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posted on August 19, 2003 05:38:52 PM new
Names changed to protect the guilty, errr I mean innocent and insane

May 23, 2003

As can be seen from the actions of the US and Indonesian governments scant days ahead of and continuing after our announced date of May 15, 2003, they fully intend to harm hundred of millions of their citizens through martial law, declared such in Indonesia and called terrorism level Red by Homeland Security. What is martial law, if not ordering citizens to remain in their homes? What effect does this have on citizens about within cities where buildings will tumble and crush them, or along coast or in lowlands sure to be inundated by tidal waves? Death, injury with no rescue, and massive dieoff. Is this the intent of those in command in those governments, sworn to protect their citizens and collecting taxes to this end? There can be no doubt, and one has only to read the actions of these governments to ascertain this.

Why did we allow XXXXXX, who has labored though the mine field and put herself at risk with XXXXXXXX, to be so humiliated as to announce to a broad audience live radio show very specific dates, which were promptly missed? At a time when XXXXXX X is so close as to be competing with the Sun at noon, visible by the unaided eye, and well tracked to this point by many sunrise and sunset sightings and photos, in the manner and in the time frame we predicted, and at a time when earthquakes have increased to the point, as we predicted, to being noticeable, affecting population centers so they cannot be denied by underreporting in the quake databases, the bad dates stand as an exception. And what is the effect of this gambit, an acknowledged white lie on our part, on those in the US and Indonesian governments who would murder their citizens by the hundreds of millions?

They cannot closely coordinate blocking a city for a specific date and time, thus having to either order a perpetual state of readiness or be prepared to muster a quick blockade, neither workable.
They must either share the true agenda with numerous local agencies, in order to have cooperation for a quick muster, or anticipate failure when calling a sudden and unplanned blockage.
Local agencies would be sympathetic to the local populace and rebellion would likely ensue.
A perpetual state of readiness requires agencies to be focused only on exercises, and not distracted from their regular work, and any natural disaster ensuing would shatter this state.
Natural disasters such as imploding buildings in the stretch zone, or strong quakes or volcanoes in compression zones, would divert resources from the ready status waiting to blockade cities.
The governments increasingly have to explain the perpetual state of readiness, constant exercises, in the face of a lack of actual terrorism, thus losing credibility among those required to carry out a blockade.
Incidences of natural disasters, and increasing visibility of Planet X, change the focus from tearooms to natural disaster and thus an order to remain in their homes would seem inappropriate to citizens, who would rebel.
And what is the effect on the common man, being denied even at this late date any honest information on what is about to devastate their lives?

For those waiting for an undeniable sight that the earth changes we have predicted, rotation stoppage followed by red dusting will be that undeniable sign, and any announced date ignored until such signs are evident.
For those wanting to leave for a safe location ahead of rotation stoppage, but having ties to their ordinary life and obligations, rapid earth changes such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, as well as a perceptible slowing of rotation, will be their clue, regardless of published dates which are not palpable.
For those who have made very early changes in their lives, moving to safe locations and settling in there, an exact date is not crucial.
For the vast majority of mankind who has not even heard of a possible pole shift, announcing dates is irrelevant.
For the large portion of humanity who cannot move to safe locations or make changes in their lives, as their lives are a struggle for subsistence on a daily basis, announced dates are irrelevant.
For those who are traveling, for work or pleasure, they have chosen to be out and about at this time, or to place themselves in such a position by their employment choice, and thus are not taking the message seriously, nor would they despite any announced dates.
Thus, an announced date, where it would be convenient, does not change the outcome of preparation for the common man, where it would greatly be used by those who would murder their citizens, or take advantage of others, and thus we decline to give any dates. Watching the earth changes, and the behavior of those in the corridors of power, will be the best clues.

More to come, but if you haven't prepared with a 3 foot trench to lay in with a metal cover, well, your screwed.....

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on August 19, 2003 05:47:58 PM new
Names changed again, for the guilty, errr innocent and nutty

It should be noted that the body of XXXXXXX, collected over the years and representing great consistency and accuracy, is valid, with the exception of the date of passage. We have explained in our recent White Lie write-up that this was done to foil those who would Entrap and Enslave the common man to their advantage. There is great consternation and confusion in the halls of power, where those who would kill hundreds of millions of what they consider undesirable worker, reside. How can they trap people in their homes, in their cities, by rouse or by blowing up bridges or releasing poisonous chemicals if they cannot learn the exact date! Thus they show their claws, as the Bush Administration did when they moved to level Orange within days of May 16 when we gave the White Lie, false dates specifying May 20 as rotation slowdown and May 27 as the passage date.

Date related material within XXXXXXX, such as visibility by the unaided eye 7.3 weeks before passage, or 7 weeks as it is sometimes stated, was valid to the target date of shortly after May 15, 2003. This date of May 15, 2003 was used as a target, easily remembered, and given by us as by this date Earth changes would be in such a state, and visibility of the inbound glowing monster about to devastate Earth so widely acknowledged, that XXXXXXX as a body would not be discounted. Most of mankind, not learning by any route that a pole shift is upon them, will use Earth changes as a guide, and most will not even notice the Glowing Red second sun visible throughout the day when the red light bends to the viewer and viewing conditions are optimal. On this date, May 30, 2003 the Earth is poised to experience great quakes and stretching of rifts, so that discussions of the exact date of rotation stoppage or the shift will be replaced by frantic efforts to deal with one disaster after another.

This is the signal that mankind will use for certainty when wondering when and if to move to their safe locations, and risk losing what operating in their heretofore normal life in the mainstream of human society provided to them. Should they leave the house, the job, risk angering the employer, create a rift in a marriage, ruin the credit rating, disrupt school plans, sever ties with friends who already think them berserk, or remain plodding in what is considered their normal life? Dropping bridges and buildings, breaking dams, derailing trains, satellites and magnetic guides useless to planes and ships which will go awry, shuttering quakes along fault lines, erratic tides, suddenly spawned hurricanes and tornadoes, and rivers awash with debris overflowing their banks and creating crisis in lowlands where travel will be impossible for those trying to escape. The exact date of passage will be replaced, thus, by the immediacy of dealing with crisis, and those who would entrap and enslave mankind suddenly finding their plans ignored by those they expected would follow orders like drones.

The cult lead... errr I mena this person doesn't like Bush either!

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on August 19, 2003 05:53:08 PM new

Those who are aware of our predictions of a passage, a pole shift, a new geology and flooded coastlines and river basins, and the collapse of today’s financial, economic, and governmental structures are waiting in agony for the predicted rotation stoppage and countdown of days until the shift to begin. The White Lie floated out to trip Homeland Security's hand, showing the world what they and other such government arms in the US and other countries would do with a firm date, has left this public bereft and in a state of suspended animation. Operation TOPOFF going into May 15 and level Orange going into May 20, all preparatory to a level Red, Martial Law which would allow the US to trap millions of unwanted mouths demanding to be fed in coastal or river basin cities, were an obvious demonstration. In the agony of no date being given, no general guidelines other than to watch the earth changes, who suffers more?

Wealthy Elite
The wealthy, who in essence control the world with their extreme wealth, were alerted during the second week of June that the speed of approach of XXXXXX X made a rotation stoppage likely within days. Thus, the Elite Exodus and migration of Military units to defend them occurred. But the human understanding of why all the planets sling like a ring around the Sun at the Ecliptic, and what forces are at play, does not allow them to predict when great earth changes will begin, and thus the elite sit in their bunkers, impatiently. They will, and have, emerged, so that a second exodus will occur but one which puts them on the same footing as the common man, a level playing field.

Government Bastions
Those who have clawed their way into control of the public via government edicts are not of a nature to allow themselves to be displaced by something as small as a pole shift. Small or large, in the know or only suspecting, they have planned for the best situation, for themselves, which invariably includes allowing those they consider dispensable citizens to die and not demand food or shelter or attention, while selecting those they consider prime workers to be relocated and rescued from the coming disasters. For this, they need accurate timing, as to start a monstrously repressive measure too soon incites rebellion, but as the murder of millions requires days to unfold, to start it too late results in certain failure. Thus, they are frustrated.

Media Outlets
While at a distance, news of the XXXXXXX X passage was relatively easy to suppress - blaming Global Warming or Solar Cycles or pointing to a close passage of Mars were lined up as ready excuses, and suppressing news that would counter these pseudo-scientific arguments. But when those in control of the major media outlets are unsure when, or even if, a close passage and pole shift might occur, the dance must go on, else financial markets would fail, corporate interests collapse, and the wealthy elite lose their footing. The Second Sun, obvious to newscasters, and blood red dust in the clouds are adding to the list of items not to be talked about. Newscasters are becoming increasingly suspicious, weary of the endless repression, and the dam ready to break.

Common Man
Those who would prevent travel to safety, trap the common man in coastal or river basin cities, and certainly keep the public utterly uninformed until too late, have zero concern for the common man. They are fodder for the factories when times are good, a consumer mass to be manipulated when they have funds to spend, and fodder for an early grave in times such as post-shift shortages. When the earth changes start in earnest, the common man will now find news of this blurted out in the media, the roadways and bridges open for escape to safe locations, and the repressive arms of the government in disarray. A level playing field.

The darn ELITE and Administration is going to stop the COMMON MAN!!!

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on August 19, 2003 05:59:41 PM new
What to Expect in the Aftertime

The XXXXX talk about how there will be Government Collapse due to the Devastation and plans for a Carry-On Government or Martial Law or a Bunker Government will be thwarted; what the future form of Government will be; why in the US a New MJ12 emerged and an Aftertime MJ12 will exist; that Live XXXXXXXX will likely continue and even the Internet will be functional; and why XXXXXX on radio will be explosive. The XXXXX talk about how worldwide there will be Devastated Cities with even the Machine Age halted; that stocks and paper money will be Worthless Money, and how what are considered Precious Possessions will by necessity change and the Barter system will rule. The XXXXX talk about how offers of Safe Havens and Individual Preparations and Personal Decisions and Rescue Expectations prevail going into the shift; how there will be Survivors despite the Death Rate; whether Magnetic Pulse during the shift will affect humans; how to deal with Preexisting Health problems and Unhealthy Environs; the composition of Survival Groups and if Group Policy can force cooperation, and why Small Groups are best. The XXXX talk about how some humans are operating in Service to Others already, Guided in this, a Mainstay for Others; how mankind will change for the better After the Cataclysms and there will be Great Opportunities; how the orientations differ in dealing with the pending Pole Shift and the Aftertime; whether an Orientation Test can be given and how Actions are a guide; how Anxieties will be reflected in Aftertime Religions and if and how the game Survivor and being Self Sufficient are related. The XXXXXX talk about who will end up in High Tech communities, their determining Characteristics, and the Sorting Out process; why many will be Led by Children after the shift and why contactee Coordination increasingly occurs; how communities will have help in Aftertime Raids from Prison Gangs; how many will even share Hybrid Homes and the Cataclysm Link to the hybrid program, and what the Time Frame is; why isolated Hybrid Colonies will develop and how Intermarriage with humans the hybrids consider their Team Mates will eventually occur; and how aliens will Walk Openly among us in the Aftertime.

The XXXXX talk about how Quake Swarms and Pre-Shift Quakes and Meteor Showers and Imploding Cities and Exploding Factories will occur during the Months Before the shift and especially during the week Rotation Stops; how Dark Side Clues that the shift is eminent and the Scripted Drama about to begin; the Hour After the shift and how Rotation Returns within a day; how there will be a New Geography and a Sharper Axis and Climate Changes resulting in a New Climate and fewer Deserts and how Some Countries will fare; how the Prevailing Winds will re-establish themselves and being Downwind from ash avoided; how a Return to Normalcy may take several decades; how there will be inundations due to Melting Ice Caps with Rising Seas; how long the rise in Sea Level and Atmosphere Loss will last; how a Nuclear Winter will not occur but volcanic Gloom and Drizzle will descent; how there will be renewal of Natural Resources and a Rebirth as the Seeds of Rebirth are in the wilderness refuges. The XXXXX talk how Human Health will be impacted and many will be in Shock; how to address Social Services and deal with those who Beg to Die; how Starvation will be rampant and how to achieve the Best Nutrition; how the Seasons Shift and how to Forcast Seasons for your locale; when to Restart Gardens and that Crop Adjustments will be necessary; how Flocks and Herds will fare during the shift; how life will be on the rebound with oxygen from the Ocean Life and Inland Lakes will often prosper. The XXXXXX talk about why Generating Electricity or Storing Fuel will be difficult and hopes for New Sources futile, but for some a Perpetual Power Pack will appear; how hopes for a return of Civilization will be different this time, but Short Wave communication will prevail and Magnetic Pulse damage minimal. The XXXXX talk about how not all water will be Safe Water but Pollutants outside of Industrial Areas will have dissipated; that Ruined Worlds can undergo a Cleanup; how the eventual Earth Switch to 4th Density will occur and what will be Left Behind

And this IS coming to a town near you! And soon!!!

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on August 20, 2003 08:09:33 AM new
When does this movie come out?

posted on August 20, 2003 08:37:03 AM new
Gravid, oh, no movie....... this cult, err person, has been implanted with alien DNA (as she claims) and has been giving out these predictions since I believe 1995.

She was 'chosen' to help people who would become STO's(Service to Others) and they will survive, if they go to where her alien friends say are a safe place. And do what she or her alien buddys say. She 'channels' these guys.

So far, I've counted roughly 3000 or more 'followers'.

The pole shift date WAS (and in her own words on national radio) May 15, 2003, and NO LATER than June 1.

Then it was a 'white lie' because her alien buddys didn't want the 'ELITE' knowing... theres pics and everything of this inbound planet ready to swoop on by the Southern Hemphisphere and cause a pole shift, where 90 % of the worlds population will die, only 10% survive because they are STO's.

Now, if you look STRAIGHT into the sun, or sunset, you should see an 'occulting sun' a 'fire dragon' or 'red cross' , yes she uses only certain quotes from the book or Revelations to explain these.

UM!!! Please do not try this at home! Staring into the sun, can cause permanent retina damage and blindness!

(I know you all know that, just had to put that since some people, her 'followers', will do this!)

There is TONS more everyday of this stuff

but wait for my book debunking this stuff

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
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