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posted on June 26, 2003 10:47:57 AM new
Im so sick of your ignorant as$ BEAR! We do nothing but post facts about what is going on and all you do is make excuses and ignore all the wrongs the Halliburton administration is doing.

Your either not reading what we post or you agree with the wrong that Bush is doing.

If you agree with what Bush is doing by reading what we post then you are a POS in my book. We are far more patriotic then you. You say support our troops but then again their lives must not mean much to you if you think what Bush has done is right.

I remember reading one of Twelvepoles posts. He said "so what if its about oil. We needed cheaper oil prices anyways".

You guys are a bunch of hipicrits! Your cold hearted moral driven bastards. You want to impose your religion on everyone. If it is not christian in your eyes you want to outlaw it. This is America. This is not a communist country. How can you be a christian and hate middle class and poor people. How can you hate the gays,African Americans, and other different races. For being so called christians you sure do have alot of hate in your hearts. You remind me of those rich snobs on the Titanic.

Since you claim to be christians I would think you know the profesies of the "TRIBULATION PERIOD"?

That is a time where a person will rise that claims to be holy and many will follow (NEW WORLD ORDER). Anybody that aposes him will be executed or left to starve. At this time too many things are happening within this country that make many of us think.

People are already being demonized and persecuted for aposing Bush. People are losing their jobs and promotions becouse of this. They are persecuting other countries that do not agree our policies. "Your either with us or against us" is what Bush said. We are seeing that in the way the poor and middle class are being shi@ on and kicked to the kirb.

Bush followers such as the Author Anne Colter have gone on TV nd said "LIBERALS ARE GUILTY OF TREASON!".

Bush cannot get elected again! If the same that happened in the 2000 election happens again I predict millions of people rise and turn on this goverment in many ways including riots.

posted on June 26, 2003 11:22:52 AM new
Don't forget one of Bush's finer statements Austbounty...

"I am a person who recognizes the fallacy of humans...,"

LMHO at your post Twelve!!! You don't go for independant women yet you also don't go for women that depend on men. I think you're mixed up.

posted on June 26, 2003 11:26:31 AM new
bigcitycollectables - great post!!

posted on June 26, 2003 12:01:55 PM new
bear1949 said : At least they don't have the jungles & leaches to contend with.

hell, these poor bastards have it even worse, like DEPLETED URANIUM dust in the sand EVERYWHERE ,which when and if they get back home will start seeing their bodies change, big time for the worst, and what it's going to do to the medical syatem, i shutter to think, plus a hostile hungry desperate population that wants water, food, shelter,and to live a normal life, which this US facist government took away and destroyed,that are really pissed at the occupation, and the heat, this was an invasion that turned to occupation, suppose the Iraq army occupied the US, what then ? Plus the story goes like this from some Republican senators, This is going to be a long occupation at least 10 years or longer , this was stated on TV last night, and don't get me started about the jungles bear1949, we had a saying about guys like you back then and i am not going say it here...........how many of the pro war senators, and congressmen and the present administration have their kids there now or are going there, to serve ????
posted on June 26, 2003 01:02:11 PM new
This is not an all volunteer army. When your hitch is up guess what, you do not get discharged. You are held over for an additional tour. There's only one way home right now, leave, wounded or in a bag.

posted on June 26, 2003 01:50:19 PM new
Helen, again you have mistated the obvious.

I am addressing ONLY the winey azz brats that are complaining, NOT ALL THE TROOPS. No where did I state all the troops are winey azz brats.

posted on June 26, 2003 01:50:34 PM new

You are held over for an additional tour

Is that TRUE? Can you give a supporting link please? Thanks.

What luck for the leaders that men do not think. - Adolph Hitler
posted on June 26, 2003 02:14:15 PM new
I was listening to NPR(I think?) when they were talking about some Special Forces people who were due to ETS about the time of the illegal invasion. They didn't believe Bush then and had decided not to re-enlist. But their speciality was short handed and they were involuntarily extended and required to go fight in a war they did not believe was just. Just what bear drools over, someone else being enslaved and forced to fight the battles while he keeps his hand firmly on the remote control to flip between FOX news and MSNBC so get the latest pack of lies to spout

posted on June 26, 2003 02:31:50 PM new

My religion is simple, my religion is kindness.
--Dalai Llama
posted on June 26, 2003 02:35:59 PM new
Bear, This is your correct statement. Since you are assuming the word "all" I have inserted the word "some" to clarify.

"The troops that are complaining, I WANT TO GO HOME, it's too hot, it's too dusty, I MISS MY MOMMY, are a bunch of whiney azz brats, that need to grow up."

Shame on you, bear, for calling some of our troops a bunch of whiney ass brats. A "better man" would appreciate their complaints. A "better man" would know that in an economy where unemployment is so high that joining the armed services may have been their only option.


posted on June 26, 2003 02:40:54 PM new
"The troops that are complaining, I WANT TO GO HOME, it's too hot, it's too dusty, I MISS MY MOMMY, are a bunch of whiney azz brats, that need to grow up."

Those whiny-azz brats are more of a man than you are. They are over there dying, while you are over here wanting more to be sent to die for Bush and Gang's entertainment.

posted on June 26, 2003 03:52:11 PM new
Just another case of making stuff up. First, the toxic mushroom taking hippies, then the veteran mom of a soldier that didn't know the father, now (some) whiney troops that don't want to fight. You guys are nuts.

posted on June 26, 2003 04:56:46 PM new
A couple of US Presidents have been a laughing stock.

One would think that it's best to pick our leaders from our finest minds.

If you think it's ok that people become President because they can gather up campaign contributions....great.
If yo dont'want people with low or 'average'/'mediocre' IQ to be president, then you're in trouble.

Andrew Denton: Let's talk about another US president. You campaigned around the world in the '70s and '80s and you got a rare one on one with President Ronald Reagan.

Dr Helen Caldicott: I did.
I'd just written my book, 'Missile Envy', and I just had facts and figures just… You're a good audience — you recognise what I'm talking about…facts and figures pouring out of my eyes, ears and that and every single thing he said was wrong. So I'd stop him. And do you remember when he used to get anxious, he used to get what we call a malar flush — red cheeks. And he'd get really upset, so I had to pat his hand and reassure him and I'd correct him and then we'd go onto the next subject, which was wrong again. So I spent about half the time holding his hand, and as a clinician able to assess his IQ, which was about 100 — average. That takes in all the very mentally retarded people and the very smart people, like you — he was in the middle.

(Audience titters.)

Dr Helen Caldicott: And then he said, "Look, I…I took some notes before I came down," and reached into his pocket and pulled them out. In his childish writing he had written, "People who work for the nuclear weapons freeze are either KGB dupes or Soviet agents." I said, "That's from last month's 'Reader's Digest', verbatim." He said, "No, it's from my intelligence files." Which Patti later told me was one and the same thing. He'd virtually never read a book but he subscribed religiously to the 'Reader's Digest'.

Andrew Denton: So…

Dr Helen Caldicott: It was actually…was… He's a nice old man. He was a nice old man, but tot… Would have been a nice chicken farmer or something, you know? But totally inappropriate to be president. Now, the one we've got now is not as intelligent.

posted on June 26, 2003 05:46:24 PM new
You are held over for an additional tour

That clause has been in every enlistment contract for over 20 years...

It is true in time of need you are not discharged until hostillities cease and you are formally released.

It is all there in plain english for all to read BEFORE signing up.

posted on June 26, 2003 07:14:27 PM new

From The Army Times

Issue Date: June 30, 2003

Nothing but lip service

In recent months, President Bush and the Republican-controlled Congress have missed no opportunity to heap richly deserved praise on the military. But talk is cheap — and getting cheaper by the day, judging from the nickel-and-dime treatment the troops are getting lately.
For example, the White House griped that various pay-and-benefits incentives added to the 2004 defense budget by Congress are wasteful and unnecessary — including a modest proposal to double the $6,000 gratuity paid to families of troops who die on active duty. This comes at a time when Americans continue to die in Iraq at a rate of about one a day.

Similarly, the administration announced that on Oct. 1 it wants to roll back recent modest increases in monthly imminent-danger pay (from $225 to $150) and family-separation allowance (from $250 to $100) for troops getting shot at in combat zones.

Then there’s military tax relief — or the lack thereof. As Bush and Republican leaders in Congress preach the mantra of tax cuts, they can’t seem to find time to make progress on minor tax provisions that would be a boon to military homeowners, reservists who travel long distances for training and parents deployed to combat zones, among others.

Incredibly, one of those tax provisions — easing residency rules for service members to qualify for capital-gains exemptions when selling a home — has been a homeless orphan in the corridors of power for more than five years now.

The chintz even extends to basic pay. While Bush’s proposed 2004 defense budget would continue higher targeted raises for some ranks, he also proposed capping raises for E-1s, E-2s and O-1s at 2 percent, well below the average raise of 4.1 percent.

The Senate version of the defense bill rejects that idea, and would provide minimum 3.7 percent raises for all and higher targeted hikes for some. But the House version of the bill goes along with Bush, making this an issue still to be hashed out in upcoming negotiations.

All of which brings us to the latest indignity — Bush’s $9.2 billion military construction request for 2004, which was set a full $1.5 billion below this year’s budget on the expectation that Congress, as has become tradition in recent years, would add funding as it drafted the construction appropriations bill.

But Bush’s tax cuts have left little elbow room in the 2004 federal budget that is taking shape, and the squeeze is on across the board.

The result: Not only has the House Appropriations military construction panel accepted Bush’s proposed $1.5 billion cut, it voted to reduce construction spending by an additional $41 million next year.

Rep. David Obey, D-Wis., senior Democrat on the House Appropriations Committee, took a stab at restoring $1 billion of the $1.5 billion cut in Bush’s construction budget. He proposed to cover that cost by trimming recent tax cuts for the roughly 200,000 Americans who earn more than $1 million a year. Instead of a tax break of $88,300, they would receive $83,500.

The Republican majority on the construction appropriations panel quickly shot Obey down. And so the outlook for making progress next year in tackling the huge backlog of work that needs to be done on crumbling military housing and other facilities is bleak at best.

Taken piecemeal, all these corner-cutting moves might be viewed as mere flesh wounds. But even flesh wounds are fatal if you suffer enough of them. It adds up to a troubling pattern that eventually will hurt morale — especially if the current breakneck operations tempo also rolls on unchecked and the tense situations in Iraq and Afghanistan do not ease.

Rep. Chet Edwards, D-Texas, who notes that the House passed a resolution in March pledging “unequivocal support” to service members and their families, puts it this way: “American military men and women don’t deserve to be saluted with our words and insulted by our actions.”

Translation: Money talks — and we all know what walks.

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posted on June 26, 2003 08:27:28 PM new
Oh for the glory days of war bear!!

It may be necessary at times, but War isn't noble, It's shameful.

Well said Austi, coming from someone that has never placed his life on the line, you really have a lot of credibility.

War hath no fury like a non-combatant.
- C. E. Montague


In other words FORK OFF

We do nothing but post facts about what is going on and all you do is make excuses and ignore all the wrongs the Halliburton administration is doing.

You post the items that you deem relivant for your offsided left wing views.

The Halliburton ADMINISTRATION? I don' t remember any one named Halliburton running for office. Can you provide a link?

Didn't think so.

hipicrits I don't find a word of the spelling in any dictionary. Are you using the newest dictionary? The dictionary for dummie demos.

Unpatiotic, what a silly assinine ignorant freaking fool you are. Which branch of the military did you serve in? I though so, you are one of those sideline zeros, that did all your fighting on their knees. You wouldn't make a pimple on a patriots Azz.

I did my time in service in one of the dirtiest wars ever fought. Have you ever seen a friend killed while standing beside you, I HAVE.

Have you ever been on the ground, placed your hand down to support your self in standing up & found your hand in someones still warm intestimes (Guts if you prefer), I HAVE.

So don't call me unpatriotic. I proudly served and until you have walked in my shoes, you don't know $HIT about me.

These kids don't realize just how good they have it in the service now.

They are better trained, with better equiptment, better leadership & a hell of a lot better technology that anyone serving in Viet Nan EVER hoped or could imagine.

"The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself." --John Stuart Mills

[ edited by bear1949 on Jun 26, 2003 08:40 PM ]
posted on June 26, 2003 08:37:04 PM new
Helen, if they sign on the dotted line, take the money, they have no choice in the matter.

If they wanted a better job, they should have studied harder in school, got better grades so they would have had a better chance of getting a scholarship to attend college or there are plenty of government grants available to any one wanting to further their education.

They have no one to blame but them selves for their situation.

"The human race is divided into two classes -- those who go ahead and do something, and those who sit still and inquire, 'Why wasn't it done the other way?' "-- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

posted on June 26, 2003 09:43:59 PM new

Prejudices are what fools use for reason. Voltaire

I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

Either war is obsolete or men are.
R. Buckminster Fuller (1895 - 1983), New Yorker, Jan. 8, 1966

[ edited by austbounty on Jun 26, 2003 09:54 PM ]
[ edited by austbounty on Jun 27, 2003 10:07 AM ]
posted on June 26, 2003 10:14:14 PM new
Bear, You're an old man and should,
prepare to meet your god.

You are selfish, inhumane, and antisocial, in short you are deformed.

If these are the values you taught your kids, then one day you may meet them in the hereafter too.

posted on June 26, 2003 11:19:17 PM new

posted on June 27, 2003 01:55:24 AM new
twelvepole says and they wonder why so many of us are going offshore for our relationships....

That conjures up a mental image of some sweet young thing down on her knees desperately trying to scrub his dirty skivvies on a washboard in a tub while he sits there with a big smirk on his face.

posted on June 27, 2003 04:34:59 AM new
Oh, kiara, you are so right. The only justice is that one day these women do wake up and do demand their rights. They are not coming here for the joy of waiting on the 12's of the world. They come here to gain their freedom - at any cost. If it means a short time of suffering through the 12's, so be it.


Like 12, I think you like to get under people's skins. Here it appears you may have succeeded, especially with austy. We all live in the same America and we all should work for the betterment of her, regardless of our party affiliations. Facts are facts and regardless of how you interpret those facts the end result is the same: This administration su**s. I supose you had neva mispeled a word in yer life? JMO - my right as a free American, or are you (like this administration) bound and determined to rip that away from me.

Edited because I have a haunted mouse that deletes things and then causes them to reappear (as in mispellings). I kid you not. I should auction it on ebay.

My religion is simple, my religion is kindness.
--Dalai Llama
[ edited by CBlev65252 on Jun 27, 2003 05:06 AM ]
posted on June 27, 2003 04:52:37 AM new
Ahhh the green eyed monster of jealousy....

posted on June 27, 2003 05:39:32 AM new
Bear, you can spell with the best of us.

Your 'patriots’ ass needs an apostrophe.
‘someones’ does too
‘them selves’ is one word
‘assinine’ 1-s
‘intestimes‘ (n)
relivant (e)
Unpatiotic (r)
equiptment (-t)

But most aren't so petty as to point out your spelling mistakes over the last year.

Nah Nah!!

posted on June 27, 2003 06:20:20 AM new
Yes bear, poor people should have studied harder and they could eat cray tail instead.

The assets of the world's three richest men exceed the combined Gross Domestic Products of the world's 48 poorest countries.

posted on June 27, 2003 09:50:23 AM new
lol I think I I hit a nerve. If its not true then why are you freakin out cheif?

Yes Ive seen friends not friend,friends get killed in front of me at a basketball court when I was in philladelphia.

I would post your side of the story but all I found is the negative truth. Your bulshi# stories dont exsist so dont be tryin to bust my ball$ for your ignorance... Bitc%

posted on June 27, 2003 11:10:17 AM new
bigcitycollectibles, what's the matter your drug buy go bad? Thanks now drive through...

posted on June 27, 2003 11:14:50 AM new
Nope just passing through..Is that supposed to be an insult?...lol

Dont talk to me Quire Boy..

posted on June 27, 2003 04:14:41 PM new
12 said it best at the beginning of this thread.

Assobound, isn't that a picture of the aborigine's in Australia? Like your country is any better then ours.

Reverend Colin

posted on June 28, 2003 01:24:53 AM new
The difference that your evil men are capable of doing more harm than our evil men.

"A report by Georgetown University's Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth, released Thursday, said blacks from 12 to 20 years old saw 77 percent more of these ads in 2002 than their non-black peers did."

Find the article here.

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