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posted on September 14, 2001 01:46:37 AM new
Netta How terrible to hear of your son's trauma. You must have been there when it happened. I bet that in spite of being weak in the knees you applied first aid right away. I am saying prayers for his recovery and his folks' peace of mind. {{{{Netta and family}}}}

posted on September 14, 2001 02:31:09 AM new
Hi Zilvy & Nettak

Nettak - sorry to hear about your son Thank God you were there when it happened. I have a good feeling though that he will come out of this just fine... Look after yourself!

posted on September 14, 2001 03:49:43 AM new
nettak,I've just seen your post.
Take the time to be with your son and stay strong.
We all care for you and you know you have everyones thoughts with you.
Our thoughts are with your son too.
Bob, Downunder but never down.
posted on September 14, 2001 04:17:30 AM new
OMG Netta, I am glad he's going to be ok. Take care of yourself and him, we'll still be here when things get better.

Sorry I haven't been here much myself the last couple of days. I've come down with a cold or flu or something and am not feeling well at all. I'm off to bed, I just wanted to check in. See you all soon!

posted on September 14, 2001 04:41:14 AM new
nettak - So sorry about the kid. When I was a little older I had a motorcycle wreak and pulled the nerve apart in my leg under my knee. It took about 6 months but it did heal.
It was just a terrible inconvenience because with the foot numb you don't get that feedback to know you have stepped on a seam in the pavement or a rock and it was real easy to fall or turn my ankle. No way in the world could I go out in the woods or climb on rock until it healed. He is young and they are better at microsurgery now so I hope he is mended soon. Was he working? I know you have to have a few hazards with wood cutting.
I am scared to death of the chippers - have feed one and am exhausted when I am done from being scared of it.

posted on September 14, 2001 10:35:55 AM new
OMG {{{{{{{{{{{{NETTA}}}}}}}}}}}}!!!

Well, like Gravid said - he is still young, so he should pull out of this just fine. It may take a while, but at least he's ok.

posted on September 14, 2001 09:38:01 PM new
Hello everyone, thank you for the lovely wishes for Josh. He is starting to argue so I think I could say honestly that he is going to be alright.....well alive for now anyway. The little sh!t wants to discharge himself and the doctors' are not at all happy about that let me tell you.....and to be totally honest neither am I, I do not want him to come home until I can be told that his wound will not start to bleed again (he has had 3 bad bleeds since surgery).

Okay I had better tell you what he did to himself, and first off No it wasn't on any of our machinery.

Joshua built himself a bike, it is called a "Chooky", stupid name I know but that is what they call them. The bike is made from a push bike, (the like dragstar bikes frames the best), anyway these bikes are converted and have the pedals taken off and a motor put on. Josh loves this bike and it goes pretty damn fast, however when the chain comes off and the sprocket is still spinning it can be very dangerous. This is what happened to my son, the chain came off and the sprocket cut very deeply into Josh, cutting an artery and a nerve and doing a few other bits of damage along the way. He is at present unable to put his foot down at all because everytime he puts it down it starts to bleed and the blood just pours out, so it is complete bedrest and they have let him use a wheelchair but only if he keeps his foot up on the footrest.

Can you imagine how my very extremely active 17 y.o. son is finding this. I have even gone to the lengths to buy him books that I hate wasting my money on, (Motor bike books and street machine mags ect.), just to keep him happy and in bed. The little sh!t will not eat anything, because, get this he does not want to use the bed pan, he will however use the bottle to wee into because the drip makes his bladder so full he does not have much choice on that one. I really do not know whether to laugh at him or hit him over the head. Josh is not your average kid, he has always been like 3 kids' rolled into one and so he is finding this really hard to cope with. God help me when he comes home!! It could be enough to send me competely around the twist.

I have the roof guys here at present as well and boy is that fun, today is the second day that they are here and the last I hope. At present I have a yard full of old tiles, tin stuff and god knows what else. Greg had already taken the old guttering down and gotten rid of it, so at least that is one less thing lying in my yard. This will be the last thing we have done for a while because we have spent so much money and I don't think we can afford to do anymore just yet. The only other thing is the painting inside and I will do most of that myself so I only have to get the paint and hopefully I can get that in the next week or so, although I will not be able to do it until Josh is completely mended and out of my hair.

Talk to you in the next day or so. Thanks again to you all. See you later.

posted on September 15, 2001 01:35:55 AM new
Gee - do you think he is too young to get him smashed? If he sat and sipped bourbon along with the pain meds that has a great tendancy to keep you in your chair. Thayt is of course at home. I suppose there are always handcuffs and silver duct tape. Never had to make someone that age sit still. I supose if he was really really convinced he would not heal if he did not, there should be some fear there somewhere of having a permanent limp if he doesn't let it heal right. I hope he doesn't think that would be "cool".

I would like to tell you something I can't post if you'd give me a throwaway address at
[email protected].

[ edited by gravid on Sep 15, 2001 01:42 AM ]
posted on September 15, 2001 04:13:06 AM new
Well the problem child is home again, and he is using his wheelchair but I think he needs some more lessons in how to drive the thing. The first casualty was my vacuum cleaner, he ran right over top of the hose, good this it sprang back or I might have wrapped it around his neck.

I have to take him back to the doctor on Monday provided he does not have a bleed overnight or tomorrow of course. I think he has gotten the picture of what could happen if he does not rest his foot, they told him that if he gets and infection or anything like that it could mean that he would have to have the foot amputated......that was enough to make him sit up and take notice.

I was kind of glad it was him and not me getting the shot of morphine because they gave it to him in the stomach and that must have hurt. I suppose it took his mind off his other pain at least. Have any of you seen someone when they have lost a lot of blood? I have never witnessed anything like that before and Josh started to shake and then sweat like nothing I have ever seen then his temp. went up through the roof and then he started to be sick.......and they told me that is normal. I hope that I never have to go through that ever again, I have never been so afraid in all my life.

Bob what do you think of the Ansett troubles? I for one would boycott Air New Zealand for the rest of my life.....to do what they did without batting an eyelid the directors need to be lined up and shot, and then the Government of New Zealand needs to be rattled as well for there part in all of this.......then our own government needs a little shake up also...I am hoping that they are going to do something to make sure that all the Aussies that have been put out of work are compensated for what they are owed. It is a very sad day for Australia, when a proud company that has been sold to another country can be treated in this way, 65 years of proud service to Australia and look what it has come to. It is not right. This has been a sh!tty week all round as far as I am concerned, first the bombing in America, then my son injuring himself and now Ansett. Something has to get better soon I hope.

Gravid I have emailed you with my email addy. Oh and my son is no stranger to the demon drink, he holds it better than most adults.....I know that is a sad thing for a mother to say but unfortunately or maybe fortunately as the case may be it is true. We have always let of kids' have drink at home because it is better for them to learn about it at home then out on the street with there mates. The legal age for alcohol drinking in Australia is 18, so he is still under age unless he is at home. And one thing I can say with great pride as a mother is that my children have never had even one drink and then gotten behind the wheel of a car or any vehicle. That is a big no no in my books and my kids' all know it.

Made an oops.

[ edited by nettak on Sep 15, 2001 04:17 AM ]
posted on September 15, 2001 07:28:39 AM new
sorry nettak - when I went to hushmail.com I found they had changed the system so I crash if I try to log in. I will miss the service.
Spent about an hour trying to reconfigure everything to make it work and I can't. In a few days it will probably be illegal to use here anyway. They are removing our privicy rights in the US over this attack. Not that we ever had an clear right to privacy like the swiss do in their constitution. It was alway interpreted by case law and in any case under a state of emergency they can set that aside.

I am glad to hear they got your boyo's ear!

Got a good URL for an Australian paper that will help us understand why that airline closing is so bad?

posted on September 16, 2001 04:45:51 AM new
Gravid - check out http://www.news.com.au/common/indepth/0,4811,ansettwoes^Ansett%20crisis^TEXT,00.html
[ edited by pharlap on Sep 16, 2001 05:44 AM ]
posted on September 16, 2001 06:32:59 AM new
I love it. - They let their opinion of him be known without any violence or property damage - just stranded his bunns so he could not go home. Some people you just don't want their business.

posted on September 16, 2001 01:22:21 PM new
``To have New Zealand abused like this because one company makes a major commercial mistake is intolerable,'' she said. Ms. Clark's words not mine.

Miss Clark described unions refusing to let her fly out of Melbourne on Friday as a ``diplomatic incident'' and said she had effectively been held hostage.

``Australia in general should feel embarrassed about the head of government of its closest neighbour and friend being targeted in this way,'' she said.

New Zealand would love to pin the blame on us for what has happened to Ansett, but the simple fact of the matter is that this company was once a thriving concern and then Air New Zealand took it over and ran it into the ground. Thousands of people are now out of a job and what was once the pride of Australia's air fleet has been dumped in a pile as too hard to handle.

What a lot of crap about us abusing Kiwis', we are not abusing the population of New Zealand just the Prime Minister and Air New Zealand, just the same as they would do to us if the shoe was on the other foot. I for one am feed up with there whining attidtude over everything that does not go there way.

The Prime Minister of NZ is a whiner of the first class, if she thinks this was a ``diplomatic incident'' and that she had "effectively been held hostage." good lord I would hate to see her in a real situation.

Oh and I feel no embarrassment about her being picketed and held up.....I am with the Ansett employees all the way, and I also do not see that NZ is being too friendly to us at this present time.

This is all just my own opinion of course, someone else may think differently.

They get me so angry that I can not spell.

[ edited by nettak on Sep 16, 2001 01:38 PM ]
posted on September 16, 2001 01:33:28 PM new
Don't let this disgruntle you, Nettak, I hate it when your gruntle is dis'd!!

posted on September 16, 2001 01:45:15 PM new
Okay Zilvy I will try not to get too gruntled over this, maybe it is just that this has been a sh!tty week all round.

Oh well my day is just starting and I have to take problem child to the doctor to have his dressing changed and the wound checked. He does not want to use the wheelchair now...It is too embarrassing, someone might see him... I told him that the little girls might feel sorry for him, it could be a big attraction, you never know. He was not impressed at all.

How do you explain in words that a 17 y.o. will understand that he has to be in this chair because to put his foot in a downward position may cause futher damage or it could start bleeding again. I think I should just hit him over the head and be done with it.

You know I was just thinking yesterday that my son is 17, thinks he is 30 and acts like he is 2.....but that sums up most 17 y.o. boys.

posted on September 17, 2001 08:17:44 AM new
Nettak, bless your little heart, I think a smack side of the head would probably do the trick, at least you'll feel like you gave it good effort. Seriously, I do hope he is paying attention, if he were to lose his foot because of being a dumbo how many girls would want to go stumping around with him....has he thought of that!?!?

Boy it is never an easy job being a mom but the mother of a boy...phew what a job! You take care. {{{Netta}}}

posted on September 18, 2001 06:51:03 AM new
Ok, now that I'm finally pulling myself out of my blue funk (as well as getting over my cold), I feel like chatting again. Like everyone else, the events last Tuesday really shocked, saddened, angered and horrified me. But the weird part is, I didn't cry until I got an email from our dear friend Rocker. (I think everyone got it too?) Reading her descriptive account from where it happened really brought it home to me finally. But you know what? I'm very glad she did send it to me, so that I could know what that city is really experiencing and so she can get some of it off her chest in this horrendous time.

Netta, how is your son doing? And did you ever tell us how he managed to try and amputate his foot??

Zilvy my friend, how are you holding up?

I'm going to keep this one short as it's already almost 7am here and I just am getting all caught up on email and threads. I'll try to pop back in tonight! Take care everyone. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}

posted on September 18, 2001 08:45:41 PM new
Hello everyone. Mouse glad to see you are feeling better.

If you look up towards the top of the page you will see how Josh hurt himself Mouse.

We had to go to the doctor's again today for the dressing to be changed and a general check, he has to go every 2 days now, anyway the problem child is not at all happy because he has to stay in the wheelchair for at least another 2 weeks before our doctor will let him go on to crutches. Our doctor wants to wait until Josh has seen the specialist and gets his clearance before she will let Josh loose on crutches.

We still do not know the extent of the nerve damage, one day he has fairly normal feeling in his toes and foot and the next it is partly numb again, so I think that is going to be something that takes a long time to heal. He tells me that he looks like a goober in the chair and that I am an unfeeling mother because, I just don't care that people look at him and he hates it. Yeah sure, this from the kid that loves attention. Oh I believe that he hates being in the chair, I also believe that he hates not being able to get on his bike and roar around like a delinquent of the first class.....do I sound like I care..hmmmm, well yes I care that my child is alive and I care whether or not he is going to be able to walk properly again one day, but I couldn't care less about what he thinks he looks like in the chair.

Did that sound like a rant.....you bettcha booties it did, this kid stresses me out big time....I am going to be looney tunes before the month is out.

Talk to you all later.

posted on September 19, 2001 03:21:14 AM new
Hey everyone!

Mouse - I've been sick as well (going on ten days now...) It seems as if its a new thing every day. Now one of my kidneys seems to be acting up. Will be going back to the doctor tomorrow to check it out. This on top of everything that has been going on in the US and having to take care of my Nan - I'm feeling really stuffed!!!

So, anyone here to chat and get my mind off things?

posted on September 19, 2001 05:40:44 AM new
Well the obvious good news is that you are not taking care of a teenage boy. And biologists wonder why some animals go nuts and eat their young It is a wonder we allow any of them to grow up for a;ll the tranquility they bring us.

The good news here in the States as far as I am concerned is the other shoe has not dripped....there was no immediate second round of terror ready or if it was it was too hard to pull off.

I have my Mother in law here at home. Is your Nam very hard to take care of? We send the MIL off to adult day care every day.

posted on September 20, 2001 10:15:47 AM new
Pharlap I am sooo sorry to hear you have not been well. I wish I had been around to chat with you...my time is never a known factor since it is based on not being able to sleep. You are taking care of your Nan as well, does she live with you and your folks?

It seems that nothing is going to well for so many lately. I do wish there was a good fix. Of course one of those fixes is Gravid and his posts about eating our young! You have such a straight forward take on things Gravid a breath of fresh air if I do say so, and I do.

BitsandBobs I think it is time for you to come up with something wonderful for the group, perhaps a special cocktail...or at least dig into those gifs of yours and give us a chuckle, we are long overdue.

Netta dear, what with trying to control your weight, Jesse, Josh and the all the rest that is going on I don't know where you find the strength. Thank you for including me in the lovely Friendship email.
Of course having Winnie the Pooh, Christopher Robin, Tigger and all the rest included made for a warm fuzzy feeling.
Love you, you dear lady! Thinking positive thoughts for you and yours.

Mouseslayer I hope things are begining to get resolved for you and your family. I must say I miss our late nights, but I have to take my sleep when I can and I hope you are able to get rest. Anything new in the health and job market?

posted on September 20, 2001 02:11:43 PM new
Hi guys, how are you all.

Zilvy I see you are in fine form. You would think that I would not have a problem with my weight, wouldn't you. I mean with all the running around that I have been doing I should be super slim, but it never seems to work that way for me. Oh well we all have burdens to carry.....and mine I guess in my big bum. LOL

gravid I would never even attempt to eat my problem child...the taste I fear would be far to bitter. How is your MIL doing these days, are you far off having to put her in care full time....I mean besides the adult day care? I really feel for you and your wife, it must be so hard on you both.

Pharlap how are you doing, is you Nan any better? I have had to be on hand for many years now for my own parents who are getting older by the minute and when ever they are sick I usually have to run them around to doctors and hospitals and if one of them is in hospital the other stays here with me, it can be very wearing but you do it because you love them and we know we will not have them forever. You take care and do not stress too much.

Mouse what about you, are you feeling any better? Last week gave us all a reality wake up call all the way around the world, we may have all been a bit complacent in our thoughts before but now we are all awake to the very real problems of terrorism and it is frightening for all of us. Please don't stress too much because you will only make yourself sick.

Did you go for your job re education program yet? How is your mother?

Our friend Bob is taking a break from the boards for a while, I don't think he will mind me telling you....I am only telling you so that you are not wondering where he is all the time. He has a few other things to do at this present time. I am gonna miss him.

posted on September 20, 2001 04:55:48 PM new
nettak - It is hard to gage her seeing her every day. Sometimes she seems almost normal and then she does something new she has not done bedfore and we have to admit to ourselves she is worse.
She now has trouble recognizing what things are at the dinner table and puts things together on her plate she never would have normally.
It was also obvious when the TV had all the shots and talk about the attack in New York that she was not really understaning what was happening.
There have been times she did not understand or remember she lives here, but for the first time last week she was sitting in her room and when my wife went in and talked to her it soon was obvious she thought she was somewhere else. That was new.
Thanks it felt good to tell someone about it.
I don't think she will be here in the spring.
Just my guess.

posted on September 21, 2001 03:18:24 AM new
Hi everyone!

Couldn't post last night as the internet was sooooo slow! Couldn't get anywhere... It's still very slow for me tonight but not too bad. I think it must be this Nimda virus. My isp even sent an e-mail out so I'd say they might have been attacked...

Nettak & Zilvy - no, Nan doesn't live with us. I think it would be easier if she did. Having to travel back and forth nearly every day for some new drama is really taking its toll on all of us. Quite honestly I don't think she should be living on her own but mum won't hear of putting her in a home (which I can understand). Gravid - the description of your MIL fits my Nan exactly. Nan sometime thinks she's still in Sydney and one time thought someone had brought her to Queensland to hide her from us She knows who we are but always refers to me as Louise (my mum's cousin) whenever talking to anyone on the phone.

I'm feeling much better today except for my kidney infection. I'm on antibiotics so hopefully that will clear up soon (the quicker the better - very painful!!!)

So anyone about to talk of happier things?

posted on September 21, 2001 04:38:18 AM new
Hi Pharlap, I can understand the pain of your kidney infection. My daughter has lived with them all her life and I know how bad they can be.

Gravid, please talk about your MIL anytime you need to, we will all understand and listen, after all that is what friends do. I am thinking of you all.

Zilvy I hope you are sleeping better these nights. What exactly is causing your sleepless state lately?

I heard from a friend today that I have not seen for months now and she is in town so I am hoping to be able to catch up with her over the weekend. This is a lady who used to live next door to us a few years ago and we became best of friends and even though we live in different parts of the state these days we have still maintained our friendship so I was very happy when she rang.

Oh I have to tell you, we had the looney Electrician back again today, he seems to get worse with each visit. I am certain he is not all there in the head. We put a sullage (sp?) tank and pump in out the back, and Greg connected all the water drain off pipes into it. That way we can recycle the grey water and reuse it on the garden ect., it has big hoses that come off it and into the garden area, I remember when I was a kid we had something the same and my dad used to water the whole yard with the water from this tank and it saved heaps on water charges. The plus side is that it saves us money and also it is good to recycle.

posted on September 22, 2001 04:11:12 AM new
Well, I found us on the very bottom of the RT! Apparently I'm not quite done feeling ill. I finally got into the shower today and got very shaky, couldn't catch my breath, then ill. (No need for graphic description here. ) It took me like and hour and a half to get done, sheesh! I have no idea what was up with that, but I hope that doesn't get repeated!!

Anyway, how is everyone doing/coping? Did anyone see the stars telethon tonight? I thought it was very well done as far as no fanfare and the songs & stories they did. More than once I got all teary eyed. I was deeply touched (even if the did have Mariah Carey on, I'm getting so sick of hearing about her breakdown I could scream! )

I should be around for a bit, I'm attempting to do some laundry.

posted on September 22, 2001 06:24:55 AM new
Hi Mouse, what's with that getting sick like that? Have you changed meds lately, different dosages or anything? Any possibility it was something you ate. I'd really pay attention that is not a good thing.

How are your little fur friends? Is POGO all recovered and back to her frisky self?

I only saw part of the show and it did seem like they did a lovely job. I was busy getting caught up with emails to my family in Arizona and Texas. Lots to talk about including how much we love each other even though apart. Talk about tears falling. I have printed those out for posterity.

posted on September 22, 2001 06:48:44 AM new
Hi Zilvy my friend!

Nope, no change in meds. The only 2 things I came up with are: My side is swollen where my gall bladder is and I was poking at it a bit before I got into the shower. The other thing is, um, a female thing, but I've never had that as a reaction before? I think it's more likely the gall bladder thing. Funny thing is my doctor called later to tell me my rib x-ray was fine (he seems to have gone onto my ribs rather than my gall bladder for some reason...) and that he was thinking of having me have another bone scan. Hubby & I are both thinking it may be time for a new doctor...

Pogo is just dandy. She's such a little cutie and a real sweetheart. Everyone at the vets fawn over her and say how pretty & sweet she is. (Can you tell I'm a proud mama? ) She's all healed up now and her tummy fur is more than peach fuzz. She's also back to picking on KD and trying to kiss & cuddle with Gunther. She has him so wrapped around her little paws. Here's a couple links to her newest pictures:

Speaking of family emails, thanks for reminding me! I have to send one to my "brother" who's in the Army. (He's a family friend who's like a brother to me.) I'm not sure if he's back from Germany or not...

posted on September 24, 2001 05:03:20 AM new
Hi everyone, I am only popping in to say hello and then I am off to bed, it is getting late in my part of the world. My eyes keep telling me that I need to go to sleep.

I hope you are feeling better Mouse and Pharlap.

Zilvy are you sleeping any better these nights and Gravid how is your MIL ?

Talk to you all when we each have more time. Take care.

posted on September 26, 2001 01:10:42 AM new
Found you guys on page two. Figured I'd give you a lift back to the main page. Sorry to hear of the mishaps and maladies. I hope things ease up for everyone in coming days. Nice stove pics. Thanks for letting us know jannie's okay.

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