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posted on April 26, 2003 06:06:59 AM new
I believe in the Chicks with Dixie's right to say anything they want. I believe I have the right to disagree with what, where, when and how they said what they said.

I also have the right to not listen or buy their music, go to their concerts or deal with them in any way, shape or form.

Life's a b*tch. I'm hoping they didn't step on too many toes on their way to the top, cause they will see those same people on their way down.

If this is Black listing, It's something everyone does, everyday.

Reverend Colin

posted on April 26, 2003 08:37:15 AM new
I'd still buy their music if they wanted the US to attack every dictatorial regime on this planet. What their opinions are about politics makes no difference to me...went to one of their concerts a year or so ago and was frankly awed by their talent.

They look purty good nekkid too

posted on April 26, 2003 08:57:28 AM new

[ edited by davebraun on Apr 26, 2003 03:18 PM ]
posted on April 26, 2003 12:09:07 PM new
I agree that the DCs have no one to blame but themselves. I also respect them for stating what they knew was an unfavorable position that might have repercussions. They aren't crusaders; it was just one misguided comment. You recall something like this happened with the Beatles, but in the long run I doubt it hurt their popularity much.

Celebs like actors, artists and musicians are just people. I don't know any personally or care to. I judge their work on its own merits. (I've been called "homophobic" on more than one occasion but many of my favorite artists are gay.) Celebs may take advantage of their public exposure to politicize but I'd wager that doesn't really change many minds.

Ted Nugent is basically a washed-up, one-hit wonder who is now known only by his outrageous ego and outspoken lifestyle. I liked "Cat Scratch Fever" but personally I think he's an ass. He'd love to sell half the albums the Dixie Chicks do. Who cares if he hunts his own corn flakes?

Visit Auction Antics
posted on April 26, 2003 12:48:23 PM new
The only reason the Beatles recovered is because the youth demographics of the 1960s, and John recanted what he said.

The DCs have neither advantage that the Beatles did.

posted on April 26, 2003 05:26:35 PM new
Ted Nugent is basically a washed-up, one-hit wonder who is now known only by his outrageous ego and outspoken lifestyle. I liked "Cat Scratch Fever" but personally I think he's an ass. He'd love to sell half the albums the Dixie Chicks do. Who cares if he hunts his own corn flakes?

well said!

posted on April 26, 2003 07:18:58 PM new
Prof & Twin......

Nugent may be washed up.

But how many record contracts have you been signed to? How many records/LP's or CD's have you recorded & sold (not porn or crap you recorded @ home)?

How many live converts have you given to a paid audience?

How many colleges or universities have you been invited to, to address the students?


posted on April 26, 2003 07:28:54 PM new
Pop Groups, a major threat to world security.

posted on April 26, 2003 11:50:57 PM new
Prof & Twin......Nugent may be washed up.But how many record contracts have you been signed to? How many records/LP's or CD's have you recorded & sold (not porn or crap you recorded @ home)?How many live converts have you given to a paid audience?How many colleges or universities have you been invited to, to address the students? None.....

I'm not real sure about your point here bear..but I'm guessing you mean that because Teddy is a big old star, his opinion is more important or carries more weight than mine/ours. Well...ok...then by the same reasoning, so does the Dixie Chicks'...

I choose not buy Ted Nugent's music because I personally cannot abide heavy metal/hard rock/whatever you want to call it NOISE. If I liked his kind of music, it would make no difference to me whether he was a neonazi, a commie dupe, or a presbyterian minister, I'd buy it anyway. I like the Dixie Chicks' MUSIC, and I couldn't care LESS about their politics, or their opinions about anything else for that matter, so I will continue to buy it when and if I feel like it. I'll bet that over the long haul, millions of others will feel the same way. If that causes you or anyone else a problem, I am not in the least sorry.

You seem to have a real difficult time discussing a difference of opinion without becoming personal....
[ edited by profe51 on Apr 26, 2003 11:58 PM ]
posted on April 27, 2003 10:37:48 AM new
If I liked his kind of music, it would make no difference to me whether he was a neonazi, a commie dupe, or a presbyterian minister, I'd buy it anyway

Yeah it's called being self centered, short sighted, and unprincipled.

I will not buy from these people. Buying from them is no different than indirectly giving them your work product. It also enables them to further their public persona through the wealth that is bestowed upon them from their adoring public. It also holds out a horrible example for children exposed to these people.

There are things more important in life than consuming the latest pop culture.

posted on April 27, 2003 10:43:02 AM new
How many live converts have you given to a paid audience?

Not sure what that has to do with anything. Ted Nugent's opinion means crap to me. He's certainly in no position to criticize the Dixie Chicks, an act which HAS class.

What Ted lacks in talent he makes up by shooting off his big mouth. As a musician and fan, I am personally embarrassed by him. His claim to fame today is not his music, but his half-wit crusade to promote archery hunting. Apparently he's even got a "deer camp" where spolied 10-year old brats go and bag a deer with a bow and arrow.

Ted Nugent is all promotion and no talent. That and residuals is all that's keeping him from a job at McDonalds. And Bear, you wouldn't know rock music if it came up and bit you on the ass.
Visit Auction Antics
posted on April 27, 2003 11:58:32 AM new
Yeah it's called being self centered, short sighted, and unprincipled.

There you go again. When nobody bows and scrapes to your pontificating, you can be counted upon to call names. The Dixie Chicks have every right to their opinions, as does Ted Nugent. They have used their fame to put forth an opinion which caused a big rukus. They did it once, he does it all the time, on his website and thru the media. The only difference is you happen to agree with him. I don't agree with either of them. I happen to like the music of the DC's and not Nugent. As you've said, the market will determine the extent to which the DC's have damaged themselves, and that is how it should be. I think if people want to blackball them, that's perfectly fine. You won't hear me squawking that they're getting a raw deal. If a record store decided to remove them from their shelves, I would take my business elsewhere. Nor will you hear me complaining when PETA or somebody mounts a campaign against Nugent's bowhunters, as long as it is done within the confines of the law.

Plenty of other musicians have made similar statements, some repeatedly. I can't help but think the DC's one remark has caused such a stir because they are country musicians...kind of like a few years back when K.D. Laing (sp?) admitted to being gay or a vegetarian or something. Her career went right down the tubes with country fans. I don't think the same thing will happen in this case. She was, after all, a foreigner and not on a par with the DC's to begin with, so her fan base wasn't as broad.

I applaud the fact that you do not consider yourself to be "unprincipled" and "self-centered". Kudos to you for not spending your money to contribute to the wealth of these horrible role models. I'm sure your dollars are missed terribly.

posted on April 27, 2003 02:17:52 PM new
profe I applaud the fact that you do not consider yourself to be "unprincipled" and "self-centered". Kudos to you for not spending your money to contribute to the wealth of these horrible role models. I'm sure your dollars are missed terribly. I'm sure *all* those who have decided not to purchase their CDs or attend their concerts will be noticed too. It's the whole group who have shown their disapproval of their actions that has made a difference....not just any single persons purchase.

You forgot "short-sighted". I applaud Reamond too, for not being any of those things. There aren't many role models for our young children/young people today but it's good to see there are still a few left.

The question is not what a man can scorn, or disparage, or find fault with, but what he can love, and value, and appreciate. J. Ruskin
posted on April 27, 2003 03:57:49 PM new
.I applaud Reamond too, for not being any of those things. There aren't many role models for our young children/young people today but it's good to see there are still a few left.

Which role model were you talking about Linda? Children already know how to call each other names, they don't need a role model to learn how to do it.
If you can't answer a man's argument, all is not lost; you can still call him vile names.
- Elbert Hubbard
posted on April 27, 2003 04:06:50 PM new
I saw an interview with Tippi Hedren (she was trying to stop trafficing in big cats). They asked her about the Dixie Chick's "thing".

She said that She assumes the President and the government know much more about a situation than the average citizen can know or should know. She said you have to trust that they choose the right course of action. She said celebrities have a de facto "soap box", but that didn't mean they had to stand on it about something they know nothing about.
posted on April 27, 2003 04:11:22 PM new
It's the whole group who have shown their disapproval of their actions that has made a difference....not just any single persons purchase.

I understand how the process works.Trouble is, all those people who smashed their CD's had already paid for them! Here's a clip from a recent msnbc article regarding their tour, which begins next week:

Despite the backlash, the arena tour, which sold a record-breaking $49 million worth of tickets prior to the controversy, is almost completely sold out. Few refunds have been issued, according to reports.“For everyone who returned a ticket, 10 people are calling up asking if any tickets have been returned,” said Bob Grossweiner, a concert industry analyst.


I find it really interesting that a group which was never maligned for any reason in the past has suddenly become "poor role models" and so scorned over ONE remark.Looks like it doesn't matter whether Lipton sponsors them or not.


If you can't answer a man's argument, all is not lost; you can still call him vile names.
- Elbert Hubbard
posted on April 27, 2003 05:13:13 PM new
::You forgot "short-sighted". I applaud Reamond too, for not being any of those things. There aren't many role models for our young children/young people today but it's good to see there are still a few left. ::

So you think that our young people should consider Reamond, who calls each and every person with an opinion different from his own an idiot, moron, or similarly insulting name a role model? Sorry, I'd rather my kids pick a role model that portrays a degree of tolerence to differring opinions, not to mention maturity.

posted on April 27, 2003 05:34:24 PM new
If I liked his kind of music, it would make no difference to me whether he was a neonazi, a commie dupe, or a presbyterian minister, I'd buy it anyway

Read the statement above again and tell me that isn't the definition of being self centered, short sighted, and unprincipled.

Calling something what it is is not immature nor intollerant.

Ignoring the overwhelming evidence of what something or someone certainly is is naive and carrying political correctness to its supreme stupidity.

posted on April 27, 2003 05:38:52 PM new
Exactly where did reamond name call prof?

posted on April 27, 2003 06:06:58 PM new
My opinion of Reamonds actions as stated in my post to Linda were formed on a preponderence of his posts in this area as a whole, not in on singular thread. Afterall, a role model is decided by a pattern of behavior.

As for stating that buying the music of someone who has a different view of things than myself as being "self centered, short sighted, and unprincipled". I disagree. I can appreciate the artistic talents of an individual without having to agree with their political views. I can even appreciate artisitic talent without knowing a single thing about their political views.

posted on April 27, 2003 06:28:19 PM new
If I liked his kind of music, it would make no difference to me whether he was a neonazi, a commie dupe, or a presbyterian minister, I'd buy it anyway

Read the above again.....

So you would buy "artistic works" from a Nazi, oh, provided you liked the works ?

Remarkable. I guess you are the kind of person who would buy jewlry made from gold teeth and human skin lamp shades. It won't make any difference whether you bought the jewlry or lamp shades or music. You are enabling tyrants, and/or murders, and/or idiots, by patronizing them.

I am appalled. It shows alot about the person who said they would buy from Nazis and those who agree with it.

Absolutely sick world view.

posted on April 27, 2003 07:02:15 PM new
::Remarkable. I guess you are the kind of person who would buy jewlry made from gold teeth and human skin lamp shades.::

Theres a hell of a stretch. You had to travel for that one. There is a big difference between appreciating the musical talent of a person with a differing political view than my own and buying home accessories made of human body parts.

::You are enabling tyrants, and/or murders, and/or idiots, by patronizing them. ::

No, I am putting 13 cents into the pocket of a person who may or may not have a different world view than I. Lets not exaggerate here.

::I am appalled. ::


::It shows alot about the person who said they would buy from Nazis and those who agree with it. ::

It says a lot about a person that has a tendancy to take to take the beliefs of those that do not mimmic his own and stretch and alter them to thier most horrific and extreme option imaginable in order to make their holder seem as evil as possible in order to make themselves seem more pious.

::Absolutely sick world view.::

Considering the stretches you made in this thread, I'd say you are projecting.

posted on April 27, 2003 07:16:19 PM new
There is no stretch by me. The only stretch is going from a clear and unmistakable statement that he would buy music from Nazis, to masking being a Nazi as just being "a different view".

But here's your chance Neon- let's see you renounce that you would buy music from Nazis.

posted on April 27, 2003 07:41:21 PM new
I will buy good music that I enjoy regardless of the political or religious views of its performer assuming that they do not try to shove their beliefs down my throat.

Shhhhh. Don't tell anyone, but I even have some old stuff from Stryper somewhere in my collection.

posted on April 27, 2003 08:06:19 PM new
I will buy good music that I enjoy regardless of the political or religious views of its performer assuming that they do not try to shove their beliefs down my throat.

Then I can say without reservation that you too are self centered, short sighted, and unprincipled, not to mention having an absolutely sick world view with no regard or disposition of right and wrong.

posted on April 27, 2003 08:35:05 PM new
Then I can say without reservation that you too are self centered, short sighted, and unprincipled, not to mention having an absolutely sick world view with no regard or disposition of right and wrong.

You should go ordain yourself like Colin did. You make a much better preacher than he does

If you can't answer a man's argument, all is not lost; you can still call him vile names.
- Elbert Hubbard
posted on April 27, 2003 08:38:50 PM new
LOL Prof - and here I was just simply going to say ............

Muérdame Reamond.

As usual I am not shocked by your self righteous judgement and I'm sure you will not be shocked to learn that I find you so lacking in credibility as to not be bothered by your pious spewage.

[ edited by neonmania on Apr 27, 2003 08:39 PM ]
posted on April 27, 2003 08:41:16 PM new
LOLOL Profe!!!


posted on April 27, 2003 08:43:37 PM new
As usual I am not shocked by your self righteous judgement and I'm sure you will not be shocked to learn that I find you so lacking in credibility as to not be bothered by your pious spewage.

An absolutely ridiculous statement from someone who can not discern right from wrong.

posted on April 27, 2003 08:49:32 PM new
::An absolutely ridiculous statement from someone who can not discern right from wrong. ::

Followed by still another judgemental and pious declaration from a self righteuous a.......
You know, we could continue this pissing contest all night or just agree that you think I am scum and I think you are pathetic and move on with our lives. Which would you prefer?

[ edited by neonmania on Apr 27, 2003 08:50 PM ]
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