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posted on July 27, 2007 04:20:10 PM new
Vendio just went down again. No pictures and no service. Now it is back up again.

Either your fix does not work, or you are still playing around with the system.

It would be real nice to get some damn service and have Vendio actually communicate with us.

What the hell is going on???


posted on July 27, 2007 04:28:22 PM new

These clowns are not serious.

I think that this behaviour is worse than what anyone can imagine.

Wait, you will hear soon that it was the Shah of Iran's fault.


posted on July 27, 2007 04:30:48 PM new
I have had it!! I am behind in shipping, my listings have now dropped(not to mention the sales I will lose next week not listing on THURSDAY- THE BIGGEST SELLING DAY FOR US!) and service has been interupted 4 times today for us ranging from 5-15 minutes. I have had to pay my staff to do nothing off and on for 2 days straight, more yesterday then today.

I am demanding to know what is going on? I have been a customer for YEARS!!! and this is the first time I am googling new auction services, I need reliability..our lively hood is internet...QUIT SCREWING WITH your servers, pay someone to fix it right!

TRY 1-800-GEEK-SQUAD they probably could do better! Or better yet borrow an ISP, or whatever you are blaming it on from Ebay, they have not crashed in years!!!

posted on July 27, 2007 06:25:55 PM new
All has been fine out here in Pennsylvania,
BUT I received another email from a customer in Canada:

"I am very sorry Susan, because I would like to pay now, but it seems there is again a problem with Vendio!

I clicked on the Vendio Url and copy and pasted it on my explorer, but the page doesn't appear at all. And when I try to see the photos of my Lemurian spheres like yesterday, there is no photos at all!

I will wait until it's okay for Vendio, but I hope it won't last too long...

Sorry! J***"

Hope we have a permanant fix coming!


posted on July 27, 2007 06:59:36 PM new
Hello all,

We made several changes and reconfigurations today to increase network redundancy, and we believe that the problems experienced yesterday will not reoccur.

During the day, a few brief service interruptions were experienced by users on the affected routes, however, these were due to the changes we were making and were unplanned and very brief.

The site is stable and we do not expect any further problems with site access or image viewing on any routes into our servers.

Thank you again for your patience while we worked to resolve these issues.

Best regards,


posted on July 28, 2007 01:32:53 AM new
Evidently you are still tweaking or ???? problem something else.

Reports of more outages:

j***(2992 ) View Listings | Report Jul-27-07 20:30 PDT 134 of 136
9:30 pm here in Colorado and Vendio has crashed again...the ironic thing is that I just read a message from Vendio stating that they had a few short outages today, but the site is "stable" now.

****** (Private ) View Listings | Report Jul-27-07 22:00 PDT 135 of 136
Down in western Canada again.
As transparent as eBay itself.

****** (8546 ) View Listings | Report Jul-28-07 00:09 PDT 136 of 136
Down in the UK at 8.00am local time.

posted on July 28, 2007 01:33:59 AM new
Nothing can be access from Hong Kong as well at this moment. All fixed?

posted on July 28, 2007 05:28:46 AM new
Still not up in some places:
******** (Private ) View Listings | Report Jul-28-07 05:11 PDT 137 of 138
Typical service provider. Still down 9 hours later. Did eBay buy these guys? Shades of the old Andale days.
As transparent as eBay itself.

****** (2992 ) View Listings | Report Jul-28-07 05:14 PDT 138 of 138
6:15 am in Colorado and Vendio is still down

posted on July 28, 2007 06:34:32 AM new
Still more:

XXXXXXXXX(7889 ) View Listings | Report Jul-28-07 05:45 PDT 139 of 140
We have been down in Australia for almost 3 days!!!

Not happy!

XXXXXXXXXX(4 ) View Listings | Report Jul-28-07 06:06 PDT 140 of 140
6:05am in No. Calif. and I cannot access my vendio counters.


http://stores.ebay.com/Moody-Mommys-Marvelous-Postcards?refid=store [ edited by neglus on Jul 28, 2007 06:36 AM ]
posted on July 28, 2007 06:43:03 AM new
You are aware Vendio and fellow users, that the fact that Vendio is out in those places (Northern California, Colorado, Australia, Canada, UK and counting) doesn't just mean that those users can't come on the site to work and report problems? It means that all of OUR BUYERS from the affected areas aren't seeing images in our listings. If by chance AT LAST our listings make it to the top of search, and the only person who wants to buy our widget is in Australia it means NO SALE! No CAAAAAAA-CHING - No steak for dinner tonight!

No one wants to buy a pig in a poke - they will hit that back button and go buy the widget from somebody else (probably someone using Channel Advisor, Marketworks, Ink Frog our Auctiva) because THOSE GUYS HAVE NOT BEEN DOWN FOR HOURS AND HOURS!

posted on July 28, 2007 06:46:38 AM new
We are 100% nothing for this peaple , they smile all the way to the bank , we all have big mouth but do nothing about it !! so we deserve it , soon vendio will go public and the owner will pocket more money and everyone be happy !!!!

posted on July 28, 2007 07:03:44 AM new
Here's another comment from another UK user

xxxxxxx(1346 ) View Listings | Report Jul-28-07 07:01 PDT 141 of 141
1500 hours in the UK and still no vendio.

I have used them for image hosting for several years now without problems of any kind and am reluctant to change.

Is there someone out there who understands the technical aspects of this and can advise me if I am correct in thinking that Vendio has been undertaking some major one-off changes which have caused a temporary set of problems which are curable and unlikely to be repeated?

posted on July 28, 2007 07:22:55 AM new
i just recive this from a client in Mexico :
Question from fjelizon
fjelizon( 987)
Positive feedback: 99.8%
Member since: May-11-00
Location: N.L., Mexico
Registered on: www.ebay.com

Item: MEXICO 1896 Hidalgo EXPRESS, Very RARE Cover TEZIUTLAN> (160140525280)
This message was sent while the listing was active.
fjelizon is a potential buyer.


I canīt see the pictures in your ebay items

best regards


posted on July 28, 2007 07:24:35 AM new
Way to go Vendio hope you sleep good every night , hope ebay get smart and come with a good service so we all can go as you deserve .

posted on July 28, 2007 09:02:42 AM new
Anybody has a better solution instead of using Vendio? Would like to see who did changed their service provider by this server outages.

posted on July 28, 2007 09:10:43 AM new
Problem is that beside the bad service and that they dont invest money in there system !!! there is nothing better for salling on ebay and this is the biggest problem we have , only EBAY can come with somthig better if we lucky 1 day they may buy vendio before they go public if not we are screw .

posted on July 28, 2007 10:16:21 AM new
Hi worldcovers1. Sorry for I don't know much. What is the relationship between ebay & vendio? I don't think vendio is the only auction service provider. And what do you mean when they go public?

Don't you mean go public mean become a part of the stock market? Sorry but I don't know much here.

Honestly saying. This kind of service WILL NOT make it good with stock marketing....

posted on July 28, 2007 11:55:46 AM new

We are aware that the problem is continuing and our engineers are (and have been) working on it. I will let you know when I have more information available.


posted on July 28, 2007 01:30:05 PM new
Just so you know...I am in eastern Canada, and have just now (4:30 pm) been able to access the site. Hope you folks sort this out....soon! Thanks

posted on July 28, 2007 01:39:31 PM new
lettrade Vendio is the biggest auction provider even before they bought Anadale , they did not need Anadale , the only reason that they bought Anadale (my opinion only)is to go public , (yes stock market) to go public is big big money to the owners of Vendio but ebay is in the picture, also EBAY usualy get what they want they wanted PAYPAL and got it they wanted a internet phone service (SKYPE) and got it (why ??? )question is if they want Vendio or not , i promise you !!! that in 1 year Vendio will not be as it now !!!!!! this is why (again in my opinion) Vendio do not spand money now on new and better hardwear !! this why its still a very slow service (try to check out 100 items on monday morning click and wait for a minute for a page to show up and we use cable internet).Just compare the pages on Vendio to the pages on Ebay and you see the different.

posted on July 28, 2007 02:01:30 PM new
Just able to now get back on Vendio after being unable to all day from 6:00am until just 5 minutes ago. How about some compensation for the non service? I am a small fry but I am sure there are some big sellers who need some consideration. At least eBay fees for everything that ended during the long outage - several days worth - in fact.

posted on July 28, 2007 08:33:52 PM new

While we appreciate your input, we have removed your last post as using our message boards to promote another service is a violation of our terms.

For a more thorough explanation of the intermittent service interruptions experienced over the past few days, please refer to our announcement:


Best regards,


posted on July 28, 2007 09:12:21 PM new
Hello Diana!

I am sorry to have violated the rules (note the ability to apologize).

Isn't it interesting that mentioning another website (of a competitor) brings a very quick answer (within 15 minutes), all this during off hours (after 8:00 PM PST). This is truly amazing! Yet, when there are real problems (outage) we heard nothing from you for hours!

I am waiting to see from you as well as from the higher ups, a clear & concise explanation of what happened & what you are dong to avoid a repeat occurrence. A proper apology & some compensation would do us all some good as well.

Please realize that the post on ebay still stands, and everybody can read it there as well. Therefore, the removal of my post will not achieve that much.

I do want you to realize that I have no intention to harass any of you, but I do want to make it clear that the behavior of Vendio is unacceptable and pressure has to be mounted until we all see that the issues have been resolved to the satisfaction of us all.

I will repost my previous post (in the next posting) with the competitors name omitted, in order to comply with your policies.


posted on July 28, 2007 09:17:14 PM new
Here is a copy of what was posted before, and removed by Diana. In order to comply with Vendio policies, I have removed the name & website of the competitor.


Hello to everybody!

I feel bad that I have not posted, as I was away for a day, and I missed all the excitement.

I don't know if we are ready for a summary, as it is far from clear that this is over in any way.

Yet, nevertheless, I think it is important to keep the issue very much alive and put as much pressure as possible on this miserable outfit called Vendio.

I agree with Neglus & the others that the only reason we are here at present (and we alone are here with 2 accounts), is for the simple reason that it would be a nightmare to change. However, it seems increasingly clear that we just might be pushed to do so. These past few days has cost us alone about $1,500.00 in sales, and needless to say, there is no way to recoup that. It is impossible to stay in business like this, and yes there are other choices.

We do have a 3d ebay ID, for which we use (Vendio's competitor's name removed), and they are by far a superior (to Vendio) outfit. I only recall them having once an outage, and they worked it out quickly and kept everyone updated, and above all - never lied.

In contrast, we have had nothing but lies from Vendio. As clearly demonstrated, they will claim that the problem is minimal when it is quite clear that it was out almost everywhere. Even when they admit to a problem, it is always with the attempt to mislead in every possible way.

It is obvious as well, that they never test anything, as there never was once that they mentioned that there was a problem. It was always a reaction to us telling them that service was out, and always hours later.

Their non existent customer service (or rather disservice) is a bad joke. May I ask what Diana was doing (since she is in customer service, and clearly admitted having no understanding of technical terms) while the repairs where happening? Was she fanning the air over the computers to cool them down? Remember the post that they can not respond, as they are all busy trying to repair the problem?

If you will look at any of their postings, one can see that it is nothing but canned lines, with a clear indication of a utter lack of competence and caring.

Where the heck is the president of this outfit? Why have we not heard from anyone but some lowly customer service agents?

For now, I recommend the following steps to keep on the pressure:

1) Let everyone keep these threads alive, both here, as well as the ebay thread, so that the broader public can see it as well, which is something that they probably do not want to happen, as it will scare away future customers.

2) I think that the media needs to be approached. I have suggested it before, and have taken some steps, but I think everyone should pitch in.

3) I am wondering how it would help, if we were all to complain to ebay, as I assume that ebay can bring some pressure to bear on them.

To all the smaller users (which would not have the problem of switching over), I highly recommend (Vendio's competitor's name removed). There are probably many others, but I have only had first hand experience with them. They are a good solution if you do not need more than 10 pictures per listing, as their maximum pictures that they allow per listing is 10. Therefore on my 2 accounts with Vendio they are not a good option.

I invite your comments.

I will post this on ebay as well.


posted on July 28, 2007 09:48:33 PM new

As stated in my previous post, we have posted an announcement with a comprehensive outline of the problem, as well as an apology from the "higher ups".

Here it is again, for your convenience:


BTW, we have removed the posting privileges of your alternate ID. Posting under two different IDs in the same thread and posing as two different users is disruptive to the forum and is also a violation of our terms.



posted on July 28, 2007 10:04:51 PM new
Hello Diana!

I have read now the post by Michael Effle, to which you have posted a link. I missed seeing it before, and do apologize for that.

It is a bit late for Michael's post, but nevertheless not too late, and at least it is being done. I will read it carefully and respond tomorrow.

I would like to see other members post their input & respond to Michael's post. Are you all satisfied?

Where is Neglus, DaveBraun, Aaron & others?

If this indeed is resolved, I would be the happiest person. Yet, I am not fully assured by Michael's letter, though I think it is a good start.


As far as posts from 2 ID's, there was someone else in our organization that posted from the other ID, and as you have seen, he took an opposing view to mine. He has since stopped posting, especially since he was quickly won over to my thinking.

In any case, I will repeat, that I would like to see this all resolved, but I do not think that Michael's post fully resolves the issue, though as said, is a good start.

May I suggest, that Michael should be brave enough and face us all in an open forum, in which we can question him.


posted on July 29, 2007 07:06:05 AM new
There is NO WAY all customer service personal at Vendio were working on tech problems.

There is NO REASON Vendio could not write updates on the board and keep us informed. That would take someone just a few minutes to do, and do a world of good to let YOUR CUSTOMERS know what is going on, and let them PLAN THEIR TIME accordingly.

Vendio YOU wasted my time repeatedly. My time is money, and you wasted that several times over with lack of communication. You could have kept us informed, you choose not to. This is inexcusable.

Vendio does not spend the money to prevent problems like this and others from happening. Spend the money ahead of time to keep service up, that is what we pay you for.

I do not believe that this problem only effected a small amount of users. You claim single digit % of users. I hope you do not think that is small. If I screwed up my service on that many of my customers, I would be in a world of problems, and my feedback would be ruined. You also do not take into account all the non-vendio users, our customers that it effected and equaled into LOST SALES.

Where is the compensation for this? There should be, and you know it.

People have repeatedly posted here that they need to be compensated. You have ignored their posts and refused to answer. We have lost tons of money because of you. Make it right and compensate the "small amount of people it effected" and MAKE IT RIGHT!


posted on July 29, 2007 07:16:38 AM new
I'm here TTI - was busy with family yesterday afternoon and evening.

I've read Michael Effle's announcement and while he minimized (at least in my opinion based on postings here and the Stores board) the extent of the outage, it sounds to me like they have the problem identified and have taken steps to ensure it doesn't happen again. Let me make it clear however, that I have NO knowledge of how these things work. His explanation could be all spin and I wouldn't be the wiser. I am willing to take it at face value.

I am certain that my sales would have been higher during the outage period but have no way of measuring my loss and lost potential because of inability to use the site for extended periods of time.

I have been with Vendio for all of my years of selling and, while I have looked at other providers, have always come to the conclusion that Vendio represents the best value, does not require a high learning curve and has always been very reliable. I am hoping that this was a freak accident and that Vendio has learned from this experience and has taken measures to assure that it won't happen again.

posted on July 29, 2007 07:26:34 AM new
Thanks Aaron for your post!

I could not have said it any better.

I will post later a detailed response to Michael's post.

Briefly though, as I have pointed out earlier, and as you so clearly stated it, there seems to have been a clear disregard of our time & money. Above all, there was no reason that we could not get any updates, considering that the customer service people obviously do not preform technical functions.

Their claiming that few were affected is an insult. How about supporting it with some numbers? Show us proof!

More later..........


posted on July 29, 2007 08:13:54 AM new
Just to keep our expectations in check, from the User Agreement:
6.2. Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability.

(a) Vendio provides its services "as is" and "as available" and, except as expressly set forth in this Agreement disclaims all other warranties, whether written, oral, express or implied, including without limitation any warranties of title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. Vendio will not be liable due to outages caused by the failure of public network or communications components or errors in any electronic files provided by Vendio. Vendio makes no representation or warranty that the operation of Vendio's site will be uninterrupted or error-free, and Vendio will not be liable for the consequences of any interruptions or errors. No advice or information from Vendio, whether oral or written, shall create any warranty not expressly stated in the Terms of Use.

(b) Limitation of Liability.
Neither Vendio nor its suppliers will be liable for (i) any loss of business, profits or goodwill, loss of use or data, interruption of business or for any indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any character, (however arising, including negligence) arising out of or in connection with this agreement even if Vendio or its supplier is aware of the possibility of such damages, or (ii) any damages that result in any way from your use or inability to use Vendio services, or that result from errors, defects, omissions, delays in operation or transmission, or any other failure of performance of the Vendio services. Our liability, and the liability of our suppliers, to you or any third parties in any circumstance is limited to the greater of (a) the amount of fees you pay to us in the 6 months prior to the action giving rise to liability, or (b) $100. This limitation applies notwithstanding any failure of essential purpose remedy and to the fullest extent permitted by law.

Every image hosting service that I've known has a similar clause. Several weeks ago, I noticed that I couldn't view any images hosted by Auctiva. I hope Vendio has taken the steps to prevent this fiasco from happening again and has replaced the procedures/partners/people that caused the occurance.

[ edited by pixiamom on Jul 29, 2007 08:14 AM ]
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