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posted on June 3, 2003 12:31:39 PM new
As long as you don't call me Delilah! (which in a circuitous way drags us right back to the FCC/Clear Channel discussion.)

posted on June 3, 2003 01:20:42 PM new
Oh you all get offended so easy its like a bunch of long tailed cats in a room full of rockers. The liberal thing was a joke. Anyone with a sense of humor and a bit of intellect could tell it was jest. I'm not talking to any of you anymore you just bore me to tears with your lack of creativity.

posted on June 3, 2003 02:09:43 PM new
Good one, Helen.


Your girlfriend and I have another thing in common. My boyfriend's a guitar player. He used to have long hair until he decided to become old and cut it. Libras are attracted to the artsy, risky types. My last boyfriend was a race car driver and a speedway announcer.

Oops, I have strayed from the thread. I don't think anyone here has a wrong thought on this issue. God made us all different. Different cultures, different hair, different skin and different thoughts. To say our thoughts are wrong is to say God is wrong. The big place we differ is Jesus. Jesus was not only the son of God, but also a man. It's God I worship. When some people thank the Lord, they are thanking Jesus. I am thanking God, who is my father. This topic is very personal to a lot of people.

orleans gallery, you should feel flattered that so many people would share such personal thoughts with someone they don't even know.

Edited to add: I guess I responded to this thread too late. Looks like orleansgallery has a hard time with heat in the kitchen. She seems like a perfectly okay person to me and it's too bad she thinks our comments are a direct cut on her when they are not.

My religion is simple, my religion is kindness.
--Dalai Llama
[ edited by CBlev65252 on Jun 3, 2003 02:12 PM ]
posted on June 3, 2003 02:37:27 PM new
I thought of getting into this one because religion/philosophy has always been a topic of interest, but frankly I couldn't find an opening. A person poses an idea, asks for others opinions, gets huffy when instant replies don't happen, and finally takes offense at EVERYTHING everybody says. How odd. Oh well, maybe next time if someone else starts a religious or philosophical thread...for now I think I'll go ask the dog on the porch what his ideas are about the two minds thing..
If you can't answer a man's argument, all is not lost; you can still call him vile names.
- Elbert Hubbard
posted on June 3, 2003 02:45:09 PM new
"finally takes offense at EVERYTHING that Everybody says."


This two brain story sounds like Freud gone awry to me. My money is on the dog! Listen carefully.


posted on June 3, 2003 03:29:39 PM new
Maybe orleansgallery DID have a point, being does organized religion make you narrow minded? Or is conformity the only way some people can survive?

posted on June 3, 2003 04:50:16 PM new
I've always thought that organized religion does make you narrow minded. If you attend a particular church from childhood into adulthood the only thing you've learned is what that particular church has taught you. And, I've often thought that those that "find religion" later in their lives go at it with such zeal that they often miss the meaning of it all like they are trying to make up for not finding it earlier. Thankfully, my parents did send us to Sunday school but allowed us to follow our own religious paths as we grew up. My brother is Mormon, I'm studying Bahai and reading up on the Musleum religion although not as often as I'd like. I've tried to read up on different religions because I think they all have a specialness. Unlike orleansgallery, I do embrace other religions and do believe they have a place on this Earth like everything else.

My religion is simple, my religion is kindness.
--Dalai Llama
posted on June 3, 2003 04:59:04 PM new

Your tolerance for other religions is admirable, Cheryl.


posted on June 3, 2003 05:22:58 PM new
well I had to jump back in on this one.

If you "embrace" all religions, isn't that kind of like going to bed with every man you meet?

What about the woman in africa who is sitting in a hut right now with her little boy she had out of marriage. Her religious peers are going to have her killed for her sin. Have you read about it? Do you embrace that religion? Because to me that sounds like hell on earth not religion.

Did you embrace the religion of the freaks that flew into the world trade center and bombed it killing thousands of people?

That is religion and I highly doubt you "embrace" it. I am quite sure you do not know what you are talking about.

Oh and I am so glad you tell everyone how "UNLIKE" me you are. That is so "kind" your JUDGEMENT. You Kindness tag is a bunch of hooey woman. You are full of pride and just as unkind as the rest of us. Besides Kindness is not a religion. Kindness is somthing you define by your own standards and it obviously does not extend to people who you feel don't meet your wonderful objective all embracing viewpoint.

Its easy to be "Kind" to people you like...."even heathens can do that" I believe that was in the bible.

Yes I am an artist and I am a painter. And just because someone is an artist does not mean that have to look like a biker.

PS I also shave my legs and my pits. I look like a woman and I'm proud of it. I smell nice and have long hair and wear skirts and I LIKE MEN. UNlike the National Organization of Witches who are man haters. That is why I don't like their group. The are not as pro woman as they are anti-man.

Prof. I liked you comment about talking to the dog about philosophey.

[ edited by orleansgallery on Jun 3, 2003 05:27 PM ]
[ edited by orleansgallery on Jun 3, 2003 05:31 PM ]
posted on June 3, 2003 05:35:34 PM new
Who here has judged you orleansgallery?? I've seen you judge others but haven't seen you be judged.

As far as religion, forget it. Come to know God through your own way. Organized religion is the false prophet.

posted on June 3, 2003 05:43:06 PM new
For your information, "woman", religion did not fly into the Trade Center. The Muslem religion does not condone that kind of behavior and if you weren't so narrow minded you would know that. Your tone has taken on a rather nasty note (very unchristian like) and I don't know about the rest of the posters here, but your kind of judgement is not welcomed by me. I will choose to ignore it and consider the source. My religion is kindness because my God is a kind God. Not one who preaches hell and damnation as yours seems to. If you want that kind of religion, all the power to you. What the rest of us want, I should think, would be of no concern to you. Have you been annointed to "save" the world? Yes, I am UNLIKE you and glad to be so. Of all the posters on these threads you have to be the most narrow minded one I have come across yet. You do not have the right to judge me. I did not condemn you nor did I judge you. I responded to the thread that YOU started. I carried no ill will toward you. In fact, I still carry no ill will because that is what you are hoping for. If you ask me, the devil has got YOUR tongue here, not mine.

My religion is simple, my religion is kindness.
--Dalai Llama
posted on June 3, 2003 05:43:10 PM new
Organized religion does work for some people. It may not be your cup of tea, but you just made a JUDGEMENT. Gee, don't you guys see yourselves? You are constantly JUDGING everything. How can you possibly say that organized religion is a false prohpet? Then you JUDGE everyone else who is in organized religion.

If CB thinks she is "unlike me" that is a judgement. Man there sure are a lot of LOGS IN THE OLD EYES AROUND HERE.

I find most of the posters here are more zealous in their beliefs than anyone I every met in organized religion.

I personally don't get excited about going to church on Sunday but usually once I get there I'm glad that I did. The part I don't care for at church is dissention or debate is not tolerated for the most part. How else can you learn if you don't debate? If I am wrong prove me wrong, then I can learn. Maybe explore an idea? SHEEEEEESH!

posted on June 3, 2003 05:47:08 PM new
AHHH CB seems you are getting a little hot about your religious tolerance. So instead of spinning, why don't you answer the questions?

The woman who is sitting in the grass hut in Africa awaiting the death sentence for her illegetimate birth is going to be put to death by her RELIGION - you may protest that is not the "CORRECT VERSION" of the religion but none the less it is a form of RELIGION is it not?

The cowards who flew into the trade center also have a version of a "RELIGION" that believe in with much conviction. ARE YOU REALLY TOLERANT OF OTHERS BELIEFS?

So which is it? do you not like having to really think about it? or is it the GOD BUFFET of picking and choosing?


posted on June 3, 2003 05:58:28 PM new
No. 1: What other people believe is what other people believe in. Because I believe they have a right to that belief does not mean I am going to go to hell for it. It makes me tolerant of others. Tolerance does not mean approval. I tolerate you and your comments here. Would you rather I didn't?

No. 2: Again, religion did not fly into the World Trade Center. Men flew into it. Misguided men who hid behind religion to justify what they did. So, I should hate all Muslems? No, dear, that would be wrong and against everything I was raised to be.

I may not know the Bible verse by verse like you do. However, I do know there are passages in the Bible about being tolerant of others. History is full of misguided people who followed leaders that took them nowhere. Should I hate all Germans because Hitler was German? Should I hate all Buddists because Japan bombed Pearl Harbor? You are the one who is not tolerant of others and I shudder to think what it would be like to be your neighbor. Because like it or not, it takes all kinds to make this world and if you intend to survive in it, getting along with others and being tolerant of their differences will make your life much easier.

My religion is simple, my religion is kindness.
--Dalai Llama
[ edited by CBlev65252 on Jun 3, 2003 05:59 PM ]
posted on June 3, 2003 05:59:17 PM new
here is some "scripture" from the koran

Verse 9:123 - "Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you."

It should be clear that this verse commands Muslims to wage war on all non-Muslims around them. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure this out.

Verse 47:3 - "When you meet the unbelievers in the battlefield strike off their heads and, when you have laid them low, bind your captives firmly."

That is what I call a harsh religion. You are supposed to strike off the heads of those to whom you evangelize?

Verse 48:29 - "Muhammad is Allah's apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another."

Verse 66:9 - "Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites, and deal sternly with them. Hell shall be their home, evil their fate."

[ edited by orleansgallery on Jun 3, 2003 06:01 PM ]
posted on June 3, 2003 06:05:07 PM new


"Unlike orleansgallery, I do embrace other religions and do believe they have a place on this Earth like everything else."

You did not say you were tolerant of others or MEN flew into the world trade center.

MEN did not fly alone into the world trade center they flew with a RELGION and a PHILOSOPHY.

So you DO NOT embrace all religions? or you do? which is it? as usual

posted on June 3, 2003 06:11:35 PM new
Well, we know you aren't a rocket scientist. The passages of the Koran DO NOT say to kill all non-muslums. Now who is thinking outside the bun?

"Muhammad is Allah's apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another."

Do you have any idea who Allah is? Allah is God. Seems to me this passage sounds a bit like your preaching.

"When you meet the unbelievers in the battlefield strike off their heads and, when you have laid them low, bind your captives firmly."

Referring to those who have no belief in Allah. Again, God. The battlefield is the fight of good vs. evil. Read Revelations.

"Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites, and deal sternly with them. Hell shall be their home, evil their fate."

Yes, Hell shall be the home of those who do not believe in God and do not follow His word. Any problems with that? The unbelievers that are referred to here are athiests, those with no belief in God.

"When you meet the unbelievers in the battlefield strike off their heads and, when you have laid them low, bind your captives firmly."

Again, read Revelations.

My religion is simple, my religion is kindness.
--Dalai Llama
posted on June 3, 2003 06:16:10 PM new
Hey you can argue all you want but I got the text right there on the page. Are you saying those scriptures are not in the KORAN?

Because they are. I didn't make them up did I? You are into religion go get the Koran! read it for yourself.

Based on the scripture of the Koran the men who flew the planes that bombed our trade center were NOT HIDING behind their religion at all. In fact it looks to me like they were going by their scriptures.

Opinon? or fact? which do you go by?

Revelation in the bible was a dream a man had about the end of the earth, or a vision. It was not a command to kill those who are unlike him. You see I READ about religion. I just don't make up NEW AGE opinions. If you read most RELIGIOUS TEXT they are filled with things like this. NO one is hiding behind anything as far as I can tell.

posted on June 3, 2003 06:16:18 PM new
Cheryl's boyfriend here. . . .

OK Obviously you've read the Bible... words written by men... a compilation of letters written about who others think God and Jesus was and is.
But did you get the message of why the man(Jesus) came here for in the first place?
Forgiveness and kindness to strangers. Love in the purest form. He even asked forgiveness for the men who nailed him to the cross. Stop reading the words and listen to the message!

My religion is simple, my religion is kindness.
--Dalai Llama
posted on June 3, 2003 06:18:29 PM new
Never said those scriptures were not in the Q'uran. I said your interpretation is way off. R-E-A-D what I post don't just read into it what you want.

My religion is simple, my religion is kindness.
--Dalai Llama
posted on June 3, 2003 06:18:48 PM new
I am quite aware of the message. But reading the text also gives you an understanding of philosophy and why people act they way they do. My point is how can you believe embrace all religions? the only thing you can embrace is LOVE.

When I read about the woman in the hut awaiting execution for her "sin". I am outraged by RELIGION. IT is not RELIGION it is IGNORANCE. There is a difference between LOVE and RELIGION.

posted on June 3, 2003 06:21:14 PM new
If I am to embrace our differences, I am to embrace all things different about us - including religous beliefs. That is my philosphy. I'm sorry you are so intolerant as to not accept that about me. I'm sure the God I know and love does. He made me who I am. Not Jesus. God.

My religion is simple, my religion is kindness.
--Dalai Llama
posted on June 3, 2003 06:21:40 PM new
I'm not reading anything into their scriptures! HAHA HAHA HAH AH LOL ROFLMAO! I am just reading what their scripture says. Can you inturpret it differently? I'd like to see you try!

But your inturpretation will be the usual platitudes of the God Buffet of personal choice.

This is what is says. And people act on it. I don't know how you could possibly deny the scripture when its right in front of you?

posted on June 3, 2003 06:26:14 PM new
Okay here is my point, You cannot EMBRACE differences. Your premise is faulty. Your argument does not hold water.

You have not once answered my question as to the woman awaiting execution in Africa. I do not embrace this. It is different from me. It is a different culture and a different relgion and belief system. I will never embrace it because it is VILE, IGNORANT AND EVIL.

If I cannot discern GOOD from EVIL and I say everything is okay under the sun. How would I survive? How would we survive as a country or nation? Who defines truth? You? Me? or does it come from a higher realm? I am not advocating hate or intolerance at all, I am asking how you identify evil?

Do you not think what is happening to the woman and her child is evil?

posted on June 3, 2003 06:30:13 PM new
The problem is, you aren't interpreting it at all. You are taking it literally. However, you do a fine job of interpreting the Christian bible in order to mold it into your way of thinking. I care not to carry on this battle with you any longer. It's not worth my aggravation or time. You've got my boyfriend up in arms and wanting to join this board. Perhaps you should reconsider starting any more threads because you have too little tolerance for the rest of us evil sinners.

My religion is simple, my religion is kindness.
--Dalai Llama
posted on June 3, 2003 06:38:14 PM new
so you refuse to answer my question? wow.

I really don't see how I could read much into to those scriptures hey I have some more!

Again, let me start by sharing a few verses with you. Verse 47:5 - "As for those who are slain in the cause of Allah, He will not allow their works to perish. He will vouchsafe them guidance and ennoble their state; He will admit them to the Paradise He has made known to them."

Note that no other conditions are required. If you die fighting, you go to Heaven, period.

Verse 48:16 - "Say to the desert Arabs who stayed behind: 'You shall be called upon to fight a mighty nation, unless they embrace Islam. If you prove obedient, Allah will reward you well. But if you run away, as you have done before this, He will inflict on you a stern chastisement.' It shall be no offense for the blind, the lame, and the sick to stay behind. He that obeys Allah and His apostle shall be admitted to gardens watered by running streams; but he that turns and flees shall be sternly punished by Him."

Heres a real sweet one!

Verse 5:59 - "Say: 'People of the Book, is it not that you hate us only because we believe in Allah and in what has been revealed to us and what was formerly revealed, and because most of you are evil-doers?' Say: 'Shall I tell you who will receive a worse reward from Allah? Those whom Allah has cursed and with whom He has been angry, transforming them into apes and swine, and those who serve the devil."

I think muslims are fine I have not problem with muslims or their religion unless of course they take it literally and fly an airplane into a building and kill thousands of my country men.

Religions are not all light and butterflys and angels singing on pretty pink clouds in fact most relgious history is covered in blood, take say the Protestant Reformation, or The Nazis killing the Jews or the Palestinians killing the Jews or the Kurds killing the Chrisitains, it goes on and on and on. Relgion is a belief and beliefs are powerful and in thoughout history, the most powerful beliefs WIN.

posted on June 3, 2003 06:39:44 PM new
However, you do a fine job of interpreting the Christian bible in order to mold it into your way of thinking.

I agree with you Cheryl. orleansgallery can not see any other point of view.

But she was...
Blinded by the light, revved up like a deuce, another runner in the night
Blinded by the light, revved up like a deuce, another runner in the night

posted on June 3, 2003 06:44:19 PM new


My religion is simple, my religion is kindness.
--Dalai Llama
posted on June 3, 2003 06:47:16 PM new
oh here comes back up.

I never molded the bible to shape my beliefs. I read it and made a decision. I just read what it said. So what? at least I have enough courage to condemn an act of EVIL in africa. I'm not so full of my opinion that I can't call somthing evil that is evil because my precious objectivity and tolerance might be questioned.

I have the courage MORAL COURAGE to call evil evil and not hide behind a GUMBO of new age philosopsy.

Not once did she take a stand on the woman in the hut in africa who is going to be executed by her RELIGIOUS PEERS. A child will lose his mother due to ignorance. But those who are tolerant of other belifs whether evil or good do nothing to help a mother and child.

posted on June 3, 2003 07:00:15 PM new
One last time, orleansgallery. I do not condone what is happening in Africa. It's tragic and I cannot think of one person I know who wouldn't think so. However, who am I to judge their beliefs or condemn them for them. God is afforded that right. He is the one who will judge. God gave them minds to use and the power to use those minds to fight against evil. Many a person throughout history has fought against evil. Some have won, some have not. I cannot do the fighting for them. If I could go to Africa and snatch that mother and child away, I would. But you might be surprised at her objection to it. This is their belief, right or wrong. If they accept it, and apparently they do, then there is little or nothing that can be done except prayer that God will intervene. We took the American Indian's religion away from them because it wasn't Christian. Was that right? Because some didn't believe as the American Indian, did that make what the American Indian believed wrong? It seems to me that is has been the Christians throughout history that have tried to force their beliefs onto others even when it was fought against. Yes, I am a Christian, but I'm not at all proud of what has been done to people in the past in the name of Christianity. I suppose you believe all the people burned during the Salem Witch Trials in the name of a Christian religion was okay.

My religion is simple, my religion is kindness.
--Dalai Llama
[ edited by CBlev65252 on Jun 3, 2003 07:02 PM ]
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