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posted on April 6, 2003 02:26:30 PM new
neonmania - Maybe we need to start this from another direction. I'm really tired of explaining to you [defending my post] that I feel **you took** in a way other than it was intended. And because Helen, who is always negative about most things agrees with you, that gives your belief more validity? You appear to me to be saying [without saying] that there were sinister motives in my first post. There aren't any.

Maybe you can explain to me why you would even think I would have no sympathy for anyone who dies? Are you implying in some way that because he was a reporter for NBC that I dismissed his death when I wouldn't that of others? Because, if that's the case, again it's not true. Where is all this coming from? You mention I didn't give it my usual compassion. What would you believe would be the cause of that? Are you always, 100%, consistant in all your comments? I don't think so.

You mention how you took my post....so does that make it the way I meant it? What can't you understand about how I've explained this simple statement. Why are my statements not acceptable to you? Do you never believe what people tell you? Or is it just me?

If you feel I was curt in my post that's your right. But to have turned this into the 'inquisition' is unbelievable to me.
The question is not what a man can scorn, or disparage, or find fault with, but what he can love, and value, and appreciate. J. Ruskin
posted on April 6, 2003 02:33:00 PM new
Linda, I never doubted the sincerity of your post - the type of person you are always comes across in your posts

What is that old saying..."misery loves company"? We can be glad we aren't among *those* that like to sit back, b!tch and moan and groan and criticize everything we can

edited to add this quote...."I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom I provide and then questions the manner in which I provide it." - A Few Good Men

"Be kind. Remember everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." - Harry Thompson
[ edited by wgm on Apr 6, 2003 02:33 PM ]
[ edited by wgm on Apr 6, 2003 02:41 PM ]
posted on April 6, 2003 02:41:42 PM new
Thank you, wgm. I appreciate that.

If I'd wanted to be calous towards this gentleman's death....I really could have been. Those weren't my feelings...there'd be no reason for me to feel calous towards a strangers death.

The question is not what a man can scorn, or disparage, or find fault with, but what he can love, and value, and appreciate. J. Ruskin
posted on April 6, 2003 02:46:32 PM new
::Stating that someone's statement was callous because of the way you read it was to say the least....callous::

Colin, I simply stated my opinion regarding what I felt was an uncharachteristic response on her part. I stated my opinion of the comment. I did not insult, I did not resort to sarcasm in an attempt to belittle I did not call HER calous or even labeled her as un-american for not meeting my preapproved level of appropriate remorse as many of my detractors are given to do. I simply stated my opinion.

posted on April 6, 2003 03:35:55 PM new
Linda- Did you even read the my post?

Please point out to me a single statement in my post were I make a derogatory about you. I certainly said nothing which could be construed as an accusation that David Blooms employer could effect your reaction.

I never asked you to justify, explain or clarify a single statement. I certainly did not turn it into an inquisition. On the contrary I not only did not ask a single question of you, or ask you to answer any interpretation, I was complimentary of your normal level of compassion.

You ask Where is all this coming from?...
I must ask the same question. Where did you find all of these accusations in a post that says four things things.....

1) I am capable of forming my own opinions and do not parrot those of Helen,

2) You statement was out of charachter (yet did not then nor am I now in any way shape or form expecting you to defend my pinterpretation or opinion)

3) Over my time I have attributed the traits of empathy and compassion to you

4) Breathe

If you can point these accusations out to me I would appreciate it since I have read and reread the postage and am at a loss as to what comments you could have turned into these accusation you claim I am making. You are finding criticism where none exists . Seriously Linda... take a breath

posted on April 6, 2003 03:52:26 PM new
neonmania - Helen said:
What a thoughtless, inane quip, as if to diminish the death of this good, courageous reporter.

Then the next statement out of your mouth was:

Linda, I gotta agree, that was a very calous statement.

So...just who were you agreeing with then if not, Helen?

I'm done, neonmania....this has gone way too far already.
The question is not what a man can scorn, or disparage, or find fault with, but what he can love, and value, and appreciate. J. Ruskin
posted on April 6, 2003 04:29:45 PM new
Linda, I was agreeing with the sentiment that it was a strangly dispassionate comment then followed by using the words that I thought best described it.

So just for clarification - you accuse me of making accusations and implications and subjecting you to an inquistion and when asked (as you have been known to do yourself) to provide evidence of said acusations you play the indigant card and go home? I gave you more credit than that.

In retrospect find it interesting that you never answered the hypothetical - especially since it came from a statement that you yourself made.

[ edited by neonmania on Apr 6, 2003 04:40 PM ]
posted on April 6, 2003 08:10:05 PM new
What was the topic of this message post ?????????????????????

was it this???

NBC's David Bloom Dies in Iraq

So very sad, and my prayers go out to his family and friends and all at NBC.
[ edited by wrightsracing on Apr 6, 2003 08:11 PM ]
posted on April 7, 2003 07:43:57 AM new
By Frederik Balfour

I never knew David Bloom when he was alive. He was brought to our medical tent at the 703rd Battalion of the 3rd Infantry Division [3ID] shortly before 8 a.m. on Apr. 6. Medics were still performing CPR on him when he arrived, but it was already too late. At 8:08 a.m. he was pronounced dead. As I was about to head to the medic station I overheard a soldier phoning in a report, in what I suppose was meant to be military efficiency. But it struck me as chillingly terse. "Report: initial. Enemy involvement: none. Name: Bloom, David. Military unit: civilian. Status: deceased."

Five short lines to summarize the last day of a man who was, by all measures, in the prime of life. Already known by millions of Americans as a co-host of NBC's Weekend Today show, Bloom's live coverage of the Iraqi war gained him an even wider audience, in large part because of the "Bloom-mobile." He traveled most of the time in an armored military-recovery vehicle with a camera mounted on a gyroscope that allowed it to absorb most of the shocks and bumps en route. A microwave antenna transmitted his voice and image to the rest of the NBC crew following several miles behind which then retransmitted the feed via satellite for broadcast.

FATAL POSITION? The concept was Bloom's brainchild, and it was working brilliantly. NBC's viewers were able to follow Bloom and the 3ID as it advanced and attacked Iraq (news - web sites). He made his broadcasts on the move, while competitors resorted to traditional stand-ups and video clips. On the night before his death, Bloom was already planning how to celebrate his team's performance after the war. He had phoned ahead to London to try to book rooms at the Metropolitan hotel in the Mayfair district and a table at Ivy's restaurant.

Tragically, it may have been the long hours he spent cramped in the Army vehicle that caused his death. Three days ago, Bloom had complained of cramps behind his knee. Like most of us journalists "embedded" in the Army, he had endured days and nights of working, eating, and sleeping in our vehicles as convoys snaked their way toward Baghdad.

He consulted military doctors and described his symptoms over the phone to overseas physicians. They suspected DVT, or deep veinous thrombosis, and advised him to seek proper medical attention. He ignored their advice, swallowed some aspirins, and kept on working. On Sunday he died of a pulmonary embolism.

posted on April 7, 2003 11:56:26 AM new
Linda- tell them both to go pound sand, they are both small brained twits trying to find fault even if they have to create it.

But look at the bright side- if they're picking on you they are leaving Bush and America alone.

Nothing you posted was callous. Your comparison of the deaths was honest and benign.

I even thought of the comparision of the number of troops we have lost to number of people killed on the highways over a holiday. It puts things into perspective and has nothing to do with emotional appeal.

posted on April 7, 2003 12:01:53 PM new
Reamond - out of curiosity, do you consider it a weakness or a point of pride that you do not seem to be able to make a comment that does not include some cheap sophmoric insult?

posted on April 7, 2003 12:51:31 PM new
OH NEON,,,,, I was being charitable towards you and not cheap sophmoric or insulting.

You act just like an old bull hen trying to pluck the feathers off the other hens.

Your cheap sophmoric and baseless arguments are an insult to anyone who makes intellegent posts.

At the end of the day, all you end up with is a mouth full of feathers.

posted on April 7, 2003 01:10:01 PM new
No sweetie, tequila maybe but never feathers.

BTW - Now that three of you have accused me of insulting Linda, I hope that at least one of you can point out exactly where it was that I made a personall insulting comment directed at her. I would prefer you avoid vagarities and for you to simply stand by your accusations and post the actual insult as posted by me. Linda ws not able to but maybe the brain trust can.

posted on April 7, 2003 01:14:36 PM new
Linda K pointed it out to you. If you can't see it in your own peckish statement, what good would it do to point it out to you again ?

Why don't you go spend a few days reading through what you have posted here and see if you can figure yourself out ?

posted on April 7, 2003 01:43:32 PM new
Reamond - linda pointed out a quote from another poster not me.

Once again - someone here makes unsubstantiated acccusation and when they cannot back them up try to turn the table.

Don't sweat it. I'm not at all surprised because I knew all along that I never insulted Linda but for some reason that fact seems to be a real problem for you.

posted on April 7, 2003 03:26:14 PM new
[ edited by Helenjw on Apr 8, 2003 11:56 AM ]
posted on April 7, 2003 07:33:21 PM new
What does that mean?
Is it spelled right?
Reverend Colin

posted on April 8, 2003 03:33:18 PM new
Somehow I missed the news that Michael Kelly had died. Too much bad news, I guess. I spent Sunday with the TV off and somehow missed it yesterday.

I heard him speak a few times at conventions, and got to meet him once briefly afterward. We talked for awhile about work and family. He was funny, gracious and immensely gifted, and capable of saying utterly controversial things and then blinking owlishly at the reaction as if it were a total surprise.

Many of his columns made me angry. They all made me think. I will miss his voice.

On the issue of reporters in combat, he said:

"...war reporters were people "who did not want to get in harm's way but merely close enough to record the fate of those who did." (Maureen Dowd column, Monday)

Here's the last column he wrote for the Washington Post:

"Near the crest of the bridge across the Euphrates that Task Force 3-69 Armor of the 1st Brigade of the 3rd Infantry Division seized yesterday afternoon was a body that lay twisted from its fall. ..."

And the last one the Post ran, which was actually a reprint of a column that ran a year and a half ago:

"I am Catholic and my wife is Jewish, so in our house we celebrate both Hanukah and Christmas, which our sons, Tom and Jack, regard as an excellent thing. ... "

UPDATE: At least three more reporters were killed today. The total number of journalists killed so far, according to the New York Times, stands at 11.

[ edited by msincognito on Apr 8, 2003 03:36 PM ]
[ edited by msincognito on Apr 8, 2003 03:41 PM ]
posted on April 8, 2003 04:36:42 PM new
Today: April 08, 2003 at 5:35:15 PDT

List of Journalists Killed in Iraq
By The Associated Press

News organization employees killed in combat situations during the war in Iraq, which began March 20:

- Tareq Ayoub, Jordanian journalist for Al-Jazeera, Qatar, April 8, at the Al-Jazeera office in Baghdad

- Kaveh Golestan, Iranian freelance cameraman for the BBC, northern Iraq, April 2

- Michael Kelly, editor-at-large, The Atlantic Monthly, U.S.A., April 3, near Baghdad

- Christian Liebig, journalist for Focus weekly, Germany, April 7, south of Baghdad

- Terry Lloyd, correspondent for Independent Television News, Britain, March 22, southern Iraq

- Paul Moran, freelance cameraman for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, March 22, northern Iraq

- Kamaran Abdurazaq Muhamed, a Kurdish translator working with the BBC, April 6, northern Iraq

- Julio Anguita Parrado, reporter for El Mundo, Spain, April 7, south of Baghdad

- Taras Protsyuk, a Ukrainian television cameraman for Reuters, April 8, at the Palestine hotel in Baghdad

In other deaths, disappearances:

- Two other Independent Television News journalists, cameraman Fred Nerac of France and translator Hussein Osman of Lebanon, have also been missing since the shooting incident March 22 in southern Iraq in which Terry Lloyd was killed.

- Reporter David Bloom of NBC News died April 6 from an apparent blood clot while covering the war south of Baghdad.

- Gaby Rado, a correspondent for Channel 4 News, Britain, died March 30 after apparently falling from a hotel roof in northern Iraq.

- Marcin Firlej, a reporter for the Polish TVN24 news channel, and Jacek Kaczmarek of Polish state radio were abducted by unidentified men Monday but called in Tuesday to report they had escaped.


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