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posted on January 30, 2003 09:33:54 AM new
You folks need to stop getting your news and information from television and start thinking for yourselves. You are doing just what Bush & Co. wants you to do. They do not want you to think, they want you to be sheeple and just follow them down to the road of destruction of the country. Start by asking yourselves these questions, if there is not enough, I can give you more.

Why did Florida Governor Jeb BUSH declare a state of emergency BEFORE 911?

Why was the FEMA terrorist response team in place in NY City the day BEFORE 911?

Why the strange behavior of President Bush upon receiving word of the attacks?

The US is attacked and the Commander in Chief of the US military, BUSH, continues to read books to children like nothing is going on.

Why did Ashcroft ignore Clinton impeachment lawyer, David Shippers, who was trying to warn Ashcroft of an imminent attack on lower Manhattan?

Where was the US AIR FORCE defense? They intercepted a stray plane with an unconscious professional golfer within minutes, yet several airliners stray off course at the heart of American commerce, power, and defenses, and they don't respond.

Why were Unconstitutional Homeland Security, the Patriot Act, FEMA and the Shadow government in place BEFORE the attack ready to roll out immediately after the attack?

Why did Congress pass the Patriot Act BEFORE they were even allowed to read it?

Bush claimed publicly that he saw the FIRST tower hit on TV? There was NO TV footage of the first tower being hit on any Network. Was he watching CIA-TV? I thought he was reading books to children?

Why are the borders still wide open, while Draconian un-constitutional dictatorial legislation is being passed against the American people?

Why are the BUSH-Bin LADEN business connections not being investigated with a fine toothcomb?

Who faked the videos of Bin Laden, when an idiot could see that was not Bin Laden?

What about Cheney's business who had just completed an oil pipeline across Afghanistan?

Why were American troops massing on Afghanistan border weeks BEFORE 911?

Why do the firsthand reports from firefighters at the WTC of multiple BOMBS going off inside the WTC?

Why did WTC Complex building number 7, come down demolition style, when it was not even hit?

And there are hundreds of other questions.

There are mountains of evidence.

Will America demand Answers? We'll see.

Wake up America.
There are Traitors in the Land.

Internal memo was sent around Goldman Sachs in Tokyo on September 10 advising all employees of a possible terrorist attack. It recommended all employees to avoid any American government buildings."

Morgan Stanley, the largest tenant of the WTC complex lost none of its 3500 employees occupying some 50 floors according to The Washington Post. Neither did Oppenheimer Funds.

FTW has also verified that at least one Goldman Sachs Vice President had taken the day off to go surfing. This may or may not be a lucky coincidence.

Employees of Odigo, Inc. in Israel, one of the world’s largest instant messaging companies, with offices in New York, receive threat warnings of an imminent attack on the WTC less than two hours before the first plane hits the WTC.

Why did New York Mayor Rudolf Juliani moved his office out of the World Trade Towers just 3 weeks before the tower was destroyed?

Why did ZIM shipping, an Israeli company, broke their lease contract and paid extra to have their office moved urgently just days before the towers were destroyed?

Why was there hardly any news about the 5 Israeli spies that were rejoicing and taking pictures on top of their moving van with the destruction of the towers in the background?

Why is there a hush on the Israeli spies going around military buildings posing as Israeli art students?

Why is it that the only Israeli that died in the towers was a visitor, although there are over 5,000 that work there?

posted on January 30, 2003 09:43:00 AM new
Why is it that the only Israeli that died in the towers was a visitor, although there are over 5,000 that work there?
Are you saying Iraelie or did you mean Jew. Nevermind. We know what you mean.

To paraphrase Jack Nicholson:
Go peddle crazy somewhere else. We're all stocked up here!


posted on January 30, 2003 09:59:09 AM new
NTS, I can hardly believe you're being "shocked" at what kennycam said. After you've been on here and seen all of the reports and discusssions that have come through here in the past years, what kennycam had to say is only being repeated by many, many Americans. So, please -- no more theatrics

I would hardly call it theatrics Borillar.

When someone comes up with a stupid THEORY such as the one that this kennycam did, yeah, it ticked me off. This is about as stupid, and heartless as the theory that ISRAEL did it.

Helen, I do not know what you are REALLY talking about. I do not worship Bush. I do not worship any of our 'leaders' in my country. I may like what they do, or not like what they do.

All I know about you Helen is that you're a self proclaimed humanitarian.
And like to edit your posts a lot.

If there is something I should know about you, that only you and I understand, I don't know it. I cannot save everything or ANYTHING on this internet chat board or any internet chat board. Its a waste of space on a computer, and a total waste of a disc or a CD R.

I don't live for this board, nor come here as much as you think.

This is a community, or this is a discussion? Since when? When has anyone been 'allowed' by you two left wing libs to voice their opinions when it isn't agreeable to you? you shoot them down, and you drive people away. Now what kind of discussion is this, when only you two can be right? With your links and pictures you got from someplace on the web, it doesn't make the you the ultimate authority for any discussion that goes on here.

It gets tiring reading; Bush is a Nazi, or Bush is a resident or selected, Bush and the Republicans want to control your life; ad nauseum..and like I said before, you'll put that in there in a 'discussion' of pets or a computer virus.

[email protected]
posted on January 30, 2003 10:14:02 AM new
Go peddle crazy somewhere else. We're all stocked up here!

LOLOL, KatyD!!!


posted on January 30, 2003 10:15:52 AM new
Go for it kennycam give us more, please.

The problem with this, is WHY are you posting this on an auction messageboard?

If you know all this as fact, are you not scared? Shoot, I'd be scared the CIA or the Shadow gov't would be out to get me

[email protected]
posted on January 30, 2003 10:22:34 AM new

My post was to Linda and I was just joking about you knowing what I was talking about.

It is Linda who has unconditional faith in Bush and that remark was directed to her, not you.

Otherwise, it makes no difference to me what you or anybody else here thinks about me.


posted on January 30, 2003 10:56:10 AM new
The CIA is already bugging my telephone and reading my emails, they are doing it to yours too. It is called homeland security.

The fact that some of you are giving up your constitutional rights without knowing it, does not mean that I am giving up mine.

If Bush & Co. so badly want a war with Iraq for oil, tell them to get a gun, a parachute, jump on a plane to Iraq, and start fighting. For the ones that want a war in Iraq, how many of you have relatives in the military going to fight for oil. And if you are so patriotic to fight a war for oil, why are you on the message board hoping that other people’s children will fight a war for you, instead of being in Iraq living your fantasies.

How many of the chickenhawks in Washington have ever been in combats? How many of them have children going into the war in Iraq. They found some lame excuse to get deferment from the war because they were cowards, but now they want other people’s children to fight the war for them. Rush Limbaugh is the biggest loudmouth for a war and he chickened out by claiming that he had a cyst on his butt. He is still suffering from it because he is speaking through his butt.

posted on January 30, 2003 11:06:02 AM new
>All I know about you Helen is that you're a self proclaimed humanitarian. And like to edit your posts a lot. (emph. mine)

WOW! Now THAT'S something really special, isn't it? Whew! Can you imagine what a CRIME it is to go edit your posts a lot? Sensible people scream in horror at the very notion of editing their posts, and here comes Helen and DOES IT ALL THE TIME! AUUUUGGHHH!!!


posted on January 30, 2003 11:13:02 AM new
No, she just said she doesn't care what anyone thinks of her ......

Oh and that she's just joking.

Sir Borillar to Helens rescue!

Helen you must feel special to have your own knight in shining armour LOL!

[email protected]
posted on January 30, 2003 11:14:06 AM new
>I don't live for this board, nor come here as much as you think.
>This is a community, or this is a discussion? Since when? When has anyone been 'allowed' by you two left wing libs to voice their opinions when it isn't agreeable to you? you shoot them down, and you drive people away.

I can believe that you don't come here often. It's been a long time since someone has had the gall to spread lies and rumors on here. I wish you would leave and not come back if you are going to start that nonsense up again. We worked it all out last summer proving that it was nonsense and lies. Is that what you base yourself on, NTS -- lies, distorions, half-truths? And here you go railing at kennycam for sprouting lies and nonsense! You're worse than he is, because at least he isn't bashing fellow AW Members and telling lies!

>The problem with this, is WHY are you posting this on an auction messageboard?

What are you? The CENSOR who tells everyone WHO can be on here and WHO can't? What they CAN and CAN'T say? That sounds like "to voice their opinions when it isn't agreeable to you? you shoot them down, and you drive people away."

The fact is, is that it is YOU who does that kind of crap, NTS! YOU HYPOCRITE!

[ edited by Borillar on Jan 30, 2003 11:14 AM ]
posted on January 30, 2003 11:20:10 AM new
LoL! D'ya read that Shel? The Grand Poopah wishes you would leave and not come back. I'm ROFLMAO.

least he isn't bashing fellow AW Members and telling lies!

Talk about crazy! His whole post at the top of this page is a pack of lies!

Lol! Stick around, NTS. You got the natives riled! LoL!


posted on January 30, 2003 11:24:48 AM new
BTW, WELCOME kennycam!

>You folks need to stop getting your news and information from television and start thinking for yourselves

We don't really do that to be honest. We are intelligent enough to see for ourselves that the media is being vastly manipulated -- and it isn't just a few odd people noticing and complaining about it either!

You may be interested in reading these two thread posts, kennycam, in order to give yourself some real information about Bush.

Hell to Pay - AuctionWatch Message Center
Cheryl Again. A Chronology - AuctionWatch Message Center

posted on January 30, 2003 11:25:35 AM new
Whatever the causes, the security short falls that led to 9/11 were never investigated because the Bush administration blocked them. The most elementary logic would demand that a problem must be studied to determine its causes, before they can be solved, or if they are insoluble, at least minimized. Instead we enacted legislation that creates the framework for a police state.

As to the state of the union speech, it doesn't seem to have had much impact at all in altering opinion about the economic crises or the attack on Iraq. In fact, from what I've read, it seems to have had the reverse effect as well as renewing criticism about domestic policies. That fact should please the hawks and charismatics because Bush will need to start the attack as soon as possible to reverse the tide.

posted on January 30, 2003 11:26:26 AM new
Your making me cry Borillar!

Your wish is NOT my command.

[email protected]
posted on January 30, 2003 11:28:05 AM new
BTW, kennycam, Kady is AW's resident censor. Whenever she reads something that she doesn't like, she writes a complaint to AW staff and has the thread removed. SO, you'll note the lack of threads on here about Catholics, as she won't tolerate any threads on here about Catholicism that isn't pro-Catholic. She is usually vulgar and rude and most people simply ignore her rantings.

posted on January 30, 2003 11:45:36 AM new
Borillar wants to rumble....

posted on January 30, 2003 11:46:03 AM new
For those of you that think that my earlier post is full of lies, what is the truth?

posted on January 30, 2003 11:50:31 AM new
Israel to kill in U.S., allied nations
By Richard Sale
UPI Intelligence Correspondent
From the Washington Politics & Policy Desk
Published 1/15/2003 7:14 PM

Israel is embarking upon a more aggressive approach to the war on terror that will include staging targeted killings in the United States and other friendly countries, former Israeli intelligence officials told United Press International.

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has forbidden the practice until now, these sources said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

The Israeli statements were confirmed by more than a half dozen former and currently serving U.S. foreign policy and intelligence officials in interviews with United Press International.

But an official at the Israeli Embassy in Washington told UPI: "That is rubbish. It is completely untrue. Israel and the United States have such a close and co-operative intelligence relationship, especially in the field of counter-terrorism, that the assertion is ludicrous."

With the appointment of Meir Dagan, the new director of Israel's Mossad secret intelligence service, Sharon is preparing "a huge budget" increase for the spy agency as part of "a tougher stance in fighting global jihad (or holy war)," one Israeli official said.

Since Sharon became Israeli prime minister, Tel Aviv has mainly limited its practice of targeted killings to the West Bank and Gaza because "no one wanted such operations on their territory," a former Israeli intelligence official said.

Another former Israeli government official said that under Sharon, "diplomatic constraints have prevented the Mossad from carrying out 'preventive operations' (targeted killings) on the soil of friendly countries until now."

He said Sharon is "reversing that policy, even if it risks complications to Israel's bilateral relations."

A former Israeli military intelligence source agreed: "What Sharon wants is a much more extensive and tough approach to global terrorism, and this includes greater operational maneuverability."

Does this mean assassinations on the soil of allies?

"It does," he said.

"Mossad is definitely being beefed up," a U.S. government official said of the Israeli agency's budget increase. He declined to comment on the Tel Aviv's geographic expansion of targeted killings.

An FBI spokesman also declined to comment, saying: "This is a policy matter. We only enforce federal laws."

A congressional staff member with deep knowledge of intelligence matters said, "I don't know on what basis we would be able to protest Israel's actions." He referred to the recent killing of Qaed Salim Sinan al Harethi, a top al Qaida leader, in Yemen by a remotely controlled CIA drone.

"That was done on the soil of a friendly ally," the staffer said.

But the complications posed by Israel's new policy are real.

"Israel does not have a good record at doing this sort of thing," said former CIA counter-terrorism official Larry Johnson.

He cited the 1997 fiasco where two Mossad agents were captured after they tried to assassinate Khaled Mashaal, a Hamas political leader, by injecting him with poison.

According to Johnson, the attempt, made in Amman, Jordan, caused a political crisis in Israeli-Jordan relations. In addition, because the Israeli agents carried Canadian passports, Canada withdrew its ambassador in protest, he said. Jordan is one of two Arab nations to recognize Israel. The other is Egypt.

At the time, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said, "I have no intention of stopping the activities of this government against terror," according to a CNN report.

Former CIA officials say Israel was forced to free jailed Hamas founder Sheikh Ahmad Yassin and 70 other Jordanian and Palestinian prisoner being held in Israeli jails to secure the release of the two would-be Mossad assassins.

Phil Stoddard, former director of the Middle East Institute, cited a botched plot to kill Ali Hassan Salemeh, the mastermind of the 1972 Munich Olympics massacre. The 1974 attempt severely embarrassed Mossad when the Israeli hit team mistakenly assassinated a Moroccan waiter in Lillehammer, Norway.

Salemeh, later a CIA asset, was killed in Beirut, Lebanon, in 1976 by a car bomb placed by an Israeli assassination team, former U.S. intelligence officials said.

"Israel knew Salemeh was providing us with preventive intelligence on the Palestinians and his being killed pissed off a lot of people," said a former senior CIA official.

But some Israeli operations have been successful.

Gerald Bull, an Ontario-born U.S. citizen and designer of the Iraqi supergun -- a massive artillery system capable of launching satellites into orbit, and of delivering nuclear chemical or biological payloads from Baghdad to Israel -- was killed in Belgium in March 1990. The killing is still unsolved, but former CIA officials said a Mossad hit team is the most likely suspect.

Bull worked on the supergun design -- codenamed Project Babylon -- for 10 years, and helped the Iraqis develop many smaller artillery systems. He was found with five bullets in his head outside his Brussels apartment.

Israeli hit teams, which consist of units or squadrons of the Kidon, a sub-unit for Mossad's highly secret Metsada department, would stage the operations, former Israeli intelligence sources said. Kidon is a Hebrew word meaning "bayonet," one former Israeli intelligence source said.

This Israeli government source explained that in the past Israel has not staged targeted killings in friendly countries because "no one wanted such operations on their territory."

This has become irrelevant, he said.

Dagan, the new hard-driving director of Mossad, will implement the new changes, former Israeli government officials said.

Dagan, nicknamed "the gun," was Sharon's adviser on counter-terrorism during the government of Netanyahu in 1996, former Israeli government officials say. A former military man, Dagan has also undertaken extremely sensitive diplomatic missions for several of Israel's prime ministers, former Israeli government sources said.

Former Israel Defense Forces Lt. Col. Gal Luft, who served under Dagan, described him as an "extremely creative individual -- creative to the point of recklessness."

A former CIA official who knows Dagan said the new Mossad director knows "his foreign affairs inside and out," and has a "real killer instinct."

Dagan is also "an intelligence natural" who has "a superb analyst not afraid to act on gut instinct," the former CIA official said.

Dagan has already removed Mossad officials whom he regards as "being too conservative or too cautious" and is building up "a constituency of senior people of the same mentality," one former long-time Israeli operative said.

Dagan is also urging that Mossad operatives rely less on secret sources and rely more on open information that is so plentifully provided on the Internet and newspapers.

"It's a cultural thing," one former Israeli intelligence operative explained. "Mossad in the past has put its emphasis on Humint (human intelligence) and secret operations and has neglected the whole field of open media, which has become extremely important."


posted on January 30, 2003 11:57:47 AM new
NearTheSea - Borillar denies that some have left because of him, and then he invites you to leave.
hmmmmm....what's wrong with that picture.
You'd better not....I have an aunt near you....I'll hunt you down

posted on January 30, 2003 11:59:25 AM new
Borillar, I think you've confused KatyD with Cato. Expression is not suppression.

On to the Second Punic War!

‘Delenda est Carthago’

You have the right to an informed opinion
-Harlan Ellison
posted on January 30, 2003 12:02:32 PM new
How many of the chickenhawks in Washington have ever been in combats? How many of them have children going into the war in Iraq.

[b]As our forces carry out their missions, I want to express my heartfelt thanks to all our soldiers, sailors, airmen and
Marines, in the Gulf and all around the world, who work every day to defend our freedom, promote stability and democracy, and bring hope. To those forces now engaged in the battle against Saddam Hussein, you
have our appreciation for your courage, and our nation's hopes for your safe and successful return.[/b]

I don't know, which 'chickenhawk' (as you put it) said that?

Speech was given by the President in 1998.

[email protected]
posted on January 30, 2003 12:05:10 PM new
the bold didn't work...

Linda, nope, not leaving, Borillar can't make me leave he can wish all he wants!

Your aunt lives up here in the wet wild PNW?
Its raining again

[email protected]
posted on January 30, 2003 12:07:07 PM new
Ahh...UPI...owned by the Moonies as is the Washington Post.

You're such a card, Borillar! Do you dream of me each night, hon?


posted on January 30, 2003 12:08:26 PM new
LOL Katy!

He's so cute when he gets angry!

[email protected]
posted on January 30, 2003 12:10:08 PM new

I don't understand your attack aganist me.

You question why someone posts on an auctionboard. Just why do you post? I never see any profound substance in what you say.

I will try to be more careful about editing my posts. I am not a good typist and usually see an error after I make a post. I have seldom used edit to remove or change the content of my comment.

I said that I don't care what yor or anybody else here thinks about me. I should qualify that to include only a very few and you are not among the few.

Are you only here to make fun of other posters?


ed. to add "about me"

[ edited by Helenjw on Jan 30, 2003 12:14 PM ]
posted on January 30, 2003 12:13:22 PM new

Yep. Bellevue....CA transplants from approx. 45 years ago....when they were almost there by themselves. Boy how areas can grow in 45-50 yrs.

We always used to laugh at them when they came down to visit. ....they were are so very white...[no sunshine]

posted on January 30, 2003 12:17:01 PM new
How many of the chickenhawks in Washington have ever been in combats? How many of them have children going into the war in Iraq.

Thats a true question, with facts to back it as a statement.We had that discussion before with a list of Democrats and Republicans who had served in the armed forces.It was an embarrassment to the Country and to the people who have served.

posted on January 30, 2003 12:18:55 PM new
I never see any profound substance in what you say.

Oh boy, going from thread monitor to needing 'profound' posts. Just read what you post yourself Helen....you'll judge that's profound enough I'd hope.

posted on January 30, 2003 12:24:05 PM new
Helen, I didn't know a posters posts had to qualify as profound.

Make fun of other posters? No. I am not here to do that. But some posts are funny

DARN! I am not included in your qualification of what I think about you?(is that what you said?) Well that just ruined my day!

Linda, yep we are very pale up here, thats why there is so many tanning salons and that sunless tanning lotion sells so well!

[email protected]
posted on January 30, 2003 12:25:24 PM new
junquemama - Yes, we did have that info on another thread. And the question was raised....so what do you want...that only people who have served their country can be in our Congress [House and Senate and as a President]. That requirement would eliminate a ton of our representatives.

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