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posted on September 8, 2001 05:08:50 AM new
Sorry I missed you Pharlap!! I got busy paying bills and had to hunt something down, it took awhile.

Hi Netta! Glad to hear the family is ok.

posted on September 8, 2001 07:07:32 AM new
Hello, ALL When Bob said no power and yet he was posting I pictured a squirrel in one of those round excercise wheels running like crazy to keep hie 'puter running. I am so glad to hear that you had no serious damage Bob. I bet your wild and wooly neighbor with the new house was thinking boy
I took those trees down just in time.

Pharlap Good to see you post. Are you feeling alright? Yanno I think we need you to find a good joke from one of your sources (of course it had to be approved by Mama Michelle) but we need a good laugh.

Netta How is our Chocolate deprived girl doing? I rely on Nestles Sugar free Quick for a legal chocolate fix even in 1% milk it tastes good. Havn't heard any hollering about little Jess lately. Is he being a "Good" doggie?

Mouse you must be sleeping better, when I try to catch up on this thread I don't find many entries from you. No stones for you but they don't know whats up yet.
Is little POGO healing well?
I just went thru several days of hell trying to get thru to two DR's. Answering machine says our office hours are 10 to 4:50 PM here it is 10:05, :15, :20 and we still get the machine...then at 4:35 we get the ans. serv. oh they left at 4:30...good I'll be right over to die on your damned doorstep! Finally, 3 days later we make serious contact and get a couple of perscriptions with an appt. for Monday. Will try not to die before appt. Can you tell I am really ticked?!? Oh,but the topper was the only pharmacy I am allowed to use under the HMO didn't have the one medication that was supposed to relieve the terrible let spasms & cramps. Hubby talked to the Phamacist and he finally came up with a substitute to help me out till the med gets in on Monday!

[ edited by zilvy on Sep 8, 2001 07:10 AM ]
posted on September 8, 2001 07:41:48 AM new
Hi Zilvy!! I'm still up. It took me awhile to balance my checkbook and pay a stack of bills. *whew* Now I can play for a bit.

Dontcha just hate dealing with doctors & pharmacies?? I swear they all are trying to drive us nuts! My doctor should've called me last week with the test results. He acts so nonchalantly, meanwhile I'm chewing my fingernails! (Ok, I don't really chew my nails, thank goodness, but I was nervous about it! ) So, I've kind of been hesitating doing anything until I knew what was going on, in case they wanted to take it out. So he cost me a week, dang it!

Oh well, c'est la vie! So what's the matter with you dear?? I hope it's not too terribly horrible!

posted on September 8, 2001 08:17:13 AM new
Too funny, I've been writing you an email.
Didn't know you were still on the board.
Good to see you....CYE

posted on September 8, 2001 08:24:09 AM new
On my way!

posted on September 9, 2001 01:15:00 AM new
Wow 4 in the morning and no activity. That party a page back must have whipped everybody. I guess these guys can't party like the 70's.

zilvy - That sounds like the level of care you should expect in Afganistan.

Edited because there is no b in Afgabistan.

[ edited by gravid on Sep 9, 2001 01:16 AM ]
posted on September 9, 2001 02:34:17 AM new
Hello one and all sorry I dropped out last night Mouse, I was not ignoring you.

Gravid we can still party, it is just that your 4am is our 6pm or close to it and that is meal time in my house and I am usually in the kitchen. As a matter of fact the 70s' was my party age and then in the eighties I forgot how to party cause I had babies and on to the nineties those babies were growing up and now we have the naughties and it is party time once more. Or at least my mind is willing only my body says it is creak rattle and roll, not shake rattle and roll. LOL Or come to think of it some of my parts do shake where they never shook before.

Zilvy thank you for the chocolate tips, I can have Mars Lite Bars, but I have never been a fan of Mars Bars at the best of times, oh well I guess beggars can't be choosers hey.

Now on to that b!tch of a dog (in more ways that one), yes she is still here and yes she is still being a very destructive little animal. She loves to chew my shoes for some reason (maybe they smell more than everyone elses), I am not sure why. I have not said much about her because not everyone wants to hear the ongoing saga of my pet.

You will love this one. My son decided he would help by cleaning out the pond, so that the stupid dog could paddle and drink clean water. So how does he do this little feat. First he shovels out all the leaves and silt at the bottom of the pond because 'you know Mum all the plants were dead anyway'.....so what happened to the poor water lillies that had managed to survive Jess's rampage. Well he dumped them, because they were all broken and he didn't think I would want broken and scumy plants. Lord give me strength!! What the dog doesn't kill the kid will.

Now the little mongrel will not even drink from the pond because it is too clean. I really think she only liked it because it was dirty and made her smell when she got in it. Anyway I have a picture of her to share with you. This will be the only one I put up, because I don't want to bore everyone.

Now you see why I haven't killed her yet, she is just to darn cute.

[ edited by nettak on Sep 9, 2001 02:36 AM ]
posted on September 9, 2001 02:41:36 AM new
Oh now Netta, you know how we all love animal stories! Besides, if you don't bore us with yours, how do you expect us (ok, mainly me to bore you with ours??

posted on September 9, 2001 03:48:42 AM new
Yes Mouse I know how some of you do like animal stories but I also know that not everyone does so that is why I don't want to put too much about my mutt.

I will be in and out tonight for a little while if you are still around. I have a few things to do elsewhere but I will pop back shortly.

Oh I almost forgot to tell you that I think I saw half the American population in town this morning. We decided to go into the city for a look around this morning as the Myer Centre is open on a Sunday and my lord I can not tell you how many Americans were roaming around. Mostly sporty types from the Goodwill Games which have been hosted here in town. I think a lot of them were doing last minute gift buying before heading home, or at least that is what it looked like.

posted on September 9, 2001 04:07:22 AM new
Oh that reminds me Netta, I saw a bit on the Great Barrier Reef last week and was going to ask my Aussie pals if any of you are somewhat close to it at all? I was going to guess (vaguely remembering the map) that either you or Pharlap are the closest. It looks so gorgeous, made me want to hop on a plane!!

I have some new pictures for everyone. Again, I'm going to do links so I don't slow down the page.

Here's KD asleep, looking very cute:

I woke her up with the camera:

Pogo being her cute self:

I just love this shot of her!

And last, but not least, my new oven!

And the sparkling inside:

*Now I know barrier has two r's, and I could have sworn I pressed r twice...

PC4Gamers [ edited by MouseSlayer on Sep 9, 2001 04:09 AM ]
posted on September 9, 2001 04:25:01 AM new
Good lord Mouse now you made me think that I have to clean my oven. LOL Mine was once sparkly too. I actually do have to clean it because I cooked something last night that overflowed in it and I was busy so I did not clean it then. Oh well maybe my cleaning fairy will turn up sometime soon and do it for me. haha

I am not sure how you get your cats to stay still while you take there picture, mine is so spastic that it doesn't stay still and if it does all you get is a black fluffy mass instead of what should look like a cat.

Yep Mouse I am not that far from the Barrier Reef and neither is Pharlap for that matter, it is futher up our coast line and it is very beautiful.

posted on September 9, 2001 04:30:57 AM new
Oh believe me, it doesn't look that clean now!

Wow, I don't know how to snorkle, but as soon as hubby makes it rich (or at least very well off ), I'll be out for a visit! Maybe I should start looking into getting a passport...

Trust me, the cats don't always sit still. KD sleeps very deeply, and I happened to walk by when she was all curled up. She was in the clothes basket on top of the dryer. All 3 of the girls love it in there, that's their nest. Pogo was watching me do something when I took those pictures. It's in the kitchen, so I'm thinking it was when I was taking the oven pictures. So I just turned around and took a few of her too.

posted on September 9, 2001 05:37:39 AM new
Sorry Mouse I got side tracked with something else. It is getting late and I have to be up early in the morning so I will say goodnight.

posted on September 9, 2001 05:43:18 AM new
No problem Netta, I'm sitting here nodding off myself. I had another insomnia day today so I'm beat. See you tomorrow night I hope!

posted on September 10, 2001 02:58:08 AM new
Anyone around yet?

Nettak - don't worry, I love animals so there's no way you could be boring me with your stories I must say though as cute as that mutt is I don't trust that fake innocent look on her face!

Mouse - You are so lucky that you have a photogenic cat! Mine's no good in photo's as she has no defining features. She's black all over (including nose, paw pads) and when I take a photo of her she just comes out as a black blob with two green little eyes poking out somewhere (when she doesn't close them the second I press the button that is!!!)

Zilvy - I'm ok I had a good chuckle when I read this: "Are you feeling alright? Yanno I think we need you to find a good joke..."
As if you're thinking "hell, she hasn't told any jokes for a while so something must be really wrong!!!" I'll look for one a bit later and post it for you...

Hi to Bob & Gravid as well

posted on September 10, 2001 03:16:15 AM new
Ok Zilvy, you asked for it!

A Scottish tourist attended his first baseball game in the US and after a base hit he hears the fans roaring "Run....Run!"

The next batter connects heavily with the ball and the Scotsman stands up and roars with the crowd in his thick accent: "R-r-run ya bahstard, r-run will ya!"

A third batter hits a slam and again the Scotsman, obviously pleased with his knowledge of the game, screams "R-r-run ya bahstard, r-r-run will ya!"

The next batter steadfastly holds his swing four times and as the ump calls a walk the Scotsman stands up and yells "R-r-run ya bahstard, r-r-run!"

All the surrounding fans giggle quietly and he sits down confused. A friendly fan, sensing his embarrassment, whispers to the Scotsman, "He doesn't have to run, he's got four balls."

After this explanation the Scotsman stands up in disbelief and screams, "Walk with pr-r-ride man! Walk with pr-r-ride!!!!"

posted on September 10, 2001 08:20:25 AM new
Pharlap Ya done good lassie! We tell it with an Italian, who stands and says,"Walka proud Joe, walka proud!" I love it both ways!! Thank ye, thank ye!!

Gravid There you go again being funny with the typo's when you weren't even trying!
Afgabistan, isn't that the country everyone is always gabing about that the Russians invaded?
Bob I meant to mention how wonderful your yard looks. Great job with the layout and lovely plants. All our flowers are gone by now, and soon the leaves will turn color. We have a couple of Swamp Maples that turn before any of the others and their leaves are quite wonderful, crimson & yellow!

Netta That little angle dog is being naughty? Why to look at that sweet face who would dream such a thing!! She's just a little kid, and doesn't know any better!!

Spelling, spelling, spelling will I ever get it right???
[ edited by zilvy on Sep 10, 2001 08:54 PM ]
posted on September 10, 2001 08:52:26 PM new
Nettak I don't know if you got a chance to see this, Hepburn, posted a link on another thread. I just copied the Haiku for Dogs especially for you!!!Dog Haiku

I love my master;
Thus I perfume myself with
This long-rotten squirrel.

I lie belly-up
In the sunshine, happier than
You ever will be

Today I sniffed
Many dog butts-I celebrate
By kissing your face.

I sound the alarm!
Paperboy--come to kill us all--
Look! Look! Look! Look! Look!

I sound the alarm!
Mailman Fiend--come to kill us all--
Look! Look! Look! Look! Look!

I sound the alarm!
Meter reader--come to kill all--
Look! Look! Look! Look! Look!

I sound the alarm!
Garbage man--come to kill us all--
Look! Look! Look! Look! Look!

I sound the alarm!
Neighbor's cat--come to kill us all!
Look! Look! Look! Look! Look!

I lift my leg and
Wiz on each bush. Hello, Spot --
Sniff this and weep

How do I love thee?
The ways are numberless as
My hairs on the rug.

My human is home!
I am so ecstatic I have
Made a puddle

I hate my choke chain --
Look, world, they strangle me! Ack
Ack Ack Ack Ack Ack!

Sleeping here, my chin
On your foot -- no greater bliss -- well,
Maybe chasing cats

Look in my eyes and
Deny it. No human could
Love you as much I do

The cat is not all
Bad--she fills the litter box
With Tootsie Rolls

Dig under fence--why?
Because it's there. Because it's
There. Because it's there.

I am your best friend,
Now, always, and especially
When you are eating.

You may call them fleas,
But they are far more --I call
Them a vocation

posted on September 11, 2001 05:29:10 PM new
Hey guys! Anybody gotten a hold of our pal Rocker? I don't know how close she was to all the crap going on in NY today, and was just hoping she was alright. I did try to e-mail her, but no reply as of yet.

posted on September 11, 2001 05:34:03 PM new
Hi Tigerlady, I have also emailed her but have not had a reply yet. I think she will be swamped by all of us worrying about her and emailing her. Anyway Zoomin 'talked' to her earlier and she is shocked but fine and was off to give blood.

I can not tell you how relieved I was to hear that she was okay. I checked to see if she had her instant message on but it was off, so I will try again later because emails are not the same as talking direct.

posted on September 11, 2001 05:38:37 PM new
I forgot to say that if you read page 4 in the "Two jets crash into World Trade Center!" thread, Zoomin posted part of the email from Jan....take care of yourself Tigerlady, and I love your little tiger gifs as well.

posted on September 12, 2001 01:48:45 AM new
This is for those of you who love Rocker, it is part of an email I got from her about an hour ago. I wanted to share with you because I know that a lot of people care for and love Jan, she has a lot of friends who may have been worried about her.

"I am fine... in shock, but fine. I don't live close to the WTC - however, it is still sort of "my city", ya know... I couldn't go
anywhere, the trains weren't running, and all I could see from the train platform behind my house was smoke and NO MORE world trade center...?!?!?
...a very very strange and eerie sight. I am grateful my friends are ok - except for one I am concerned about who was in the middle of it and got away... I am afraid he may be suffering from post traumatic stress
disorder... but I thank the gods he is alive and home and otherwise well. I got calls from friends and family all over, even Australia and England. Netta I hear this is big big news over there as well.

And to attack thousands of INNOCENT people is WRONG WRONG WRONG and it is a terrible day in NYC. Thank you so much for your email and your thoughts. I will stop in to the RT soon when I can speak more coherently.
XOXOXO Much Much Love,
JannieBoy "

I don't think that Jan will mind me sharing this with you, because I know how much she is loved by a lot of the posters here at AW.

posted on September 12, 2001 02:56:44 AM new
Thank you for sharing Netta. When some of the shock wore off and I got online, I freaked about Jan. Then I read the other thread that said she was ok. I was going to email her, but thought she's probably overwhelmed right now, so I'll wait a day or two.

{{{{{Hugs}}}}} to everyone!

posted on September 12, 2001 03:33:22 AM new
Hi Mouse, you are welcome. It is hard being such a long way away from friends when they are going through something like this and when I got Jan's email I was just so pleased to hear from her direct and to hear that she is fine and unharmed that I thought I would share it with everyone, (Spaz especially because I know how much he cares for Jan), and a few of us here have been through some heavy stuff with Jan in the early days of this thread part 1, that I thought we all needed to hear she is doing okay.

posted on September 12, 2001 03:44:14 AM new
I'm so glad to hear that Rocker is ok... She was the first person I thought of when I heard the awful news

I've only just come online after after watching the coverage on CNN all day. I woke up at 2.00am to the news and have been glued to the tv ever since.

I am so deeply shocked that such a thing could happen I just can't find the words. I'm glad that everyone on these boards appears to be safe but my heart goes out to the victims families. I just can't imagine what they must be going through at the moment.

posted on September 12, 2001 04:39:31 AM new
To all of you post to these boards.
I have watched since the beginning the events of the last day unfold in New York.
I have for the first time in my life never been so totally lost for words on how to describe my feelings about the utter evil of the attack and my sorrow for all those directly and indirectly who are suffering.
In the last few hours I have forced myself away from the television and have got back to work, but I feel a terrible sadness for everyone.
I am also feeling the most immense feeling of rage beginning to build up inside me.
In my lifetime I have lived through and seen tradgedy before, including terrorism, but never have I felt as I do now.
It is not just up to the USA to seek out these vile people but the whole right thinking world must also help to rid us of this scourge to humankind.
Today the world has new widows and widowers.
Children have lost their parents and parents their children.
People have lost bothers and sisters, nephews and nieces, aunties and uncles.
It has gone too far to "turn the other cheek" and retribution has to happen.
To all of the victims and survivors, May Your God Go With You.
posted on September 12, 2001 04:59:37 AM new
Oh thank goodness! I did just check my e-mail and she did get back with me. I am SO glad to hear she's OK!

Hi Netta - I've been playing with a new graphics (and animation) program, can ya' tell? I am now the proud owner of my very own line of tiger smilies. (well, still working on some)

Hi Mousie - I did the exact same thing. For the longest time I was just in shock (still doesn't feel real - it's weird. I guess I'm still kinda' in shock) but once that wore off a bit I was like "Oh SH!T, JAN!"

(Hi to you, too Pharlap!)

Well-put Bob! Much better than I could have put it right now!

I made this little guy yesterday - I guess my feelings about all this crap must have been coming through, 'cause he pretty much sums it up:

posted on September 12, 2001 05:21:42 AM new
Well spoken Bob I could not come up with the right words, it is still too much of a shock for me to take it all in even after almost 24 hours.

{{{{Tiger}}}} you and your little tigers are cute, I am glad you heard from Jan as well. I paniced about her all day until I got her email, and the funny part is that I kept checking all day long and then this afternoon I had to go down the road and instead of checking as soon as I came back I went and did something else and had a look at the TV broadcast once more. My daughter came running in and told me that Rocker had emailed and I just dropped everything to come and read it. Talk about relief. I know it is silly, because Zoomin had already told us that Jan was alright, but it was like I had to hear for myself before I really believed it.

posted on September 14, 2001 12:49:37 AM new
Just look what I found on the second page!
(is this a first? ...of course with all that's going on lately, I can understand...)

{{{{{Netta}}}}} - that wasn't silly, Jan's our friend, and we care about her... (I did the same thing)
(and thanks about the tigers)
I've been playing with them some more tonite since I couldn't sleep.
Just finished the "eek" one so of course I had to post him.

I'm out for now - it's 3:45am... time to get some sleep.

posted on September 14, 2001 01:14:02 AM new
Hi Tiger, yep it probably is a first for us to end up on the 2nd page listings, but a lot has been going on in both our worlds lately.

My son almost died last night and I am a wreck, I am only here for a very short time becasue I have only had 3 hours sleep over the last couple of days and I have to get back to the hospital.

Josh is 17 and yesterday he severed an artery and a nerve in his foot, he lost a lot of blood and thank god he was at home when he did it, because I can not even face the thought of what could have happened if he had of been somewhere else when it happened. He had emergency surgery yesterday and the doctors do not know just how bad the damage will be. He does have feeling and sensation in his foot but the nerve has been cut so it may affect his balance and we would only be guessing how long it will take to heal. I am probably not making a lot of sense here so I will talk to you all later. Maybe in a couple of days, depending on how Josh is going.

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