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posted on March 26, 2003 09:05:02 PM new
Here are two links to some weblogs kept by people who are inside the lines. The second one is written by someone who is in Baghdad. It's sometimes hard to get to, as his service provider goes down and his log hosting service is getting swamped with requests for connections, but keep trying, it's worth it.


[ edited by profe51 on Mar 26, 2003 09:05 PM ]
posted on March 26, 2003 10:34:29 PM new
Think I'll pass...but thanks anyway. Obviously a very slanted weblog.

As this weblog has pointed out many times, I believe this war is illegal under the United Nations Charter and the Nuremberg Principles. As such it is a crime against peace.

Further, the recent bombing of Iraqi TV would seem to be a war crime. Unless television stations are used for command and control of military units they almost certainly fall outside the definitions of military targets in Article 52 of the Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions.

[ edited by Linda_K on Mar 26, 2003 10:35 PM ]
posted on March 26, 2003 11:21:44 PM new
Very slanted views.

As is much coverage of this war, you would think that the U.S. was losing this war. Just the opposite is true. A lot of the journalists are doing a disservice to the country and in some respects abetting the enemy with their coverage.

Unbelievable that the current regime is executing our prisoners. Shows you what we're dealing with. Nobody can defend that unless they are sympathetic towards them.

And I am sure that there are many in Baghdad that can't wait to liberated from Saddam but don't have access to a weblog.

posted on March 27, 2003 05:14:39 AM new
of course they're slanted, they're personal logs, not news reports.

posted on March 27, 2003 05:34:45 AM new
"Unbelievable that the current regime is executing our prisoners. Shows you what we're dealing with."

Well, what we're dealing with is war, and it's a nasty business. I'd take any side's reports with a grain of salt though. It's easy to recognize the other side's propoganda, often easy to overlook our own. The last I read this morning, there's no confirmation that the Iraqis executed our guys they'd taken prisoner:

" 2 hours, 53 minutes ago Add Top Stories - Reuters to My Yahoo!

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. defense officials on Thursday said Iraq (news - web sites) may have executed U.S. prisoners of war, but said they were still gathering evidence to prove that claim...."

There's also a report with more basis than the above story that coalition troops killed some probably surrending Iraqis, along with at least one independant reporter:

"They had probably been aiming at the Iraqis, although I am sure the Iraqis were trying to surrender," said cameraman Daniel Demoustier."

War's got plenty of outrage to go around, no side ever lacks.
posted on March 27, 2003 05:36:14 AM new
So why would they be interesting to those of us who are for this war?

Let's see they access to the web and have a computer, that means they have MONEY and if you have MONEY in Iraq, then you are most assuredly aligned with Saddam Hussein, in which case of course these people would be against us being there, because after this is all over and that dog Saddam is gone, they may not have as much money...
posted on March 27, 2003 05:46:16 AM new
So why would they be interesting to those of us who are for this war?

I can't imaging why anything which does not align itself with your viewpoint would be of interest to you. In that case, don't read it. I posted them as interest items only, not necessarily in support of their positions.

posted on March 27, 2003 06:30:42 AM new
Let's see they access to the web and have a computer, that means they have MONEY and if you have MONEY in Iraq, then you are most assuredly aligned with Saddam Hussein...

Twelvepole, in any war or conflict, no matter the supression of the populace or economic conditions, there have always been some individuals practicing hidden resistance and getting the word out.

The posters in the second link shown vary in their political views. One must pay attention to whose postings one is actually reading. It is a small group of Iraqi's who have internet access in Baghdad. The anti-Saddam regime sentiments expressed there, along with information about conditions and activites in Baghdad would never be allowed by Saddam if he found out.

My favorite posts are by Salam Pax. It's a good read, because you get insight into a real person's views, not someone spouting propaganda. She is highly educated and an engineer. I found that I agreed with what she had to say. In fact, I was very suprised to see that she had the same thoughts pro and con that I did, and I am half a world away.

If Saddam's forces find out about the blog, these guys are likley dead. Already, If I read it right, the originator of the blog, RAED, a young male, likely a teen, has "disppeared " from the blog, and has not posted for days. The viewpoints of the 3 or 4 posting there vary quite a bit.

But certain individuals despite risk will always take that extra step to get information out in a situation like this. It does not mean they are always Saddam's supporters.

That having been said, any that are anti-American could be, but unlikley as there is more "worried about what Saddam is doing" sort of veiwpoints.

One can selectively read certain posts in a group blog like the one above. I prefer ones that show thoughtful observation and personal views. The blog above was well worth reading the posts of Raed and Pax Salam.

I just figured out there are earlier pages and was reading about the day Raed saw the earth movers making the trenches outside Baghdad for the oill to burn in, and was apprehensive. He was in the car with his father. Very interesting.

If one finds a blog they agree with, great, follow it. If one doesn't agree, move on.

posted on March 27, 2003 06:30:59 AM new
I find that hard to believe in light of other postings here, you are anti-war and have made it known as such, therefore the links were to provide an anti-war slant.

I am not naive enough to believe that every Iraqi wants us there, however I do believe that there are a majority that do and we are providing them a means to be free.

With all the oil that country has, they should all be on computers and have luxuries some of their neighboring countries enjoy, Saddam has done nothing for his people and yet when we try to do something that should of been done long ago, it is deemed bad.

The UN has let it self become a mockery and even Anan has said it has some searching to do before they can find their direction again.

I also believe those links to be against those troops fighting there and I will not endorse anything that does not support our troops, they are doing a good thing and we should be proud of their efforts.
posted on March 27, 2003 06:58:03 AM new

I agree with most of what you said in your second post. But umm... I have never been anti-war in my postings. I have repeatedly said I support the President and the troops. Perhaps you forgot. I am fully for using force to remove Saddam as diplomacy has failed.

Your posts have seemed to indicate you feel there are no gray areas, things in life are all black and white, or do I read wrong? Just beacsue a blog has a small amount of what you don't agree with, does not make it worthless.

Buit yes, the first blog link is anti-war and I quickly dismissed it upon veiwing. The second one has some very thoughtful anti-Saddam regime viewpoints and proportionately very little anti-American sentiments. One poster in particular makes it clear she will be relieved when the Americans remove Saddam from power, but is afraid as no one is allowed to leave Baghdad to avoid the bombings. Any attempt has resulted in death. And many have tried.

To hear that "yes, Saddam is as evil as we heard he was" from more than one citizen of Baghdad brings support to the president and troops as it proves we were right in our viewpoint and going in. And we are hearing it from the Iraqi populace first hand.


posted on March 27, 2003 07:08:34 AM new
I wonder how many people will be killed because they join human wave assaults to put them over the top because they are close to "winning" the war.
posted on March 27, 2003 07:09:19 AM new
As many as it takes.

Okay, it was said as a joke! Geeez, get a sense of humor!

[ edited by meadowlark on Mar 27, 2003 07:10 AM ]
posted on March 27, 2003 08:12:54 AM new

Rooting out idiocy in all its forms

posted on March 27, 2003 08:47:24 AM new
a few more...








posted on March 27, 2003 08:49:27 AM new
That was for Profe...

But honestly, to me this is a TEAM effort and anyone that has been on a TEAM before, knows that everyone has to have the same goals...

You either support the TEAM or you don't... that is black and white.

As far as seeing things black and white, in War I do, because to me gray means half a$$ed and that gets our troops killed.

Gray can be a great thing at negotiations or meetings, but sometimes you have to take stand and get off of that fence... no matter how scarey that seems to you.

posted on March 28, 2003 02:14:01 PM new

Clearly, you ASSUMED the links I posted to be anti-war without reading them . As meadowlark has so kindly explained to you, the second link especially is pretty balanced. There are pro and anti saddam sentiments expressed. I don't really read them for the political slant. I find it irresistable that there is someone inside Baghdad who can post personal descriptions of the situation there and his thoughts and feelings. Pro or Anti-war, it would still be interesting to me.
Your baseless assumptions are limiting your access to knowlege. How sad for you.

posted on March 28, 2003 02:20:53 PM new
By the way. "you are anti-war" is another incorrect assumption about me. You know next to nothing about my feelings on war, or my personal experiences with it. I have expressed misgiving about THIS war, nothing more. That's all you know, and it is all you will ever know. If that tidbit of information is all you need to stereotype me as "anti-war", then it's only fair to conclude that the rest of your opinions are equally baseless.

posted on March 28, 2003 03:08:20 PM new
edited to not be too personal on profe51, misguided as he/she is...

AIN'T LIFE GRAND... [ edited by Twelvepole on Mar 29, 2003 06:06 AM ]
posted on March 28, 2003 03:46:49 PM new
Woaw.... ok I read some of it... I was thinking that this was a soldiers log

I see the discussion board is pretty stupid, they are arguing a lot, gee some are supporting the troops

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on March 28, 2003 08:27:22 PM new
The only basis I give you is that if you are an example of today's teacher.... I now know why people no longer support our schools

There you go again, forming opinions without knowing anything.I guess life really is grand, when no thought is required.

posted on March 28, 2003 09:15:16 PM new
[You are a "teacher", I have seen many of your posts... not hard to reach the conclusion I did... but not going to get personal...would be too easy.

[ edited by Twelvepole on Mar 29, 2003 06:07 AM ]
posted on March 28, 2003 09:51:09 PM new
From the second blog.....
A couple of days ago in the 7 o’clock local news bulletin they showed a number of Ba’ath party members overseeing the burning of leaflets (the ones which look like $100 bills) they only said it was in the southern parts of Iraq. I wish someone can bring me one of them, imagine the ebay potential it would have in a couple of months time.::

There is one listed right now going for over $200.

Funny thing is that when this is done, no one would send money to Iraq, they'll assume it is just another scam..

posted on March 29, 2003 03:22:20 AM new
We lost 5 soldiers today to a suicide bomber. That sort of makes this thread seem pretty unimportant.

We are all, I think, antiwar but the majority have the common sense to know what must be done when diplomacy doesn't work.

I plan on going to a "Support America" Rally today. It's at a shopping mall. None of these protesters will be laying in the street or stopping traffic.

I hope the anti-American Aholes don't show up and get pushy today. It would be a mistake. The real American people are upset. No need for the leftist agitators to show but I bet they will.

Antiwar is one thing but being anti-American is another. A few (just a few now) on this board are anti-American.

We're at war now, whether you like it or not. Time to support your country and our troops.

Thank the Gods we finally have a President with balls.
Reverend Colin

posted on March 29, 2003 03:52:08 AM new
I'm just curious Colin - once agin you have thrown out these vague refernces to posters that are anti-american but without having the courage to come out and make your accusations directly. I challenged you once before to do this and you ignored it.

There are are a number of people on these boards I disagree with, but none that I would label as anti-american. Even those of us that were against this war always expressed upport for the troops involved.

WHo exactly are the"Anti-american" posters. Name them, let them answer your accusations or stop making these declarations from the soap box.

As for the soldiers that were killed this morning by the suicide bomber and all of the others that have died in this was, my heart goes out to them.

posted on March 29, 2003 08:31:23 AM new
I can name one for colin- ME. And my dislike is primarily directed to the powers that be.
I am honest enough to admit that my perception may be subjective.
I try to convince myself & understand that some Americans are not evil, but when I see the wide support for this evil act, it’s difficult to understand otherwise.
And that sentiment has spread like wild fire all over the world thanks to your PNAC agenda.

colin is going to damage people livelihood by “restricting access” of customers to a "shopping mall". But it’s ok because he is impressed with dumyas genitalia.

I’ll tell you what, you don’t insult ‘me’ & I won’t insult ‘you’.
More than once colin you have threatened people on this site with violence.
If you want to discuss/debate, then do it here, if you want to fight, then show some balls and don’t do it to a bunch of ‘computer nerds’(I use the term loosely).
Insult me once more if you feel the need to retain your top dog status.
But you shouldn’t threaten people with violence, it’s actually illegal in many countries and an offence for which you can be imprisoned.

posted on March 29, 2003 08:35:24 AM new
Wow, that was a short lived exit... guess it was too boring in Austrailia always being WRONG!
posted on March 29, 2003 08:58:58 AM new
Actualy, you were wrong 12, I didn't come back with another ID.

posted on March 29, 2003 03:57:49 PM new
That's your story you tell it however you want...

Actually I didn't say you wouldn't come back as your original self, I just added like others here you probably have another ID you post under...
posted on March 30, 2003 06:22:32 AM new
I didn't figure I'd have to name names. The ones that are seem to wear it proudly.

I didn't realize I was threaten to you Austy. Never thought about it actually. Sorry If I seemed intimidating to you.

I don't think of you as a bad person. Just mixed up.

colin is going to damage people livelihood by “restricting access” of customers to a "shopping mall".

???? How did you figure this from what I wrote?

I’ll tell you what, you don’t insult ‘me’ & I won’t insult ‘you’.
More than once colin you have threatened people on this site with violence.
If you want to discuss/debate, then do it here, if you want to fight, then show some balls and don’t do it to a bunch of ‘computer nerds’(I use the term loosely).
Insult me once more if you feel the need to retain your top dog status.
But you shouldn’t threaten people with violence, it’s actually illegal in many countries and an offence for which you can be imprisoned.

This isn't an insult but a plea. Get help. Get it right away. Your getting Paranoid.

I feel taller now,
Reverend Colin

posted on March 30, 2003 06:49:34 AM new
Colin, you said:

"Antiwar is one thing but being anti-American is another."

Can you explain your distinction?
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