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posted on March 15, 2003 07:06:16 PM new
Oh Im pretty sure,everyone got a good look at who is posting what.And the group that has decided to take over the round table.

I got a flash for you,none of the originals post here any longer.So the round table doesnt exist,not for the purpose it was made for.I doubt that AW will let a right wing group, take over a chat room.

Try pulling this B/S at xzxz and see how long you last.
But hey,be creative and talk amongst yourselves.There wont be anyone around to rage your hate at.How boreing.

[ edited by junquemama on Mar 17, 2003 07:41 AM ]
posted on March 15, 2003 07:51:23 PM new
Junq- You have posted the same tired old liberal double standard clap trap. It is free speech if you support Saddam Hussein,liberlas, and terrorists, but if you support America and using force against those that would destroy us it is "taking over a chat room".

As the last election has shown, Americans aren't going to fall for the double speak standard anymore.

Free speech does not mean free from countervaling views,nor does it mean freedom from those that disagree with your position. Free speech is a two way street, if you can't stand the traffic moving both ways- leave.

posted on March 15, 2003 08:23:53 PM new


You haven't, as Reamond said, posted clap trap. It's true that nearly everyone has left. Now, Reamond is asking the few remaining posters to leave. What does he plan to do here....have twisted soliloquies or chat with Linda? Perhaps, she can ask him questions and sing praises to his answers.

I suppose that's what he calls free speech.


posted on March 15, 2003 08:29:06 PM new
Would somebody else please ask reamond if he will at least acknowledge there is at least a potential for conflict of interests between Israel and USA.
He won't answer me.

If he agrees there is a possibility, he may also like to declare where his loyalties lay.
If he’s willing to answer And won’t acknowledge the possibility, then he’s either a liar or a fool.
Otherwise please show me where this logic of mine is flawed.

posted on March 16, 2003 03:41:22 AM new
Not only was their absents notices, It was welcome.

When someone no longer has anything to add, they shouldn't.

I don't miss the, ill thought out "logic" of those missing.
I don't miss the "holier then thou" attitude" of those missing.
I don't miss their "miraculous" insight" of those missing.

On the other hand, what pleases me the most is this.

I can enjoy, the truly pompous running with their tails between their legs because they are either wrong, don't know what they are talking about or can't live with a real debate.

This means we the people, have won. The great thing is we did it with a few well placed words or links.

On the other hand junquemama, To live in a world that only thought like me or always agreered with me would be scary.

The members of that board are a good mix. They will only take so much of the BS and push them aside too. Where will you all go from there? back to the caves?

It seems like a better board now.
Reverend Colin

posted on March 16, 2003 04:40:28 AM new

Let us know where the "originals" went so we can crash another board!

posted on March 16, 2003 04:46:23 AM new
Of course, Colon, it's impossible to consider that there may be people who consider it a waste of time to associate with whacked out freaks like you or reamond who's only forum outside the muck under the rocks you crawl from is a tawdry old long vacated chat board like this one became well before your arrival.

posted on March 16, 2003 05:35:16 AM new
WOW - What's going on here? krs is again insulting other posters, for holding opposing views? Typical though Colin.....he takes HEAVY meds.

And then junquemama says: "And the group that has decided to take over the round table." Take OVER the RT? Around a year, or so, ago all the liberals were posting Bush bashing threads continually asking where were those with opposing views were/went. Now we have a board that's about 1/2 and 1/2 and you think "we're taking over the board"? What a laugh. Boy....some appear to be having a super hard time hearing what the other 1/2 of Americans think.

I got a flash for you,none of the originals post here any longer.So the round table doesnt exist,not for the purpose it was made for.I doubt that AW will let a right wing group, take over a chat room. Not a true statement. Maybe those who agree with your opinions have left....but there are some original posters here. What difference does being original make anyway? Was this to be an exclusive group? I don't think so.

not for the purpose it was made for. Come on, junquemama....it's been this way since before Bush was elected....that's over two years ago...you just now complaining that it's gone to more political postings? Just because you see the 'tide' of opinions changing from those you agree with? Give me a break.

But the best of all your statements was I doubt that AW will let a right wing group, take over a chat room. That's the most funny statement to me. What? It was okay that the 'left wing group' dominated the RT for so long, but now you doubt AW will let the 'right wing group' have a say. Boy....never thought I'd see the day when statements like this were coming from you. Wake up call, junquemama....this still is America....free speech and all....remember?

Try pulling this B/S at OTWA and see how long you last. Try pulling WHAT B/S at Otwa? Having another opinion? Is that not allowed there?

posted on March 16, 2003 06:40:19 AM new
Stupid, you tout genocide and call that "another opinion"? Maybe you don't realize what it is you support.

Would you mind listing for me the "heavy meds" that you claim I take? Perhaps I can use your evidence as a means of obtaining some of them.

posted on March 16, 2003 06:42:18 AM new
I got a flash for you,none of the originals post here any longer

Hey moma, I was posting here at AW before there was a round table and even when the round table started... does that make me an original? LOL

The only way people can "take" over a board is for others to not post... by giving up your posting you let others "take" the board.

posted on March 16, 2003 06:47:38 AM new
krs - Maybe you've forgotten that you've posted your pain medication more than once on these boards. "Q".

posted on March 16, 2003 06:54:01 AM new
stupid, people get pain medications after many sorts of medical procedures. Maybe YOU are allowed to keep taking them after healing has completed.

posted on March 16, 2003 07:17:04 AM new
I've been on these boards longer then you. Longer then most. Because I choose to not post for a period of time is of no concern to you nor should it be.

"whacked out freaks like you"
If you aren't on Meds, it may be to your benefit to seek medical advise as to just what drug and doses could help you.

I'm not a doctor, even thought I played one on TV.

Please get a life,
Reverend Colin

posted on March 16, 2003 07:31:55 AM new

Only a dreadful individual would make such an erroneous and below the belt comment.


posted on March 16, 2003 08:33:36 AM new
Oh really, Helen? Then maybe you'd better direct that to krs as he appears to be one who cannot debate an issue without name calling. Since you appear to approve of/accept that behavior please don't be hypocritical.

posted on March 16, 2003 09:08:33 AM new

I have never seen Krs make a below the belt remark such as yours and neither have I ever made such a remark. To attack someone based only on a mention of medication taken for pain management is reprehensible.

Your remark reminds me of a poster who spread the word acrosss the internet that I was an alcoholic based on a "feeling" that she had.

Good Lord, Linda! Get your stuff together! Posters have mentioned lately that you appear hysterical. It's time to consider your posts more carefully.


posted on March 16, 2003 09:36:06 AM new
Helen - I'll say it to you once again. You take care of Helen, I'll take care of Linda.

posted on March 16, 2003 10:23:34 AM new
I certainly have no desire to take care of you, Linda. How quickly you lose track of the topic - which is your nasty insult to another poster.


posted on March 16, 2003 10:46:13 AM new
The essay in question and the people who call it a accurate description are not promoting "genocide" anymore than the British advocated "genocide" against Hindus by ruthlessly stamping out the Thugee murder cult in India at the end of the 19th century.

The genocide term is retrograde term liberals use when they're boxed in. It similar to screaming "racism" when someone investigates Jesse Jackson's corporate extortions or creative "bookkeeping".

In analyzing why someone desires to kill me, I could use the idea stated here that I'm bothering him or use the stated reason that I and my culture exist. In any case it makes no difference. Since there is no negotiation possible, it becomes a measure of strength and resolve.
posted on March 16, 2003 12:30:11 PM new
"It's really difficult to exactly delineate who our enemies are, but they
number in millions."

"Islam is larger than greater Arabia, and the majority of Muslims are not

"Our enemy is the majority of the
people who live in what we think of as the large Arab nations, plus certain
other groups.

"The diseased culture of our enemy suffers from all seven of the deep flaws
Ralph Peters identifies as condemning nations to failure in the modern

"They didn't build or create any of it themselves. It's all parasitic."

"The nations and the peoples within the zone of our enemy's culture are
complete failures. Their economies are disasters. They make no contribution
to the advance of science or engineering. They make no contribution to art
or culture"

etc., etc., etc.

Doesn't this sound familiar?
posted on March 16, 2003 02:18:37 PM new
I'm dense so I'll ask - You mean the fact that the Europeans regarded both African and American cultures as useless if they didn't incorporate the cornerstones of Christ and gunpowder?

[ edited by gravid on Mar 16, 2003 02:19 PM ]
posted on March 16, 2003 04:56:51 PM new
enjoy your war, as I'm sure you shall.
then prepare for the new anti-American century.
Hasn't anyone told you guys that the hijackers are already dead.

posted on March 17, 2003 04:31:47 AM new
Let's not enjoy it. Let's support our troops.

Let's hope and pray there is limited casualties.

Let's hope it's over quickly.

Reverend Colin

posted on March 17, 2003 07:26:41 AM new
If everyones been here so long,then you know the rules,

Discuss the post,not the posters.

At no time in all the years Ive been here,have I attacked someone on this board.The same can be said about others in the posts below.There is no reason for the name calling,or just acting out as most of you have been doing in the last few weeks.
Forget the board enemies,that will always be.I am talking about where you get the nerve to call anyone names,if you dont like the post,it should be just as easy to post an artical of rebuttal,instead it was a lot more fun just to go for the throats of the posters,huh?











posted on March 17, 2003 07:28:17 AM new
There are many more.

posted on March 17, 2003 08:25:08 AM new
"I am talking about where you get the nerve to call anyone names,if you dont like the post,it should be just as easy to post an artical of rebuttal,instead it was a lot more fun just to go for the throats of the posters,huh?

Bull, your below quote is calling our service men and woman murders that are going to "wipe out an Arab Nation". You're the one lashing out, and you're lashing out in a baseless attack on America and the people that serve this nation in the military by even suggesting that these men and woman would even follow an order to "wipe out an Arab Nation". If the shoe fits, wear it.

This will be a conflict to wipe out the Arab Nation.Who the hell, are we to make that decision?

posted on March 17, 2003 08:38:28 AM new
reamond,I didnt say what you just said.You'er putting words in my mouth again.I said who are we,(The decision makers),to wipe out a Arab Nation.

posted on March 17, 2003 09:48:24 AM new
The quote above is from your own post and your own link. You may retract it, but please don't say it is not what you said. Did you mis-speak ? You do not mean that our troops will wipe out an/the Arab nation ? What "leaders" do you know of that are actually doing the fighting and wiping out? If the "leaders" order this wiping out it is the troops that will do it.

Your eplanation/excuse doesn't hold water.


posted on March 17, 2003 10:00:34 AM new
reamond,Since you have decided to twist my words for attack mode,Nothing I say will make a differance.No where in there, did I mention the men and women of the armed forces,they dont make decisions,they follow orders.I have never been against any member of the armed forces.I have only posted and spoke of the decisions made at the top.I still have reservations of the decisions being made,and you wont quiet me reamond,no matter how you spin it.

[ edited by junquemama on Mar 17, 2003 10:03 AM ]
posted on March 17, 2003 10:18:27 AM new
No Americaqn service person is permitted to carry out an unlawful order, such as wiping out the Arab nation.

Quite the opposite, they are not to carry out unlawful orders.

Here are the words from your own post:"This will be a conflict to wipe out the Arab Nation.Who the hell, are we to make that decision?"

There will be no leaders/decision makers in the tanks, planes or with rifles. You have said that if ordered to, our troops will wipe out "the Arab Nation".

Your are wrong. It is a terrible thing to say about our service men and women. They do not blindly follow orders to do something intentionally and patently wrong.

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