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posted on July 7, 2003 07:10:30 AM new
here is a guy using your children for cannon folder, and to all those who are so proud of these Republican ba***rds, this is how the government treats loyalty, so for all the gung-ho wanna be warriors who support this aggressive American regime, why aren't you sending your kids out to join the military? And why aren't you hearing of any present politician's kid joining? WHY ??? IMPEACH, IMPEACH THEM ALL !! and send ALL THE BUSH kids and all the U.S. administration kid's to the military over there

No friend of military

One of the most hypocritical sights I've ever seen was George W. Bush in full flight gear strutting around the deck of the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln at the end of the Iraq invasion. Given that he was AWOL from his National Guard post for over a year, Bush's actions were insulting to all former and present military personnel.
Now, according to The Army Times, we learn that the White House fought a proposal to double the $6,000 gratuity paid to families of troops who die on active duty, and it wants to roll back recent increases in monthly imminent-danger pay (from $225 to $150) and family-separation allowance (from $250 to $100) for troops getting shot at in combat zones.
The White House budget proposal for 2004 also cuts $1.5 billion of the $9.2 billion military construction request, ensuring that a lot of military housing will remain substandard. President Bush's fiscal year 2004 budget plan even proposes to cut Impact Aid funding by over $200 million, with the entire reduction to come from the portion designed to support the education of children of military personnel.
As hundreds of thousands of our sons and daughters are still in harm's way, his cuts are particularly offensive. Except for political show, President Bush is no friend of the military.

Robert Hildebrand
Salt Lake City

posted on July 7, 2003 01:00:22 PM new
here is what the traitors in the U.S. government are doing to the soldiers in Iraq

Specials > Iraq in Transition
from the July 07, 2003 edition

Troop morale in Iraq hits 'rock bottom'

Soldiers stress is a key concern as the Army ponders whether to send more forces.

By Ann Scott Tyson | Special to The Christian Science Monitor

WASHINGTON – US troops facing extended deployments amid the danger, heat, and uncertainty of an Iraq occupation are suffering from low morale that has in some cases hit "rock bottom."
Even as President Bush speaks of a "massive and long-term" undertaking in rebuilding Iraq, that effort, as well as the high tempo of US military operations around the globe, is taking its toll on individual troops.

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Some frustrated troops stationed in Iraq are writing letters to representatives in Congress to request their units be repatriated. "Most soldiers would empty their bank accounts just for a plane ticket home," said one recent Congressional letter written by an Army soldier now based in Iraq. The soldier requested anonymity.

In some units, there has been an increase in letters from the Red Cross stating soldiers are needed at home, as well as daily instances of female troops being sent home due to pregnancy.

"Make no mistake, the level of morale for most soldiers that I've seen has hit rock bottom," said another soldier, an officer from the Army's 3rd Infantry Division in Iraq.

Such open grumbling among troops comes as US commanders reevaluate the size and composition of the US-led coalition force needed to occupy Iraq. US Central Command, which is leading the occupation, is expected by mid-July to send a proposal to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on how many and what kind of troops are required, as well as on the rotation of forces there.

For soldiers, a life on the road

The rethink about troop levels comes as senior military leaders voice concern that multiple deployments around the world are already taxing the endurance of US forces, the Army in particular. Some 370,000 soldiers are now deployed overseas from an Army active-duty, guard, and reserve force of just over 1 million people, according to Army figures.

Experts warn that long, frequent deployments could lead to a rash of departures from the military. "Hordes of active-duty troops and reservists may soon leave the service rather than subject themselves to a life continually on the road," writes Michael O'Hanlon, a military expert at the Brookings Institution here.

A major Army study is now under way to examine the impact of this high pace of operations on the mental health of soldiers and families. "The cumulative effect of these work hours and deployment and training are big issues, and soldiers are concerned about it," says Col. Charles Hoge, who is leading the survey of 5,000 to 10,000 soldiers for the Walter Reed Institute of Army Research.

Concern over stressed troops is not new. In the late 1990s, a shrinking of military manpower combined with a rise in overseas missions prompted Congress to call for sharp pay increases for troops deployed over a certain number of days.

"But then came September 11 and the operational tempo went off the charts" and the Congressional plan was suspended, according to Ed Bruner, an expert on ground forces at the Congressional Research Service here.

Adding manpower to the region

Despite Pentagon statements before the war that the goal of US forces was to "liberate, not occupy" Iraq, Secretary Rumsfeld warned last week that the war against terrorists in Iraq and elsewhere "will not be over any time soon."

Currently, there are some 230,000 US troops serving in and around Iraq, including nearly 150,000 US troops inside Iraq and 12,000 from Britain and other countries. According to the Pentagon, the number of foreign troops is expected to rise to 20,000 by September. Fresh foreign troops began flowing into Iraq this month, part of two multinational forces led by Poland and Britain. A third multinational force is also under consideration.

A crucial factor in determining troop levels are the daily attacks that have killed more than 30 US and British servicemen in Iraq since Mr. Bush declared on May 1 that major combat operations had ended.

The unexpected degree of resistance led the Pentagon to increase US ground troops in Iraq to mount a series of ongoing raids aimed at confiscating weapons and capturing opposition forces.

A tour of duty with no end in sight

As new US troops flowed into Iraq, others already in the region for several months, such as the 20,000-strong 3rd Infantry Division were retained in Iraq.

"Faced with continued resistance, Department of Defense now plans to keep a larger force in Iraq than anticipated for a period of time," Maj. Gen. Buford Blount, commander of the 3rd Infantry Division, explained in a statement to families a month ago. "I appreciate the turmoil and stress that a continued deployment has caused," he added.

The open-ended deployments in Iraq are lowering morale among some ground troops, who say constantly shifting time tables are reducing confidence in their leadership. "The way we have been treated and the continuous lies told to our families back home has devastated us all," a soldier in Iraq wrote in a letter to Congress.

Security threats, heat, harsh living conditions, and, for some soldiers, waiting and boredom have gradually eroded spirits. An estimated 9,000 troops from the 3rd Infantry Division - most deployed for at least six months and some for more than a year - have been waiting for several weeks, without a mission, to return to the United States, officers say.

In one Army unit, an officer described the mentality of troops. "They vent to anyone who will listen. They write letters, they cry, they yell. Many of them walk around looking visibly tired and depressed.... We feel like pawns in a game that we have no voice [in]."

posted on July 7, 2003 01:07:29 PM new

Heat and violence hits US troops

By Keith Adams
BBC News, Baghdad

The recent spate of attacks on American troops in Iraq has had a profound effect on the morale of the US troops stationed here.
Even though they are an army of occupation, many soldiers I have spoken to are surprised at the upsurge in violence against them.

They were told that the people of this country would greet them as liberators.

"We're here to help them!" said a soldier on duty at a checkpoint near my hotel.

Her commanding officer does not allow interviews with the media - but she did agree to speak to me anonymously.

She's only 21-years old, a newlywed from Oklahoma, but Iraq is proving no honeymoon.

"Of course I'm scared," she says "I wake every morning and wonder if I'm gonna still be alive by nightfall."

She tells me that life here would be a lot harder without her belief in God.

"I believe he has a plan for everyone, and if it's my time to go, it's my time to go."

Not all the troops were so philosophical.

Sneak attacks

Another anonymous soldier spoke to me through the window of his humvee armoured vehicle.

The humvee has become the ubiquitous icon of this occupation, a squat, toad-like jeep, from which the troops warily survey the city.

"I don't want say anything bad about these people, but the way they're attacking us is just so...sneaky," he says.

"Shooting at us from rooftops as we drive by ... and I wish they'd just like, stand up and fight us."

Street children are playing around us.

The troops are a constant source of curiosity for them - their minds are free from the significance of their presence.

"It's like with these kids. Some of the Fedayeen get them to distract us, then they attack us. I mean, using kids!"

When asked if he would prefer to be part of an international force, he doesn't hesitate.

"Yes. That would help," he says.

Difficult conditions

It was midnight, two hours past curfew, but the heat was almost as impressive, and oppressive, as it had been in the daytime.

The soldier stepped out of the humvee, his face sweating.

The US troops who work on the streets and the checkpoints wear their body armour at all times.

They're not giving us enough water
A US soldier who must wear body armour in 50 degrees Celsius says

He revealed a little of the conditions the army were working under.

"It's terrible. We're sleeping in this heat without any air-conditioning. I just wake up in a puddle of sweat every morning... and they're not giving us enough water, just a bottle a day!"

The soldiers here expected gratitude for removing a tyrant who exploited and abused his people. But speaking to Iraqis, one gets a sense of their immense pride, and the scale of the humiliation they feel at having foreigners on their soil, running their country.

posted on July 7, 2003 01:12:56 PM new


U.S. falling into bin Laden's trap
Bogged down in a guerrilla war, Iraq may be George Bush's Little Big Horn

07/06/03: (Toronto Star) VANCOUVER -- Here in Canada's "make love, not war" capital, I am reminded of a French reader who asked me last week, "Why was Bill Clinton impeached for making love, while George Bush goes unpunished for making a war over fake weapons?"

Excellent question, monsieur.

Asked on TV this week about steadily mounting attacks on U.S. occupation forces in Iraq, President Bush narrowed his eyes, and hunched forward aggressively - thrilling his ardent fans from Biloxi to Paducah - and growled, "Bring 'em on!" - a call to battle worthy of the famously dimwitted American general, George Armstrong Custer who, like Bush, knew what he knew and didn't need advice.

Listening to such adolescent boasting from a man who never heard a shot fired in anger outside of downtown Washington, D.C. made me gag. Bush, let's recall, dodged real military service during the Vietnam war by making occasional appearances at the Texas Air National Guard. Watching him play John Wayne at Iwo Jima for the benefit of his adoring core voters, some of whom believe Elvis is still alive, made me realize how much American politics has been debased by the double whammy of catch-me-if-you can Bill Clinton and truth-deprived George Bush.

I know a real Marine when I see one. My father served in the Pacific in the renowned 5th Marine Amphibious Division, and fought at hellish Iwo Jima.

I mention these points because I am appalled watching Bush and his neo-conservative handlers pursue an imperial war in Iraq that will kill or wound growing numbers of American GIs and turn Iraq into the ugly twin of the Israeli-occupied West Bank and Gaza. Decent, honest, good-natured American soldiers are now being turned into a colonial occupation army. All colonial wars - Algeria, Chechnya, Kashmir, Aceh, Palestine - are similar. Occupying forces in these dirty wars become brutalized, sadistic and cynical. Look back at Vietnam.

I shudder watching American GIs kicking down doors of civilian homes in the dead of night, threatening screaming children with their weapons, hooding suspects, firing into crowds of demonstrators, and calling air strikes on villages.

As night follows day, this nasty war will lead, as all colonial wars do, to torture, masked informers, reprisals against civilians, secret executions. That's what happened in Indochina. Just last week, Amnesty International sharply rebuked the U.S. for brutalizing and humiliating captives.

White House propaganda

Bush's claims that mounting attacks on U.S. forces in Iraq are the work of Saddam Hussein loyalists and "terrorists" belong in the same trash bin as White House propaganda about weapons of mass destruction. Yes, there are some Baath party loyalists fighting U.S. occupation, but so are many more ordinary Iraqis who are reacting as would any other proud people to an invasion of their country.

George Bush has well and truly stuck the U.S. into twin quagmires in both Afghanistan and Iraq. These ongoing guerrilla wars, and their logistical support, now tie down some 175,000 men, fully one third of total U.S. ground forces. Back in the 1980s, Osama bin Laden preached that the only way to drive the U.S. from the Muslim world was to bleed it in a score of small guerrilla wars. Bush, who now threatens to attack Iran, is falling right into bin Laden's strategic trap. Bravo, Mr. President.

Iraq is not Vietnam, but we see disturbing reminders of America's Indochina debacle. The U.S. pro-consul for Iraq, Paul Bremer, just requested more troops - shades of Gen. William Westmoreland.

Political chaos

Roads in Iraq are increasingly unsafe. Attacks against U.S. military forces are both of the spontaneous amateur kind, and organized assaults by former military men. Corruption, civic collapse and political chaos hang over everything. The Iraqi oil that was supposed to pay for this Bush colonial adventure, and enrich powerful Republican corporate political donors, is barely being pumped due to sabotage.

Faced by the growing messes in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Bush administration is trying to emulate its role model, the late, unlamented British Empire, by hiring mercenaries to do the dirty work in Iraq. Washington is offering billions to India and Pakistan to send 15,000 troops each to pacify Iraq's unruly natives.

No one in the West will care if Indian or Pak mercenaries kill Iraqis or burn down their homes.

Other nations like Poland, Italy and Bulgaria are being pressured or bribed to send token forces to help pull Bush's chestnuts out of the fire in Iraq. Canada has been browbeaten into sending troops to increasingly dangerous Afghanistan where they have no useful mission other than protecting the widely detested regime of U.S.-installed puppet ruler, Hamid Karzai.

The longer U.S. forces stay in Iraq, the uglier the guerrilla war will get. And the more Americans will realize they were led into this needless conflict by a second George Custer manipulated by a cabal of neo-conservatives whose primary loyalty is not to the United States.

© 2003, CANOE, a division of Netgraphe Inc.

posted on July 7, 2003 02:54:49 PM new
Responses from the right? anyone? anyone?...

What luck for the leaders that men do not think. - Adolph Hitler
posted on July 7, 2003 03:41:56 PM new
From the article above...

Twin quagmires.

"George Bush has well and truly stuck the U.S. into twin quagmires in both Afghanistan and Iraq. These ongoing guerrilla wars, and their logistical support, now tie down some 175,000 men, fully one third of total U.S. ground forces. Back in the 1980s, Osama bin Laden preached that the only way to drive the U.S. from the Muslim world was to bleed it in a score of small guerrilla wars. Bush, who now threatens to attack Iran, is falling right into bin Laden's strategic trap. Bravo, Mr. President."

posted on July 7, 2003 05:29:31 PM new
One. The little snivler complaining about a lack of water is a liar...

or the story was taken out context from several stories...

Military commanders KNOW that water is just as important as ammo in those conditions...

Two. The Canadian paper I dismiss off hand...

Three. All this would be moot if we would of just nuked those people...

posted on July 7, 2003 06:05:16 PM new
12 we have to consider the poster of these rantings, another wantabe that the only combat they have ever seen is on their gameboy.

posted on July 7, 2003 07:16:56 PM new
"It's terrible. We're sleeping in this heat without any air-conditioning. I just wake up in a puddle of sweat every morning... and they're not giving us enough water, just a bottle a day!"

statements like that make me dismiss the whole thing as a crock of sh!t from a wannabe journalist. They have plenty of water and food. Yes it is hot an everyone doesn't get air conditioned every night. What the hell do you expect , the Ritz ?

posted on July 7, 2003 07:29:34 PM new
Right on Twelvepole!!!!

Especially your number three. Particularly useful would be the clean neutron ones. No sense to make a mess of it. If the American government & people were as bad as we are made out to be by so many in the world, we would have done this right at the get go. "THEY" are the ones who will force us to do it eventually; in every geographic location as necessary.
[ edited by scb64 on Jul 7, 2003 07:40 PM ]
posted on July 7, 2003 10:25:47 PM new
nuke em all, I say...the hell with them. And the hell with these crybaby weenies who call themselves soldiers. They ought to take them out along with all the lying jornalists from Canada, and anybody else who offers any contrary opinion of this war. Just toast all of them in the same oven.....

What luck for the leaders that men do not think. - Adolph Hitler
posted on July 7, 2003 10:42:23 PM new
Nuking is so much faster too. And think of the savings!! There's nothing left to clean-up!!

posted on July 7, 2003 10:45:45 PM new
darn right kraft...we can add all the DemoKrats and Klinton lovers while we're at it. Pinko scum down to the last one. Piss-ant perverted homo loving wimps if you ask me.

What luck for the leaders that men do not think. - Adolph Hitler
posted on July 7, 2003 10:51:00 PM new
You got that right prof! God HATES those breeds of people!!!

posted on July 7, 2003 11:26:08 PM new
Close, but no cigar....

I equate Canada's journalistic abilities just below the National Enquirer

If you beleive that story, then you have never served in the US Military... at best you believe every negative thing written about them, at worst you do the writing yourself.

Are there negative things happening over there, yes

Could this of been avoided by using nuclear devices, yes... go back to before we began the war, I advocated its use then... nothing has changed...

I am glad to see you two coming around to pro US thinking...

posted on July 8, 2003 08:40:39 AM new

It is so easy for you to call everything you don't like or agree with a lie. Especially since you have no truth, in effect, no honor. You think its a lie, then provide evidence.

Otherwise you are no better than the scum and lowlifes whose boots you lick and a$$es you kiss.

You are worthless as a debater, nay, a human being.

posted on July 8, 2003 09:42:34 AM new
"You think its a lie, then provide evidence."

Actually that is backwards. 99.999% of the wackier left wing postings here if subject to an official debate could not survive the other side's

"or maybe, NOT"

posted on July 8, 2003 12:11:21 PM new
No desquirrel...

That is the way the real world is supposed to work. We post our evidence. If you think it is a lie, find your proof. Just saying it is all lies means absolutely diddly in the real world.

The word is "Put up or Shut up"

Have they got the guts?

And the "right" has been unable or unwilling to debate ANYTHING the "wackier" left has posted in a long time. It seems they have all been reduced to only name-calling and attacking the source and not the evidence. That is what happens when the TRUTH is revealed. It is WAAAAY obvious that the "right" has got nothing.
[ edited by mlecher on Jul 8, 2003 12:14 PM ]
posted on July 8, 2003 12:11:57 PM new
for bear1949 who said " 12 we have to consider the poster of these rantings, another wantabe that the only combat they have ever seen is on their gameboy."

i think bear1949 you are an b.s artist who likes to claim you are a vet, prove it, and as for me, di#khe#d, you have no idea where i served, s#um like you as i said before we had a name for guys like you back in the 60's over there, and a##ho#les like you were the type that were dangerous, because your type endangered paltoons with your bravado, i am surprised you came back alive, if you did serve which i doubt

posted on July 8, 2003 03:39:21 PM new
"Just saying it is all lies means absolutely diddly in the real world."

Again you have it wrong. What means absolutely nothing is making unsubstantiated charges. And the fact the "charges" come from wacky political hacks or left wing politicians with agendas does not make them "facts".

It's very strange that the "Cheryl's" never get to file charges in court or stir Congress with their "revelations".

Ohh, but I keep forgetting about the BIG conspiracy. LOL

posted on July 8, 2003 04:36:27 PM new
Struck a nerve there didn't I DIMLITE

The only action you ever saw was with your right hand while on your knees.

You amaze me! I didn't think it was possible for one person to possess such a vast reservoir of undiluted gibberish!

Trying to get something of value out of your post is like trying to squeeze orange juice out of an apple. Are you always this ignorant, or are you making a special effort today? However, I'll consider letting you have the last word if you guarantee it will be your last. I suggest you need Mark Twain's advice; "It is better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt."

You amaze me! I didn't think it was possible for one person to possess such a vast reservoir of undiluted gibberish!

posted on July 8, 2003 05:42:05 PM new
How much proof do you need there a$$lecher? Considering my Military career was more than just sitting on my a$$...

I have to give you no proof... you have provided no evidence... My word is as good as any posted here, actually alot better than yours...

Speaking of dishonorable... how do you look at yourself in a mirror every morning after "saying" you were in the military?

Only a$$es I kiss are your wife's and daughter's after I am done with them...

posted on July 8, 2003 06:32:05 PM new
bear1949 your not a vet but a armchair wannabe BS artist, you know how i know, by the way you write.....seen your kind before
posted on July 8, 2003 08:19:14 PM new
No freaklite you have never seen my type before but I have seen your type before. They were the ones that are all head and no azz. You talk the talk but you can't walk the walk.
Your type was always running from the action & hiding to cover their azzes.

I did proudly server, do I need to prove it to you. Not hardly.

You are living proof the siblings should never breed.

I'll give you one thing: you've got balls - big ones. They may be mine, and bouncing off your chin, but you've still got them.
[ edited by bear1949 on Jul 8, 2003 08:24 PM ]
posted on July 8, 2003 08:50:09 PM new
bear and twelvepole, you have outdone yourselves, hoo-rah! I do believe you may have even SPELL CHECKED!!! (although you did misspell ASS bear, but that one can be forgiven as I'm sure you didn't want to appear offensive.

Let's see, we have MASTURBATION!!

The only action you ever saw was with your right hand while on your knees.


I'll give you one thing: you've got balls - big ones. They may be mine, and bouncing off your chin, but you've still got them.


The crowd loved this one, you could hear them cheering down the block!!

Only a$$es I kiss are your wife's and daughter's after I am done with them...



What luck for the leaders that men do not think. - Adolph Hitler
posted on July 8, 2003 09:42:05 PM new
Otherwise you are no better than the scum and lowlifes whose boots you lick and a$$es you kiss.-mlecher

Hooo Rah lets not forget mlecher, oh wait he is on your side eh profe51....

If you'll notice the time of his post:

posted on July 8, 2003 08:40:39 AM

It was there all day and yet you don't find the time to attempt to "scold" mlecher...

HOO RAH for you Profe51, you want to be message judge, look at them all not just ones your biased against

So you know where you can shove your comments....

AIN'T LIFE GRAND... [ edited by Twelvepole on Jul 9, 2003 01:39 AM ]
posted on July 9, 2003 12:29:45 AM new
Oh My! [if I had a blushy smiley I would put it right here]Lots of trash talk here tonight.

Bear49 you said:
"12 we have to consider the poster of these rantings, another wantabe that the only combat they have ever seen is on their gameboy."

I have to ask if you think that being a wantabe with the "only combat they have ever seen is on their gameboy" is a bad thing?

Because if it is.... why do you follow Bush?

Really, I would like to know why Bush is any different than you stated back there.It's well known that he ,at least prior to taking the presidency, was an avid video game player. Also well known that he has never seen a day of combat.

Tell me then why he is admirable for those things and the poster here would not be??

posted on July 9, 2003 01:33:44 AM new
Because Rawbunzel... rather you or anyone else likes it... President Bush is the Commander-In-Chief...

In the field you don't follow him... you follow your immediate leader...

Why do you work for a company you are not President of? We all know that most CEO's and Presidents never spent time on the "floor", but people still work for them...

posted on July 9, 2003 06:20:59 AM new
The only action you ever saw was with your right hand while on your knees.

Only a$$es I kiss are your wife's and daughter's after I am done with them

I'll give you one thing: you've got balls - big ones. They may be mine, and bouncing off your chin, but you've still got them.

Hello, Rawbunzel

To what an embarrassingly crude level we have fallen since you were last here. These posters who brag that they were soldiers and who then proceed to embarrass the group that they profess to represent. by their use of such inappropriate language must be making an effort to overcompensate for their own inadequacy.

Your question was a good one!


posted on July 9, 2003 06:23:31 AM new
It was there all day and yet you don't find the time to attempt to "scold" mlecher...HOO RAH for you Profe51, you want to be message judge, look at them all not just ones your biased against...So you know where you can shove your comments....

I picked out yours because they were by far the best...mlecher's comments pale next to your and bear's acerbic, edgy replies.


What luck for the leaders that men do not think. - Adolph Hitler
[ edited by profe51 on Jul 9, 2003 06:24 AM ]
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