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posted on October 16, 2001 06:43:52 PM new
Rocker That is sooo absolutely bloomin wonderful, raising a glass of chocolate milk and cheering!! You have to keep a calander of these events, you think you'll remember but, you won't and there will be times when you need this to shore you up til the next spate of good luck and hard work pays off. Happiness is a smiling Rocker. Smooches!!

posted on October 16, 2001 07:17:24 PM new
I can see those wingtips smokin'
Being busy is much more fun.
Good for you. I'd get your CD if I couold still hear but it would be a coaster to me.
Do you compose on the computer or on paper?

posted on October 16, 2001 08:46:38 PM new
I have to send out hugs and thanks to our Aussie Mates, Lord knows we are going to be joined at the hip with this terrorist mess and I wanted you to know how much we appreciate the sacrafice of our comrades in arms. God Bless you and your families and may the horror of Sept 11 never touch your shores.
{{{{{to all}}}}

posted on October 16, 2001 09:37:13 PM new
{{{ZILVY}}} Big hugs! I love your words to our Aussie Mates! And thank you for the kind words to me too! And yes I do keep a journal, I always have. I am just that kinda sentimental boy.

Gravid - Neither computer OR paper. I actually do all my composing on my guitar and keyboard. For this score I am using my Korg X3 Workstation. It is a beautiful keyboard with a 16-track sequencer built in. (Which means as you play, you are recording right into it what you are playing.) It has over 600 sounds built in, plus you can add sound cards. This way I can add string sounds, horns, drums, you name it, as opposed to writing most of my rock stuff on my guitar. I do all this by ear. I cannot read a note if you must know! I record everything onto disc (in the X3) and it can be transferred onto CD or any other format. Oh - and thank you for noticing my wing tips!

So how is everyone holding up in these crazy times? Personally, I'm thinking of changing my name to Janthrax.

Rocker [ edited by nycrocker on Oct 16, 2001 09:41 PM ]
posted on October 16, 2001 09:41:16 PM new
Hi Zilvy, Thanks for your thoughts. What are mates for!
We won't just give them a Holy War, we'll give them Holy Hell.
When this terrible business started I was trying to advocate reason and avoidance of wholesale conflict.
Now, I am leaning the other way. More and more these days I am feeling that all these terrorist scum and those who harbour them or have sympathetic leanings to their causes should just be obliterated, crushed like cockroaches.
It doesn't matter if they have actually done anything or not. They would if they could and are guilty by association.
They have had all the chances they need. They care little for the value of human life and dignity and their time is up.
I've always tried my best to be tolerant to others but now I've had enough and the sooner we all stop piddling about and listening to all the civil liberty whackos, radicals and other assorted morons the better off this world will be.
The message is simple. Live in harmony with us or get zapped like the bugs they are. If they want to play hard ball then fine. My side has a big bat.

posted on October 16, 2001 09:58:53 PM new
Janthrax!! LOL. I doooon't think so, they'd avoid ya like the plague! I'm picturing you in wing tips and leather pants whooo eeee...tan my hide! (just kidding) You are a wild and crazy kid, don't ever change!

Mylanta You will always be my hero, I like the way you think, let's kick butt!!

posted on October 17, 2001 02:28:55 AM new
Jannie, congratulations! It's always great to get work and especially when you're in the arts because it's not just a paycheck, it's a validation of your talent. Gotta be honest, though, I don't much care for Bornstein. She may have changed her body, but the impression I get from having seen her on TV and reading her articles is that her ego is still all male.

Hey waitamminit, now that I think about it, don't you quote Bornstein in your profile? Or rather you did (I guess you changed it recently). Something about "I know I'm not a man and I know I'm not a woman but ..." and the rest eludes me.

Anyway, congratulations again. This is very good news.

And with that, I conclude my broadcast day.

(All I need now is a gif of the crying Indian -- those of you who are old enough will know what I'm talking about.)

[ edited by spazmodeus on Oct 17, 2001 02:30 AM ]
posted on October 17, 2001 02:42:09 AM new
Hi gang! I'm only in for this one post before bed tonight. It seems that hubby & I have developed a social life here lately, for a change! I've been such a hermit the past couple of years with my back and other various things. But my back is doing better and not working gives me way too much free time. I've even started cooking again, although having a fully functional range helps there. But hubby's glad that I am cooking, he's tired of Mom's dishes.

Yesterday was my gall bladder scan (don't know the results yet) and then we took little baby Pogo to the vet. Gunther (the dog) was anxious that she was going out the door again, so on a whim we took him along too. Good thing, I'd forgotten he was past due for his shots too. Then we took the two to PetsMart for some fun. Pogo wasn't too happy because she had to stay in the carrier, but she did so good! (Yes, I'm a proud mama ) Even Gunther was on his best behavior. (That might be why he ended up with 3 new toys, LOL.) We took Pogo because I wanted to get her a harness. I think she'd take to walking very well, and we may even turn her into a camping kitty.

Then tomorrow we need to do some shopping and spend the evening at the park with a lot of friends. You see, we belong to a medieval re-enactment group, but I haven't been too involved for a long time. We both miss it and would like to get more involved. This weekend there's a store, in a town about 2 hours from here that sells costumes & other gear for it, that's having a sale. Hubby's sister also lives there, so we're going to go down & spend the weekend with her and go shopping! She's very excited that we're coming and said she'd make lots of mexican food, yum! On Monday evening, we will be joining some friends for what they call "project night" and perhaps add some fancy trim to our new garb.

We have what we call a "war" here locally every February that people come from all over the country to attend. It's not the biggest "war", but one of them. As of now I'm planning to go and am looking forward to it. I haven't even considered it the past couple of years because I felt frail. I hated that and it's time to get strong again and renew old hobbies and friendships. There's a lot of planning we need to do since we're out of practice, so it will be a busy 4 months. Of course there are other things in the meantime. Right now our state fair is here and I plan to go at least once. Plus Halloween is right around the corner, my second favorite holiday!

Whew, I have been busy! But before I go...

Rocker, wooooweeeeeee! You go Jan!! I am so happy for you and proud too. You sound so happy in your posts and I hope it continues my friend!

Netta, {{{{bighugs}}}} I hope your parents are doing better and you take care sweetie!

Mylanta, you said it pal! I thought your forces were already in it, or at least it was a matter of time. I guess we're closer than we all realized. That's another good thing that has come out of all this mess!

Zilvy, your enthusiasm always brings a smile to my face, no matter how much pain I may be in or bad mood. Take care my friend!

Gravid, I must say I have enjoyed your posts lately. It's been a pleasure to see your messages evolve and your sense of humor come out more and more. I feel honored that you came into our late night thread early on and have remained with us!

Where on Earth is our pal Pharlap??? I have heard hide nor hair from her in awhile now, I'm a bit concerned. If she happens to wander in: I'm still in search of your items. They didn't really have what I thought they did at that one store, but I know I can find it. Maybe it'll be a Christmas present.

Hi to everyone else that passes through!!

Ok, I think that's about 2 days worth of posting, LOL! I'm off to bed, but before I do, I have one more little thing to say...

Go Diamondbacks!!! WOOOHOOO

*edited to add a special smilie just for Gravid!

PC4Gamers [ edited by MouseSlayer on Oct 18, 2001 04:44 AM ]
posted on October 17, 2001 03:54:29 AM new
Hi everyone. Sorry I didn't make it in earlier I was at a meeting and after I apparently scoffed the last of Bob's anniversary cake I did not lose as much weight as I would have liked to this week. Geez and I thought I had saved enough points for that bit with all the frosting too.

Mouse you have been a busy girl haven't you. Well good for you, everyone should go out and have a bit of fun from time to time.

Our ships have been in this 'war' from the beginning, we have had a ship in the Gulf the whole time and now we have 2 with another on the way. Now our elite SAS are going in as ground forces and I am not sure what the rest of them are going in as. But the SAS is going to be in the thick of it that is for sure. It is very scarey all round.

Jan Way to go mate!!! I feel like you have given me a present and am so happy for you. I think we all feel extremely proud of you always but this just goes to show that you are truely special.

Now on to my mother, I think a lot of us have mothers' just like mine..Drive you crazy but you love them anyway. My parents are doing okay for now, they just have to remember that they are getting on in years and should not be doing the things they are, such as digging garden beds, and moving furniture. Whenever I say anything to Mum about hurting herself or giving herself (and Me) a heart attack, she says "I am not dead yet and if it kills me moving a chair ect, then it kills me". Charming is the word for my Mum! Stubborn old Mule is another name we could call her or SOW.....Senile Old Woman.

Okay I will catch you all later. Stay safe and happy.

posted on October 17, 2001 04:54:06 AM new
Mouse Slayer - That is real nice you are doing things with people again. That is what happened for awhile with me when my old hearing aids stopped being enough. - Now with the new ones we are going out to dinner again with people and when my wifes Mom is in a nursing home soon we will even take trips and things sgain. This is a major point of human contact for me working alone online and being hard of hearing.
Now why did everyone else get smileys and I got none? I want a smiley even if it sticks it's tongue out or something.
Rocker - They have voice recognition software - it should be easier to have a program to listen to the tones and timing and write a score to music.
The Americans usually picture Australians as the rural sort that have been hardened by a hard land. I am sure there really are a few like that and if they are the first to meet Mr Bin Laden well - too bad. First one there gets the ears.

posted on October 17, 2001 05:06:15 AM new
Gravid, I've got plenty of spare smilies for you. Put them in storage and use them whenever someone forgets!

If our boys get to Bin Laden first, the ears will come second.
To keep it polite the first thing to go will be the gonads!

posted on October 17, 2001 07:03:12 AM new
Hip, Hip, Hooray!!GO AUSSIES!!
Waving Hi to Gravid, up there^^^

posted on October 17, 2001 01:35:29 PM new
Bob! The gonads first LMAO!! I love it HAAAAH Now WHERE did I put those scissors??

Gravid Voice recognition software? Is that one of those programs that, if I hooked up the X3 to the computer, it would sort of transcribe it into a written out score?

Netta My Mom is the SAME way! LOL She is 73 and always raking, mowing, moving furniture, etc etc. She is in New Jersey and I am in New York, when I am there I help her, and she has plenty of people to help her, but she insists on doing it herself. Luckily she is moving to Orlando Florida where she will be right near my little sister and my brother in law - and my new baby neice who is due any day now!!!

Spaz Good memory! Yes my profile used to say "I know I'm not a man...and I've come to the conclusion that I'm probably not a woman either...the trouble is, we're living in a world that insists we be one or the other".

Gotta be honest, though, I don't much care for Bornstein. She may have changed her body, but the impression I get from having seen her on TV and reading her articles is that her ego is still all male.

Wow, really?? I am surprised to hear this, cos we have started to spend some time together lately and I have not sensed that at all. I didn't see any of the TV interviews. Would you mind elaborating, if you can recall things that were said or attitudes you sensed? I am just curious to hear your opinion. So far, I am LOVING her energy. Granted I have only known her three weeks now. But she is a very giving and generous person, this I know already - she REALLY CARES about people and that's really not just a facade. "Male ego" - hmmmm I would think I would've sensed that - but not at all at this point. Also her sense of humor has ALWAYS cracked me up. She also called me "Handsome", so granted, she gets big points for that!!! LOL!!!

posted on October 17, 2001 03:02:05 PM new

I'll defer to your estimation, since you seem a good judge of character and know her personally. But the impression I've always had is that she's someone who attempts to be center of attention regardless of the forum she's involved in, or who else might be part of that forum. This is based on her appearances I've seen on daytime talk shows, although this was some years ago.

posted on October 17, 2001 05:41:38 PM new

I was hoping to get to know you better. I like your posts and your treatment of me has been appreciated more than you will ever know. I wish you were not leaving. I wish you well.

posted on October 17, 2001 08:52:07 PM new
PHARLAP Yooo hooo where are you, this place is getting me down....come out come out wherever you are. Are you OK? Are you haveing fun? Are you feeling better? Talk girl we need to hear from you.

Mouse I am so happy that you are out and about and having some fun. Very interesting about your medieval group my dad
was into that sort of thing his group was called The Society for Creative Anachronisms. He was called Sir Roger of the Smoking Rock (I think) wish I had paid more attention. Sounds like real fun...just don't forget to report in from time to time. OK??
[ edited by Zilvy on Oct 17, 2001 08:57 PM ]
posted on October 18, 2001 05:11:35 AM new
Gravid, I'm soooo sorry I didn't give ya a smilie! But I did go back and edit my post above ^^ to give you a special one. I know what you mean about this being a major point of human contact. I've been mostly housebound for the past year and a half with my back. A lot of days it was a major effort to just take a shower and by the time I was done, I was worn out. But I'm big into human touch and miss hugs and such. When hubby & I went to Albuquerque, there was a lot of hugging and it reminded me of what I've been missing. Most of my friends are huggers, so I need to see them more!

Zilvy, OMG! That's it exactly!! SCA is my game and it's a blast. My official SCA name is Lorelei the Mouse Slayer, my brother's is Sir Aaron Christopher (he's a knight now) and we hail from the kingdom of Atenveldt. Our local war is the Estrella War. Is your dad still involved? Ask him if he knows of Sir Jerry the Inverter, he's very well known round these parts and has been around forever. I've been playing with the SCA off & on since I was 18 (that's 13 years or so now ).

Netta, please CYA.

Deliteful, even if Netta is leaving us, the rest of this little ragtag group will still be around here and there and you're always more than welcome to join us!

posted on October 18, 2001 06:04:25 AM new

Thank you. I like this thread. I like reading the open friendship and kindness here. I feel like a new "in-law" as I watch those around me interact, yet it feels like a happy family so it is a good in-law feeling not a bad out-law feeling. Don't know if that makes sense...lol.

posted on October 18, 2001 06:13:03 AM new
Hi Jess, We're a strange lot in here but it works well. The thread's being running since February and many people have passed through.
There have been no hassles and many of us have shared many things.
It must be early in your part of the world. Down here, (Australia) it is creeping up on midnight.
The coffee's always on and the bar is always open. Just help yourself.

posted on October 18, 2001 08:28:11 AM new
Mouse This is so amazing, to find that this SCA is an interest of yours. My dear Dad, passed away in November 1987, shortly after his 75th birthday. I still miss him terribly, he was such a fascinating, warm hearted man with many interests and an unquenchable thirst for adventure and knowledge. A real Renaissance man.

Sir Jerry the Inverter (do you know if he is from one of the New England States) I may know him if he is. There was a gentleman by that first name who was a memeber or the sword club in R.I. and I beleive he hailed from Massachusetts.

I have a wonderful memory of my Dad's 75th Birthday. He came to stay with us overnight the day before, we all were early risers so bright and early on his birthday we were up and I made a hearty breakfast...his fave Waffles-apple spice, sausage, coffee and fruit. Then it was off for a Mystery Tour...the whole day was to be a surprise.
First we did some antiquing *one of his passions*, then off to the Higgins Armory. One of the premier collections of Arms & Armor in the US located in Worcester, Ma. Well, he hadn't been there in 25 years and when we reached the top of the hill he let out a yelp like a little kid. We told him he could keep looking and talking with the curator as long as he wanted this was his time. We even managed to get him dressed in armor (usually they do that with teens) he was beside himself.

Eventually we went to lunch at a 50's diner...meatloaf,gravy (comfort food) then to see "ROBO COP" dad had a hearing loss-this was in Dolby Surround Sound, I was deaf by the end of the movie. Dad (mild mannered Clark Kent) loved blood and guts movies/sci fi...he was grinning til his face hurt. Then more antiquing and dinner at a great resteraunt that at one time had been a Tool & Die Co with a lot of those artifacts used as decorations....Dad had been a tool & Die maker (more fun). It was a great day..and he was ready to keep going but I was too pooped to pop!

posted on October 19, 2001 01:41:18 AM new
Whoa, we slipped down to page 2! *EGADS!!*

Zilvy, as far as I know Sir Jerry is from AZ. He's been around longer than I have, so it's possible your dad knew him. The birthday sounds like it was a blast and what a great memory to have as one of the last!

Deliteful, I definitely know about good in-laws! Hubby & I recently went to Albuquerque for his uncle's funeral and it was the first time I'd met that part of his family and we've been married for 5 1/2 years now. But they welcomed me with open arms and didn't treat me any differently than the rest of the family. It was a great feeling, so I'm glad you feel that way too!

posted on October 25, 2001 04:12:50 PM new
It's rare that people retire from AW before the threads do. But that seems to be the way of things now.

I'm rescuing this thread from page 4 and sending it to the top to remember nycrocker, nettak, michelleg, who are the recently departed, and for all the others who kept WSUTL going for months on end, and who now find themselves among the soon-to-be-departed.

I used to hate this thread.

posted on October 25, 2001 04:31:01 PM new
Hi Spaz, LOL.
It's a bit like having a bad back. After a while you get to learn to live with it!
Whatever happens to these boards I hope to still see your posts.
While I might not always agree with you, I enjoy your posts and admire forthrightness. (Is that a real word? It doesn't look right!}

To all WSUTL posters. Somewhere, someday we'll have one hell of a "remember the good ol' days party!

[ edited by Mylanta on Oct 26, 2001 07:06 AM ]
posted on October 26, 2001 01:58:01 AM new
Wowee, we got a smiley out of Spaz! We didn't used to be too sure of you either dear, but a few key threads and a chance encounter with Rocker sure did turn things around didn't it? I certainly have come to admire you and your posts and I have a feeling I will miss them. I haven't yet decided whether I will stay or go, but it will probably be the latter.

I will also miss our late night parties and frivolity. Although that's been falling by the wayside for awhile now...It sure was a lot of fun and I think it did me some good at a low time in my life. I'd like to think that it's because of all of the vibrant people in here and the rest of the board is why I'm finally coming back out of my shell. I used to be the fun one, the life of the party, until I started being in so much pain all of the time. But that's finally changing and it seems, so is my favorite board.

And Bob, you're on for that party. Just make sure I get an invite, ok?

posted on October 26, 2001 07:05:12 AM new
Ok. I've swept up, taken out the empties, chairs are stacked on tables and everything has been cleaned and polished.
The juke box has gone and a FOR RENT sign has been hung on the door.
The lights are down low and there's just one baloon left I couldn't reach to take down.
It's quiet, yet in the darker corners of the room I think I can still see fleeting shadows of many who came here to enjoy the simple friendship of good company.
In all that time there was never a cross word, no falling out. It was maybe a bit rowdy from time to time but nobody ever got thrown out and the doors were never shut.
For eight months the party never ended. It hasn't ended yet, it's just taking a breather.
The party is about to start all over again. True party goers will soon work out where and how to get there.
Till we meet again; Cheers.

posted on October 26, 2001 08:26:33 AM new
I am hearing the echoes of fun times past and that hollow sound as I tippy toe out the door. I'll be looking for ya in other places, let the good times roll!

posted on October 26, 2001 10:22:53 AM new
See ya over at Barry's Bar if I can just register.

posted on October 26, 2001 11:25:49 AM new
If the WSUTL crew does it's own thing outside of BarryBardom, please let me know - I've always fully intended to become more active in here, ya'll are such a fun-lovin' and caring group, but I've never geared up for nighttime involvement. I sure would like the option to join-in at some future time. Heck, I never even got to wear my harem outfit.

Best to all - I'm glad I stumbled in


*There is no conclusive evidence that life is serious*
posted on October 26, 2001 11:43:15 AM new
gravid, email barry if you are having probs. Maybe he can help ya.

BTW, I dont think his board will stay on ezboards forever. Hes working on his website, and looking at forum software. Has been for months.

posted on October 26, 2001 02:07:35 PM new
Hey guys! I was just making us our own WSUTL EZBoard. (if you're interested) Or we'll just all meet over at Barrys. Just let me know! You can all e-mail me at [email protected].

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