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posted on February 11, 2003 06:20:07 AM new
Civil War ...Lead to the eventual Equality of All men
As a REACTION to an attack by the South in a Cessionist(sp?) movemnet. "Equality" as you like to call it, was an unfortunate by-product. Lincoln would have preferred they went back where they came from.
World War 1 & 2 .....Stopped the Genocide of the Jewish
As a REACTION to the imperialist activities of the other side.
Made Allies of Germany and Japan to the USA
Ahh, yes...friends...bought and paid for...the best kind for the Neo-Conservatives
Korean War .....Liberated South Korea for Communism
As a REACTION to the the armed aggression of FELLOW koreans(there is no such thing as a North Korean or a South Korean, just Koreans who live in the North or the South)
Viet Nam........Stop the spread of Communism
Actually, it was to stop the immensely popular political movement of Ho Chi Minh, who didn't start out as a Communist, but he didn't support the rape of his country by the foreign powers. The Communists were the only ones who would support him(they wanted these guys out also). We, of course, supported the ultra-corrupt and extremely oppressive government, who would let us bulldoze the country into oblivion as long as we made regular desposit in their Swiis Bank Accounts. The longer the war would last, the more they would make and the holier-than-thou we would look....and the more young men would die in that meat-grinder
Afgan......slowed down Terror and still needs more time for a final outcome.
As a REACTION to physical acts of aggression committed by Al-Qada which has their main bases in...Oil-Rich Saudi Arabia.
Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Firemen, Police.
We call them our heroes...but we pay them like chumps [ edited by mlecher on Feb 11, 2003 06:31 AM ]
posted on February 11, 2003 06:21:06 AM new
[ edited by mlecher on Feb 11, 2003 06:24 AM ]
posted on February 11, 2003 06:47:56 AM new
Saddam and Al-Queda are one and the same,bedfellows as is most of the middle East.
War is the resort of the desperate,Hardly! It is a quick and efficient corrective action,that in the long run will keep you,your family free and safe.
Bush is Hitler,that's a low'brow statement without ant thought.If it were ture,stop look around at were you live in the USA,do you really want to live anywhere else?do you? This is the single greatest place on earth,not perfect but as close to ture freedom as one would ever want.
Go live in Iran for a week,Mabe that stunning health and dental care is for you.How about going to the market to pick up a gallon of milk and a nice ribeye.Going to start your own company it's the perfect location.Bottom line,whens the last time you sent an item from E-bay over that way?....I thought so.

posted on February 11, 2003 06:49:11 AM new
Saddam and Al-Queda are one and the same,bedfellows as is most of the middle East.
War is the resort of the desperate,Hardly! It is a quick and efficient corrective action,that in the long run will keep you,your family free and safe.
Bush is Hitler,that's a low'brow statement without ant thought.If it were ture,stop look around at were you live in the USA,do you really want to live anywhere else?do you? This is the single greatest place on earth,not perfect but as close to ture freedom as one would ever want.
Go live in Iran for a week,Mabe that stunning health and dental care is for you.How about going to the market to pick up a gallon of milk and a nice ribeye.Going to start your own company it's the perfect location.Bottom line,whens the last time you sent an item from E-bay over that way?....I thought so.
posted on February 11, 2003 10:01:46 AM new
Probably one of the stupidest definitions of ......

Oh hell, why bother...He has already made up his uneducated mind, why confuse him with facts...
Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Firemen, Police.
We call them our heroes...but we pay them like chumps [ edited by mlecher on Feb 11, 2003 10:02 AM ]
posted on February 11, 2003 10:22:01 AM new
"WWII -- don't get me started guessing. Just look at how the Bush Administration is copycatting Adolph Hitler's rise to power and making America a mirror image of pre-WWII Germany as it descended into Nazification. Did kicking Nazi butt help any, then, if America becomes the Fourth Reich? "

Whew, I thought I was the only one to notice the parrallels.

Many of the events are similiar.

Many bridges are being burnt and ripped down Internationally, and it's very worrisome.

You can't bully any country or peoples as a growth activity. It won't work. It didn't in WWII and won't work now.

This isn't about Iraq or Al Queda. This is about China, Russia, The US, and the EU starting to bump heads.

Everything else is simply background and it's very very scary.

Why is it that so many politicians only learn the bad from History?

And no, I don't think Bush is Hitler, but his team is right wing as the Nazi's were and they don't seem to care much for the "rules" as they have been practiced for many years.

Maybe it's because they are all older? They want to take one last shot at getting their program across? Maybe too many oil men and alternative fuels can only be held back for so long?

Maybe it's because with Nuclear proliferation, Bio Weapons and other WOMD they feel the US is about to lose its edge or leverage in getting its viewpoint across?

Even more scary. Old men frighten me much more than young ones. They are more desperate. And have much less to lose being so much closer to their natural endings.

I think that even if there's a peaceful end to the Iraq situation the UN is over.

Someone really has to take the toys away from the children before it's too late.

posted on February 11, 2003 10:57:30 AM new
Hitler wanted to rule the world!
let me put a quick end to your Nazi comparison.WE HAVE A LOT OF NUKES AND THE LARGEST SUBMARINE FORCE IN THE WORLD.If we wanted we could defy,devide and conquer any one at any time at the drop of a hat,this includes the whole world.Plus a ton of neat items you have no ideal exsist.

posted on February 11, 2003 12:10:10 PM new
No, that's simply no true.

At this point any country that tried to attack and destroy would be wiped out instantly.

One unilateral launching of WOMD would be clearly responded to by the rest of the world.

Anyone that thinks otherwise is either in the Bush cabinet or needs to learn how things work.

It's why the US hasn't invaded Iraq yet. The other children are telling them not to or else.

It's very very simple.

posted on February 11, 2003 12:46:36 PM new


my goodness, no need to shout....so...a dead volunteer is somehow..what?.. less dead than a dead draftee?

[ edited by profe51 on Feb 11, 2003 12:48 PM ]
posted on February 11, 2003 12:53:38 PM new
>Saddam and Al-Queda are one and the same,bedfellows as is most of the middle East.

Ijusthaveit, when you go back to school tommorow and talk to your junior high school teacher, ask him or her to expalain the differences between middle easten countries. In the meantime, your parents could get into trouble for allowing you to sign on here with their credit card!

posted on February 11, 2003 01:32:39 PM new
Good posts. Don't worry about the rhetoric from the self appointed intellectuals.

They just want to be heard. This is America and that's a right were fighting for.

If you say something they don't like they will try to belittle you. All the tyrants of the last century did the same.

No matter how factual your statement may be they will never consider it's merit. That's just the way it is.

Reverend Colin

posted on February 11, 2003 01:46:08 PM new
>Whew, I thought I was the only one to notice the parrallels.

Actually, it comes from paying attention to what is going on along with a keen sense of history. I've been following the American Nazi movement and the KKK doings since the late 1970s because that's when they got together and tried to get into the political arena. They lost at politics, because Bigots did not last for long in Congress back then unless they were very well connected. Big Mouths like David Duke were easy to spot and easily gotten rid of, even though they kept winning elections.

That approach failed and they went and infiltrated the Christian Fundamentalist Movement here in America and eventually took over its leadership. Now, now so completely hidden in Sheep's Clothing, they went back to politics and this time they succeeded.

You will recall a few things that come together here. Prescott Bush, G.W. Sr's dad worked as Adolph Hitler's financier. G.W. Sr. announcing his "New World Order" and how angry they were when Clinton got into office instead of the second term that they had planned for Bush and then to have that moron Quayle as a Puppet President in 1996.

But you have to really put together the past with the present to fill in the picture. No, Bush is not Adolph Hitler and people keep making that asininely ignorant comment for some reason. Recall that General G.W. Patton DID NOT put the Nazi Party out of power in 1945-46. All we did was to imprison or kill off their upper leadership. Everything else and everyone else was left intact.

Oh, sure! If it wasn't for the persistence of Heroes like Simon Wiesenthal, every one of those bastards would have gotten off scott-free! The Allies weren't in the least bit interested in tracking down War Criminals - they wanted to employ them in various ways.

Realize that Adolph Hitler and his cronies felt that with modern industrialization and communication they could bring about One World Government and to rule it with a Steel Fist. But they made many bad mistakes and that ruined their plans.

Now here it is, 70 years later and the lessons were well learned.

(1) PUT into place those things that worked.

That is why we have the bad economy -- to mimic the desolation of Germany after WW-I when War Reparations burdened the entire country so harshly. That gave rise to discontent -- especially among the unemployed war veterans. The Nazi Party gladly gathered up these war veterans and promoted the hoodlums among them. This is why Bush and the right-wing elements of the Republican and Democratic parties have a "hands-off" approach to our economy and are doing everything that they can to put us into a huge debt. This is also why the Wars were so important to their agenda before they took over power in America. They need the disaffected War Veterans as Storm Troopers again. No disenfranchised War Veterans, no bad economy, debt rapidly being paid off - their plans would not work.

The other reason for the Wars are the Oil and other resources crucial for a bid for World Domination. Critical supplies, like Oil, are in many other hands holding the strings on America - sort of a stabilization factor preventing the USA or any other Super-Power from seeking World Domination. But, with Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan firmly under the American thumb, they've got their World War ticket!

(2) G.W. Bush Jr gets all of the same staff that daddy had.


Because they are the same seekers of World Domination. Clinton derailed their agenda for a while and if Gore had made President, he would have been assassinated to get him out of there. Now they are continuing their agenda but with G.W. Bush Sr in the background. Realize that even the Bush's are just puppets for others. Think of them as Lieutenants of Evil.

(3) Domestic Changes Mirror Changes in Germany

Got to have the Secret Police and to control the media 100 percent, otherwise, truth, freedom, and the Rule of Law will prevail and to foil their plans. The creation of Homeland Security has both Liberals and Conservatives alike worried. Not because the organization is more "efficient" (how German!) but because of the vast new, secret powers that over-rule the United States Constitution and a Rouge Supreme Court who has been totally silent and those voices objecting in Congress have been silenced -- one way or another.

Make no doubt about it. The Nazis are back again and this time, they have learned from their past mistakes. The problem is that they failed to learn critical lessons; such as, what they did was evil and that a World Government can never be achieved through force and fear. But that is all that they understand.

(4) Most of the German People supported Adolph Hitler until the end.

The worst thing that this Fourth Reich can do is to have the populous of America learn about what is going on with the Nazification of America. To do this, they make every attempt to separate us into two warring camps. Democrats vs. Republicans, Liberals vs. Conservatives, Christians vs. Islam, etc. By slipping us into two different camps, they pit us one against the other. Their purpose is to both distract us from unifying and to confuse us.

This is often against the protests of those who are using their common sense. They control the media who now plays along with it. The News Shows are FULL of talking Heads purportedly from ONE SIDE OR ANOTHER. Ever notice that? They are trying to keep us from organizing resistance.

They also are marketing their brand of Hate to ignorant, lazy people who want someone to think for them; or, the sports-minded that want politics to be like a team sport -- someone that they can cheer for and someone to rally against. Very dangerous. Remember what happened in Germany when this worked so well?


The first step is to let everyone know that they share a common fear.

So long as people feel isolated, they feel powerless to make change. This is why you keep hearing about these unusually high support numbers for the Nazis; that is, Bush & Co. It is all Smoke & Mirrors, which you find out about when you investigate them.

Talk to people about what you feel is wrong with things. While you are standing in the line at the grocery stand, tell it to strangers, tell it to friends at work and play, and tell it especially to your family. If you have to stand on a street corner with a placard and shout at passersby, then do so!

A second step would be to start organizing resistance cells on a small scale. Plan on attending protest marches with your cell by plugging into your local community network of protest organizations. When the crowds are too big, the media will look too biased if they do not report it. GET YOUR MESSAGE OUT!

A Third step would be to choose and to support candidates that support your views. But if you simply do the first two steps, you'll be doing a whole lot!

posted on February 11, 2003 01:58:42 PM new
profe51 I don't think he was shouting, I believe, but he can correct me if I'm wrong, that is the way he posts all the time, in caps. (twelvepole, I think I know why, but I won't say anything )

so...a dead volunteer is somehow..what?.. less dead than a dead draftee?

No. Neither is better.

The discussion was, I THOUGHT, about the demographic makeup of the U.S. military, which happens to be right now, volunteer.

(Even though the starting of this whole thread was 'war is good for..' it turned into someone making the comment how 'poor, black, hispanic' are the make up of our military... which is totally incorrect, and totally opposite)

Just TRYING to make myself clear
(And I know, it will be about as clear as mud to most... oh well )

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on February 11, 2003 02:05:34 PM new
Borillar, that is truley interesting

A couple things

You will recall a few things that come together here. Prescott Bush, G.W. Sr's dad worked as Adolph Hitler's financier. G.W. Sr. announcing his "New World Order" and how angry they were when Clinton got into office instead of the second term that they had planned for Bush and then to have that moron Quayle as a Puppet President in 1996.

Well, Yes Prescott Bush was a banker, but I don't think he was Hitlers personal financier, though ties could be made with financing, before it all became the Nazi party...

And since its been mentioned here at ad nauseam, that Bush JR was SELECTED, then how in the world did Bush SR LOSE TO CLINTON...if they have so many ties, that are so alluded to here, then BUSH SR would have been Prez instead of Clinton, and then Jr would come after him, then I dunno? the twins would be the dictatoresses after Jr dies? Isn't that how it should be in your scenario above?

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on February 11, 2003 02:53:12 PM new
Military service is voluntary.??
Sure, so is selling your kidney.!!

The POOR are the ones to fight the rich COWARD's war.
remember dubya the dodger.

Can economic necessity be considered force?
Or don’t we count economic forces.

Don’t you get it,
To take the extreme, have you ever heard of a rich person selling a cheap kidney of their own?

How can anyone living in a capitalist economy, not understand why.

The link created by prof, USA TODAY http://www.usatoday.com/usatonline/20030121/4794964s.
Gives the possible cause of this phenomenon as being basically what I said, Prejudice and Economic/Employment concerns.
“The reasons for the racial divide are unclear, but several theories have emerged, including lingering racism in some quarters of the military and a tendency among black recruits to choose jobs that help them find work in the civilian sector.”

It confirms that there is a disproportionate high % of blacks in the Military, but 'forgot' to mention Hispanics.

“While blacks are 20% of the military -- compared with 12% of the U.S. population -- they make up a far smaller percentage of troops in combat jobs on the front line.”
* Of the Army's 45,586 enlisted combat infantryman, 10.6% are black.
* Of the Air Force's 12,000 pilots, 245, or about 2%, are black.
* In the Navy, 2.5% of the pilots are black.
Senior Air Force officials say they are troubled by the number of black pilots and plan to do better.”

edited to make link to help keep your labour costs down.

[ edited by austbounty on Feb 11, 2003 02:58 PM ]
posted on February 11, 2003 03:09:20 PM new
Well did you really read this part?

“The reasons for the racial divide are unclear, but severaltheories have emerged, including lingering racism in some quarters of the military and a tendency among black recruits to choose jobs that help them find work in the civilian sector.”

Theories... and if I believed any theory, it would have to be the latter in that quote.

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on February 11, 2003 04:52:56 PM new
>"And since its been mentioned here at ad nauseam, that Bush JR was SELECTED, then how in the world did Bush SR LOSE TO CLINTON...if they have so many ties, that are so alluded to here, then BUSH SR would have been Prez instead of Clinton, and then Jr would come after him, then I dunno? the twins would be the dictatoresses after Jr dies? Isn't that how it should be in your scenario above? " - NTS -

I don't have all of the pieces - yet. Clearly, the mechanisms that are in place now must not have been then. If they had, Clinton never would have won. They paid the price of their arrogance. You'll recall changes, both dramatic and minor since then; that when Newt Gingrich brought in his Nazi horde in 1994 for instance, they set about a take-over of the government. Now whether this was already planned to begin in G.W. Sr's second term or not I do not know. But much changed between 1992 and 2000. Clearly, no matter how the Presidentail race would have turned out, the Republican Nazis had some plan in mind. It is likely that they could have predicted that if an election battle had to be waged, it would have been in two or three possible states.

>Well, Yes Prescott Bush was a banker, but I don't think he was Hitlers personal financier, though ties could be made with financing, before it all became the Nazi party...

Actually, you missed out on some new revelations in your absence. You're thinking of that Link that I provided last summer. There's been others since then and it shows just how deeply into the Nazi party and their War effort Prescott Bush really was and how unjustly he was let off AND what he did to further their cause afterwards!

NTS, one thing that you ought to be aware of is that this kissing up to the corporations is just using them as a means to an end. That end does not spell good for corporations or people. The corporations that are in on this today will rue their madness and greed down the road.

[ edited by Borillar on Feb 11, 2003 04:54 PM ]
posted on February 11, 2003 06:51:38 PM new
Liberal's you guys have the best weed.Keep smoking and let the conspiracy theory's fly.

posted on February 11, 2003 09:40:46 PM new
So thats where all the good stuff goes... figures

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
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