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posted on December 5, 2002 09:23:12 AM new
They do have devices that will cancel out "noise" by creating a complimentary wave. But it is only available for continous noise sources and in enclosed areas.

A firearm would produce the sound wave far quicker than the wave compliment could be calibrated and activated.

posted on December 5, 2002 09:44:01 AM new
The cancellation of the waves I mentioned, is utilized in everyday electronics! There would be no need for a mechanical device other than what is necessary to generate the sound wave, since the wave generator could create a wave identical too (other than being out of phase) the sound wave responsible for the noise associated with the bolt closing or any other mechanical generated noise, thus canceling them as well. The speed of the device is not a issue, it can all be done with a feedback system far faster than the human ear can detect.

posted on December 5, 2002 12:50:45 PM new
The electronic sound suppressor is a reality in industrial use and at least experientally, on cars.

The problem with weapons is 2 fold- there is the noise of the explosion , the rapid burning of the powder, that is what current "silencers" address. There is however, another sound that can't be addressed that way, the sonic noise created as the bullet cracks the sound barrier, a miniature sonic boom just like a jet plane makes when it goes supersonic. because that is generated as the bullet travels across that speed line and is of a magnitude well beyond the explosive noise, a conventional suppressor smaller than a 50 gallon drum can't catch it.
This is why conventional silencers are effective with sub-sonic rounds, no sonic boom to deal with.

posted on December 5, 2002 01:27:12 PM new
The current Arab states were created for assistance to Britain during ww1.

"Israel came about as an action of the UN after Britain announced it was pulling out of Palestine where it had been the administrative power. Jews and Arabs both used TERRORIST tactics against the British and drove them out, then turned on one another."

Israel's creation was promised for financial assistance to Britain during WW2. Who do you think paid for all those ships flowing into the UK when the Nazi's were deciding that they had a liking for Guiness?

The Brits tried to reneg after the war and then caved into pressure to honor their promises.

Israel was paid for with lives and money. The Arabs recieved all the oil and lands in WW1. Israel got a bunch of sand that it developed and converted and instead of over 50 years of prosperity trading and evolving with Israel these petty, jealous, fanatic, and backward cultures have tried to rip Israel down.

Could you imagine if Israel ever attacked or started an action on a Muslim Holy day? Could you imagine if Israel did any of the things that these Arab states have tried and failed at?

What about the Jewish natives that were attacked and driven from their communities of hundreds if not thousands of years?

There used to be lively Jewish communities in Syria, Iraq, Iran, and even Egypt!

Were these refugess treated better than Israel has treated Palestinians?

Like another poster said, if the Arabs had not attacked, again, and again, and again, there would've been a healthy and probably wealthy state of Palestine.

I feel bad for the Palestinian people. Because they've been used as pawns for generations. I only hope one day they realize who they should really be angry at. Of course it's much easier to simply hate Isreal and hope that one day they succeed in destroying the country and people.

It's criminal.

posted on December 5, 2002 02:56:50 PM new
No rifle or gun can be fully silenced -- there is always some sound. However, the ability to subdue the sound from firing can get very sophisticated ~ especially when you have the technology and resources of the US Government at your disposal. Silencers for the M-16 were tried back during the Viet-Nam conflict, but were not workable then. However, it's been almost fourty years since then and I think we've likely been able to improve on that. While I can not say for sure if a workable, greatly subdued M-16 exists, I personally do not doubt that it is so.

posted on December 5, 2002 08:13:42 PM new
I got an email from JamesOblivion asking me to post a particular message from him to Ken. Unfortunately, that kind of language isn't allowed in this forum. But it wasn't "Happy Chanukah," I can tell you that much. (Hi, James, LTNS!)

posted on December 5, 2002 11:42:38 PM new
>Crazy me. I had it ass backwards. I thought it was the Palestinians who have been harassed and killed by the Israelis who have been funded by the United States.

Helen, the Palestinians are in the middle. They are the pawns of the Saudis, who fund radical hard-line islamic regeimes and they use these countries to funnel weapons and funds to the Palestinians. Knowing how Israel will retaliate each and every time, they have so impoverished the Palstinian people that their kids know have the same outlook as many blacks and hispanics do in this country. Those Palestinian kids beleive that they are already dead and are powerless to do anything to live a normal life.

The Saudis couldn't care less, so long as it furthers their agenda of taking out Israel and western influences. They want to take back the old Ottoman Empire and more if they can. They intend on doing it by overthrowing the governments of their neighbors and replacing them with extremeist Islamic regeimes, like I said above. The Israelis are aware of it, but will never back down their policy of open retaliation for acts committed against them. Too bad we don't let them go after the Saudis and blow them to kingdon come.

posted on December 6, 2002 07:13:04 AM new
Tell me, Tell me, Tell me, Just like many ‘Jews’ I’m not a Semite but If I convert to Judaism can I claim the land some call Israel too???? And then move there and demand that the Arabs get out???

There’s Jewish propaganda thrown at you and me every day, and it dominates, you can be sure of that. Can’t you see it. I guess not, you’ve been brainwashed by Warner Brothers.

Perhaps we should ask the ‘unbiased’ Kissinger to work this out too.

How can some of you people be so ignorant to think that only Muslims tell lies,
What’s that nice fellow that was once nabbed for running guns doing, Poindexter, Isn’t he about to start something like ‘information retrieval’.
I smoked but never inhaled.

Naturally you’d strap bombs, what else could you do against the most modern tanks; throw stones?
That’s about all they’ve got.

Good on you bear1949 & reamond, Keep fuelling the hatred for Muslim Arabs and make sure America stays in the war.
And when you’ve finished with them, then perhaps you can get back to the communists.

Osama , if your reading this I just want you to know that we don’t have as many reamonds in Australia.

posted on December 6, 2002 08:17:55 AM new
I got an email from James Oblivion. Waving hi to James. Wish you were still posting here...you're missed greatly. Hope all is well and that life is being good to you. Happy Chanukah!

posted on December 6, 2002 08:46:02 AM new
How can some of you people be so ignorant to think that only Muslims tell lies

Lies? People can see the actions of the terrorists and suicide bombers. Not going to gain much sympathy doing that. Matter of fact, the Palestinians have lost many who once supported their cause, because of their actions.

Naturally you'd strap bombs, what else could you do against the most modern tanks; throw stones? Well, I'd suggest they realize that Israel will stop [and has stopped] the retaliation when these fanatics stop their terrorism. Their goal of eliminating Jews off the face of the earth isn't going to bring them peace anytime in the near future.

Good on you bear1949 & reamond, Keep fuelling the hatred for Muslim Arabs and make sure America stays in the war. What a low blow, and so untrue. The actions of Muslims, themselves, are what's changing opinions and fueling this hatred.

Osama, if your reading this I just want you to know that we don't have as many reamonds in Australia. That appears to be changing...especially since the bombing in Bali. Didn't appear to me that Australia accepted that violence against their citizens very well. From what I've read, your country is taking a stronger stand against these terrorists too.

The more these 'peaceful' muslim terrorists spread their violence and hatred around the world, there will be fewer and fewer who support their philosophy.

posted on December 6, 2002 09:09:47 AM new
"The more these 'peaceful' muslim terrorists spread their violence and hatred around the world, there will be fewer and fewer who support their philosophy."

Linda, can you possibly expand your brain power just a little bit and consider the violence and hatred in the world not perpetrated by the muslims. They have bombs - Israel has bulldozers and weapons of mass destruction and they are responding to the suicide bombers with disproportionate force. Do you think that all muslim people are clones of Arrafat? They, like you want peace. They want to live without oppression.

Why are you so dam narrow minded?


[ edited by Helenjw on Dec 6, 2002 09:13 AM ]
posted on December 6, 2002 09:36:43 AM new
If such a electronic "silencer" were available to the military, why isn't it or a version of it in use on aircraft (jet fighters), Helicopter's, tanks or Bradley vehicles.

If such a device were available to the military, you better believe it would be in use.
If you have ever herd a round fired from a 120mm cannon on a Abrams tank or a 155mm field artillery piece, you would never forget it.

Or even on civilian airliners in areas where noise abatement rules are required.

Or use them to replace the mufflers on personal automobles.

Because at this time such a electronic device is impracticle.

I have a gunsmith friend that currently manufactures (legaly licensed) supressors. You can call him a expert in this area. Because manufacturing supressors is part of his livelyhood, he keeps abreast of the most current development in this area. We talk often of the newest developments in the firearm field and he has yet to head of a ny device (mechanical or electonic) that will completely "silence" a weapon.

posted on December 6, 2002 09:46:37 AM new
Just call me narrow minded as well.

Helen,You said:

They have bombs - Israel has bulldozers and weapons of mass destruction and they are responding to the suicide bombers with disproportionate force

The fooey side bombers go into Israel,Strapped with bombs,and blow up the citizens on a daily basis,Israel has held back on any retalitions,hopeing the peace talks would work out.
There was never a let up by the bombers.

"This has been played over and over all these years.
Israel doesnt want war with the Arabs,They want to live peacefully in their land.That is the trouble,and point of contention,The land,and the jealousies of people living in the stone age.
Both sides claim a plot of land as the most Holy for both religions.Someone is right and someone is wrong......But wait....Maybe both sides are right and ALLAH is the same God of both.....That wont work,The Muslums will not
make peace with Israel,Ever.

Ive heard and read,
The rock throwing boys are paid by Arifat. 200.00 if you are injured,and 800.00 to your family if you die.The suicide bombers are paid thousands to blow their silly butts up.
Innocent people are dieing alright,on both sides.It doesnt matter who has the better weapons.....does it?

posted on December 6, 2002 09:50:23 AM new
Good on you bear1949 & reamond, Keep fuelling the hatred for Muslim Arabs and make sure America stays in the war

I am not anti semite, in fact I am PRO ISRAELI. If the Palestinians want to continue to strap bombs to themselves, more (bomb) power to them. I only wish they had their family & friends around when they trigger the device. Communist? What communist do you see in the conflict. All you see are communist (Chineese) weapons, or didn't you know that communist Russia sank (or stank) in its own politicts.
[ edited by bear1949 on Dec 6, 2002 09:51 AM ]
posted on December 6, 2002 10:29:10 AM new


I agree that they are both wrong. Anyone or any country that uses violence or threats of violence as a problem solving method is wrong.

The simple question, "why" is appropriate in the case of suicide bombers. What on earth would cause people to feel so hopeless and angry. Normal people don't kill themselves for money.


posted on December 6, 2002 11:08:29 AM new
>If such a electronic "silencer" were available to the military, why isn't it or a version of it in use on aircraft (jet fighters), Helicopter's, tanks or Bradley vehicles.

I would see such a thing as being used for Black Ops. If these became common use to the common soldier, how long would it be before BOTH sides had them? Wouldn't that be fun?

posted on December 6, 2002 02:31:43 PM new
Normal people don't kill themselves for money.
Normal people don't kill themselves for religion either, Helen. I know it is the one unforgiveable sin in my religion. I believe it is a sin in Islam too, yet for some reason these nuts think that they will reap a reward in the afterlife for their martyrdom and murder. How sick is that?


posted on December 6, 2002 02:59:02 PM new
bear 1949
1st we wanted the Communists out of Afganistan, remember!!!
Now we want someone else.
There's always a VALID reason.

How can we debate if you don't even understand the words you are using.
Use your dictionary, the word 'semite' does not pertain exclusively to Hebrews.

Sure thing...
America didn't give arms to Afganistan, to get the Russians out.

you and most other pro-Israelites keep making bull-$hit asertionson on this board and don't address questions, put to you.
'Palestinians have lost many who once supported their cause, because of their actions.' Realy

When I was younger and more impresionable and subject to the propoganda of warner bros etc, I too suppoted Israel, but not any more. I can think for myself.

This war is not BASED on religion, it's about oil and Israel.
Religion is used as an excuse by some in the West, to confound the issues.

posted on December 6, 2002 03:04:04 PM new
But Israel doesn't have any oil, austbounty. So there goes YOUR theory.

It's clear from your posts, that for you, this is about "Jews"...the so-called "Jewish lobby", the "Jewish media", yada yada. You made your agenda quite clear the first time you posted that rubbish about the "Jews who stayed home from the WTC".


posted on December 6, 2002 07:59:16 PM new
So Katy
the Muslim Arab Press tell lies,
and any reports you don't believe in the Western Press are also lies ???
Is that correct.

Also, please read,
I said its about
oil (and) Israel
oil (in) Israel

So katy it seems to me you are just ranting like a fanatic,
without any effort to consider the acuracy or logic in your statements.
Will you answer ANY of MY questions with honesty.

Will you at least tell us if you believe that the US media, & US cinematography (&therefore most popular movies in the whole world)are dominated by jews.
PS.I know the answer to this question but your answer interests me more because an answer in the negative will show me how ignorant you realy are or how fat a liar you are.

Also beware, if you answer yes then the next step would be to get you to admit that these mediums are therefore prone to Jewish 'bias' or 'propoganda'.

It may be in your interest to ignore the possibilit that jews can be war-mongers.
I'm guessing that every civilization did it at one time but Perhaps the Jews realy are the holly 'chosen Ones'.

Perhaps I'll just wait for an after-life, I mean after all; all 'GENTILES' know that it's easier for a rider on camel to pass through the eye of the neadle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of god.

[ edited by austbounty on Dec 6, 2002 08:03 PM ]
posted on December 6, 2002 08:25:17 PM new
austbounty,How dare you preach your hate and bias here.And attack the posters who dont follow your bullsh@t ramblings.Go play with yourself,No body here is going to.You came here with a lie and accuse everyone else of being a liar,There is something to be said about you as a person,you have shown yourself to everyone.Smooth move exlax!

posted on December 6, 2002 09:44:00 PM new
The Jews are running the government. The Jews are running the media. The Jews are behind the WTC attacks. Austbounty, your agenda is crystal clear. Well, here's a bone for you to choke on: The Jews have their own homeland now, and your kind are being put down like rabid dogs. Funny how things work out, isn't it?

posted on December 6, 2002 10:25:45 PM new
‘How dare you preach your hate and bias here.’
I am human--- baby, just like you, and I am honest enough to admit that in spite of any efforts I may care to make, I am still subject to bias. Aren’t you??
So it obviously doesn’t bother you as much, when I see those on AW preaching hatred for Muslims.
because only observations I make are Bias.

‘The Jews have their own homeland now, and your kind are being put down like rabid dogs’
Twinsoft IS A JEWISH SUPREMISIST Reminds me of a young Austrian boy((( De’FazerLand))))
My kind aren’t being put down like dogs, as you claim, because I’m not an Arab.
You wan’a have a word to junquemama about hatred.

If I convert to Judaism, will that make it my land too???????

posted on December 6, 2002 10:30:37 PM new
Austbounty, you come to this forum and the first words out of your mouth are lies. Why do you ask me questions? Do you think you can buy truth with lies?

posted on December 6, 2002 10:35:20 PM new
Soon we will "annex" the NBA. Then our plan for world domination will be complete. LOL.

posted on December 6, 2002 10:40:32 PM new
I sometimes wish it was possible for "one" entity to run things and determin public opinion, but there isn't and never will be.

For an ethnic/religious group like the Jews to be in charge of all the world and all money and all media, they sure don't seem to be able to control events very well. World Jewish population is declining, over 1 billion muslims are preached to dailey to kill them all and blow them up at every chance. For kings of the this world, Jews seem to live a crappy or mediocre existence. Pretty much just like the rest of us only in many instances worse.

If I were a conspiracy nut, I would say that there is a world Islamic conspiracy. They control all the oil and huge amounts of money, and seem to be able to inflict thousands of casualties upon the US without being punished. They own all the media outlets in the muslim world, and control western economies and politics through oil.

Yes, if you're going to be a conspiracy nut, it would seem that the muslims should be your group. Jews and Israel are powerless by comparision.

posted on December 6, 2002 10:51:13 PM new
Im off to have a barby,
thank's for playing with me junquemama.

twinsoft wrote
During Passover, Jews pray "next year in Jerusalem." You can bet your ass Jesus also prayed this prayer.

Well twinsoft,I guess they were chosen.


Didn't jesus whip the jews for doing business on church ground.
Perhaps they'll get a whiping for this current business too!!!!

posted on December 6, 2002 11:16:45 PM new
>So katy it seems to me you are just ranting like a fanatic,

A word of advice, austbouty - talk to Katy about Israelis, but not about Catholcism and the Miracle of Transubstanciation. Otherwise, she goes from fanatical to berserk. Speak politely and she can usually keep it all together.

Just teasing ya, Katy!

posted on December 6, 2002 11:26:54 PM new
I don't believe Jesus prayed " next year in Palestine" - he was already there.

That prayer is thousands of years old. It is recited by Jews everywhere, including modern Israelis. (As I said, it is "next year in Jerusalem," not Palestine.)

I think the Arabs claim is just as valid as the Jews....

Yes, I'm saying the Jews' claim to Israel is as valid as anyone's. Of course, there are other obvious considerations. Like the three million Jews living there. (The fact that Saudis are throwing children upon swords at her gates fools only those with the weakest minds.)

Perhaps they'll get a whiping for this current business too!!!!

Yeah, just as soon as Jesus gets back ... maybe in another two thousand years.

And speaking of weak-minded fools, please use a spell-checker. My six-year old spells better.

posted on December 7, 2002 07:30:23 AM new
they are responding to the suicide bombers with disproportionate force. That's your opinion. Mine is that they've acted with great restraint.

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