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posted on August 7, 2001 07:45:59 AM new
I figured a clue would be seen, if enough people kept quietly disappearing. These political threads and the constant referals of republicans/democrats in each and every thread IS getting tiresome.

posted on August 7, 2001 08:47:43 AM new
As for your asking for links - why do you need anyone to find you a link? I browse news boards regularly and have no problem finding positive news (and negative) about Bush... I don't know why you can't find it too. Takes about two minutes.

Maybe I'm reading a little too much into Borillar's original post. To me, it's an invitation to articulate and express the reasoning behind your approval of Bush's job performance by using something other than the usual Republican Dogma.

arttsupplies (webmaster)
posted on August 7, 2001 08:59:37 AM new
Maybe I'm reading a little too much into Borillar's original post. To me, it's an invitation to articulate and express the reasoning behind your approval of Bush's job performance...

To me it is another chicken meal, and frankly the political threads are coming out of my ears. At the moment Miss Cleo is more interesting than Bush, and more entertaining. Scroll down the threads, go to the other pages. The dogma overfloweth. The abundance of political threads borders on what may be an obsessive compulsive disorder (which might be a good topic.) I'm guilty of some OCD traits at times myself, but when they are pointed out I take note and back off.

Bush is stupid.
Gore was robbed.
The Republicans are killing the environment.
yadda yadda yadda...

Second chorus same as the first.

posted on August 7, 2001 09:23:16 AM new
The dogma overfloweth...

uh, yeah, but...These are so much more entertaining and well thought out compared to a pretty limp political thread on OTWA recently

Maybe I need to get back to work instead of...Damn DSL and being on a computer 8 hours a day at work!!!

arttsupplies (webmaster)
posted on August 7, 2001 10:07:08 AM new
Maybe I'm reading a little too much into Borillar's original post. To me, it's an invitation to articulate and express the reasoning behind your approval of Bush's job performance by using something other than the usual Republican Dogma.

And my point is that finding positive points about the Bush presidency is very simple... if one is inclined to do so. If Borillar or anyone else hasn't been able to find a single item to praise about this president then they just aren't trying. Borillar doesn't strike me as the kind of person who needs to be spoon fed information. He can easily find it on his own if he ever chooses to do so. The fact that he's never (to my knowledge) posted a single positive thought about a Republican or this president speaks volumes to me.

Not paranoid anywhere else but here!
posted on August 7, 2001 10:42:44 AM new
mybidness, thank you for dropping in and venting your spleen.

Like I said, without some facts to discuss the merits and demerits of things, it becomes a dirty debate over opinions.

Links are not necessary to prove a point; however, long posts are generally not appreciated and certainly, as the moderators tell us often enough, we can't post whole articles in here. Therefore, it is often more convenient for everyone to simply go look at a long article provided by a URL or a n embedded link.

To link to far to the left or the right, the material reads exactly as you would expect -- unbalanced and possibly unfair. Therefore, the call to mainstream material for the most balanced viewpoints when presenting the facts -- hopefully from both sides of the isle.

Have I said mean things to republicans on here? From time to time I have. Typically, I blame the voters for the antics of their politicians that they elected -- aren't people supposed to be responsible for what they do? I only like to remind them that they are.

My caustic comments are reserved for the politicians in whose trust the voters have placed their confidence. I rail at them for betraying the voters -- even Democratic politicians do not get to betray the voters and come away unscathed by me!

Is George W. Bush, Jr. Evil? Are the Republican politicians secretly aligned with Satan to destroy this country and enslave the population in ignorance, superstition and poverty? If not, they're doing a fair imitation of it by the words that they speak to us and the actual contents -- or lack thereof, of any legislation that they pass. Should I be the one to receive everyone's wrath, simply because I will not let Evil pass in my sight without shining a light upon it? Am I the evil one for doing that?

Mybidness, I would love nothing more than to have Dubya and the Republican party say, "We're going to do for the people of this nation from now on. We will pass legislation that protects consumers instead of weakening those laws; we will side with the EPA in enforcing clean-ups by corporations, instead of trying to get corporations off of the hook; we will find and promote to the greatest extent alternate means of energy that is environmentally-friendly, instead of funneling tax-payer's money directly into the coffers of energy companies; we will concentrate more time, money, and energy into the causes of poverty and crime than to simply warehouse the offenders well after they have they have offended; we will be the people's advocates, ensuring their freedom of religion by enforcing the separation of church and state to the highest degree, their legislated rights to form unions and to strike, to provide legislation that is for THEM, not corporations. All these things we will do, now and forever, by the Republican party so long as we exist, by the grace of God."

Obviously, they do not stand for people, but for those who have bribed them thoroughly enough or are large corporations who have bribed them thoroughly enough. It is to these interests that the Republican Party has always been dedicated to. And lying to the American people to gain their votes, making them feel that the Republican Party is for them and their interests is nothing short of Satanic to me. And I think that the voters need to be made aware of it.

[ edited by Borillar on Aug 7, 2001 10:56 AM ]
posted on August 7, 2001 10:50:17 AM new
Borillar go forth and spread your wisdom, you are saying the same things over and over to the same audience....90% already agree with you...so editorialize and get nowhere or go out and make converts and save the world...it ain't gonna happen in here!Better yet, run for office.

posted on August 7, 2001 10:51:01 AM new
"The fact that he's never (to my knowledge) posted a single positive thought about a Republican or this president speaks volumes to me."

Just within this very thread itself ...

"I really miss the old-time republican politicians. They were gentlemen politicians and very skilled at lying, as politicians should be." Admiration, compliment.

" McCain could have won the Supreme Court victory and he would have been a president that you could point to with some pride."
A thoughtful observation and respect for a Republican politician.

" If I ever once see you post a single positive thing about any Republican or Republican position I think the shock would knock me over."

Shall I call 911 for you?

posted on August 7, 2001 10:59:34 AM new
Gee, Zilvy, are you asking me to leave this messageboard?

posted on August 7, 2001 11:17:07 AM new
I'd tell you a secret, but....

posted on August 7, 2001 11:37:57 AM new

ooooops sorry

[email protected]
posted on August 7, 2001 11:49:21 AM new
Don't call 911 yet! My spleen is in great shape and I didn't quite fall out of my chair.

Just within this very thread itself ...

"I really miss the old-time republican politicians. They were gentlemen politicians and very skilled at lying, as politicians should be." Admiration, compliment.

LOL, as my grandpa used to say... that's a backassward compliment if I ever heard one...

Your comment on McCain doesn't fly for me either cause I know from your post that anyone who detest Bush as much as McCain obviously does is A.O.K. in your book. High praise to McCain is almost as good as dissing Bush.

As for the rest of your post it kinda makes my point Borillar Everything this president does is evil in your mind. How can we start any serious conversation on middle ground when your thoughts and beliefs about him are so extreme? I don't see it happening.

Have you said "mean" things to republicans here? Sure you have. At the very least you've repeatedly claimed that anyone who voted Republican is clearly stupid and unAmerican... etc. Besides being insulting I consider that absurdly self-righteous and I'm not even a Republican.

I don't care if you provide a link or just a comment. That wasn't my point. I'd still love to see you have a positive thing to say about anything this President has done. I don't think you can and that's o.k. But, why pretend to want to have a real discussion and then follow it up the usual Republicans are all demons kind of rhetoric? It makes your offer sound a little weak. As much as I detested Clinton for many of his actions I could still find a lot of different area's that I appreciated about him. I'm just asking you to find one thing that you like about Bush. Anything?

Not paranoid anywhere else but here!
posted on August 7, 2001 12:07:37 PM new
Everything this president does is evil in your mind. How can we start any serious conversation on middle ground when your thoughts and beliefs about him are so extreme? I don't see it happening.

-----Hmmm. Seems to me that when the shoe was on the other foot it was OK to criticise. I am neither a Republican or a Democrat--though I must say that the only "degradation" or "shame" this country had in the previous 8 years was that forced on us by the Republicans. It has never been a secret that just about every single President we've ever had has fooled around--some on a much bigger scale than Clinton ever did. So? The rest of the world pointed fingers and laughed all right--at the Republican party and its rabid fundamentalist self-righteousness that insisted on keeping it in the news every night & for making a federal case of it (literally).

So now we have a congenital idiot for our President. One who lies about *major* issues, cares little about the average American--for all his fine words--and will screw (figuratively) his own grandmother if it is in the interests of big business. But that's OK--he keeps his schlong in his pants and that's all that seems to count.

posted on August 7, 2001 12:08:45 PM new
Borillar ... their interests is nothing short of Satanic to me. And I think that the voters need to be made aware of it.

I wish I could express how I view dialogs like yours without getting a warning from the moderators. My honest opinion isn't allowed, take that for what it's worth.

posted on August 7, 2001 12:10:25 PM new
TOPIC please.

[email protected]
posted on August 7, 2001 12:22:58 PM new
mybiddness - How I envy the way you articulate your thoughts. It's a gift, I tell you, a gift.

Borillar - Many republicans have left these threads, or rarely post. IMO, they were driven away. They would express their opinions and then the insults and sarcasm starts. Can't have a different opinion than the majority here, or so it seems. If a thread is started, and then we all could share why we agree (or not) with that reasoning, it would probably work out a lot better. You and I have done that in the past. You don't agree with me and I don't agree with you (usually) but we seem to be able to communicate without slinging insults at one another.

Some here feel it's necessary to support the facts we are stating and require the posting of a link. I think that is sometimes necessary too, but not always. We all have opinions and are free to post them here. It often appears to me, that when statements are made that aren't facts, or aren't truths no one is challenged if they're on the 'right side' (meaning a democrat). But the same is not true when the opposing view is presented.

And Borillar on the URL postings links being required.... I can't understand why you'd bring this up as when I've asked you a couple of times where you got this bit of information, you said you heard it here or there. So I ask, why aren't others free to do the same thing? You were unable to provide a link to verify a statement of fact (not just your opinion). So, why doesn't that apply to others when they do the same?

My personal opinion is that we are free to voice our opinions, without links, when we disagree with someone else. And many who aren't republican do so all the time. They are never questioned. That only seems to be the case if one is on 'the other side'.

Nothing personal intended....just expressing why I believe fewer and fewer are interested in discussing/debating the political threads.

posted on August 7, 2001 12:27:16 PM new
So I ask, why aren't others free to do the same thing? You were unable to provide a link to verify a statement of fact (not just your opinion). So, why doesn't that apply to others when they do the same?

Why doesnt it apply to others? Because "others" are democrats and therefore dont have to, thats why. It would tilt the one sidedness, dontcha think?

lindak, you do what you feel like doing. Everyone else does.

posted on August 7, 2001 12:27:24 PM new
There are not any discussions anymore, there are diatribes and they are boring, boring, boring! I don't even bother to read the threads for the most part....

posted on August 7, 2001 12:28:28 PM new
Linda_K, even the choir grows weary of the sermon.

posted on August 7, 2001 12:33:01 PM new
Everyone, please get back on Topic.

Thank you,
[email protected]
posted on August 7, 2001 12:37:58 PM new
Abandon all hope of a dialog on differing political views in this forum. How can you offer a differing view when intolerance is the rule. There is a fraction in this forum that behaves like a mob of Iranians shouting "Death to the great Satan." A dialog is impossible against intolerant views like that.

Here's a bright spot to chew on for some. I'm actually pissed that this has gone the course it has. One or two members have a problem with OCD and the rest of the board gets sucked into a pissing match, not a dialog. It isn't fun and it bores me to tears, but everyone has a different view on what is fun and entertaining. I don't feel like I'm fitting in on this message board, I did try. Small loss for both of us.

posted on August 7, 2001 12:39:50 PM new
urau, dont you dare manifesto. I like your posts. Dont let a few run you off.

you can be in my club, since I seem to have one. It consists of katyd and zilvy and a few others, but I forgot who at the moment. Whatever, you can be a gangbanger. What color is your preference? Red or blue? We all wear bandanas, ya know.
[ edited by hepburn on Aug 7, 2001 12:41 PM ]
posted on August 7, 2001 12:43:39 PM new
Ah, I found it:

Let's see..there will be Hepburn, Zilvy, Toke, Little jt and KatyD.

That statement can include Urau, if you like.

posted on August 7, 2001 12:44:49 PM new
Once more with feeling - Topic please.

[email protected]
posted on August 7, 2001 12:45:14 PM new
Linda_K. My comment was not directed at you, but in agreement with you. My boat lists to the left, but I,too, would like to hear more discussion.

posted on August 7, 2001 12:46:23 PM new
I forgot what the topic was, Sara. Oh...republicans. Sorry, Im neither nor.

posted on August 7, 2001 12:49:28 PM new
Hey, I want to join too, Hepburn! I'd be quite an asset. My diatribes never tend to be more than a couple of sentences long. I wouldn't bore anyone.

posted on August 7, 2001 12:51:46 PM new
Oh goody! Stockticker too! Yes yes! I like your one sentence responses. Just goes to show saying little makes a big wallop

posted on August 7, 2001 12:51:47 PM new
I thought the thread was on topic: politics.

uaru: don't pick up your toys and leave in a huff. Stick to whatever your guns are and stand up for yourself. Or simply ignore threads where everyone doesn't agree with you.

posted on August 7, 2001 12:54:27 PM new
Yeah, what bunnicula said. Better yet, dont ignore the threads. Adjust that ol bandana and jump in with both feet. Makes the blood pressure rise and the heart pump. Its good for ya.

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