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posted on May 21, 2003 09:53:51 AM new
stopwhining - ROFL Very good.

Enjoy life with a clear head....no drugs.

posted on May 21, 2003 11:41:31 AM new
If you're talking about alcohol or mj being done in excess, then you're right colin - both can be harmful just like anything done in excess, but the safety of mj FAR outweighs the dangers that come with alcohol. Although you might get sucked into the propagana against mj, time is on the mj side, and so far, there's been no reports of mj-related deaths, illnesses, accidents, etc. You'd think for a drug that's been in use for centuries would've shown how 'deadly' it was by now, but it's not happening.

Another misconception about marijuana is that it's stronger today than it was 'yesterday'. This is untrue. Back in the 70's when you could buy your Colombian Gold or Panama Red, you got a bag full of plant matter, seeds (lots of seeds), stems, and leaves. The whole plant was used. Today, mj is only grown for the flowers, which are the highest in THC. The strains are still the same, believe it or not.

posted on May 21, 2003 05:14:50 PM new
I am no drug expert,but i thought the fear that once you are on MJ,you are exposed to the hard drugs.
arent MJ dealer kind of close to other drug dealers??

posted on May 21, 2003 05:44:03 PM new
Why yes, once you are exposed to MJ you will easily fall victim to harder drugs.....at least according to the gov't produced and distributed movie "Reefer Madness"

I was just wondering....how many of you are old enough to remember going to the school auditorium/cafeteria to watch Reefer Madness to save our impressionable souls...

A politician will call you intelligent to keep you ignorant. I tell you that you are ignorant so that you may want to be intelligent - Eugene Debs
posted on May 21, 2003 06:01:27 PM new
marijuana sucks. ITs a lethargic bloated daze that most self respecting individuals can live without. I believe it kills ambition and evenutally destroys short term memory. What a sad example for the younger generation. Canada, another socialist state that allows its citizens now to become legal pot heads.

posted on May 21, 2003 06:33:26 PM new
stopwhining, mj has been blamed for this (being a stepping stone to harder drugs) for some time now. It's no more true than alcohol leading to hard drug use.

I didn't see Reefer Madness in school mlecher but my parents might have. It was made in the 40's, wasn't it? Another great b-movie is Highschool Confidential, which is also an anti-drug film. Michael Landon's in it and he's about 16!!

posted on May 21, 2003 07:35:00 PM new
I saw Reefer Madness in high school (1970's). We actually went out at lunch, smoked a joint and joined the rest of the school in the auditorium. Had a great laugh!


I smoked it in high school and until I was about 21. That was over 20 years ago (I won't say how many years over 20) and my ambition was never twarted neither was my short term memory destroyed. I wasn't in a fog then and I'm most certainly not in a fog now. I've got a successful career, two wonderful children and a terrific granddaughter.

My husband died at the age of 41. The cause? A massage heart attack most likely brought on by years of excessive drinking. And yes, he smoked pot up to the time of his death. The coroner said that had little or nothing at all to do with his heart being in the shape it was in. It was the alcohol that killed him. And yet, our society finds drinking more acceptable than smoking a joint or lighting up a cigarette. Tell me this, how many people have been killed while driving and smoking [a cigarette]? Now, how many have been killed while drinking and driving? So, why is drinking so widely accepted in our society?

http://mygallery.timegonebuy.com/customer/kcskorner/kcskorner.html? [ edited by CBlev65252 on May 21, 2003 07:38 PM ]
posted on May 21, 2003 08:30:55 PM new
I was just wondering....how many of you are old enough to remember going to the school auditorium/cafeteria to watch Reefer Madness to save our impressionable souls...

...didn't see it in school, but I vaguely remember watching it thru a cloud of smoke in college...what a hoot!

we better watch out...not only are we branded as commies and Saddam lovers, pretty soon they'll be calling us good for nothing hippie dopers
If you can't answer a man's argument, all is not lost; you can still call him vile names.
- Elbert Hubbard
posted on May 21, 2003 09:42:22 PM new
What a terrible thing to go through with your husband Cheryl. I'm so sorry. You have a great attitude though, that's for sure!

I was thinking the same thing Prof. I wonder if there are enough words available to explain "people like us".

posted on May 21, 2003 09:42:32 PM new
so are you suppose to POSTER GRANNY for what smoking pot can do for you? people who condone hedonistic indulgent behavior always justify it by what a shining example they are! I don't give a hoot about "society". American society induldges in about everthing it can get its hands and nose in.

I speak for myself. Maybe your "personal journey" has been comfy. Maybe you had enough ability to handle it. SO? who cares. Its a drug and drugs are illegal for a reason. Drugs impair ability. WHEN ONE IS HIGH ONE IS HIGH? is there any other way to look at it? HIGH IS HIGH stoned whatever.

One needs an EDGE to compete and get through life. We are not living on the bank of a river eating lotus flowers and honey. People who smoke pot all the time LOSE their edge. They may own their own home blah blah but they never gave 100 percent , and they will neve know what they could have acheived sober and sharp.
[ edited by orleansgallery on May 21, 2003 09:43 PM ]
posted on May 21, 2003 09:44:54 PM new
How do you know?

posted on May 21, 2003 09:51:17 PM new
HOW DO I KNOW? because I smoked pot for two years of my youth. I kept trying to "ENJOY" this HIGH. I hated it. I watched friends smoke it constantly and get the MUNCHIES and turn into HOGS! BIG FAT LAZY COUCH POTATO WINE COOLER SWILLING POT SMOKIN HOGS! I love my reality. I like feeling crisp and sharp. I don't want anything coming between me and total reality becuase you see I"M NOT AFRAID.

posted on May 21, 2003 09:57:47 PM new
If I tried alcohol and didn't like it, it wouldn't take me 2 years to figure that out, but that's me. It just sounds like a case of hanging around with the wrong crowd orleansgallery.

posted on May 21, 2003 10:02:27 PM new
well you are obviously a superior being. Thats why you smoke dope.

Yes it was a case of hanging out with the wrong crowd. Thats what young teens do and the pressure to fit into that crowd is enourmous. I was lucky it only took a couple of experimental years. For some people their entire lives have been shaped by it.

Maybe its time to change the water in you bong dearie.

posted on May 21, 2003 10:34:18 PM new
It's not the drug that shapes a persons life orleansgallery, it's the decisions the person makes. People that use anything as a crutch are doomed.
P.S. Thank-you for noticing that I'm superior!!

posted on May 21, 2003 10:50:44 PM new
my o my that sure sounds ridiculous to me and pious. Did eve decide to eat the apple? or did she choose? Was she not tempted? did she not have the facts beforehand NOT to eat of the fruit? That eating the fruit had consequences? Yes she did. She made her choice. Thats the doom of drugs, what seems like a decision is actually a choice and in the end, one becomes a slave to the drug. Choice is gone. That's what is called an ADDICT. The decision making process is gone as well because without the ability to choose you cannot decide.

Look, I know a lot of things can become out of balance in life, food, chat boards, shopping etc. I do believe pot smoking leads to other drug usage. Just about every crack head and coke freak will tell you they started with pot. Adults owe it to the youth of the nation to set an example. I don't want my child sucking on a joint. I have higher hopes for him. I hope he will find interesting hobbies to lose himself in when he feels stress or prayer to an ever empowering GOd who gives wisdom freely to all who ask.

[ edited by orleansgallery on May 21, 2003 10:54 PM ]
[ edited by orleansgallery on May 21, 2003 11:02 PM ]
posted on May 21, 2003 10:59:20 PM new
I don't smoke dope. If you do that's fine, doesn't bother me one iota. If orleansgallery's comments are the result of clear sober thinking I'll take the stoners thank you. I prefer the pot smokers views to be sure.

As to the increase in appetite caused by pot this can be a good thing used to counter the effects of chemotherapy although the form prescribed in hospital settings (Marinol)is not the most effective.

One problem that is overlooked is the use of pesticides as there are no standards for growing and this can create a health risk among smokers.

posted on May 21, 2003 11:07:05 PM new
You can take any view you want. I don't need your approval or care. You might care if the pilot of your plane is high? of you might care if your kid is high driving a car? You might care if your doctor preforming surgery on you just lit up a doobie? if you say you wouldn't care you are either a complete idiot or a liar.

posted on May 21, 2003 11:13:58 PM new
Use of pot by Doctors, Pilots etc is essentially a red herring you are throwing out there. It is not a problem to the best of my knowlege however I seem to remember a couple of pilots arrested for DUI recently. Which is also a red herring but I'll see your red herring and raise you a redder herring.

The bottom line is your arguement is not valid.

posted on May 21, 2003 11:16:31 PM new
The bottom line is your opinion has no bearing on the validity of my position against drug abuse. Red herring? valid questions you are afraid to answer. Just another apathetic member of the herd.

posted on May 22, 2003 04:13:14 AM new

In case you hadn't noticed, we were having a nice discussion without SHOUTING at each other or resorting to cuts and name calling. That's for children. Looks like the two years you spent experimenting with it have made you a bitter person. You are entitled to what you believe, everyone has said that here at one time or another, and we are all willing to listen. Just try expressing your opinion without sounding like you are throwing a hissy fit.

You don't know me and you most certainly don't know if I lost my edge or not. For your information, not that it is any of your business, I graduated with honors. My edge is still pretty darn sharp and thanks to your rantings, it's even sharper.

You certainly seem to think you know a lot about everything, including what Eve did or did not do.

And by the way, in whose book is two years considered experimenting?

posted on May 22, 2003 04:48:02 AM new
I should state I'm not pro MJ, not anti either.

I think it's more dangerous then some of you. Not in a life threating sense but it removes ambition and makes many lazy. I think it's very addictive to the younger people and is used as a crutch for those older. I think it's great for those that use it for a medical reason.

I did my fair share when younger As I did with most any drug available at the time. From ups and downs to Smack.

I was one of the lucky ones that could just walk away. The hard part was walking away from the friends I had at the time. Soon they realized I just wasn't doing the drug thing anymore and many are still good friends. The others are Dead.

Whatever happened to the Fabulous Freak Brothers?,
Reverend Colin

posted on May 22, 2003 10:17:27 AM new
You all bring up the bad effects of probably extreme MJ use, but consider the bad effects of extreme alcohol use. Which is worse?

It is claimed the MJ use makes people Lazy, unambitious, brain-dead individuals. But these effects go away after awhile of non-use. With alcohol, parts of your brain ARE dead.

Too much alcohol causes many to behave very violently causing serious injury or killing of others.

And MJ? They giggle alot....even over the names in the phonebook.

A politician will call you intelligent to keep you ignorant. I tell you that you are ignorant so that you may want to be intelligent - Eugene Debs
posted on May 22, 2003 10:43:49 AM new
Thanks Cheryl! The point isn't to condone people smoking pot because it's so safe & wonderful, I just want people who do use it to understand the facts about mj, which are so blurry because of the hoards of misinformation out there.

Commercially, the type of mj you get will make you feel tired and lazy because it's the fastest growing type of pot. It'll make you feel sluggish and hungry. The stuff that actually makes you feel motivated, like the Colombian and Jamaican mj, takes 2 to 3 months longer to grow, so it's not readily available to most. That's why I said that all mj isn't equal and certain people shouldn't be smoking certain kinds, but when the information out there says ALL mj is bad, they certainly aren't going to give information about what the different types do.

posted on May 22, 2003 11:21:01 AM new

I never realized you were such a connoisseur

You Sinner!

A politician will call you intelligent to keep you ignorant. I tell you that you are ignorant so that you may want to be intelligent - Eugene Debs
posted on May 22, 2003 11:21:58 AM new
Try to talk sense to a bunch of potheads is like asking a tree to give you change for a dollar.

BTW I'm not bitter, I'm just hate drugs and what they do to people in the end. I care about human life. Dopers care about getting high. They don't care about what it does to the rest of society. They own houses and have degrees! GEE does that make one justified? will it get you into heaven? Some of the dumbest people I ever met went to college and graduated. I believe Ted Bundy make it to law school. PLEEEEEEZE don't use creditionals as a subsitution for MORAL FIBER.

posted on May 22, 2003 11:50:39 AM new
mlecher -

orleansgallery, when you have to grasp at straws and compare 'potheads' to people like Ted Bundy, it's hard to take you seriously.

posted on May 22, 2003 12:00:06 PM new
you obviously did not comprehend the post....but you are probably stoned right?

I was inferring EDUCATION and INTELLIGENCE are not synonomous eg Bundy, Bill Clinton, Jane Fonda, etc.

Read it again but more slowly.

posted on May 22, 2003 12:04:17 PM new
Boy, you're sure having a good old time throwing the insults around. We managed to avoid that this whole thread. . .until now.

I don't know of any trees that can give you change for a dollar, but I do know one that can change a five. LOL! My father has a tree with dollar bills on that he received as 65th birthday gift.

Just wanted to lighten things up a bit.

http://mygallery.timegonebuy.com/customer/kcskorner/kcskorner.html? [ edited by CBlev65252 on May 22, 2003 12:06 PM ]
posted on May 22, 2003 12:19:49 PM new

You don't hate potheads...you just hate. If that is the only reason you came here, to spout your hate, please leave.

I was inferring EDUCATION and INTELLIGENCE are not synonomous eg Bundy, Bill Clinton, Jane Fonda, etc.

And don't try turning this into a political thread, you obviously aren't that smart and you will lose....You can't type louder than the smarter people.

A politician will call you intelligent to keep you ignorant. I tell you that you are ignorant so that you may want to be intelligent - Eugene Debs
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