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posted on August 11, 2001 07:07:29 PM new
It is the rampant absolutism prevalent in these so-called political threads that makes the thought of posting links to “prove” a point of view laughable. When we have such well developed stereotypes of Democrats and Republicans, when it feels right to assign attributes such as “evil” or “agent of Satan” to the labels we use for those that don’t think as we do, when we have certainty that even good actions by a member of an opposing political philosophy were the result of base motivations, that is when there is no point in attempting discussion. It is more fruitful to practice your skills in innuendo, hearsay, and character assassination. It is more productive to sharpen your one liners and to re-poison your pen.

Am I a Republican? Am I a Democrat? If we go by percentages I would be a Republican. More of my beliefs are in alignment with traditional Republican positions than Democratic ones. Do I totally agree with all their positions? - No. Do I totally disagree with all Democratic positions? - No.

Can I be a Republican without defending the current President? - Yes. If the president does something stupid, does that invalidate everything Republican? - No. As much as I disliked certain aspects of Clinton’s administration and his moral failings does this mean that he didn’t have some worthwhile accomplishments? – No.

The text on your screen is usually the only thing that is black and white. Why is there the expectation that someone’s political beliefs need be an all or nothing proposition? Is it possible that someone might think differently on a subject than you do without their opinion being based on “screwing the poor”, “making the rich richer”, or “imposing their bankrupt morals on others”? Are all opposing points of view automatically assigned to nefarious aims? It sure seems that why in these forums for the last 10 months.

I remember a thread in which the topic was the opinion that a large percentage of the highest non-corporate income earners paid little or no federal income taxes. I remember that links were posted to Internal Revenue Service studies showing that this opinion is, in reality, an urban myth. I also remember that the chief proponent of that inaccurate view seemed to suddenly lose the URL for the Round Table. This seemed to be a fair indication that the point of view was paramount and it’s validity secondary. I have no need to spit into that kind of constantly blowing wind.

Dr. Beetle

posted on August 11, 2001 07:13:36 PM new
Damn, I wish I'd said that. applause, applause, applause

It's the labeling that kills us humans every time, imo.

Not paranoid anywhere else but here!
posted on August 11, 2001 08:22:54 PM new
I like this Doctor....well spoken, salient points, thank you, thank you!!

posted on August 12, 2001 08:18:21 AM new

If doctors say something stupid does that invalidate everything medical or educational? No it does not.


posted on August 12, 2001 08:44:11 AM new
Well said, Drbeetle. And the remark above mine helps rest your case. Never misses an opportunity to have a snide comment at a well said post, right?

[ edited by hepburn on Aug 12, 2001 02:50 PM ]
posted on August 12, 2001 09:07:37 AM new
: Doctor Proctor at your service!

posted on August 12, 2001 09:18:14 AM new
DoctorBeetle IMHO, yours is the best post of this whole thread

Helen??? huh?

[email protected]
posted on August 12, 2001 10:03:57 AM new
"It is the rampant absolutism prevalent in these so-called political threads that makes the thought of posting links to “prove” a point of view laughable"

How tortuous a wait it must have been for you, hoping that eventually your words would be gone from archives and irretrievably lost so that you could then commence again with the snide sort of commentary which you like best to do, instigating.

But not all of it is gone.

It was you, doctorbeetle, and others who began the demand for links to 'prove' points, and it was you with those others who posted incessently and in grand style your chiding name calling and gloating comments to and about the democratic party and all democratic posters in this forum. Have you forgotten your alliance with that model of rampant absolutism, sgtmike?

Not much remains, but there is one still, a cute little recommendation that Al Gore find work writing concession speeches. And it was that sort of posting which got you like posting in kind in return. Do you remember your repeated claims of "giving as good as you get"? You were right in with the rest of the labelers and namecallers, enjoying your sport at the expense of those who were (and are) outraged at the manipulation which resulted in this presidency, and it shows something of your character to now deny that you were by posting as you just have done.

As to this:

[i]"I remember a thread in which the topic was the opinion that a large percentage of the highest non-corporate income earners paid little or no federal income taxes. I remember
that links were posted to Internal Revenue Service studies showing that this opinion is, in reality, an urban myth. I also remember that the chief proponent of that inaccurate
view seemed to suddenly lose the URL for the Round Table. This seemed to be a fair indication that the point of view was paramount and it’s validity secondary. I have no need to spit into that kind of constantly blowing wind"[/i].

What a piece of selective recall that is! That discussion went this way and that way, but my only point was that the individual smart guys who avoid all tax do so by incorporating themselves in effect so that no monies are paid them for tax purpose. I posted that I have done so myself and that the really big income earners pay little orno tax by that mechanism. You had gone onto a different tangent with borillar concerning the flat tax proposition, and since you had supported my point with:

DoctorBeetle posted on December 24, 2000 08:42:49 PM

"While corporations might pay zero taxes due to write-offs and tax incentives the Alternative Minimum Tax prevents that urban myth from happening to many a tax payer".

I left the thread so that you and borillar could continue the flat tax discussion.

posted on August 12, 2001 11:00:13 AM new

Although I have had the opportunity, I have never said to you

NearTheSea???, huh???

Keep that BS to yourself and so will I. OK?


posted on August 12, 2001 11:11:36 AM new
And good morning to you also Ken.

I am well acquainted with the search function for the forum archives and of the longevity of posts to them. If you wish to peruse my posts to the thread KRS refers to use this link. Reading them will show that I have been guilty of the occasional request for a link to support a statement or position, of having made sarcastic replies to other posters comments, of each and every offense the KRS would so righteously convict me of having committed.

Also, I will not deny that I have been in agreement with the notoriously inflexible Sgt. Mike. Amazingly enough I have actually found myself agreeing with KRS and Borillar on some subjects. If sporadic agreement with some of the more adamant posters constitutes an alliance then Sgt. Mike, KRS, Borillar, and myself comprise the strangest cabal you will ever encounter. As I stated previously I can not absolutely assign my beliefs to one camp or the other. Neither label fits me very well.

I freely admit that I have been occasionally guilty of using one liners and a mildly toxic pen. Some of the more entertaining posts to forum threads have been amusing because of their witty use of these very things. But what is amusing on a spot basis becomes tedious when it persists for months on end.

If, many months from now, I am continuing to post on this same topic, if I am relentlessly trolling for opportunities to bash my opponents and question their motives, only then will I be guilty of what I objected to in my previous post to this thread. If one were to review the forum archives looking for this type of activity it won’t me my name that they would find.

Dr. Beetle

Edited to fix UBB booboo.
[ edited by DoctorBeetle on Aug 12, 2001 11:18 AM ]
posted on August 12, 2001 11:41:18 AM new
Thank you, doctorbeetle. I only wanted there not to be a perversion in the perception of the actuality of the two sided nature of the antagonistic postings of the past.

I will submit to you now that my intentions have been grossly misunderstood. I don't, in general, harbor any ill will toward anyone because of their political leanings and have not continued to post about the occurances in this administration with any animosity in mind.

It is only that the administration is news and the sympathetic news is all too easy to obtain. Actually, it's difficult to avoid given the nature of a large part of the mainstream media. They do, after all, rely upon the good grace of that administration in obtaining information for speedy output in competition with the others of their occupation. I mean by that that the administration will close the door to access if it is displeased, and the agencies cannot afford that if they hope to keep making money. This has recently happened to Jerry Politex in fact because he carried a story about a story which the administration would suppress.

Since the mainstream sources are thus decidely one-sided I seek out and post if I can the other side, or at least information from the other side of the story as it comes to us on our TV sets on the six o'clock news.

People, mostly those with republican sympathies, take umbrage to my doing that and call me all sorts of things and accuse me of even more. Motives which I do not have are attributed to me. Secret agendas are mine alone. Recently some of the most stupid assumptions about anyone were passed out about me. To me it's all pretty ridiculous and I usually ignore all but the most virelent.

My whole interest is to know what is going on with this presidential program and I would do exactly the same thing that I am doing if it were Al Gore, Willy Brown, or the man in the moon who was slipping these apparently destructive agendas out upon the American people.

posted on August 12, 2001 12:18:04 PM new
Helen, I don't read every single thread, and always thought your post to me were at least, gracious, I have never seen you so rude? I don't have another word for it.

Keep the BS to myself, got it.

[email protected]
posted on August 12, 2001 12:20:55 PM new



posted on August 12, 2001 12:58:16 PM new

Maybe I should apologize to you. As you may know, I have been under fire by a few posters here lately. I have been falsely acused of being an intolerant bigot which is outrageously untrue. I have always been very sensitive to oppression and racism and so I am totally in the dark as to why these posters have targeted me with such a scrrilous accusation.

I am not a member of a triad or any other kind of alliance. I am just me, alone. And, although I am sensitive, I am tough. They will not dictate to me where or what I am allowed to post on this board.

So please accept my apology to you. At the time, it sounded like you were inferring, along with them that I had just made a dumb reply. If you read the previous post, you might understand that remark.


posted on August 12, 2001 01:21:28 PM new
[ edited by ZiLvY on Aug 12, 2001 01:24 PM ]
posted on August 12, 2001 01:28:51 PM new


You are such a magnificent human being only surpassed by angels from heaven. How incredulous that you would believe that I was referring to you as a gangbanger.


posted on August 12, 2001 02:10:12 PM new
Whining again Helen? "That poster is picking on me again...wahhh", then turning around and giving excuses as to your rudeness. Frankly, Im sick of it. Nearthesea has done nothing to you, and neither has zilvy, but you continue to berate them for PERCEIVED insults. Grow up. Better yet, pass on the Happy Hour once in awhile, why dont ya.

posted on August 12, 2001 02:19:19 PM new

I'll be the first to admit that just coming on shift after a week off, I haven't read anything of this thread but the last page. I don't need to read anymore though to find a number of insults being bandied about.

Quit with the digs at eachother and get back on topic. Any further violations will be moderated and may result in the possible closure of this thread.

[email protected]

*edited because my typing ability is obviously still on vacation
[ edited by MichelleG on Aug 12, 2001 02:21 PM ]
posted on August 12, 2001 03:18:06 PM new

Just need to let everyone know that I do not whine or have happy hour.


posted on August 12, 2001 04:13:48 PM new
I do.

I especially like red whine during happy hour.

posted on August 12, 2001 04:22:08 PM new


You must be a privileged character!!!

posted on August 12, 2001 04:26:14 PM new
I'm having skim milk. LoL


posted on August 12, 2001 04:31:54 PM new

I have no intention of getting in the middle of barb throwing, preferring to live by the rule: One does not always have to say what one is thinking.

However, the question begs to be asked...


Re your 2:10 post, what is your excuse?

posted on August 12, 2001 04:40:06 PM new
I thought you werent going to get involved? Guess it just begs for an answer and you cant help yourself, huh?

I dont need an excuse. Its plain to see that no matter what anyone says, its going to be construed as insults. Whats yours for asking?

posted on August 12, 2001 04:46:16 PM new
Almost two hours from insult to whimpering,
apology...perhaps this outtake will help determine why the feelings are high...this is only one of many...

by HJW 8-9-01
All of you who are so titilated by sex and hold it in such high esteem...to the point of voting for an unqualified candidate are a bunch of narrow minded fools and deserve to have George Bush as your "president."
Too bad that wonderful Clinton wasn't running for yet a third term...he wasn't running HJW,our choice was Bush or a less than animated bed post!!!

posted on August 12, 2001 04:48:18 PM new
These are more recent ones.

posted on August 2, 2001 11:46:06 AM
Hepburn and Zilvy

Wow! I just returned to find that you have twisted my silly little innocuous remark on this thread all to hell.

Humor is my usual response to just about everything and I would be the last poster here to object to a humorous remark about anything!


posted on August 5, 2001 07:15:06 AM new Unfortunately, I have to go out for a few hours and will not be available for attack right now.


posted on August 5, 2001 07:37:27 AM Toke and KatyD

It is clear that you prefer to talk about corn bread, turnips and small town charm
on this thread and I will not interfere.

I am out of here and you can all rake me over the coals. I really don't give a sh*t.
Let's see..there will be Hepburn, Zilvy, Toke, Little jt and KatyD. Enjoy your goodhearted selves.

posted on August 7, 2001 06:59:14 AM

You are trying your best to get me removed from Auction Watch and this little effort will fail.

It appears that romance and beds are your primary concerns. I don't have an answer for you on that score. You can always dream.


And you wonder why I said I was tired of it?

posted on August 12, 2001 04:49:47 PM new

I'm still drinking skim milk, Femme and Rawbunzel.

LoL Helen

posted on August 12, 2001 04:52:14 PM new

posted on August 12, 2001 04:56:53 PM new

Weren't any of you ever told "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all?"

Once more with feeling

Cut the crap and get back on topic. Use the "ignore" feature, stick your fingers in your ears and sing 'LaLaLa" in a loud voice, sit on your fingers - whatever works!

[email protected]
posted on August 12, 2001 04:59:15 PM new
Maybe I should point out that all of these remarks are taken out of context.



[ edited by Hjw on Aug 12, 2001 05:00 PM ]
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