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posted on October 26, 2001 01:14:06 PM new

What is the problem with Ken stating these truths about George W. Bush? They are facts. He is not advocating street warfare...that is obvious. Yet you indicate he is rather than ignoring or discussing the topic.

Al Gore is human, one could find some interesting facts about him, yet the mention of him posted above is absolute nonsence.

Why is the discussion of this topic threatening? Is it because these are truths that make you uneasy?

posted on October 26, 2001 01:19:50 PM new
I understand that "The Last Days" (of the Clinton thang) will be NO. 4 on the NY Times best seller list pretty soon. You plan to read that KRS? Or are you planning to support book burning?
posted on October 26, 2001 01:21:14 PM new
What is the problem with Ken stating these truths about George W. Bush?

None what so ever. As I stated on another thread about Bush evil doings I can read those posts all day long.

I'm just a bit concerned that krs is only issuing 2 posts a day on the subject down from the 3. I'm concerned that he's developing other interests.

posted on October 26, 2001 01:25:23 PM new
Actually Ken has multiple other interests. He is one of those lucky folks that can know a lot about a tremendous number of subjects. Quite interesting and a bit of a cad. Loveable none the less...

Right Pat?

posted on October 26, 2001 01:30:46 PM new
Gee uara, save your concerns as I've always had several interests and no lack of subject specific sites for those. But I didn't realize that you were suffering from any slowdown that you perceive in my political posts. I'm going away for likely two days in the morning, but when I return I will endeavor to find that little bit of extra time for you.

One thing about that picture of Al gore above, don't you agree? Beard or no beard one thing is very apparent. When you look at his eyes you recognize immediately that there's intelligence behind them; very much unlike those of dumbya, whose eyes are consistently vacant and dull.

posted on October 26, 2001 01:53:32 PM new
Well Ken if they do set up stops like that I foresee some problems. It may be true that 80% of the people are willing to do anything to feel safe but that leaves the other 20% a number of whom I can guarantee will be pissed to be stopped for no reason. They won't object at the stop but really all this nonsense of helmet visors is silly - I don't think anyone who works like that will ever be safe again to put on civies and walk down the street.

posted on October 26, 2001 01:53:36 PM new
turn to the east start walking until you hit water then swim until you hit land, walk again until you smell falafel cooking .you will have a huge following of interested people ..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz goodbye

posted on October 26, 2001 02:00:38 PM new
I like falafel...

posted on October 26, 2001 02:03:10 PM new
Me too, but my girlfriend is very allergic to it so it gets to be a rare treat.

posted on October 26, 2001 02:12:51 PM new
I know Gravid, but that's taken from the actuality of life in the Soviet union and combined with some of the new laws just signed this morning, with a storyteller's imagination. Even though it's not a reality, how can anyone say that it couldn't be one? Those you mention who might object would simply be arrested. It's been seen in this country before. The exercise of the constitutional rights by citizens has resulted in their imprisonment, beatings, and deaths by shooting not very long ago. Some, particularly some minorities know that they such as that continue today.

It's impractical to think of revolting as you seem to think is the requirement in doing anything about anything that you might find legally or morally objectionable. Obviously you'd be outgunned. But there is something else left to you, so far. It's the remaining freedom to vote with forethought and full awareness of the implications of your vote. Too many follow along their previously chosen party line and many do simply spout out what amount to crazed slogans in the doing as though they've been hypnotized or drugged into compliance. Yet there's nothing that requires that you believe what you're told.

It's been kind of interesting to see people who have shown their acceptance of what are very outragious things being passed shout to the rooftops about the minor and irrelevant perception of loss of privacy or suspicion of deep dark plot when confronted with these changes to a chatboard.

Look at the history of what has gone before, not only here but around the world.

posted on October 26, 2001 02:21:36 PM new
Cops beat up my son at least twice. He ended up with stiches each time. They continue to shove him around and treat him like crap when-ever one of them feels like it. We're poor. There is no such thing as a public defender anymore. We get continuing bills for service from public defenders who usually never even show up at court...

The IBI (Illinois - same as FBI) beat up my brother when he was 16 - they wore suits and didn't identify themselves. He was waiting for a bus on the way to college (smart kid - won all sorts of awards incl. citizen of the year) - they grabbed him and when he said hey what gives to being grabbed by four guys, they proceeded to beat the crap out of him...

Bittybug - I meant to tell you about this a long time ago (your brother in Illinois - same here - mine too - now they do it to my kids)...

posted on October 26, 2001 02:25:28 PM new
I have serious doubts about there being elections in 3 years. If this terrorism keeps coming in various forms Bush has said he will carry the good fight on even if the people tire so the logical extension would be that at the end of the term he could not allow himself to be voted out for the good of the nation. Nothing would surprise me.

posted on October 26, 2001 02:35:03 PM new
rachelcrisscross - OK - Why did they do that? I don't mean to suggest by that question it was right or proper or anything but you must have some idea what set them off. Is he a minority - visably so? - or was he working with some organization for minorities or gay or homeless or such that they had targeted him? I have just gone through seeing the same thing with my Nephew in Ohio because he is mentally ill and lives in a hotel that is converted to cheap housing and the security is all off duty police. He is not a violent or very visable mentally ill person but they often give unreasonable orders to the residents as if they are not independant adults and then when they arrested him withheld his medication for days so that by the time of his hearing he was a mess to look at.

posted on October 26, 2001 02:38:17 PM new
krs ... there's nothing that requires that you believe what you're told.

Are you saying if a person gets information from the mainstream news services they are 'cattle', but if the person finds your diet of unbaised news (belly laugh) as accurate they are 'enlightened'?

posted on October 26, 2001 02:50:46 PM new
Ken: Perhaps you would be more comfortable in Afghanastan living under the Taliban rule. You sure don't seem happy living in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

It's so easy to sit at the computer and criticize our President. And here's a big surprise - I'm a Democrat! How long do you think you would last living in Iran and publicly stating your displeasure with the country's leadership?

There are some things - and yes, some people - that I won't miss at AW.

posted on October 26, 2001 02:54:27 PM new
gravid - My son - one of them - currently in jail and things occured recently (and continue to occur on occasion). My other son and many of his friends are harrassed quite often...

- Not minority other than east side of town (not as well off financially as west side of town - also more "leftist" sorts over here - especially our street - but it happens on the west side too - the north and south side is worse because mainly there are more minorities there and sometimes they [police] get away with it more there - and yes, Madison has one of the lowest crime rates in the country and true - it is a nice place to live comparibly - but it still happens - also hardly any serious crime at all so crack down is on "petty" crimes - things that sometimes aren't even considered crimes if one is an adult - kids go to prison here for drinking and misdomeanors - super max)...I could go on but...

Okay - the other thing - my brother - that was a long time ago - 1979. "Hash Wednesday" (yearly marijuana festival) was going on behind the student union on the quad so there were lots of undercovers around the area. My brother was standing in front of the union at a bus transfer point. Didn't do anything - was just waiting for the bus - was not involved in what was going on in back of the union. He was known though, as an "agitator" from previous things though so that may have had something to do with it (he had organised a "Mock the Draft" thing at his high school the year before when ROTC recruiters had come to the high school)...could have been payback...

Other members of my family have been targeted by authorities for political activity...

When my sons were 7 and 9 they were accused by local police as being "Political Conspirators"...they had gone down to the capitol (with their baby-sitter - sheesh - while I was at work) and yelled about the Christmas tree lights that were stung up there...

Sorry for getting off subject somewhat...

Carry on...
[ edited by rachelcrisscross on Oct 26, 2001 03:02 PM ]
posted on October 26, 2001 03:00:07 PM new
Hmmm - Sounds like it would be more effective to be a little less visable and a little more devious.

posted on October 26, 2001 03:02:38 PM new
Question everything. How could there be such discrepencies between what the press here tells you and what the press in britain tells you? You yourself have repeatedly praised Britain as our friends. Or is it that you have such blind biases that you haven't even noticed that several of the newsfeeds that I've brought for your belly laugh are from the bbc? I have to wonder how it is that you can deem anything to be biased or unbiased if you haven't read it. Does someone tell you what to read? I certainly don't. Yet unfailingly you are in the threads that I start completely ignorant of the subject and yet attacking me. So what could that mean other than you simply don't like me and are acting out some vendetta because of it?

posted on October 26, 2001 03:04:25 PM new
At least he has specific reasons for why he doesn't like or trust the man.

If you want to convince people that our President doesn't deserve criticism, Muriel, or that he's done a swell job of protecting us from terrorism, that he's made the mails safe, that he knows exactly where Osama Bin Laden is and will be "smoking him out" sometime before this time next year, and that he's not just repeating his father's Gulf War mistakes, please cite your reasons. That's how you debate things like this. You don't cop a "Because he's our President" attitude, insult people, and then expect folks to think yours is a reasonable stance.

posted on October 26, 2001 03:05:26 PM new
One more quick note: Current Health and Services Head - Tommy Thompson is the one who set things up here so kids could get sent to supermax prisons for misdomeanors...

P.S. I think Ken (previous post) hit it on the head...

[ edited by rachelcrisscross on Oct 26, 2001 03:09 PM ]
posted on October 26, 2001 03:56:34 PM new
Once again, well-stated, Spaz.

No one, and I mean absolutely no one, determines how or what I think about any issue that I believe to be important to the good of this nation. I read, I listen, and I observe; I speculate, I reason. From that process, I draw my conclusions and I respect anyone who does likewise regardless of what their conclusions may be. And I don't give atinker's damn about whether or not anyone likes those conclusions. If they wish to discuss, explore, debate an issue fine. If not, or if they have no basis in reasoned discourse to refute what I believe to be true, then they can very well keep their judgmental comments to themselves.

[ edited by Antiquary on Oct 26, 2001 03:58 PM ]
posted on October 26, 2001 03:59:03 PM new
Yee ha!

posted on October 26, 2001 04:02:31 PM new
If you want to convince people that our President doesn't deserve criticism, Muriel, or that he's done a swell job of protecting us from terrorism, that he's made the mails safe, that he knows exactly where Osama Bin Laden is and will be "smoking him out" sometime before this time next year, and that he's not just repeating his father's Gulf War mistakes...

Spaz, if George is such a lousy President because he hasn't been able to do any of the above, then please tell us - WHO IS THE MAN who could do all of the above? Don't keep it a secret from the country! Tell us who this perfect mortal is!

posted on October 26, 2001 04:03:56 PM new
I could do a better job...

posted on October 26, 2001 04:04:01 PM new
Whoa! That is without doubt the strongest post I have seen you make, Dan.

posted on October 26, 2001 04:15:03 PM new

Every four years,You choose one of two men
For president.Craps roll,You wonder about the one who got away.Kinda like an old flame.

posted on October 26, 2001 04:19:56 PM new
No, it's just been a while, Ken. You're memory's not what it used to be, you know.


Saw the pictures of the new addition to the family. LOL.

posted on October 26, 2001 04:56:43 PM new
Spaz, Dan, Ken & Dusa...right on!

Urau, one does not find all of the story in the main street media. I look, read, listen and analyze from a variety of sources to form an opinion. If you form a different opinion with the same amount of study on a topic, I love to discuss it with you. However, I find it extremely difficult to discuss issues with a person who apparently knows very little about it and must resort to sarcasm instead of presenting a thesis. Anyone can be sarcastic.

Muriel, as I said earlier, I think it is our patriotic duty to discuss these issues, to make sure America is staying true to American ideals. I would shoot myself if I had to live sticking my head up my butt, ignoring everything around me so that I could live a life of fluff completely lacking in substance. A respectful political discussion is a far better way to while away time in my book.

Gravid, odd, I mentioned today that I expect a president for life position to come out of this.

posted on October 26, 2001 05:04:37 PM new
Muriel, as I said earlier, I think it is our patriotic duty to discuss these issues, to make sure America is staying true to American ideals. I would shoot myself if I had to live sticking my head up my butt, ignoring everything around me so that I could live a life of fluff completely lacking in substance. A respectful political discussion is a far better way to while away time in my book.

I don't know about you, but I have a life away from the boards and I do a hell of a lot of serious discussing during the day. I administer the estates of dead people for a living. I come to the boards for "fluff" because my career is anything but. And I resent the fact that you think I live my life "sticking my head up my butt, ignoring everything around me so that I could live a life of fluff completely lacking in substance." You don't know the first thing about me, BittyBug.

posted on October 26, 2001 05:11:02 PM new
Well Muriel...I come to the boards for socialization, which includes intelligent discussions...you go enjoy your fluff and leave the intelligent discussion to those of us who are here looking for it. See how that works.

Geeze...talk about grouchy

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