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posted on March 20, 2003 05:25:23 PM new
Just saw video coverage from Baghdad, in which many of the populace were in the streets shouting their support of Saddam and Death of Americans.

That makes them not innocent citizens of Bagdhad but more brain washed Iraqi targets of opportunity.

All the truely innocent citizens are headed for the hills.

posted on March 20, 2003 05:42:27 PM new
Helen, its not silly. This is serious, and there you go again. Say what you mean then.

Oh silly me! I really thought you were saying our U.S troops and our coalition troops were terrorists, man, how could I think you would post something like that?

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on March 20, 2003 05:46:17 PM new
nettack “you sure as hell are like no Australian I know”
That’s because you don’t associate with Australians like me, or didn’t that occur to you.
I have no faith in Simon Creen either, so what!

I hope you and your mates are right, that this war will resolve all the ills.
The pro war lobby is saying they KNOW it’s right, and the anti war is made up of those who oppose it and those who more honestly say they DON’T KNOW if it’s right.
It’s clear that we don’t know the ramifications and yet we go.

Doesn’t it concern you that people with clear affiliations with Israel are dominating the push in America.
What is their agenda? Do we ignore that FACT.
The knowledge of their dominance in US politics makes me view ANY decisions made regarding the Middle East, with scepticism and even cynicism.

Andrew Denton’s new comedy show on ABC TV that aired this week for the first time, ‘enough rope’ showed an Iraqi woman saying this war is right.
I heard him on ABC radio the morning before claiming to be against this war and for the 1st time ever showed an apparent slowness of his normal sharp & decisive mind expressing doubt and reluctance over the move to war. And yet his actions by putting this Iraqi woman on the show, clearly lent support to the case for war.
You do know that Andrew Denton is of Jewish background don’t you.

I am of Greek background, and I can say that if those of Greek orthodox persuasion dominated such a push, I would be wondering what their agenda was, and if it would be good for my country.
About 15 or so years ago, there was a junta or some left uprising in Greece and I know for a fact that, ALL those of Greek background, even Australian born, who worked at a certain defence communications centre were ‘at least’ subject to increased searches. Why, because we were uncertain of their ‘allegiances’. And that’s fair enough.
But why, if I can accept those actions, as being in the interests of AUSTRALIA why can’t those levels of scrutiny and doubt be directed to those of other backgrounds.

Did you play ‘spot the wog’ at school, or ‘spot the black head’ I’ll bet Pauline Hanson did.
And I’ll bet she doesn’t know any Australians like me either.
So what if our nation’s face changes?

The Iraq community in Australia is also split, don’t you think it’s fair to say that they are better informed and able to understand the complexities of the region, than you or I.
I hope Howard has made the right decision, and it is what is in Australia’s interests without ANY consideration for what is in US interests if there is any conflict in interests, don’t you.
I have no great problem with being allied with USA, except for the fact that it is unclear as to weather their steps are in our interest, let alone theirs.

posted on March 20, 2003 06:13:26 PM new

Austi working on depleating the ozone again...

posted on March 20, 2003 06:13:47 PM new
kraftdinner, I am sorry that reading comprehension is not one of your capabilities, but try...

Go back for that last few weeks and read Helen's anti-American remarks and total lack of respect for our Leadership and Troops doing a job that the majority of America wants done.

She has the right to protest all she wants, but her continued disrespect to our fine young men and women deserves nothing but contempt and disgust.
posted on March 20, 2003 06:27:32 PM new
That’s because you don’t associate with Australians like me, or didn’t that occur to you. I don't know where you get that information from but it is wrong, I come from a very broad cultural diversity with many different cultures in my family and friends. To name a few, we have Italian, Polish, German, Indian, Aboriginal and yes we have tucked away a token Greek inlaw. So I would say I have probably meet others just like you in my limited world.

You asked Did you play ‘spot the wog’ at school, or ‘spot the black head’ I’ll bet Pauline Hanson did.
And I’ll bet she doesn’t know any Australians like me either. I really caan't say what Pauline Hanson did as a child, or who she knew then or knows now. I wasn't around her then or now, but as for the the little games you mentioned. No I didn't have to play them, I was the wog or some might have even gone as far as calling my family and some of my friends Dagoes.

It didn't hurt then and it doesn't hurt now, I have tougher skin than that.

The Iraq community in Australia is also split, don’t you think it’s fair to say that they are better informed and able to understand the complexities of the region, than you or I. Just why do you think there are so many from Iraq that come to Australia trying to get a free life? They come because they do not want to live with the terror they have had to live amongst for so many years. Have you actually talked to any of them or are you just guessing, I have talked to some and they will be happy to see Saddam gone. Yes they are sorry that it has had to come to war but they understand why it has come to this and so do I.

posted on March 20, 2003 06:31:31 PM new

It's ok to take your little jabs but not ok to lie about me.

Find a catoon to play with.


posted on March 20, 2003 06:40:55 PM new
I believe my reading comprehension skills are fine Twelvepole (just went to the doctor and he said I'm A-OK) but I'm concerned about your interpretation skills. That's OK though. We all march to the beat of a different drummer.

posted on March 20, 2003 07:18:41 PM new
I'll keep saying it Helen, you are one of the most ANTI-AMERICAN's I have ever had the displeasure of having to associate with...

Do you even respect yourself with all the BS you spout?

Your continued psycotic hatred for anything good that President Bush does deserves nothing more than contempt, your thoughtless harrangue of NTS's problem with peace protestors was uncalled for, you have to the right to protest, you don't have the right to stop traffic, too damn bad a semi didn't run some of the stupid peices of sh*t over...

You and your kind may think that you are making the US better, but better for who? Me? I think not.

I deplore cowardice and weakness, which is what the US would become...

posted on March 20, 2003 07:29:13 PM new
nettak, I claim to be acting in good faith, you claim to be acting in good faith, with the good of Australia and even the wider global community at heart.
What I’m saying to you and others is, how can we possibly go on without considering the agenda of those who have been PUSHING this anti-Arab sentiment, namely the ‘hawks’ or PNAC. I agree that this world would be a better place without Sadam, but their Agenda is not limited to actions in Iraq, they appear to have a gripe with the entire muslim world..
Am I a racist for recognising the fact that they dominate the decision making process.
Not one person on this whole forum in the last month or two has acknowledged the fact that those of Jewish heritage are even present in the PUSH, let alone leading it.
That type of 'blindness' at best, makes us all pupets.
edited to correct myself.
That type of 'blindness' at best, MAY make us all pupets.

[ edited by austbounty on Mar 20, 2003 07:30 PM ]
posted on March 20, 2003 08:08:34 PM new
Am I a racist for recognising the fact that they dominate the decision making process.

The truth finally comes to light


adj 1: based on racial intolerance; "racist remarks" 2: discriminatory especially on the basis of race or religion [syn: antiblack, anti-Semitic, anti-Semite(a)]
n : a person with a prejudiced belief that one race is superior to others [syn: racialist]

Also see Bigotry:

\Big"ot*ry\, n. [Cf. F. bigoterie.] 1. The state of mind of a bigot; obstinate and unreasoning attachment of one's own belief and opinions, with narrow-minded intolerance of beliefs opposed to them.

2. The practice or tenets of a bigot.

That type of 'blindness' at best, MAY make us all pupets.

Pupets ??????

What the hell is a pupets?

[ edited by bear1949 on Mar 20, 2003 08:12 PM ]
posted on March 20, 2003 09:26:31 PM new
wacky doo Bear1949, left out a 'p'.

"unreasoning attachment" ?

Bear, If you don't recognise the fact that individuals can act out of self-interest and are often 'incapable' of making an un-bias choice, then you need to reconsider.

This is why judges may remove themselves form a case where they know one or other party, to avoid any possible conflict of interest.

To have any group dominated by any race subjects that group to the 'prejudices' of that race.
That may be ok with USA leadership if they feel your country’s interests to be 100% aligned with Israel’s, but history suggests that is not always the case.

[ edited by austbounty on Mar 20, 2003 09:28 PM ]
posted on March 20, 2003 09:40:36 PM new
” I am an Aussie through and through and I am not at all sure where you are from Austibounty but you sure as hell are like no Australian I know, so please don't think you talk for us all.”

If you meant my being ‘outspoken’ I agree, there are few as outspoken on this topic as me.

If you meant my criticism of the ZIONIST cause, I might agree, but unfortunately any criticism of Jews is always treated with the McCarthy effect, so you don’t know, ask your Iraqi friends on that issue.

If you meant my criticisms of the push for war, then you are wrong, the majority of Australians are STILL opposed without UN sanction.

But unlike some others here, I’m trying to be truthful and logical.

"civil" I don't fell obligated to be civil to someone that screams for war like a rabid dog, before looking at all the facts.
You didn't feel the need to criticise Linda when she demanded that children of 'mixed' couples, be instructed on the 'ills' of 'mixed-breeding'

In the interest of Australian American harmony, just like nettak,
In the interest of Anglo/Christian-Centric &
Arab/Asian/Muslim-Centric harmony, we are NOT ALL WILLING.

[ edited by austbounty on Mar 20, 2003 10:10 PM ]
posted on March 21, 2003 03:48:39 AM new
"why is a person that doesn't want bloodshed or destruction deemed un-American?"

It's not their belief. I think most if not all are anti bloodshed and destruction.

It's how they show it. What you say and do.

Protest is fine. It's a right we have.

Laying down in traffic or other criminal activities to support your opinion isn't a right. It's a crime and anti-American.

Constant half truths and lies about the American Government are anti-American.

Instead of "Media Minute Protesting," why not do some sore of community service, like helping out at the local hospital or senior center? Do it in the name of peace. You never know you still may get your media moment.

There's a handful of true communist on these board. They spout their crap that sounds like antiwar, peace and "For the worker" but they have a different agenda then those that are just pacifies and Americans against war. Don't get caught up in their rhetoric.

God Bless America,
Reverend Colin

posted on March 21, 2003 04:40:00 AM new
If you meant my criticisms of the push for war, then you are wrong, the majority of Australians are STILL opposed without UN sanction. You have personally done a head count have you? I figure you must have, to be able to say that and believe it, but I don't remember that count myself, I must have been out that particular day. You don't know for certain any more than I do who in Australia is really against this war. News polls show that the majority is turning in favour of supporting the government. Not necessarily because they are in favour of War but because they realise that everyone of our men and women who are in the thick of this deserve our respect and support.

I am not for the war but as I said earlier it is happening whether we like it or not and I believe we owe it to our country and our military to show support or are we going to be like it was 30 years ago and treat them like they are criminals and stone them in the streets just because they are doing what they were told.

But unlike some others here, I'm trying to be truthful and logical. If this is aimed at me then I have to say that I do believe that I have been both truthful and logical in my posts as well, so I guess we are at a stalemate aren't we.

"civil" I don't fell obligated to be civil to someone that screams for war like a rabid dog, before looking at all the facts. Well gee, I hope that is not aimed at me because I am not sure I can ever remember acting like a Rabid Dog, I only froth at the mouth when I clean my teeth.

You didn't feel the need to criticise Linda when she demanded that children of 'mixed' couples, be instructed on the 'ills' of 'mixed-breeding' Well I may have commented on it if I had of seen it, but since I did not even read the post how on earth could I comment on it. In my family there are a number of so called mixed breeds and we do not have any problems at all.

posted on March 21, 2003 05:59:46 AM new
nettack, the polls show that 65% of Australians are opposed to the war without US sanctions.

I was not directing accusation of being ‘uncivilised’ at you.

“I am not for the war but as I said earlier it is happening whether we like it or not and I believe we owe it to our country and our military to show support or are we going to be like it was 30 years ago and treat them like they are criminals and stone them in the streets just because they are doing what they were told. “

“Show support”?
I do not have to lie or conceal the truth, for fear of offending my troops.
I am not as ignorant as you imply, I would never condemn them because I understand that they are, as you say and even I have said, “doing what they were told.”

The stakes are too high here to permit concerns for offending anyone, to dictate our actions, which is exactly what the hawks are trying to do, ie “hush opposition”.

And you understand that too “News polls show that the ‘’’’’’majority is turning’’’’’’ in favour of supporting the government. Not necessarily because they are in favour of War but because they realise that everyone of our men and women who are in the thick of this deserve our respect and support.”

And so if we take from the 35% remaining, the ones that are actually LYING and are only counted because in spite of what they say it is “Not necessarily because they are in favour of War” but rather to demonstrate “respect and support” for troops: then we would find that the true number that oppose this war without UN sanction is actually far greater than 65%.

The American public has so clearly demonstrated their indoctrination here by their failure to even acknowledge that Jews dominate the PNAC.
The indoctrination is so strong that they are even prepared to conceal or deny or possibly fail to see the truth.
But we see a rise in the frequency of use of the term ‘neo-con’ in America. My personal belief is that this term is directed at those people. It seems they have been recognised!
And, YES, Americans are ani-Semites, but only certain Semites.
I don’t wish to discuss the meaning of this term again, but know this, the only widely recognised Dictionaries which I have found to define that term as exclusively applying to Jews, are strangely enough American.
So stop you lies reamond, et.al.

nettak, just as you did I feel justified to also say that, you are like no Australian I know.
When asked if you played ‘spot the wog’ or ‘spot the black head’
You responded with “No I didn't have to play them”.
Well any Australian knows, even though this game hasn’t been played to my knowledge for approx 30 years, that if you’re a wog or ‘dago’ as you say, then you have to ’play’, because you are the subject of the game, you have no choice.

Australia is now, largely a multicultural society and we don’t like it when ANY other nation dominates our own agenda.

posted on March 21, 2003 06:23:01 AM new
The Mayor of Brisbane is flying a big UN flag in protest of the war.
Brisbane is the capital of Queensland, Australia's most traditionally conservative state.
What a great free speaking democracy I live in.

posted on March 21, 2003 12:49:26 PM new
Austbounty you are a RACIST.



You are not Australian.

You are lucky that countries like the US and Australia allow for freedom of speech and protect vermin like yourself.

You are also a DEMAGOGUE.

You do not debate. You simply try to STAIN this board with your HATE.

Get it?

Now #*!@ off.

posted on March 21, 2003 01:32:48 PM new
Austbounty all I can say is you must have had one very terrible childhood to be the way you are now.

My heritage, and by the way I am very proud of it is mainly Italian, with a bit of Prussian thrown in on one side and then on the other we have Spanish, Irish and a lot of other bits and pieces thrown in for good measure. I also have a name that is hard for most adults to say and when they do try to say it they always mispronounce it, but try going to school and getting teased for your name or for the fact that you have extremely curly hair. I have heard it all and it has been going on for a lot longer than the last 30 years, kids can be cruel, and just because others choose to be cruel it doesn't mean I have to participate or let them make my life a misery.

Out of curiosity just what state of Australia do you live in?

Yes Brisbane has the UN flag on the flagpole at City Hall, so what there is no problem with that, the problem is that he has our own flag hanging off to the side and it is flying at half mast. It should be flying up there with the UN flag.

I am not going to argue about the news polls or the percentage of Australians who are for or against, because like you I can only go on what we are told and like you, neither of us really knows what the true case is, and I will not pretend that I do.

posted on March 21, 2003 11:20:18 PM new

with reference to austbounty, I think you may have just hit the nail right on the head. He is very likely so unhappy in his life. HATE, HATE, AND MORE HATE. A definite personality disorder. I worked with a person for 20 years that had that same problem. He hated everyone. The person he hated the most, was HIMSELF!

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