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posted on September 26, 2001 02:58:09 AM new
Hey everyone!!! I'm back!

I'm feeling much better now and ready to start posting again. Things were looking really bad there for a while and I had to be hospitalised last Saturday night due to kidney problems (ouchies!) Have discovered the wonderful world of antibiotics, codeine and muscle relaxants... Hurrah!!

posted on September 26, 2001 03:09:35 AM new
Thank you Spaz for rescuing our poor, neglected thread. We all do seem to be having various maladies here lately, aren't we? Oh, and I'm in love with my new range. It's awesome! (And oh how I missed the wonderful meals you can make in an oven. It had been broken since December. )

Pharlap! I was wondering why you hadn't emailed me, now I know! You poor thing, I do hope you're on the mend this time!! How long were you in the hospital??

I'm not sure how long I'll be in tonight, I had another bad insomnia day and didn't sleep. I'm finally starting to get a little sleepy, but I'll try to hang in there for a while yet...

posted on September 26, 2001 03:28:24 AM new
Hi Mouse!

I got your e-mail the other day. I was only in overnight for observation after a million and one tests (sigh).

Glad you're getting good use out of your new oven. Have you made some ANZAC biscuits yet?

posted on September 26, 2001 03:45:44 AM new
Oh yes, those doctors sure do love their tests, don't they!

No, I haven't made them yet. But I did think about the lemon poppyseed muffins the day it was installed. (Haven't made those yet either.)

posted on September 26, 2001 03:51:37 AM new
Well, get cracking!!!

I did have some good luck in amongst the bad though. about a week or so ago I won $1000 worth of computer software. And then lo and behold... the very next day I won one of those little PDAs (not a Palm but very small one that will come in handy if I go back to Uni next year)

I don't suppose you'll be able to get my bath stuff for a while now that the mail's pretty much stopped?

posted on September 26, 2001 04:05:58 AM new
Oh my goodness, I'm glad you said something about it! I had forgotten. I'll be going to that store tomorrow hopefully too. I can send it to you, the mail is almost back to normal (I think).

Speaking of winning stuff (you lucky duck you!), did you ever get your stuff from work before you left??

posted on September 26, 2001 04:15:11 AM new
Of course!

In fact - someone that I worked with mentioned that the day I left. LOL!!! Did they honestly think I would leave them behind? I earned those prizes!

The day I left I also found out that I came top of the department in this test they gave after we had training for the new software they were introducing. My boss even said 'what a waste' to me when she told me. I wasn't sure if I should be insulted or flattered (hard to tell by her tone). I had to bite my tongue... I agree it was a waste of my time being in a company and getting excellent stats every month yet never getting further than the bottom rung

[ edited by pharlap on Sep 26, 2001 04:17 AM ]
posted on September 26, 2001 04:32:41 AM new
Oh good, I'm glad to hear you got them! Yes, it does suck to be a great empoyee, but no one seems to think you should go higher. Been there, done that. That's why I'm not terribly heartbroken over being laid off, it was more of a money issue...

posted on September 26, 2001 04:35:27 AM new
Did you ever find out if all that wonderful money they put into your bank account is yours to keep?

posted on September 26, 2001 04:48:10 AM new
I still haven't heard anything, and I just sent my signed release Sun. night to get the rest of my severance. So, maybe that will trigger something? I hope not, as I've had to dip into it further than I wanted to, to pay the bills.

posted on September 26, 2001 04:52:43 AM new
Surely if you've had it this long it must be yours. (I hope so anyway!) If you weren't meant to have it they should have said something by now... If they do try to get it back would you have any recourse? After all - it's not your fault they put the money there.

posted on September 26, 2001 05:06:09 AM new
Well, if they decide they want it back, they're going to have to settle for payments when we have an income again I am getting so nervous about the computer biz working. It's been almost 2 months since we both lost our jobs and have had no money (other than my severance) come in. Plus the economy is so shaky right now, I really wonder if they're going to make it. And wouldn't you know it, their first order was a fraud attempt. But since they're set up all business-like (unlike some of us more casual eBay sellers ), they caught it right off. I need to start feeling better soon and get back to selling. I have a ton to list, but between being ill and it's still so hot here, I just haven't wanted to. But it looks like fall may get here someday in the not to distant future...I hope!!

posted on September 26, 2001 05:11:35 AM new
Gosh - that was lucky that you picked up on that fraud attempt! That would have been the last thing you need at the moment I noticed tonight that you haven't any listings up. That will probably give you a bit of breathing room once you start up again.

Anyway, I'll have to say goodnight for now. Tabs are making me a bit drowsy

Let me know how much my things come to with postage and I'll Paypal you asap so you won't be out of pocket.

Hope to catch up with you again soon!


posted on September 26, 2001 05:25:00 AM new
Goodnight Pharlap! (And I have written myself a note this time! )

posted on September 27, 2001 02:05:41 AM new
Pharlap so good to hear you are feeling better...actually better living through chemistry, eh? I don't know about you young 'uns! What with all of Mouses problems and yours...this isn't supposed to happen til ya git along in years!

Does anyone know where Bitsandbobs has gotten himself off to. Without him who is going to keep the Harem in order, even Gravid has gone missing.

Nettak I was so pleased to hear of your "LOSS" good on ya. I'll bet part of the result has something to do with trying to keep Josh behaving...running around and all the worry. I hope all is going a little easier for you.

Well her is is a little after 5AM and I think I will try for some shut eye...the alarm will go off at 8 AM whether I have had a good night or not. Hope to catch up with you all soon.

I posted a "Hope this will make you chuckle"..thread at RT, if you have a chance check it out...kinda funny!

posted on September 27, 2001 03:34:57 AM new
Zilvy, The Harem Master has never been far away!
The harem has been faithful and the master is still playing golf, drinking Fosters and munching on a Tim Tam.

posted on September 27, 2001 03:47:59 AM new
Evening peoples!!!

Zilvy - Believe me, I'm not normally this unhealthy. I've had more sickness this year than I've had in every other year put together!

I think Nettak said a few pages back that Bob would be quite busy for a while with auctions...

posted on September 27, 2001 03:56:27 AM new
Actually what I said was that Bob was taking a break for a little while. But now we have Mr. Mylanta in Bitsandbobs place. LOL

Okay Mr. Mylanta I was wondering how long you would hold out for. haha

Hi everyone.

posted on September 27, 2001 04:00:55 AM new

posted on September 27, 2001 04:03:34 AM new
I would really love to know if any of the Americans actually know what Mylanta is.

So how are things going Bob? I see you won a hunk of change ....... but only in your dreams. Pity I was going to remind you of your good friends. LOL

posted on September 27, 2001 04:06:50 AM new
Hi Nettak, It's nice to dream!
I'm getting used to this persona. I'll hang on to it for a while.
The change was neccessary to sort out some funny business.
I arranged for cousin Vinny to take care of it for me! He did a great job.

posted on September 27, 2001 04:19:52 AM new
Good old Vinny he is a handy sort of fellow to have around sometimes. LOL

Oh Bob I forgot to tell you that we all got a chuckle out of your email regarding the engine on the chair. Well we all thought it was funny except Josh, he was not laughing at anything at that time. The doctor is going to take some of the stitches out tomorrow. I think it will be just the outside ones not the ones in the middle where it was the deepest. Slow progress over the last couple of weeks, he does not have any feeling in one part of the top of his foot yet, and we won't know if they can do anything until we see the specialist next week.

Is anyone else having problems with this site tonight. It seems very slow to me, but it could be my server not AW.

I am off for now, I might pop back later depending on how much I get done and how long it takes me to do. See you all later.

posted on September 27, 2001 05:02:35 AM new
Sorry to be discribed as missing - I have been pretty busy. My wife got hurt at work and is home today and we usually split duties but she has been unable to do anything so I have all the laundry, cooking, shopping etc and try to list and sell.
How does someone get hurt at a University in a secretarial job?
She went to use the rest room and some janitor had left a can of disenfectant perched on top of the divider between the commodes. Now we are not talking a normal spray can than weighs a pound or two. They usually leave one of these by the sinks if you want to use it as they are real big on hygine posting instructions on how to wash your hands! But they are about 4 pound cylinders over a foot long. I am a big guy and the first time I saw those I thought - Geez why don't they put wheels on that sucker?

Anyway it came down about a 4 foot drop and smacked her right on the back of the hand.
It is all swollen up and funny purple mottled with yellow colors.(colours) She had to go to Crittendon Hospital where everyone acts like it is their first day on the job. "You can't come in emergency - that is occupational medicine. No you can't come in OM you have to go to triage first. Triage does not DO OM you have to go back and tell them triage is only for emergency." She was hoping triage would say we can't save you - go home and die.

Poor woman came home and in the door just as I was yelling "What the hell is going on in there?" at the bathroom door.

Her Mother - the one with Alzheimers - uses 4 or 5 rolls of toilet paper a day. Not unusual we are told. Of course she plugs the toilet up. But she won't say anything she just keeps flushing hoping for a miricle cure.
First clue I have is a mini- waterfall gushing out from under the door with little bits of paper. She has been in there a half hour so by now the fellow in the condo downstairs is coming up the stairs behind my wife saying "Whats going on are your pipes busted? We have water coming through the ceilings!"

I have been busy......

posted on September 27, 2001 09:53:59 AM new
Oh dear,Gravid is it a matter of waiting for a place for MIL to go with professional care...I know there are waiting lists for almost everything. This is sooo hard on the caregivers and sounds like it is quickly deteriorating. I do hope there is a resolve for you and yours.

That back of the hand injury, aside from looking ugly is very painful, I hope no bones were broken.

I was carrying some paperwork, holding it close to my body, with my left hand, approached a steel door, only to have it swing open at full velocity, thrust by a 6'4" idiot who never looked thru the small window. Of course the back of my hand caught the leading edge of the door and I was
knocked down. The facility was a business and they didn't want to get me ice to quell the pain and swelling for fear it might be the wrong treatment. Well, I burst into the cafeteria, grabbed a stainless bowl, scooped ice out of thier milk and juice display & thrust my hand in. To hear them bellowing, you'd think I had looked in their top secret filing cabinet...you can't do that, who do you think you are. Someone call security!

They paid for all x-rays and doctor expenses and I got a rather large order out of them as well. The President of the company made a point to "drop" in on my meeting with the marketing dept. Kind of a hard way to make a sale.

Mylanta You must be good for HEARTBURN, strange name for a jovial fellow! I liked your posts on the RT and was wondering who you were...still am!?!?!?!
[ edited by zilvy on Sep 27, 2001 10:17 AM ]
posted on September 27, 2001 05:33:43 PM new
Gravid I am so sorry about your wifes injury, I know from experience just how painful something like that can be. I hope she rests it well and has a fast recovery.

I hope you are taking care of yourself as well Gravid, it can be stressful enough for you with your MIL without having to rush to do everything now that your wife is out of action for a while. I am sending you good thoughts and lots of energy, and remember the housewifes motto, "a little bit of dirt won't hurt", in other words if you don't have time to do it today then who cares. It will still be there tomorrow and the next day for you to clean. Your health is important too.

We just got back from the doctors and she only took every 2nd stitch out because it is still not ready for them all to come out. The doctor will have another look in 4 days and see if it is ready by then, if not she will leave it until Josh sees the specialist a couple of days later and he can decide when to take them out.

Zilvy yes you are so right, Mylanta is very good for heartburn.....and a few other ailments as well. LOL

Hi Mouse and Pharlap, sorry I missed you the other night.

Where is Tigerlady? Has she gone back to work?? I miss seeing those little tiger smilies. LOL

See you all later.

posted on September 27, 2001 06:05:39 PM new
"a little bit of dirt won't hurt"

It's a good thing.

Glad Josh has not managed to make his foot fall off.

Welcome to another reincarnation Mylanta.
Sorry if someone bugged you off board.

I spent a little time looking at property on the Turks and Caicos Islands this morning. I am so ready to retire and that seems like a good place. I have to see what a small boat would cost. I have never been a boat person but I would have to have one for fishing if I lived there. I have to see with whom they have extradition treaties signed.

posted on September 28, 2001 02:41:33 AM new
Hi everyone. Gravid I can just picture you in your little dingy fishing in as the sunsets. \

Bob and Pharlap are you watching the Grand Finals this weekend?

Go the Lions!!! Just a bit of home spirit, I don't normally follow a lot of football and especially not Aussie Rules but seeing as it is the home team I feel in a cheering mood.

We are the pride of Brisbane town,
We wear maroon, blue and gold.
We will always fight for victory,
Like Fitzroy, and Bears of old.
All for one, and one for all,
We will answer to the call.
Go Lions, Brisbane Lions,
We'll kick the winning score.
You'll hear our mighty roar.

Go the Lions

posted on September 28, 2001 02:54:20 AM new
Hey everyone!

Nettak - I don't follow Union at all I'm afraid - looks a bit pooncy. (I'm assuming that that's what you're referring to????) My football barracking only goes as far as the State of Origin

posted on September 28, 2001 03:09:18 AM new
Hi Pharlap I am the same as you, but seeing as it is a Brissy team I thought I had better wave the flag and cheer them on a little bit. LOL

To be honest I am not even sure who the other teams are, I am pretty sure that Newcastle is in the League final but I can not remember who the other team is. Oh well it is only football and I have done my bit to cheer them on to glory, and that is the extent of my goodwill towards footballers. haha

I am off to have a look at something, I will pop back soon.

posted on September 28, 2001 03:37:20 PM new
Hello good buddies, I am popping in early to tell you that today happens to be BarryBarris' BIRTHDAY Meet me for a drink and celebration at the bar...bring something good to eat. See ya!!

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