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posted on September 13, 2001 10:49:44 AM new
. No, this thread is ugly through and through.

inside, I believe you can take credit for that, as you were the person who filled it with little love notes like:

KRS, You are a feedback shilling ebay Naru who has used mutliple IDs on OAI boards to cause trouble for years. Freedom of speech is simpy a tool you use to try to defend your bully tactics and fantical displays. In the past few months your obsessiveness has been scary and I really fear for your mental stability


HJW, you are sick. Truly neurotic.


Spaz, I used to have a small amout of respect for you even when I disagreed with you. But I know you've been on this board for years and you knew, without a doubt, what this thread would turn into and still you posted it. You make me sick today.

Credit where credit is due ...

posted on September 13, 2001 10:49:48 AM new

No need to worry about moderation today.


posted on September 13, 2001 10:52:13 AM new
krafty Thanks, friend

inside...closing this thread is NOT your call...Only Spaz or the Mod Squad can... And quit that nasty, hateful attitude towards most posters here....How about signing up for antisocial.com?
Gosh Shosh!
My "About Me" Page
posted on September 13, 2001 10:52:54 AM new
The point is, that everyone deals with stuff differently. Not excuses, but maybe some empathy would better suit.

posted on September 13, 2001 10:55:52 AM new

I don't see anyone here without empathy. Do you?


posted on September 13, 2001 10:57:02 AM new

You have got your wish. Suspended for 15 days for violation of the CG's for continued insults after nudge and warning. Due to be re-instated Sept. 28th.

[email protected]
posted on September 13, 2001 10:57:53 AM new
Yes. I see it. DONT you?

posted on September 13, 2001 10:58:42 AM new
Now....where were we?
Gosh Shosh!
My "About Me" Page
posted on September 13, 2001 10:59:55 AM new
Shut the thread down?
Interesting request, coming as it does from the poster who has done more to drag this thread down into acrimony than all the rest combined. Crisis does not mean we must stand in a straight line and give the facist salute to Der Leader.

Returning to the original topic: I caught an interview on either ABC or (MS)NBC with a republican senator (I believe he was from Nebraska). Sorry, can't remember the name. He was blaming the intelligence failures of the Clinton administration for this.

The recession is Clinton's fault. The greatest act of terrorism in history, eight months after his departure from the White House, is Clinton's fault. May I ask those who find the very name of our current alleged president to be sacrosanct and not to be uttered except with the most sincere respect: Just how long must he be in office before he takes any responsiblity for anything? Two years? Four? Will it be appropriate to hold him responsible for whatever happens after he's been out of office awhile?

I was surprised to see him pull the phoney baloney televized conference call gimmick again. What an absurd PR stunt.
[email protected]
posted on September 13, 2001 11:01:38 AM new

The fact that we are concerned with the performance of the president does not in any way indicate that we have no empathy. Where do you see this?


posted on September 13, 2001 11:05:21 AM new
If you insist.

I see someone who is battling their own demons, someone who for reasons we dont know, is having a meltdown, like other posters before them. Who here has never said or posted something in the heat of the moment, because they didnt know how else to express themselves and lashed out? Anyone care to raise their hand and say they havent. Considering we dont know who these posters are in RL, or what they have experienced in this awful thing that has happened in America, I dont see why we cannot have some empathy. No excuses, because what comes out of that posters mouth via typing may be horrid, but understanding of the cause may warrant that empathy instead of attacking them.

posted on September 13, 2001 11:07:13 AM new
Smitty, after reading spaz's post at the top of page 4, all I can say is Thank-you.

{{{{Shosh}}}}, you are MOST welcome!

posted on September 13, 2001 11:09:11 AM new
kraftdinner Just because you didn't see something said, doesn't mean it didn't happen. You said this to me once, also, and I'd like you to know I personally resent it.

inside - I've never heard Shosh say she wish Bush would die unless she was being facetious. Some posts are actually meant to lighten our thoughts but are taken out of context. I hope you can see that.

No offense to you Shosh, but you did say what inside stated. I read it, and both toke and I commented that we were surprise by you saying such a thing. I believe it was around the time President Bush was being sworn into office.

posted on September 13, 2001 11:09:32 AM new
I am not seeing where the President has gone wrong in this, I see him doing everything, that any President would do at this time.

No, I don't think he wants to go blow up a whole country, as he said, it needs to be thought through carefully on what they are going to do, not any knee jerk reaction (though I am sure that a lot would have wanted that, I would, that is IF we honestly knew exactly who was behind it, but we really don't)

I just cannot see the gov't releasing any intelligence information they have to the media and public right now. And I cannot fathom that he wants war, he did not know, like everyone else that this was going to happen, I do not see the man being so cold hearted as to see the lives of all those lost as his opportunity for his gain in POPULARITY? My God, that never entered my mind at all.

[email protected]
posted on September 13, 2001 11:12:58 AM new
Empathy is fine, but why should people be expected to abandon their viewpoints or suspend concerns about the nation's leadership just because we've come under fire from an enemy?

I didn't start this out to be an us vs. them thread -- in fact, in my first post I mentioned that the politicizing of the attack disgusted me. But what's happening here, this insistence that people not be critical despite having very real concerns --that they shut up for the "greater good" --is just wrong.

The President's public behavior in the wake of this attack does not instill confidence in me. This uncertainty fuels other worries I have about what he may do next, and why. Yet some of you demand that I remain silent. That's fascist.

What if tomorrow he announces that he's launching a nuclear attack on Afghanistan -- should I shut up then, too?

posted on September 13, 2001 11:13:27 AM new

I dont't understand.

Who is "battling their own demons and having a meltdown and how is this being demonstrated to you?"

I think that everyone should be free to express concern about a political problem, especially when we are having a crisis such as this one...when war is under consideration.

I'm sure that you must agree with this.


ed. to address..hepburn
[ edited by hjw on Sep 13, 2001 11:16 AM ]
posted on September 13, 2001 11:13:46 AM new
I didnt vote for bush. And I dam sure didnt want to see him in office. But hes all we have right now, and nothing we can say will change it. Bickering and fighting amongst ourselves about how awful he is, or what is thought to be wrong about him, wont change it.

posted on September 13, 2001 11:16:08 AM new
Yes, everyone should express their concern. Maybe what Im trying to say is, express it, but stand united. Dont let the enemy see our doubts. Thats what they will rely on in future. A house divided WILL fall.

posted on September 13, 2001 11:17:31 AM new
I consider myself patriotic. But this America lover is downright scared!

I get feelings of unease when I here our "leader" use words like "We will HUNT them down", "The forces of good and evil". I have the uneasy feeling this is a man who hasn't the ability to be levelheaded or calm. I fear he is a knee-jerk, "get 'im" type of person who doesn't think before he acts.

I am uneasy because I think he did not surround himself with levelheaded people so any advice he gets is on the same level as he appears to be.

I'm afraid he is going to get us into a "war" with a shadowy enemy that has no outwardly ties to any real government. I fear a guerilla war that will be fought on our soil.

I can understand protecting the president if there was really a concern he was targeted...but somehow I get a gut feeling of someone who is being melodramatic. I was uneasy watching him jump around the country like a frightened jack rabbit.

The "conference call" was nothing more than a very bad attempt at PR..to little, to late and way to silly.

I am wondering how our president's desire to be remembered well by the historians is playing into this.

I was saddened to see that Daddy Bush had to take over for his son and say the words his son should have been saying.

I'm just downright scared. Call it Bush bashing if you want.

posted on September 13, 2001 11:17:42 AM new
iamsam - You said, "...every member of this administration has held a news conference except for the one's that's in charge"

You also aren't watching the news. President Bush has in the last two days, given statements/interviews on TV at least five or six times.

He is saying he's not going to answer questions that are about what's going on with our intellegence agencies, and rightfully so. Our nation has just been attacked, and plans are being made as more information is accumulated. Do you really think he's going to give a blow by blow announcement about what decisions are being made? I can't believe you'd expect that from any one.

posted on September 13, 2001 11:18:21 AM new

Good heavens!!!

Upon reading page 2, I had to check the URL to make sure I really was on AW.

I don't view this thread as political per se.

It doesn't matter if the president is GW Bush or Joe Blow. The opinions, as I see them, are based on the performance of the man and his staff.

We need a leader at this dark time, not photo ops.

posted on September 13, 2001 11:18:24 AM new

exactly, no one can change who is in charge now.

I am sure that the President has advisors, like all others before him did, giving good advice, as we all hope.

But what has happened here, no other President or Administration has had to face before.

[email protected]
posted on September 13, 2001 11:21:19 AM new

That's exactly what a good leader should do..
inspire confidence and remove doubts!

I agree with that.


posted on September 13, 2001 11:21:23 AM new
"kraftdinner Just because you didn't see something said, doesn't mean it didn't happen. You said this to me once, also, and I'd like you to know I personally resent it."

LindaK, I apologize if I've offended you but if you are referring to Shosh's comments about Bush, all I can say is that some very finite-sounding statements are said but are not meant in the truest sense. When I have my period, I am well known for asking my friends to kill me. I sound VERY serious but am not. I believe it's called sarcasm and is sometimes needed to lighten things.

posted on September 13, 2001 11:23:28 AM new
Thank God that at least Congress understands the importance of unity now.

posted on September 13, 2001 11:29:00 AM new
Dont let the enemy see our doubts.
Oh, please. Free expression and communication of ideas are the reasons this nation is standing after 200 years. Insisting that everybody shut up and support the alleged president no matter what shows a complete disregard for the fundamental freedoms which have made this nation, as screwed up as it is, a place that millions flock to given the least chance. We will not preserve it by trying to stomp out dissent. You're in the wrong century and on the wrong continent for that kind of hogwash.
[email protected]
posted on September 13, 2001 11:29:26 AM new
Amen Femme!

posted on September 13, 2001 11:34:56 AM new
kraftdinner - With all due respect, I believe that you take some posters words as joking, and you assume all other do. They don't.

Shosh was not joking. She was *very* upset....not in a humorous mood. The thread was just another Bush bashing tread, and her words are there. I wish I'd save it so I could pull it up and offer proof.

What I was saying I resent, is when one poster takes another posters words in a different way than you take them, you seem to take the liberty to say you *know* they didn't say it or mean it. They own their words, they said it.

posted on September 13, 2001 11:35:01 AM new
No matter what we all think of our President right now, we need to band together. We have an incredible Vice President and Secretary of State for this horrible incident that has occurred. If we have to go to war, and I am sure we will, I feel confident in the #2 and #3 positions in our country.

This is certainly not the time to bash either Bush or Clinton.

Instead, I will be outside at 10:30 tonite and 7 pm tomorrow nite with my candle lit. I would like to invite you all to join me.

God Bless America.

posted on September 13, 2001 11:38:49 AM new
It might help if every single criticism of Bush wasn't automatially defined to be "bashing".
[email protected]
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