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posted on March 7, 2003 03:46:56 AM new
This is the man you want to give more time?

He's not that bad?

I'm sure the people in Iraq want to "Give Peace a Chance" too. Just as soon as they have the freedom to do so.


Reverend Colin

posted on March 7, 2003 04:49:18 AM new
Isn't someone going to be suspicious when all these Americans and Brits are swarthy moustached fellows that speak Farsi or something?

posted on March 7, 2003 06:35:31 AM new
No. They're too busy strip searching Swedish grandmothers in lieu of profusely sweating semitic types to notice.
posted on March 7, 2003 08:27:40 AM new
Only the Bushbots will believe this pile of fecal matter. But that is about their speed.

Sounds more like pre-emptive propaganda to cover the possible actions of the military. PSYOPS is working overtime....

"Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic ervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both boldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind. And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar."
- Julius Caesar [ edited by mlecher on Mar 7, 2003 08:28 AM ]
posted on March 7, 2003 09:51:01 AM new
Sounds more like pre-emptive propaganda to cover the possible actions of the military.

Oh good....another anti-American statement.

posted on March 7, 2003 10:09:56 AM new
Yeah- who would imagine that a guy who would gas his own people would clothe his army in British and American uniforms to murder more of his own people ?

posted on March 7, 2003 10:16:01 AM new
Right. And all those who are anti-war because so many Iraqi innocents are going to be killed, seem to have no trouble at all overlooking all the innocents Saddam kills on a regular basis. Guess the only difference to them is who's killing who. Not if it might happen unintentionally because of a war, rather than intentionally by Saddam's own hand. That appears to be different in some way that I'll never understand.

posted on March 7, 2003 12:13:18 PM new
Well Linda, what you have described is exactly where the term 'Blame America First' came from. The lefties will overlook and remain silent about the atrocities of everyone, but if the US has one unintentional mishap, they will scream bloody murder. Even if the damage the US might do will save millions, the US is wrong and an unspeakable villian.

The main reason they hang on Uncle Sam like a piece of rotting meat is because their friends like Saddam Hussein and Arafat, and Jung Il would have them killed if they were in one of their countries.

They cheap shot America at every chance they get.

posted on March 7, 2003 12:47:30 PM new
I have no problem with people who would classify themselves as liberal or even those that are cheerful members of the "bash America first" club. What I find hysterical is the LENGTHS they will go to in their quest.

You know, they'll rail against the "thousands" of casualties caused by some American action, military or not. To "prove" their point, they provide links to left wing COMMENTARY pages from someone with the same viewpoint. When asked why, for example, the NY Times reporter or CNN, etc, did not stumble on the mass graves during their tours of the area, the answer is always the GREAT CONSPIRACY. Oh.

Isn't it odd that a couple hundred people know the Glomar Explorer retrieved part of a Russia sub and it remains secret for only a few years, but the GREAT CONSPIRACY involves thousands of military, CIA, FBI, dog catchers, etc, and remains secret forever.

The other thing is the further left you are the more the tendency to preach and offer "predictions". We've all seen the "in 3 months G. Bush an da Republicans......". Is it just me or has anyone noticed it's about 0 for 500 on the predictions?
posted on March 7, 2003 12:50:19 PM new
How's the air up there on that high horse you guys are on?

Anti-American? bullsh*t. Just because someone has a different view does not make them anti-american.
How many times and how many ways do some of us have to say that we are not anti-war just anti this war at this time? I'd really like to see some proof that Saddam is a danger to the US. He is a danger to Israel, yes, but so is the whole of the Arab world. Where is he a danger to us? Yes, he has killed his people, yes he is a cruel dictator. There are many like him in this world. We did not start this war talk with the intent to liberate the Iraqi people. That was a recent addition to the rhetoric to try to win over the "leftists".

If I was just going by reading your posts [on this topic only] I would say you were blood-thirsty war mongers. Anxious to see others killed to somehow preserve your own safety. Yes you all seem TOO anxious to go in and kill others. Now, I know this isn't true because I know you from other posts you have made on other topics. You can't tell from posts on a board what is in anothers heart or even mind as you can't get any of the inflections in the voice or facial expressions. There are none so blind as those that will not see.

Did any of you watch 60 Minutes on Wednesday? Did you see the interveiws they did with some of our children that are over there? One in particular struck me. This young man said that he felt we had no business being over there ,that Americans tended to be arrogant [I wish I could remember all the words he used to describe some Americans ~I can't so I won't put them here but they weren't really flattering]and pushy . Yet, He is more than willing to do what he must do.He said how much he loves his country and cries every time he sees our flag.I suppose some of you would call him a traitor , Anti-American even as he waits in the desert to do the Presidents bidding to keep YOU safe.After all, his opinion of some Americans didn't seem too high and he didn't exactly sound like he thought this war was an absolute necessity.

Apparently a person can be against this war and still love and support their country.

I support the troops..I do not support this war. My taxes do though. I love my country...I do not love this administration.
I don't have to...it is still, for yet a little while a free America.

[ edited by rawbunzel on Mar 7, 2003 12:53 PM ]
posted on March 7, 2003 01:03:46 PM new
Another excellent post, Robin. You're on a roll.

You're right, of course. Just more empty rhetoric from the us/them ditto-head chorus.
Push instant re-play and they have a pre-programmed shortcut to intelligent rebuttal.

posted on March 7, 2003 01:12:08 PM new
It doesn't matter that Husseins missles can't reach us. It doesn't even matter how many Iraqis he bumps off in a given day. He has to go for several reasons.

He's an enabler. He doesn't send the Republican guard to blow up a bus in NY, he merely supplies aid, comfort, and support to those that would. It doesn't matter that other countries do that also, we will eventually have to get around to them also.

He is a threat to the region. With the type of weapons at his disposal, the world is held hostage to his various whims and psychic pathology. It doesn't matter that we have our own oil, oil is a commodity item and a missle or 2 into the Straits of Hormuz would cause a staggering effect on the economy of the WORLD. Africans & Asians would starve by the millions.

He has threatened us and we cannot appear to be a profligate giant wracked with indecision. You will be surprised at how easy it will become for the Saudi's, Iranians, Pakistanis, et al, to deal with their fundamentalist exremist "problems" after this war ends and there is an American military presence in the area.

posted on March 7, 2003 01:17:51 PM new
You do have a vivid imagination, after all, deSquirrel. I wouldn't have thought it possible.

added a word
[ edited by antiquary on Mar 7, 2003 01:19 PM ]
posted on March 7, 2003 01:18:32 PM new
I would rather not see people killed in interrogation however in my name thank you.


What is the superior side of removing Saddam if you adapt his methods?

posted on March 7, 2003 01:22:47 PM new
Good point, Gravid. Facts, logic, and sources. The trifecta of debate.

posted on March 7, 2003 01:25:44 PM new
Hi Rawbunzel (get any snow? hey took pics of it coming down this AM and sent it back east to friends to 'see our blizzard!' )

just wanted to comment on what you said about 60 minutes (of which I didn't watch)
but, if there were reporters in Iraq (and you didn't say whether they were or not) the people usually cannot speak out against anything. They usually will say, if IN Iraq, that they love Saddam. He usually doesn't let (literally meaning LET) people speak out against the Iraqi (read: Saddam) gov't, or face very dire consequences.

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on March 7, 2003 01:36:44 PM new
Nearthesea, no, I didn't get even a flake of snow. I would have liked to see at least one!!I'm jealous!!!

The boy I spoke of was an American soldier in the desert waiting for the war to start. Not an Iraqi.

Saddam has no influence on whether he seaks or not.
[ edited by rawbunzel on Mar 7, 2003 01:57 PM ]
posted on March 7, 2003 01:46:30 PM new
No snow! what? we're in the southwest area, 'nearthesea' LOL! and it was coming down really hard too, didn't stick, but still, wait I take that back, my back deck was covered with a dusting thought they'd shut down Des Moines and Normandy Park!

Then that would seem right, and I wasn't doubting you! that the boy was not in Iraq.. all the reports I've heard, is you can't speak out against Iraq, and esp. Saddam, if you are in Iraq.

Well, maybe you'll get some later? snow that is! hey its gonna be great skiing this weekend!

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on March 7, 2003 01:54:25 PM new
Anytime that soldier wants out...he can get out. No one's holding a gun to his head. DISHONORABLE discharge would fit perfectly if he crys when he sees our flag out of shame.

I too have seen many interviews of Iraqi's who have shared what life is like under Saddam. Women being raped to get back at the fathers and brothers actions. Heads of their daughters being cut off and put on stakes outside their homes. Those are the people I believe.

It all boils down to which side you believe and trust. We each make our own choice. I support my country's side.

posted on March 7, 2003 02:01:36 PM new
gravid - It surprises me to see your above post I would rather not see people killed in interrogation...in my name thank you. Especially when I've seen your posts as being one who would go after the throat of anyone who crosses you or a family member.

To me this is just extending that same "me and mine" principle to that of a nation's.

posted on March 7, 2003 02:02:02 PM new
He cries because he loves the flag and his country. LindaK , you have been able to put a anti-American spin to anything posted.You are good!!Not right, [well you are RIGHT..way to the right!] but good.

He did not want out, he was more than willing to do as he was bid to do. Fight for you ,fight for Bush. Fight for his country.

Do you think that every soldier over there is SURE we are there for the right reasons? I doubt a war has ever been fought where every soldier was sure.I know VietNam wasn't.

posted on March 7, 2003 02:02:52 PM new
ed.post out of sequence
[ edited by Helenjw on Mar 7, 2003 02:40 PM ]
posted on March 7, 2003 02:04:21 PM new
I don't beat prisoners to death.
I'd have no trouble at all killing to protect my wife.
I believe there is a huge gap between the two behaviors.

posted on March 7, 2003 02:09:27 PM new
A soldier makes a decision when he signs on. PERIOD. I doubt 100% of every soldier who has signed up supports the current administration they serve under. I remember reading all the time of those with life long service to their country who retired under the Clinton administration because they didn't feel he was financially support the military at all. But rather working to decrease our forces.

ALL soldiers understand that they will follow the orders of their Commander-In-Chief. And if they decide they no longer wish to do so they can easily walk out. Unlike those who are in Saddam's army.

posted on March 7, 2003 02:15:08 PM new
huge gap - Not to me. You'd do it to protect your family. Large scale for the president of the US vs. your family. Same principle as I see it.

posted on March 7, 2003 02:16:51 PM new
That's right Linda, So why did you say dishonerable discharge would be right for this boy that loves his country and even though he disagrees that we need to be there is willing to fight for you?His bullet might be the very one that saves YOU.

Pretty radical and hysterical sounding judgement on your part.Or once again you did not read the post accuratly before spewing your anti-American venom.

posted on March 7, 2003 02:21:04 PM new
my judgements sound no more radical to me than yours do to you. You said you couldn't remember exactly what he said...but that it didn't appear to be too nice. That pretty much spells out his feelings about being involved in this war. What I'm saying is that if he feels strongly enough that this uncoming war is NOT the direction he wants to see his country going in, he CAN do something about it. Why stay in and do something he's against doing?

posted on March 7, 2003 02:30:48 PM new
Suggesting dishonorable discharge for an American who DARES "opine"...did he say he wouldn't fight? Did he make treasonous statements? Anti-military statements?..nope, he just spoke his mind, a thing the neo-right cannot abide. Pathetic.

posted on March 7, 2003 02:34:51 PM new
I know that. [about my views]

If everyone left the military that felt that we may be doing things in the wrong manner I'd bet that about half would be coming home.You can be unsure of the reasons or disagree with them and still back your country and be willing to fight. Really. It's not so black and white to most. It surely isn't to me.

Linda, I do like you and I respect your opinion and your right to have it.Even though I think that people that think like you are anti-American for wanting to squelch differing views ...after all what is more American than questioning the governement! LOL! This war talk is making everyone cranky.

For that reason alone I hope we hurry up and do it since there is no way we aren't going to. I want it done,one way or another, and let the chips fall where they may.

posted on March 7, 2003 03:01:17 PM new
"Only the Bushbots will believe this pile of fecal matter. But that is about their speed.

Sounds more like pre-emptive propaganda to cover the possible actions of the military. PSYOPS is working overtime...."

Another example of "blame America first" posts.

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