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posted on July 20, 2002 12:07:33 PM new
me "I will never change my mind "

you I'm sure that there isn't a single fact or case that ever would make you change your mind, Linda. I believe you.

Good!!! I'm glad you believe me. And I qualified my statement....so don't make it a generalized one. Because when it comes to children being molested and killed....I have no feelings of mercy of any kind. When they take the life of a child [and are convicted of same], they should be put to death themselves in my opinion.

When a technicality lets a proven child molestor and killer off the hook....and releases them back into our society, so they can do it again, that system needs review IMO.

posted on July 20, 2002 12:12:11 PM new
Castration worked to prevent future crimes. But only if you start the incision in the right place. Generally, you have to start just below the adam's apple.......

Reality is a serious condition brought on by a lack of alcohol in the system

posted on July 20, 2002 12:14:45 PM new


posted on July 20, 2002 02:50:22 PM new
"Regardless of what You" think,No one will buy it because it isnt true.You are trying to make a female predator out of most of the female population,Now you have shown me what you really think."

I have? I've always let everyone on here know my mind and have never tried to hide it from anyone in any form.

Am I some sort of misogamist that you claim that I am for making the allegation that women are ever but as predatory as men are? Let's do an example.

If you asked people only five or six years ago about how dangerous women are to their children, you'd get a downpour of how women all have a mysterious "Mother's Instinct to Protect and Nurture" and they could never possibly intentionally hurt or kill their own children. Even when case after case after case came through the media about women who drown, beat to death, burn, maim, torture, stab, chop-up, baseball bat, and every other way kill their kids, there are still so many people who believe that it isn't so - even with the proof in front of their eyes and ears.

While many people still do not want to believe that any woman could kill her own kids - only specially mentally ill women do that, law enforcement and the courts know better. No longer do women who murder get off lighter than a man. It wasn't until around 1987 here in Oregon, for another example, that the entire state had more than a hundred or so beds for female inmates, but for the males, it was in the tens of thousands. The state had to hurry up and build quite a few women's prisons in a big hurry here and why was that, you might ask? It was because law enforcement finally got over the "Sugar 'n' Spice 'n' Everything Nice" thought of women, due to a number of lawsuits over gender discrimination in the courts. Now women are treated nearly the same as men are in this state when it comes to committing crimes and they had to build many new prisons and jails to house them all.

Now we have that very same conception about Female Sexual Predators. It's such a Taboo subject that you accursed me: " you have shown me what you really think. We could also go deeper into the phych of men who marry and hate women. Or the control freaks who won't let a woman out of the house,And beats her on a whim.And even the scam artist who prey on women with words and rob them. So many cons....So little time." simply because I don't buy the old party line that adult women are nothing more than children and should be looked upon as being pristine and pure and gentle, etcetera, ad nauseum. Instead of refuting the argument with some sort of rationale, you prefer to personally attack me.

Personally, it says to me that you have many unresolved issues in your own life and that you aren't considerate enough to stop painting people you meet with the same brush if their opinions don't exactly match your own. Your reaction only proves my points, in that there are many women who are sexual predators and that we don't think that is so because we can't see women doing such a thing (or else we label those who see things fro what they are as woman haters.) Having lived under and been on the receiving end for many years of domestic abuse from a woman (I never fought back), I tend to have a clearer view of what the female of the species is all too capable of. That you wouldn't know a "100 0/0 male" if he made an stone cold obvious pass at you is obvious to me as well.

posted on July 20, 2002 02:53:09 PM new
"Because when it comes to children being molested and killed....I have no feelings of mercy of any kind. When they take the life of a child [and are convicted of same], they should be put to death themselves in my opinion."

I'm not trying to generalize, Linda. I only want to ask you now if your statement above goes for both women as well as men?

posted on July 20, 2002 03:13:42 PM new
No need to look further than Missouri for a case in point: http://www.ageofconsent.com/comments/femalepredator.htm

posted on July 20, 2002 03:43:16 PM new
Borillar - I see no difference between the sexes. Any person who molests and kills a child, IMO, should get the death penalty. I've never implied women should be exempt.

But I do think krs' link provides support for what junquemama said....this woman [in his article] is only the 4th woman to molest? And we don't know if any of those other THREE women killed their victims.

posted on July 20, 2002 03:54:21 PM new
Don't leaP to a conclusion as usual that there are or have been only four from a single statement that seems to support your odd premises.. http://www.whengirlsdoit.com/

Junquemama is an imposter.

posted on July 20, 2002 04:02:35 PM new
"I've never implied women should be exempt."

I know that, Linda. I was only getting your thoughts for the record.

What do you think should be done to men and women who molest, but don't kill their victims?

posted on July 20, 2002 04:08:44 PM new
When Girls Do It pretty much sums up my case. Thanks, KRS, for that link. American society is still into denial about it and can't even agree to it being a crime or not. It will eventually come out that since there is a general acceptance of this type of criminal sexual molestation, with a denial that it ever happens to boot, it will turn up as a very serious and common problem; so common, that women will never be viewed in the same way again.

posted on July 20, 2002 04:09:07 PM new
LOL krs - You're the one who posted the article.

Borillar - This thread was about a little girl who was molested and killed by a man. I've stated how I feel about that and what should happen to them. You're the one taking this off in all different directions. We could play 'what if' forever. When a different issue comes up, I'll have no problem sharing my views. But there are too many variables. There are not too many variables when a child is molested and killed.

posted on July 20, 2002 04:13:27 PM new
And I'll add to my last post....that for as long as I have lived, I have never heard of a woman molesting and killing her victim. And that's what I've been talking about here.

posted on July 20, 2002 04:22:36 PM new
I haven't heard of that ever happening either Linda. Or a female pedophile. I agree that there are women who kill their own children or babysitters who kill, etc., but it's not sexually motivated.

Borillar or krs, have you ever heard of any female pedophiles?

posted on July 20, 2002 04:39:59 PM new
Borillar,You said:, you prefer to personally attack me
When? Where? You invited me into this conversation. I don't see any attack by me.

posted on July 20, 2002 04:43:05 PM new

KRS,Junquemama is an imposter.

posted on July 20, 2002 04:56:18 PM new
Borillar,You said:
Oh, that's too bad. I really would have liked some honest discussion on the question. You see, everyone always avoids this subject on here, because too many of them feel that young boys can not be molested by older adult women

Did I misunderstand what was said here?
I can understand why no one would want to engage in a conversation with you.(subject}
Do you have anything nice to say about any woman,?I havent seen it yet.
Anything I say will be lumped into your
If that is so,Then the conversation was usless from the beginning.

posted on July 20, 2002 05:05:31 PM new
Link to links

Junquemama, why I never!
You have the right to an informed opinion
-Harlan Ellison
posted on July 20, 2002 05:09:13 PM new
Borillar,You said:
Personally, it says to me that you have many unresolved issues in your own life and that you aren't considerate enough to stop painting people you meet with the same brush if their opinions don't exactly match your own. Your reaction only proves my points, in that there are many women who are sexual predators and that we don't think that is so because we can't see women doing such a thing (or else we label those who see things fro what they are as woman haters.) Having lived under and been on the receiving end for many years of domestic abuse from a woman (I never fought back), I tend to have a clearer view of what the female of the species is all too capable of. That you wouldn't know a "100 0/0 male" if he made an stone cold obvious pass at you is obvious to me as well.
The way you disected every word of a sentence last night,And tried to down right
bully me into agreeing with you on your narrow highway of women,My beliefs are the same and I will not change them for you or anyone else.

posted on July 20, 2002 05:12:59 PM new

Snowy,Wow!that will take a while.I have a secret........ I can't read

posted on July 20, 2002 05:21:30 PM new
Thanks, KRS, for trying to get my point going - that link is for kraftdinner to look at as well. But I think that you'd better stick to your primary account before you get into trouble.

posted on July 20, 2002 06:06:19 PM new
I did a search on google and came up with some sites that claim there are just as many women pedophiles as men, but most either go unreported or aren't considered to be 'that bad' when they are. (I'm not sure how credible these sites are.) I've never heard of a case, so I guess I was wrong.

In any case, even if men and women were equally guilty of sexually harming children, I still don't see how it can be prevented with explicitness being so readily available these days. Anything invasive tends to sound like a Nazi thing and the government won't lock these people up forever, so maybe our type of society is just destined to have this type of stuff happen on a regular basis. (??)

posted on July 20, 2002 06:14:35 PM new
I have a secret too, Junquemama. That page almost fried my brain.

You have the right to an informed opinion
-Harlan Ellison
posted on July 20, 2002 06:36:59 PM new
snowyegret - Thanks for all those links.

From just reading a few...the different studies seem to say things all over the charts. Each stating what their results, and then others saying something totally different. Sounds like they aren't coming to the same conclusions. Then some are from Canadian studies....and we know we can't believe those.
[Just kidding Irene & KD]

But I still didn't find one [not done yet] that speaks to the issue of women molesting and killing children.

posted on July 20, 2002 07:50:53 PM new
LindaK -

I've been searching too but haven't found anything yet. What I did come across was an article explaining that everything bad that happens is the fault of homosexuals. It's pretty funny (but not meant to be of course).


posted on July 20, 2002 07:56:45 PM new
Wow!! He doesn't leave anyone unscathed, does he? Boy...

Have a good night.

posted on July 20, 2002 08:09:36 PM new
It's only a guess onmy part, but I think that the answer lies in the fact that most pedophiles who sexually assualt kids kill their victims in order not to be identified. Evidently, very, very, very few do so to get pleasure out of doing it. So the main reasopn to to prevent themselves from getting caught.

But if a woman does the sexual assaulting and it isn't seen as a crime, what motive does the woman have to kill their victims?

I suspect that once we wake up to the facts and women are routinely identified as active pedophioles, caught and punished/incarcerated, you WILL start to see women who kill their victims.

That's just my two cents on that question.

posted on July 20, 2002 08:18:51 PM new
LindaK and Snowy,KD,There are no female
pedophioles.I would be shocked if you found

[ edited by junquemama on Jul 20, 2002 08:19 PM ]
posted on July 20, 2002 08:35:09 PM new
Junquemama, go here:

I didn't think so either.

That's a really good point Borillar. But I thought the killing part was part of the 'whole thing'. If a person disguised themself, I doubt a child would be able to identify them, especially if they were traumatized.

posted on July 20, 2002 09:08:16 PM new

K.D,I couldnt read thru 2 of those sites.Made me sick to my stomach.I have now
caught up to reality and it purely sucks.No where,I mean no where, had I ever heard of female

posted on July 20, 2002 10:49:00 PM new
Thanks for that link, KD. I read a bit on http://www.websurfer13.com/Female%20Pedophiles.htm and was surprized that studies have been done that showed just how rampant the problem of female sexual molesters are. While not conclusive, all the studies indicate that the problem is widespread and under reported by a large margin.

So, to continue.

Now, how can we go about wantng to castrate and kill these molesters who themselves are victims? Are we not culpable because we endorse female pedophelia which may be the direct cause of some of these killer molestations? Shouldn't we condem ourselves for our complicity first before we condem victims killing victims?

I say: let's change the legal system to recognize the problem, train police investigators and social services investigators to recognize and help out these kids who are victims of female predation, just as we now do for victims of male predation. Let us explore ways to help victims of molestation to not become molesters themselves. Let us research ways to stop those who have gone too far. Let us bury those victims of molestation the we have killed in revenge.

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