1: Winning Bidder Notification (WBN)
In the left navigation bar, click on WBN to Send. All of your closed items that are still awaiting Winning Bidder Notifications (i.e. step 1 is not checked) will appear on this page.
Click the 'Edit WBN' action button to customize your Winning Bidder Notification and to fill out tax, shipping, and payment options that will be presented during Vendio Checkout.
Select the checkboxes of the items you want to send a WBN, and click the 'Send WBN' action button, which will send your winning bidder your customized message and a link to your Checkout page.
Once the Winning Bidder Notifications have been sent, the number 1 in each items' Fulfillment Checklist will turn blue.
Step 2: Checkout Completed
In the left navigation bar, click on Awaiting Checkout. All of your closed items awaiting Checkout (i.e. step 2 is not checked) will appear on this page, including the closed items that you have sent WBNs. After your winning bidders complete Checkout, the items will move out of this page to the Awaiting Payment page and the Items to Ship page.
If you would like to send your winning bidders a reminder WBN, select the checkboxes of the items you want to send a WBN reminder, and click the 'Send WBN Reminder' action icon.
Once your winning bidders have completed Checkout, the number 2 in each items' Fulfillment Checklist will turn blue, and check marks will appear automatically next to each item to mark the status of Checkout as complete.
Step 3: Payment Received
In the left navigation bar, click on Awaiting Payment. All of your closed items awaiting payment will appear on this page. If your item has been paid for using PayPal or another form of electronic payment, your item will be moved to the 'Items to Ship' page automatically. If your item has been paid for by check, for example, you will have to record the payment manually.
If you would like to mark your items as paid, select the checkboxes of the items you want to mark as paid, and click the 'Mark as Paid' action button.
If you would like to remind your winning bidders to pay for the item they have won, select the checkboxes of the items you want to send a reminder, and click the 'Send Payment Reminder' action button.
Once your items have been marked as paid (either automatically via electronic payment or manually by you), the number 3 in each items' Fulfillment Checklist will turn blue, and check marks will appear automatically next to each item to mark the status of payment received as complete. . Note that you can have a Payment Received e-mail sent automatically when this step is checked by selecting that option in your Post Sale Management Preferences page.
Step 4: Postage / Address Printed
In the left navigation bar, click on Items to Ship. All of your closed items that have been paid for (i.e. step 3 is checked, but step 4 and 5 are not) will appear on this page. You can conveniently print an invoice and packaging slip for each item based on the buyers' selections during Checkout, or you can export your shipping information to automate the shipping process through your preferred shipping carrier, including FedEX, UPS, and USPS. To export your shipping information, click on Export Shipping in the left navigation bar and follow the instructions outlined on the page.
If you would like to print out an invoice and packaging slip for each item, select the checkboxes of the items you want to print invoices and packaging slips for, and click the 'Print Invoice/Packaging Slip' action button. On the following page, choose the correct print mode by selecting the items you want to print (Shipping Label / Invoice Combo, Shipping Label Only, or Invoice Only). When you are ready to print your shipping label and or invoice, click the 'Print Now' button. Make sure that accurate shipping cost information has been updated in each item's fulfillment checklist before invoices are printed.
Once you have printed out an invoice and packaging slip for each item, the number 4 in each items' Fulfillment Checklist will turn blue, and check marks will appear automatically next to each item to mark the status of postage/address labels printed as complete.
Step 5: Item Shipped
Remain on the Items to Ship page. All of your closed items that have been paid for will appear on this page.
After you have shipped each item, select the checkboxes of the items you have shipped and click the 'Mark as Shipped' action button. Note that you can enter tracking numbers for each shipped item on the Mark as Shipped confirmation page, which appears after you click this button. You can also click the 'Send Shipment Notification' button on this page, which will send each buyer a shipment notification email. The number 6 in each items' Fulfillment Checklist will turn blue, and a check mark will appear automatically to mark the status of the shipment notifications as sent.
If you would like to export your shipping information to your preferred shipping carrier, click on Export Shipping in the left navigation bar. The items that are available to export will appear on the page. Follow the instructions provided to export your shipping information, and make sure to select the 'Mark Step 5 (Item Shipped) Checked in Post Sale Management' checkbox before clicking the 'Export' button.
Once your items are marked as shipped, either from the Items to Ship page, or the Export Shipping page, the number 5 in each items' Fulfillment Checklist will turn blue, and check marks will appear automatically to mark the status of each item as shipped.
Step 6: Shipment Status Sent to Buyer
You can notify your customers that you have shipped their items on the Fulfillment Checklist page. Click on Post Sale in the left navigation bar, and click on the Listing Title of the item you want to send a shipment notification. Scroll down to step 6 and click on the send shipment notification link. If you want to edit your shipment notification message before sending it, click the 'Edit Shipment Status Notification' icon. When you are finished editing your message, click the 'Send Now' button.
Once you have sent a shipment notification message to a buyer, the number 6 in the item's Fulfillment Checklist will turn blue, and a check mark will appear automatically to mark the status of the shipment notification as sent.
Step 7: Feedback Sent
In the left navigation bar, click on Feedback to Send. All of your items marked as paid will appear on this page.
After your items have been paid for, select the checkboxes of the items you want to send feedback for and click the 'Send Feedback' action button.
If you would like to fulfill step 7 of the Fulfillment Checklist for feedback sent, select the checkboxes of the items you sent feedback for and click the 'Mark as Feedback' action button. The number 7 in each items' Fulfillment Checklist will turn blue.
Step 8: Shipment Arrived
You can keep track of the arrival of your shipped items, and send post-receipt messages to your customers confirming that their shipment has arrived on the Fulfillment Checklist page. Click on Post Sale in the left navigation bar, and click on the Listing Title of the item you want to confirm that the shipment has arrived. Scroll down to step 5 or 8 and click on the view shipment status link. If your item has been delivered, return to the Fulfillment Checklist page and select the 'Shipment Arrived' checkbox (Step 8).
After you have selected the 'Shipment Arrived' checkbox, the number 8 in your item's Fulfillment Checklist will turn blue. If you want to send your customer a post-receipt message, click the 'send post-receipt message' link. Alternatively, if you want to edit your post-receipt message before sending it, click the 'Edit Post-Receipt Message' icon. When you are finished editing your message, click the 'Send Now' button. Note that you can also have this e-mail sent automatically by selecting that option in your Post Sale Management Preferences page.
Step 9: Feedback Received
In the left navigation bar, click on Awaiting Feedback. All of your items marked as shipped will appear on this page.
After your items have been shipped and paid for, select the checkboxes of the items you have not yet received, and click the 'Send Feedback Reminder' action button.
If you would like to fulfill step 9 of the Fulfillment Checklist for feedback received, select the checkboxes of the items you have received feedback for, and click the 'Feedback Received' action button. The number 9 in each items' Fulfillment Checklist will turn blue.