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posted on February 5, 2002 03:39:43 PM new
Maybe it all happened before my time, but I've never seen enchanted attack you krs, or anyone else for that matter. Here or at AC.

"Sometimes when we touch, the honesty's too much....."
posted on February 5, 2002 03:42:50 PM new
I am posting here now 'cause it's pre-dinner time. You know the time I mean...you cant really start a lengthy project because dinner will be ready soon and you just kinda do menial stuff like go online.
posted on February 5, 2002 03:53:54 PM new
Don't you dare, Borillar!

Board mavens live to piss and moan. If you try to accomodate them, even once--even show the slightest hint that you MIGHT try to accomodate them they'll be at you like buzzards on carion in a field.

To see the truth of this is simple enough. Just look to the treatment which the ever sweet and exceedingly intelligent Helen has received for the simple failing of being nice. Don't let it happen to you. You're better than twenty of them as you are.

posted on February 5, 2002 05:17:48 PM new
I kind of thought there was an element of playacting in your histronics, Borillar. Much as you might try, you can't quite hide that you do have a sense of humor.

posted on February 5, 2002 05:28:50 PM new

posted on February 5, 2002 07:30:45 PM new
KRS get a new tinfoil beanie. Do you really think this forum would suffer because of your absence? Seems to me when you had your mini-manifesto there was celebrating in the streets. Too bad you came back. *Yawn*

posted on February 5, 2002 07:55:28 PM new


This forum will vanish without Krs. You, on the other hand, will not be missed. Don't yawn. Wake up!


posted on February 5, 2002 07:58:57 PM new
...slips in singing "We are the world"

In the words of the great [though drunken]peacemaker Rodney King..."Can't we all just get along??"

"We are the ones who make a brighter day so.......la la la la" .........slips back out still hummming the tune

[ edited by rawbunzel on Feb 5, 2002 07:59 PM ]
posted on February 5, 2002 08:11:40 PM new

You, I can't understand. You leave, start another board, recruit members from this floundering board and then come back to ask,
"can't we just get along?"

The answer is obvious.


posted on February 5, 2002 08:14:13 PM new
Twinsoft. I think that you look like Mr. Potato, twinsoft.

posted on February 5, 2002 08:28:26 PM new
Helen, I don't understand your post. Can't people get along no matter if or where they post?

"Sometimes when we touch, the honesty's too much....."
posted on February 5, 2002 08:44:45 PM new
Helen, I cannot tell where you may have come upon the belief that one can post only at one board exclusivly. Some people that I really enjoy do not post here any longer and I did not want to go where they post. Is that so hard to understand? I did not recruit anyone away from here, please show me where I have done so..do I spam the board with the name ? Do I have a little url in my sig line? Have I mentioned it here? No...you have. I dare say you are the one doing the recruiting not I. People go where they want to go. That board is an accidental board. I made it months and months ago AS A JOKE when I posted at GB and didn't ever think of "opening" it until that fateful evening. Why does that bother you so? I have a CC on file here, I like it here, I can post here. Or there. OR ANYWHERE. Just like you.

You don't have to understand me. Not a requirement to post.

posted on February 5, 2002 08:46:28 PM new
Oh yes, nearly forgot...

Helen, I didn't leave here.I'm here every single day. I just added another place to the places I post.

posted on February 5, 2002 08:48:59 PM new


When you take advantage of a board, floundering in the water, on which you have devoted considerable time and start another board, luring the posters to that other board, it's your choice.

But then, when you come back to ask, "can't we just get along?"... that is a question that is beyond my comprehension.


posted on February 5, 2002 08:57:28 PM new
Helen,Simple answer~ Quit thinking about it .

Perhaps if we did just try to get along no one would leave. Hmmmmmm. Totally new concept. Way out there concept.Hard to understand concept. Apparently.

Seems to me that if the board is floundering any post from anyone is a good post.

Dig on, Helen.

posted on February 5, 2002 08:59:43 PM new


I'm just telling the truth as I see it.


posted on February 5, 2002 09:05:32 PM new
The way I saw it Helen, was the RT was floundering right after the credit card thing. Since then the RT has become more and more political which was/is interesting to read but difficult to keep commenting on. Newt's was a fluke that just came along at the right time as an alternative to some of the other boards, including the RT. Most posters there also post here, so you haven't lost anything, it's just an alternative board. Isn't that OK?

"Sometimes when we touch, the honesty's too much....."
posted on February 5, 2002 09:06:45 PM new
The truth as you see it does not necessarily make it the truth. I'm sorry you feel I "took advantage" of here. I don't see how that is possible or where I have done it but if that is your perception you are free to have it. It does not make it so.

I have always enjoyed your company and the company of the others that post here. Why do you feel compelled to try to drive me off? What have I done to you?

posted on February 5, 2002 09:11:26 PM new
Added to that..

Why do you feel that anyone that posts anywhere else is doing something to you personaly? Or somehow betraying the RT? Do we owe a message board our undying loyalty?

Even KRS posts elsewhere....the horror!!! He should be banished........

Do you not see the ridiculousness of that stance?

posted on February 5, 2002 09:11:51 PM new

I would tend to agree with Helen in an oblique kind of way. You say that anyone can post anywhere but I noticed a post from someone which said that the person did not know what hopelessinner was thinking about when he/she invited maui to post at your board. That, coupled with the fact that neither you or anyone else has done much but make those secretive little comments here and elsewhere about how things are better at newt's, and certainly have not issued a general invitation to any and all leaves me thinking that your statement may apply to anywhere else, but not to your place.

I don't know if you invitd Helen there, but if not would that possibly raise her level of resentment toward you?

You ask 'can't we all get along', but you do little that I see to foster such cohesion.

posted on February 5, 2002 09:20:32 PM new
KRS, the only invitation I have given at all is the one that was in the Rawbunzel thread here right when Irene mentioned the board and I invited anyone that wanted to go to go and check it out. After that I invited no one. Helen was invited and indeed more than once by others as well and she has posted there. Here resentment is unwarranted. Also If you could show me where I have ever on this board or any other said that Newts was better than here or more fun? I have never mentioned the board here in the vein..others have.

As for that unfortunate comment made by some troll at AC [and another earlier one] I thought it was a foolish thing for anyone to post but consider the source..a troll at AC for goodness sake. Wasn't worth commenting on to draw attention was my thought so I didn't. What can I do? That was someone trying to start trouble between me and Maui. Nothing more. I was not willing to take the bait. Do you think I should have? Should Maui have? Quite frankly, I thought it was much better that neither one of us said anything but now that you have brought it up it will be discussed ad nauseum over there.

I am not a troll there although I have posted there.

Anything else?

posted on February 5, 2002 09:22:57 PM new

I don't see anything wrong with posting to another board. I have also posted to other boards.

Maybe I have a stronger sense of loyalty, especially since this board is experiencing some difficulties. It would not seem ethical to me to start another board under these circumstances. That is how I feel, right or wrong.

You mentioned krs. He has maintained a presence here and has contributed to this board by keeping threads posted. And of more importance, he has not recruited posters to another board.


ed.to remove double sig.
[ edited by hjw on Feb 5, 2002 09:28 PM ]
posted on February 5, 2002 09:29:41 PM new
If I post a general invitation...again.. where would I do that? Here? To garner the anger of Helen? Perhaps OTWA? no. OK. How about Barrys. That would be rude. OK then maybe Ross. No. Maybe I should go to AC and scream over the troll talk that all are welcome? Ah, that would be fun. What do you suggest? All are welcome. I would never want anyone to be turned away if they wanted to go there. I do not however believe in spamming other boards nor would I have ever mentioned the board here if it was not brought up by Helen.

Really, KRS. This is apparently a no win situation. I would like to be able to post here as always without having to explain why I like to post here.

If you don't like Newts there I said it! don't gothere. If you would like to talk to some of the folks that are there then do. Honestly, my feeling are not hurt either way. It is not a popularity contest it is only a F**king Message board.

posted on February 5, 2002 09:35:58 PM new

Don't worry about it Rawbunzil.

It's just a chat board.


posted on February 5, 2002 09:40:48 PM new
Well Rawbunz, obviously there's no way for me to know whether you or maui responded to that at AC since, as you say, you are all trolls there. In fact I had never gone to the place before today and could not tell one unreg from another. I was able to make some deductions though, one of which you can see here, but never got far enough along to tell which troll might be you. Given that I'm sure that you don't mean to say that all trolls in AC should be ignored, at least not without a scorecard.

As Helen has just reiterated, the thought of loyalty to a place either is important to a person or it is not. Sometimes for one who does have such feelings convenience and pleasure might be set aside for the greater good of the place involved. This place will not survive without people, yet people keep leaving it to die all the while shouting out their affection for the place. You are one like that. Though I don't think that resentment is in order here at all, I can allow that someone might feel that way because the truth is that the people who remain here suffer the resentments over the closure of the board felt by all and expressed in critisism elsewhere. You seem to have seen that.

posted on February 5, 2002 09:41:06 PM new
Oh, Helen. Its an EZ board. It's not a big fancy web site. its a "set it up yourself in five minures" board. Lots and lots of people have them. Yes, this board is floundering. If you haven't noticed, it isn't just the RT. It is all of AW. Aw has been a wonderful source of information to me, I learned most of my auctioneering skills in the EO. I have met many, many peole here that I truly do enjoy. Many of them left for whatever reason. Many of them didn't feel comfortable at other boards so were not posting. Why is it wrong to have a place to talk to those people?

If you understood boards..especially EZ boards they are transient things. Here one day gone another.People are not loyal to boards.AW has withstood more of this flux than any other board so far. The pity is that AW themselves could not see the value in the people who were here...are here... trying to make this an interesting and educational site. AW didn't build it..the posters did.AW is at fault for driving people away...not me and a piddly little EZ board. If it died tomorrow it would not harm me .

posted on February 5, 2002 09:48:42 PM new
"AW is at fault for driving people away"

What? I heard that it was those terrible three who did that.

posted on February 5, 2002 09:54:53 PM new
KRS, you misread my post. I said I have posted at AC but I am not a troll there.I read there but rarely ever post. What was said about Hopeless was not me nor did it express my feelings. What was said was wrong.

I believe that some do have a sense of loyalty to a place. I used to and must still have some to some extent or why would I be here at all? I have not left here. No more than you. You take time off sometimes for days on end. You have said you were leaving and never coming back before. You do come back but still where is your sense of loyalty then?

This board is being unfairly judged by others at other places. It is about 3 people that say those things trying to look like more. The more that is said about that the more they like it. I try to not feed them. This conversation alone is enough to get them talking negativley about this board.

And here I am chuming the trolls.

posted on February 5, 2002 09:57:23 PM new
You've got it wrong, Ken. Robin doesn't post at AC currently and neither do I (I never have). It's Helen who is a regular poster there. I guess according to the way you seem to view things, perhaps you should talk to her about loyalty.

[ edited by stockticker on Feb 5, 2002 09:58 PM ]
posted on February 5, 2002 09:59:38 PM new
LOL! KRS, I seem to be a post behind!

Yes, It was AW that drove people off. The "terrible three" had nothing to do with it.Anyone with any gumption would just post here and not let the "terrible three" bother them.I am a mere woman and I am braving it! LOL Besides ~there are more than three posters here. No matter what those trolls say.

This conversation is proof that a civil discussion can be had here.

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