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posted on August 7, 2001 01:02:29 PM new
uaru really doesn't want just people who agree, he/she would like a discussion instead of a lynching party! Politics and religion, can they really be discussed on an open forum?

posted on August 7, 2001 01:05:30 PM new

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posted on August 7, 2001 01:07:17 PM new
Sara? Uh, what are you getting on zilvy about???

posted on August 7, 2001 01:08:45 PM new

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posted on August 7, 2001 01:10:16 PM new
Yes, they can. As long as the participants don't descend to calling each other names when they don't agree. Or to whining about the fact that so many people *do* disagree.

I find it ironic that some people who see nothing wrong about harping ad infinitum about one president's sexual piccadilloes & how they think that makes him the worst ever are getting upset because others are harping on the mental ability and ethics of another president. What's good for the goose is good for the gander, they say. Some folks have spent 8 *years* on the one...a mere 7 months about the other brings cries of "foul!"

edited to add "who" for better sentence clarity.
[ edited by bunnicula on Aug 7, 2001 01:26 PM ]
posted on August 7, 2001 01:11:36 PM new
Boy, no fun? Awww. Just hold on to all the fun you had during and after the election. Gloating, name-calling, shouting with glee!


Wasn't that fun?

Bunnicula, well now. Right on.

[ edited by krs on Aug 7, 2001 01:13 PM ]
posted on August 7, 2001 01:12:17 PM new
Its on its way.

posted on August 7, 2001 01:21:06 PM new
I'm trying to stay on topic. @ SaraAW....

Hepburn - Thanks...you're a card and I love it.

saabsister - I did understand what you initally posted. I do believe we can be on different sides of the fence and have reasonable disagreement with one another. I too like hearing the other side.

I don't think one is ignorant because they don't agree with my personal views.

And stockticker - Irene, so very good to see you again. I've missed your posts. Wish you'd be my mentor and teach me how to say what I mean in a sentence or two. I know I'm too wordy....I'm sorry.

AND UARU!!! Don't you dare leave this forum....I'll hunt you down...and steal that precious little one of yours until you promise to return (or until she turns into a teenager). AND I'll feed your wife strawberries until she's as 'round' as a berry. Okay...will that be enough? PLEASE!!!!

posted on August 7, 2001 01:23:42 PM new
Zilvy is my homegirl, yanno. Oh, and I want some strawberries too, lindak.

posted on August 7, 2001 01:36:26 PM new
I have addressed it through email.

posted on August 7, 2001 02:01:26 PM new
Borillar I think I provided you with a link, one that shows the tax cuts, I cannot copy and paste the whole damn thing, its tooooo looooooong.

Then I also posted what my opinions were on what I did like about the Bush Admin. because someone asked.

Damn I did that because you said there were no Republicans willing to say anything, well I did. No, I did not, nor do now, want McCain for President, and your were assuming for every other American that McCain would be best for everyone.

uaru do not leave, your posts are too good.

As for everyone else, your making me ROTFLMAO here

No, I don't think that politics or religion, as the old saying goes, looks like they can't be discussed. One side always has to be right.

I am not saying I am right, just what I like, and what I believe. I do not think I am evil because I am Republican, nor am I ashamed of it, as you keep posting on almost every thread about any GOP member.

[email protected]
posted on August 7, 2001 02:22:44 PM new

You're in a league of your own. You see that you have probably made a mistake in participating in the election of one president who acted with chimps and behaved like a clown and another who acts like a clown and looks like a chimp and you don't try to defend that participation but instead just say "well, there it is, I like the circus".

posted on August 7, 2001 02:39:47 PM new
I don't think I am in a league of my own.
As you say 'participating in an election of one president who acted like a chimp...'

that is your opinion, and what you believe, and that is why its called differences

If everyone did what you or the other addictive political poster wants, what do we have? We have 'do what I say' crap. No thanks.

If I want to vote or be an active Democrat, I will, if I want to vote or be an active Republican, I will, or the same with any other party. I do not need you to be telling me how wrong it is. I do not say your political leanings are a circus act, no, I don't believe I have, nor have I said it to Borillar, and I won't.

Get it?

As long as this country is 'free', they'll still be different political parties. And with that, there will always be differences

[email protected]
posted on August 7, 2001 03:08:03 PM new
Right On...but to no avail I fear NeartheSea....let them have their own venue, there is no room for differences in this forum. Urau said it very well.

They will soon tire of talking to themselves, or NOT!

posted on August 7, 2001 03:09:42 PM new
What I'd like to know is, who's calling each other names & stuff? Some are more colorful than others when disagreeing, but I haven't heard any name-calling. (???)

P.S. NearTheSea, I admire your stance and the way you handle yourself

posted on August 7, 2001 03:19:58 PM new
Nearthesea, you stop handling yourself right this minute. You will go blind, or worse yet, get hair on your palms

posted on August 7, 2001 03:28:32 PM new
Too late!

Nearthesea: He said "acted with a chimp" *not* "acted like a chimp."

posted on August 7, 2001 03:36:32 PM new

posted on August 7, 2001 04:45:42 PM new

posted on August 7, 2001 06:09:39 PM new
LOL!!!!! stance? me? no, its all just a show!
But ask me if I am, ever was, or know anyone in the Republican party...


Maybe, depends on if the guy looks like Aidan Quinn or not, now if Aidan is a demorcrat, I'll be a democrat

Oh stuff politics, its summertime! Its hot outside! Its time for a drink! Yeah!

I don't see any name calling unless krs calls me a seal again

[email protected]
posted on August 7, 2001 06:27:21 PM new
""I really miss the old-time republican politicians. They were gentlemen politicians and very skilled at lying, as politicians should be." Admiration, compliment.

"LOL, as my grandpa used to say... that's a backassward compliment if I ever heard one... "

It used to be a backhanded compliment and it is. It was the Republicans who started the idea that politicians be truth-tellers, or else they were to be compared to the lowest form of life by singing "Clin-ton told a lie-EYE ... Clin-ton told a lie-EYE ..." like a bunch of little kids on a playground. Truth is, that every politician is a liar as a matter of practice due to the nature of the job. But that didn't stop Republicans from posting on messageboards for years still singing, "Clin-ton told a lie-EYE ... Clin-ton told a lie-EYE ...". Hell, they even do so on threads right here to day. I only point out that Repubcian Presidents do it too -- and I'm to be blamed for that?

" I'd still love to see you have a positive thing to say about anything this President has done."

Hmm ... lesse ... ah! Bush is a snappy dresser! yes, wherever he goes in public and in the world, he is definetly leaving a good impression on how Presidents should dress! And another one ... hmm ... lesse, he advocated passage of legislation that protects .... no! That wasn't FOR people. Hmmm ... oh! He got his 10-year, temporary tax cut in place and then a check into the hands of the people ... no! That was the DEMOCRATS who made that happen. Hmmm ... lesse, he DID sign legislation that forces imrovements in education ... no! He refused to fund any of it in the budget, although he DID try to give 23 BILLION DOLLARS to his good buddies in the oil industry with this upcoming Drilling in the Wilderness bit. Hmmm ... something else positive ... darn! I can't think of any! I guess I'll have to get back to you on that one.

Mybiddness, it seems to me that you have been very selective in reading what I write. You see me rail at Republican politicans, but ignore it when I rail at Democratic poltiicans. You claim that I call Republicans EVIL, but I have not done that -- I have stated on any number of ocasions that I think that Republican POLITICIANS are often evil and certainly do evil against the American people. But I call'm just as I see'm! So, since you want to read only what oyu want to read and you read into what I say anything that you want to read into it, then you'll get your way everytime.

posted on August 7, 2001 06:38:15 PM new
NearTheSea, I guess I should have used the word 'views' instead of stance. I thought it was brave of you to step up to the plate, so to speak.

BTW, Aiden IS a democrat. I don't know any cute guys that aren't....

posted on August 7, 2001 06:38:43 PM new
It was the Republicans who started the idea that politicians be truth-tellers

LOL! Mybidd probably now rests her case.

posted on August 7, 2001 06:40:09 PM new
"Borillar ... their interests is nothing short of Satanic to me. And I think that the voters need to be made aware of it."

[i]"I wish I could express how I view dialogs like yours without getting a warning from the moderators. My honest opinion isn't allowed, take that for what it's worth."[i/]

Maybe it's just a misguided sense of morality on my part. I firmly believe that hurting other people unnecessarily is the definition of immorality. When legislation gets passed in our government by whomever that hurts people unnecessarily is immoral. When legislation gets passed that hurts people unnecessarily in order to line the pockets of the Rich and Powerful, the large corporations, or the politicians themselves, then that is EVIL to me.

Now, to carry that a bit further, if you'll stay with me here, is the religious aspect. I ask you, or anyone else, in whose best interest is it to have immorality and Evil get legislated? Satan, is my answer and I think that at this point an awful lot of religious people would agree with me on that. Then, when politicians on the one hand pass immoral legislation that hurts people unnecessarily and then on the other tells their constituents that it for their own benefit, I call that Satanic.

Am I the only one who sees it this way?

posted on August 7, 2001 06:43:16 PM new
I asked: "Gee, Zilvy, are you asking me to leave this messageboard?"

Zilvy rerplied, "I'd tell you a secret, but...."

I take that to be in the affirmative.

Now I ask you again, Zilvy : if I left this messageboard, what would be accomplished by that?

posted on August 7, 2001 06:43:22 PM new
Just keep saying the same thing over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz mmmfff and over, and over, and over......oh and over! Maybe someone will agree with your mind set!!

posted on August 7, 2001 06:59:15 PM new
"No, I did not, nor do now, want McCain for President, and your were assuming for every other American that McCain would be best for everyone.

I do not believe that McCain would be the best for everyone. I believe that given a choice between McCain and Bush -- as Republicans were clearly given a choice, that McCain would have been better. McCain would have been better for us as a President than Bush has been.

And no, I always got the creeps from Al Gore. I do not doubt that if Al Gore had been president instead of Bush, the corporations and powerful interests would still be getting a polish-job on their private parts, but at least the American people would not have been left out of all consideration in all legislation.

If McCain had become the president the same way that Bush did, I think that he would have tried to build a bridge between Congress and the American people. The American people might have been able to stomach that. And concidering how embarrasing Bush is to America and to the GOP, McCain surely would be looking better and better, I thought if I was a Republican. I guess I was wrong about that.

posted on August 7, 2001 07:07:24 PM new
I'll agree with him only if he is Aidan's identical twin

kraftdinner WHAT???? Aidan is Democrat.... be back.........

gotta do a search on my honey, see I can search when its REALLY important! LOL!!!!!!

[email protected]
posted on August 7, 2001 07:14:01 PM new
"Lie" isn't an adequate word for what

Republicans say. We need a new term; I

propose anti-truth, as in, "There are lies,

damned lies, and Republican anti-truths."

Like matter and anti-matter, Republicans and

the truth just can't occupy the same space.

What they say goes all the way through and

past "untrue" into the realm of turning

reality inside out, tying a knot in it, and

yanking hard.

LoL anon


posted on August 7, 2001 07:22:11 PM new
What I see is a bunch of labeling. Similar to that nasty phrase "the only good indian, is a dead indian", or how about "They all look alike to me". Labels. Nothing like collecting groups of people in a bad lump, because of a name. Now THAT is evil.

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