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posted on January 25, 2003 03:27:03 PM new
Just amazing!
But finally the media is beginning to report on a few of the inside whacko attempts of the Busheaucry to undermine sound government. Now it's science. I'm beginning to think the man really is crazy.


posted on January 25, 2003 04:01:03 PM new
This certainly illustrates the Bush/GOP plan. For the EPA, put the Pollution Lobbiest in charge! For the FDA, put the lobbiest in charge that supports destroying the FDA. For each and every agency, put the opposite in charge of what good, common sense tells anyone whom NOT to put in charge of it! It doesn't matter if it is Super-police agency like the OHS or a scientific advisory panel -- put the WORST-CASE persons in there to DESTROY IT!

Doesn't anyone "GET-IT"? The Republican Party and Bush want to DESTROY our form of government! They want to DESTROY our Constittuion, they want to DESTROY our Bill of Rights, they want to DESTROY our American Way of Life! Bush and the Republican Party Leadership are ANTI-AMERICAN TRAITORS!

When it comes to the Presidential Election 2004, what are the odds that we'll even have an election? Will you be surprized when Bush gets re-electred BY A LANDSLIDE VOTE?

I sure will!

posted on January 25, 2003 04:52:26 PM new
Michaels said he saw "a consistent pattern of putting people in who assure the administration will hear what it wants to hear."

Unfortunately for us, Bush's "science" (and I do use the term loosely) appointees don't seem to progress past the hypothesis part of the scientific method.

Take the furor over abstinence education. The rationale is condoms can break, so promote abstinence instead of condom usage. Well, so can gloves, and every US hospital uses universal precautions that involve gloving when handling body fluids, among other precautions. It is the same scenario, latex protection against infection, but because one involves sex, full information is beginning to be hidden, because it is not in accordance with the conservative views of the Bush administration. And, I've worked with many abstinence advocates over the years, and they certainly wore their protective gear. I find it appalling, repugnant, and downright murderous that medical information that can prevent disease infection can be hidden or supressed to meet a religious or political agenda.

You have the right to an informed opinion
-Harlan Ellison
posted on January 25, 2003 04:53:03 PM new

Michaels said he saw "a consistent pattern of putting people in who assure the administration will hear what it wants to hear."

It's frightening that anyone weak enough to support his reactionary policies, without question, will be appointed regardless of their qualifications.

The only difference between George Bush and a megalomaniac is that Bush's desire for wealth and omnipotence is not a fantasy.


posted on January 25, 2003 06:21:50 PM new
I read a preview of his State of the Nation, and one of his chief points is supposed to be increasing the involvement of religion in government. I don't know how it could be increased much more. Maybe he'll propose renaming the IRS the Offertory.

posted on January 25, 2003 06:39:54 PM new
He could pump out proper Christian ways over a loud speaker 12 hours a day like they do in Iraq. Non-believers are like gays. They have a disease.

posted on January 25, 2003 06:57:37 PM new
The loudspeakers are a wonderful idea. I bet we'll soon have Pat Robertson broadcast across the nation twenty-four hours a day. And Oral Roberts can be the new surgeon-general. Just think of the money that could be saved on Medicare and Medicaid!!!!

posted on January 25, 2003 07:04:59 PM new
I bet we'll soon have Pat Robertson broadcast across the nation twenty-four hours a day

Isn't he on the CBN most of the time as it is?

Oral Roberts can be the new surgeon-general. Just think of the money that could be saved on Medicare and Medicaid!!!!

Send him the money and he won't die! That routine always reminded me of a Monty Python schtick.

You have the right to an informed opinion
-Harlan Ellison
posted on January 25, 2003 07:22:03 PM new
Yes, money was Oral's salvation, and he's also well-known for his visitation by a 900-foot Jesus in what would appear to be, from his description, a spaceship. He got his start in ministry from the "laying on of hands" or faith healing. Actually, that continued for a long time and he was frequently associated with it. Though he's retired now, I'm sure Dubya could persuade him to accept the appointment as surgeon-general.

posted on January 25, 2003 07:28:48 PM new
Maybe this isn't the place for this, but since you invoked the name . . .

An elderly couple was sitting around the fireplace and listening to a radio broadcast by Oral Roberts. In the broadcast, Roberts states that in order to heal the sick listening to the show, simply start by placing your hand over the illness.

The old man then put his hand over his crotch.

His wife exclaimed, "He said Heal the Sick, not bring back the Dead!"

[ edited by Borillar on Jan 25, 2003 07:29 PM ]
posted on January 25, 2003 07:35:37 PM new
I knew you had a sense of humor!

You have the right to an informed opinion
-Harlan Ellison
posted on January 25, 2003 07:45:22 PM new
Good one.

posted on January 25, 2003 07:59:38 PM new

"Maybe he'll propose renaming the IRS the Offertory."

LOL!!! Good one!!!


posted on January 25, 2003 08:26:41 PM new

Looking forward to the take-over by the GoP-Mullahs!

Love Jae-sus.....or I'll KILL you!

"What we have heah is a fail-ure to communicate!"
posted on January 26, 2003 01:12:00 AM new
You folks pretend to not be religious. But your religion is government. Sad.

But what if you all are wrong. What if there IS a God. And what if Jesus, the one you mock, IS the son of God just like the bible says? What if it's true that only the faithful will spend eternity with God in paradise? You are making a dangerous gamble.

If I'm wrong, I'll just cease to exist at age 85 just like everyone else (on average). Not much lost.

If you are wrong...
[ edited by saddamhussien on Jan 26, 2003 01:15 AM ]
posted on January 26, 2003 09:13:11 AM new

posted on January 26, 2003 09:22:15 AM new
Antiquary - The pic in your last post isn't what the Christians are doing NOR saying. It's those who wish to take away the rights of the religious to practice their own religion, any way and any where they wish.

posted on January 26, 2003 09:43:37 AM new
Well, I have read that a small faction of the religious right believe that they have been repressed. I've seen no evidence of it, nor do any of my numerous Christian friends feel that way. Almost the reverse in fact lately.

posted on January 26, 2003 09:58:00 AM new
The reality is that there are many who feel their right to freely practice their religion has been eroding for a long time. For an example just look at how many, like yourself, appear to be so surprised to see a Christian president practicing his beliefs.

posted on January 26, 2003 10:07:28 AM new
Every president that this nation has had has been Christian and practiced his beliefs as freely as he wished as an individual. That fact is hardly surprising.

posted on January 26, 2003 10:13:04 AM new
Laugh all you want. If you haven't read all the articles about the cases where people believe their right to practice their religion is being step-upon, then I don't know what to tell you. But it is happening.

School children not being allowed to wear shirts that have anything related to religion of them.

A girl wearing a Christian cross being told to remove it or leave school.

After school or during lunch breaks..religious not being allowed to meet and pray.

The Boy Scouts.
Etc. etc. etc.


posted on January 26, 2003 10:18:25 AM new
This is a nation of 300 million people, a handful of isolated instances of abuses, when they are valid, hardly give an accurate basis for the conclusion that we have a repressive society.

posted on January 26, 2003 10:22:12 AM new
Saddam - I can appreciate what you're saying but there's a big difference between God and religion. I believe that God is a universal energy that just is. Organized religion, on the other hand, is group of people who interpret the teachings of Jesus through the Bible and tell us that God is a human type figure that lives in space and has a long list of judgements ready to hand down to us all. If I chose not to believe this, it doesn't mean I don't believe in God. If you can show me any organized religion that promotes love to all regardless of wealth, colour, IQ, etc., I might join but in the meantime, I'm happy with the God I know.

posted on January 26, 2003 10:55:53 AM new
This is a nation of 300 million people.....

As the liberals tend to say...'If even one person' rights are being violated'. But of course, that doesn't hold true to all those against religion.

Who said anything about a repressive society? You're once again putting words in my mouth. I'm saying, for many years, there are many liberals who have worked to remove any mention of religion from our nation. On our coins, in our Congress...etc.

So...now more religious people are working to change that now. What was it 86% of Americans believe in some form of a [their] God. There were many, and some on this board after 9-11, who believed it was inappropriate that our leaders stood on the steps and said the pledge of allegiance and sang God Bless America.

posted on January 26, 2003 11:02:57 AM new
I'm putting no words into your mouth unless you don't understand their meaning...

...their right to freely practice their religion has been eroding...

Is that not repression? Or were those words not what you meant?

posted on January 26, 2003 12:39:55 PM new
>The reality is that there are many who feel their right to freely practice their religion has been eroding for a long time.
>School children not being allowed to wear shirts that have anything related to religion of them.
>A girl wearing a Christian cross being told to remove it or leave school.
>After school or during lunch breaks..religious not being allowed to meet and pray.
>The Boy Scouts.

Now there is a bunch of mixed facts and garbage! Those incidents where expression of religion was banned from public education, such as the T-Shirt incident and the Pendant are far and few between and were immediately resolved in the favor of wearer by groups such as the ACLU and Liberals. Before it was an issue made by Fundies in schools, schools were cool about letting religion flourish on campus. But since Fundies began to make such a big stink they created a backlash and schools that before had no policies about religion in schools were now having to write policies or get sued. Those incidents that you mentioned took place where school boards had not clearly defined what was acceptable and what was not. What the Fundies are really crying about is not being able to teach their version of the Bible to ALL children in public education! They want it taught with the course work, they want the kids proselytized during classroom teaching, they want brainwashing to go on the taxpayer's dime! THAT is what they are complaining about! And if there are stumbling block s in the road that get resolved, just remember WHO it was that started it!

Public Schools do not deny students from praying quietly in the classroom, nor do they stop them from meeting as a group in-between classes, before school or afterwards on school grounds. They are allowed to wear religious jewelry, except where it is a danger (shop class, for instance.) They are allowed to wear clothing with religious expression on them so long as it is not offensive or sexually explicit, etc. So, tell me When, Where, Why, and How Fundies need to feel persecuted and cut off in the public school system??

[ edited by Borillar on Jan 26, 2003 12:46 PM ]
posted on January 26, 2003 01:01:28 PM new
Kraft: I understand that many people believe in God but they don't believe in the bible. My point is, what if the bible IS true, the word of God? Of course it can be interpreted in different ways but not very much differently. It's fairly specific about what we are to believe and how to live our lives. The bible is all we have to go on and anyone who rejects it is taking a very big chance.

Again, if I'm wrong, I don't lose much.

If the others who reject the bible are are wrong, who knows how God will judge them?

By the way, nothing in the bible says that you have to go to church or join organized religion. But if you don't have the initiative to read and study the bible on your own, then you should go to a church and have someone read it and interpret it for you!
posted on January 26, 2003 02:01:24 PM new
"School children not being allowed to wear shirts that have anything related to religion of them.

A girl wearing a Christian cross being told to remove it or leave school.

After school or during lunch breaks..religious not being allowed to meet and pray.

The Boy Scouts.
Etc. etc. etc."

How about teachers being FORCED to post the 10 commandments in their classrooms? I suppose that's perfectly all right? That doesn't infringe on anyone's religious rights I guess.
Please don't give us that old saw about how all religions basically follow the commandments and they're really just good rules to live by so it's ok...


[ edited by profe51 on Jan 26, 2003 02:02 PM ]
posted on January 26, 2003 05:29:59 PM new
How about teachers being FORCED to teach Creationism along with Evolution, or Evolution being dropped completely out of biology classes because uptight Fundies complain to the school board about lawsuits and religious rights? How about kids being forced to listen to fairytales about how Man ran around with Dinosaurs as pets (The Flintstones Theory of Evolution) just 5,000 years ago when the world was made, instead of teaching them real science? How about stupid teachers who decide to toss their curriculum and start to read the Bible every day to the class instead? How about school boards being purposely infiltrated by Religious Right-types whose agenda is to sneak religion into kids school books and classrooms by any means possible? What about the Right to NOT to be taught religious beliefs?

posted on January 26, 2003 06:44:22 PM new
the picture above, with that caption... I doubt that is what will happen.. even the, what do you call them? fundies? the most conservative Christian believes what is going to happen (ya know, end times, all that) is the total opposite of the caption on that picture.

Borillar, have they really dropped dropped teacing Evolution in school?

Christiantity is the major belief or 'religion' or whatever you want to call it in this country; the US. Whether they 'practice' this belief system is another story. I don't have a link... you guys are too good at looking those up....

I really shouldn't post after a good dose of pain killers you know

Art Bell is retired..... sig change is in order....

[email protected]
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