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posted on July 9, 2003 06:34:13 AM new

Must have struck a tender nerve there, didn't I. Since you don't seem to think you need to provide evidence or anything, you can simply be dismissed from now on. You have nothing, nada. You have no honor, punk! In the military? I doubt it, unless you were one of those scum buckets that give it a bad name. Did you service your unit on your knees, you seem so accustomed to it? You just rant and rave about the untrue information and consider your "word" to be good enough. Well 12-pole, from your constant actions, your "word" means nothing, absolutely nothing! Others at least put forth the effort to find information, your "word" consists of making things up. Even your "buds" seem to be leaving you. And the object of your adoration, the president, seems to hiding more and more these days. He probably does want you around kissing his butt anymore because you have become a liability.

You are becoming less than nothing. Now go back to your casting your insults and unsupported arguements and do it somewhere else. Try www.MichaelSavage.com, he seems to be a kindred spirit of yours.

posted on July 9, 2003 06:47:58 AM new
Show me where I posted an insult to another poster here in this thread prior to mlecher's attack?

Damn right they're the best... you attack me, expect getting NUKED...

Oh and Helen, where do think I learned that snappy come back? Military guys use it or something similar quite frequently... has its desired effect...

...and I think I answered her question...

AIN'T LIFE GRAND... [ edited by Twelvepole on Jul 9, 2003 06:49 AM ]
posted on July 9, 2003 06:51:06 AM new
mlecher, coming from you.... now that really does mean nothing...

posted on July 9, 2003 07:01:15 AM new
Whose question did you answer?

Not mine.

You rant on with nothing but outrageous bluster signifying nothing.


posted on July 9, 2003 07:15:48 AM new
......................."Oh and Helen, where do think I learned that snappy come back? Military guys use it or something similar quite frequently... has its desired effect"...

.......................Only a$$es I kiss are your wife's and daughter's after I am done with them...

I have a question, then...Twelvepole.

What desired effect does the remark above have, in your opinion?

If you can't answer, at least think about it.

[ edited by Helenjw on Jul 9, 2003 07:17 AM ]
posted on July 9, 2003 08:13:53 AM new

...while you're sitting in the corner.

posted on July 9, 2003 08:21:37 AM new
12 I guess we would really be in trouble (b] AS IF I CARE[/b] if what we really wrote what we thought of them, like RIPPING THEIR HEADS OFF & $HI**ING DOWN THEIR NECKS

If any of you expect me to stand idly by after a WANNABE like skylite verbally attacked me, well your wrong. I do not retaliate, I do escalate.

And Helen, your words are falling on deaf ears. After all wasn't it you who posted a unedited cartoon with the word F*CK in it. How hypocritical of you to judge anyone.

"Never give in! Never give in! Never, Never, Never -- in nothing great or small, large or petty -- never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense." --Winston Churchill

posted on July 9, 2003 08:42:11 AM new
Witty, original comments like this:

...if what we really wrote what we thought of them, like RIPPING THEIR HEADS OFF & $HI**ING DOWN THEIR NECKS

Followed by a quote from Churchill on, of all things, honor and good sense. You really missed your calling bear, you should take this act on the road! No, REALLY!!


This is more fun than drop-kicking frogs!!


What luck for the leaders that men do not think. - Adolph Hitler
posted on July 9, 2003 08:42:52 AM new

Wow! an unedited cartoon! Where is it???

There's a corner for you too, bear.

posted on July 9, 2003 08:48:54 AM new

Military "guys" use those words as an insouciant put-down among themselves. It is military jargon, not to be used in a civilian venue. By your capricious use of these words in an insolent and disrespectful vein, you disgrace yourself, your unit, and the Armed Forces of the United States.

posted on July 9, 2003 09:06:16 AM new
This is gettin' real good! The wacky lying righties have really slipped off the edge. They have gone "MichaelSavage" on us. I can imagine the veins just bulging and pulsing on bear's and 12's neck.s

The truth is really killing them..... Let us continue to pour it on! I want to hear their heads collectively explode.

posted on July 9, 2003 10:09:30 AM new
anyone who follows a DESERTER and a COWARD like Bush and his CRONNIES, like 12 and Bear do, can not be military, as for their opinions, there is no solid arguement or proof given by both, to back anything they say, like mad insane people running in a circle, looking at mad illusions to grab at, created by their mad minds, but all they grab is empty air..... and like little spoiled brats, strike out at the outside world because they have been shown the error of their ways and thus can not accept within their mad minds that truth will prevail,and so with a sick twisted attitude, their mantra is " if I can't have it no one will have it " that was a attitude adopted by the Nazis when they were beening beaten back to their caves, are you two good Nazi little boys, do you two have a Bush shrine in you bedroom that you pray to, you must have, does God talk to you two also like he talks to your leader Das Bush, thus said, be wary of these kind, for only destruction will be their way, which is sad, but they do die off eventually, thank the heavens and the stars
posted on July 9, 2003 11:02:23 AM new
If you want to be taken seriously in a debate you always have to provide some facts.Even your hero Bill Oreilly will tell you that.

You people try to say what Bush is doing is justified and there is nothing wrong with it. That makes you no better then they are.

This is America. This is a democracy. You need to take your FASCISM to Iran becouse that is not the way things work here.

You are not republicans.

posted on July 9, 2003 12:45:36 PM new
Bigaustbountycity...or whoever the voices say you are...

What proof has anyone here provided? What words from a "single" soldier... there is a whiner in every outfit...

All you people see is the negative, never the positive... until that time we will be on different poles...

Your diatribes certainly don't serve up any form of debate...

Helen once again you have proven you haven't lost the ability of inane posting...

posted on July 9, 2003 12:48:50 PM new
Your a fool. How would you know? You dont even read what we post.

posted on July 9, 2003 12:50:05 PM new
Your ignorance will be your downfall.

posted on July 9, 2003 01:22:07 PM new
What do you mean "will be". In case you haven't noticed, we have reduced him to a little troll huddling in a corner and we are continuing to poke him with sticks....

Now to another subject....

poke, poke....

I am helping a customer in the store I work at and a segemt of a Bush speech or answer to a question comes on. I couldn't really pay really close attention, but we should hear about it over the next few days as the present administration death spirals in....

He apparnetly was talking about the missing WOMD's and Nukler[sic] weapons program. But I kept overhearing, with emphasis "the previous administration" and "because of the previous administration"...

Now let me if I got this straight......

Bush demands obviously flawed intelligence.
Bush is told it was flawed intelligence
Bush invades an innocent country anyways
American Soldiers die
Iraq innocents die
Infrastructure is totally destroyed


Oh yeah, poke, poke.....

[ edited by mlecher on Jul 9, 2003 01:22 PM ]
posted on July 9, 2003 04:06:54 PM new
everything is Klinton's fault...remember, he's the BOOGIE MAN!!!

What luck for the leaders that men do not think. - Adolph Hitler
posted on July 9, 2003 04:22:58 PM new
Two years ago I voted for Vice President Al Gore in the 2000 presidential election. Upon George W. Bush's ascension into the White House, I found myself furious with him and vowed I would do whatever I could to campaign for the next future Democratic presidential candidate in 2004.

Today, I am convinced that Bush may go down in history as one of America's greatest presidents.

There's an old saying - a man doesn't make history - history makes the man. Nothing could be truer in the presidency of George W. Bush. When our enemies struck us in the heart and soul of our nation, we mourned. And when we realized that nearly 3000 of our fellow American brothers and sisters were murdered, we cried.

But when our president set foot upon the crumbled steel and shattered glass of the World Trade Center, he reminded us of our greatness and we cheered. It was at that moment, that this young Texas governor truly became the President of the United States and won the mandate and the hearts of the American people.

In the wake of Sept. 11, only one country had the audacity not to lower its embassy flag to half-mast. Expressing no sense of compassion, offering no words of support, Iraq flew its flag high and mighty as it's black and white stripes and emboldened green stars waved proudly in the New York City wind.

Since Sept. 11, the president has tried to make a case to the American people that our nation must remove Saddam Hussein from power. Although he convinced Congress, he failed to win the popular momentum of the American people and the world community. Forced to contend with an ineffective United Nations that refused to enforce its own resolutions, the president moved forward with the support of only a few democratic allies.

Now, recent polls show that America's feelings on the war have changed. In fact, most television news networks now report that over 75 percent of the nation supports the war. Perhaps the proof that the president was right came when the first Iraqi citizens encountering U.S. Marines refused to fire guns but instead threw up their hands and cheered for America.

Yet despite this wave of happiness and relief sweeping through southern Iraq, my fellow liberal Democrats still contend the war is wrong. They argue that the liberation of Iraq is unjustified. Street protesters cry out that our aim is to seize oil instead of freeing innocent people who have suffered under the iron rule of a sadistic dictator.

Allow me to respond: How could you? How could you be so cowardly? How can you portray yourselves as the champions of human rights yet lack the courage to do anything about it? Are you so afraid of conflict that you lack the conviction to stand before the world and denounce evil even when it exists in its most pure form? Do you not see the torture and heartbreak of a nation in despair? Do you care? Can you not put party politics aside and support our president in this unified struggle for freedom?

According to the Foreign & Commonwealth Office of London report on Saddam Hussein's Crimes and Human Rights Abuses, the Iraqi regime has openly engaged in state-licensed rape, acid baths, electric shock, eye gouging, the piercing of hands with electric drills and mock executions. Families whose members betray Saddam are forced to watch their sisters, daughters and wives raped repeatedly by soldiers whose professional job is to "violate a woman's honor." Those who openly condemn Saddam Hussein have their tongues cut from their mouths so they can never speak again.

Citizens held captive in the Mahjar prison in Baghdad are beaten twice a day and women are regularly raped by their guards. Those locked in the prison's underground are kept in rows of rectangular steel boxes roughly the size of a coffin until they either confess or die. The boxes are opened only for one hour a day and prisoners are fed only liquids to stay alive.

The human rights abuses perpetuated by Saddam Hussein and his regime go beyond the pale of cruelty. They are inhumane, incomprehensible and criminal. How can we, as Americans let such cruelty stand? Should we cower away at the fear of losing troops and surrender our resolve because we are without a quick and painless victory?

Think for a moment what America would be like today if President Lincoln had hesitated to send Union troops to free the slaves in the south. The Civil War was long and harsh, costing our nation the lives of hundreds of thousands. Yet, by challenging the Confederacy, Lincoln completed the next stage of the American Revolution and ended the diabolical institution of slavery.

I can think of no other place more sacred in this country than the temple we call the Lincoln Memorial. I will never forget how I felt as a child when I first gazed up at the marble frame of President Lincoln as he sat silently on his throne. It was a spiritual feeling I had never felt before in my life and it is something that I will never forget.

Although slavery has been abolished in America it still exists in many dark corners of the globe. Iraq is one of those places.

In the wake of Iraq's misery, one man rose above all others and said there would be no more. Many people listened to the cries of human rights organizations across the globe, but only one man did anything about it. Like President Lincoln before him, one man put the cause of freedom above himself and his political career. One man chose to liberate the people of Iraq when the world condemned him for it. One man initiated the next frontier of the American Revolution because he knew that revolution will not be over until every human being on this planet is free.

War is a necessary function of freedom. Those who enslave others must be forced to step down from their despotic positions of power. They will not simply relinquish it. Although it was unpopular to do so, President Bush had the heart to do the right thing. He took action. He sent troops to free innocent people. He knew what it was to truly love humanity, and for that, the president has my admiration and respect. More importantly, he now has my vote.

Jeffrey Scott Shapiro is an investigative reporter who covered the Sept. 11 attacks in New York City. He is now studying law at the University of Florida.

posted on July 9, 2003 04:36:08 PM new
Fool. If you cant see through his BS then you must of been raised by BIG BIRD

posted on July 9, 2003 04:40:19 PM new
Jeffery is full of Krap!..Jeff never bothered to search the past,why would anything he said, be anything special.

After the WTC hit the dust,The Prez's photo op a week later posed no risks.

posted on July 9, 2003 05:12:19 PM new

Nah, I think skylite should be considered the traitor with his/her non-stop leftist propaganda.

Skylite, are you a communist?
posted on July 9, 2003 05:24:43 PM new
In the field you don't follow him... you follow your immediate leader...

Why do you work for a company you are not President of? We all know that most CEO's and Presidents never spent time on the "floor", but people still work for them...

Here is something for you non-military people to consider...

Your insisting he is a coward and is awol doesn't hold water... as Commander-in-Chief he is on duty 24/7

AIN'T LIFE GRAND... [ edited by Twelvepole on Jul 9, 2003 06:40 PM ]
posted on July 9, 2003 05:51:00 PM new
tomyou, What a Crock.

First, Jeffrey has accepted the propaganda linking the 9/11 tragedy with Saddam Hussein when there is absolutely no connection between the two.

He states, "Now, recent polls show that America's feelings on the war have changed. In fact, most television news networks now report that over 75 percent of the nation supports the war. Perhaps the proof that the president was right came when the first Iraqi citizens encountering U.S. Marines refused to fire guns but instead threw up their hands and cheered for America."

His statistics are wrong. Now, recent polls show that only 56% of Americans support the war. And if you have read your newspaper recently, you would know that Iraqi citizens are not cheering.
Fifty one percent of Americans are currently dissatisfied with the state of the country.

Of course, his argument that we invaded Iraq for altruistic concerns is incorrect. We went to war with Iraq to gain strategic position in the Mid East. Greasing Bush's corporate buddies with oil and contracts was a lesser motive.

And comparing Bush with Lincoln???? ROTFLOL!!!

He fails to mention the lies that led us into this war resulting in the deaths of thousands of innocent Iraqis along with the deaths of over 200 Americans . He overlooks the fact that no weapons of mass destruction were found. He neglects to tell us about the cost which will continue at a rate of billions per month for an unstated time period. And finally, he fails to address the moral issue of invading a sovereign country without provocation.

[ edited by Helenjw on Jul 9, 2003 07:24 PM ]
posted on July 9, 2003 06:49:20 PM new

posted on July 9, 2003 07:17:58 PM new

Right on!!!

posted on July 9, 2003 07:53:47 PM new
How was it possible for Jeffrey Scott Shapiro to "cover the Sept. 11 attacks in New York City"? Did he have prior knowledge of the attacks?

If Jeffrey Scott Shapiro believes what he writes, why is he not in Iraq rather than Florida? Jeffrey Scott Shapiro, I ask you;
"How could you? How could you be so cowardly?"

Jeffrey Scott Shapiro is a self serving former tabloid reporter who has been fired from every job he ever held, for obvious reasons.

posted on July 10, 2003 07:57:42 AM new
And do you know where Jeffrey got most of those "true stories"? From those Iraqis who want to be in power now! It was to their extreme advantge to tell these "stories" I don't think there are any "independent" reports.

Sort of like the Kuwaiti "nurse" testifying about the babies being removed from incubators.

posted on July 10, 2003 02:22:07 PM new

[ edited by bigcitycollectables on Jul 10, 2003 02:22 PM ]
posted on July 11, 2003 09:00:21 AM new
There seems to be an awful lot of very lonely leftist on this board.

Reverend Colin

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