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posted on August 27, 2003 04:54:26 PM new
None of the major candidates are far left.

Wesley Clark is left of Leiberman and is probobly where John Kerry is.

posted on August 27, 2003 04:56:37 PM new
Fox news is the only channel spinning this situation. This was a LIVE interview....not an OP article. Too bad they haven't printed the text of the interview. You could read it in Clark's own words. As anyone can clearly read.... he's blaming the Bush administration for putting pressure on him to make a connection to Saddam. And it WASN'T Bush it was the Canadian from the think tank.
posted on August 27, 2003 05:03:46 PM new

Nevermind I already posted this.


posted on August 27, 2003 05:07:02 PM new
OMG - We have someone that is anti Bush screaming about this damn was every tw minutes and his big goal for the country is to bomb Saudi Arabia and kill all the people there ?!?!?!

I';m not even bothering with this one. There are only so many bumps my head can take into that wall in a week.

All I have to say on this one is.... You sir are an idiot.
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Men Are Like Grapes. If You Stomp on Them and Keep Them in the Dark Long Enough, They Might Turn Into Something That You Would Take to Dinner
posted on August 27, 2003 05:17:08 PM new
Wesley Clark is left of Leiberman and is probobly where John Kerry is.

And how would you know this? Every article I read about Clark says he hasn't stated his 'leanings' on most of the important issues. In the Salon.com article I recommended Helen read, you might want to read it too. He very much supports war. He just doesn't like the way Bush went about it. And he has no criticism of our VP or any of Bush's top advisor's. NO WHERE is he saying he'd withdraw our troops. He's pro-choice. He's okay with the gays in the military, but other than that, I've yet to read what he would do with/for the problems of our economy. I have yet to read any of his positions.

He can't even say IF he's going to run...and if so under what party? LOL

posted on August 27, 2003 05:30:44 PM new
He was against going into Iraq. Just becouse hes not a pacifist doesnt maen hes not left. Go to his website and read his policy ideas. Your a stereo type. Democrats are not anti war. We belive we should only go to war if it is neccessary.

You are a Right wing wacko. Your thoughts and opinions are twisted,distorted, and demented.

posted on August 27, 2003 05:31:46 PM new
I'm a democrat you twit.
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Men Are Like Grapes. If You Stomp on Them and Keep Them in the Dark Long Enough, They Might Turn Into Something That You Would Take to Dinner
posted on August 27, 2003 05:32:35 PM new
Yes we should bomb the Sauidis becouse they attacked us on 9/11.

posted on August 27, 2003 05:33:04 PM new
I was talking to Linda Twit

posted on August 27, 2003 05:39:19 PM new
fenix - You're a moderate democrat, imo.....not that that matters for much.

BCC - Typical of those who can't or don't want to defend their cause/opinion. Insult.
Insulting others only makes YOU look small.
posted on August 27, 2003 05:51:00 PM new
Sorry but after the 6th time of replying to your spin your ignorance finnally got to me.

posted on August 27, 2003 05:54:23 PM new
Apology accepted.

It's not twist. The words came right out of Clark's own mouth when Hannity confronted him about his implication.
posted on August 27, 2003 06:06:54 PM new
lmao..Yes it is twist. All he said was he woulnt give any names.

posted on August 27, 2003 06:08:05 PM new
::Yes we should bomb the Sauidis becouse they attacked us on 9/11.::

Saudi citizen were involved in the attack - the nation, it's military, and it's governemnt did not. By your logic, Oklahoma should jail all whait christians because Timothy McVie bombed the Fed Center.

You seem to keep forgetting that Bin Lauden has sworn to destroy the House of Faud and did it about a decade before 9/11 so I seriously doubt it was a smoke screen.

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Men Are Like Grapes. If You Stomp on Them and Keep Them in the Dark Long Enough, They Might Turn Into Something That You Would Take to Dinner
posted on August 27, 2003 06:16:41 PM new
If you read what I post you will see why we half to kill all of the citizens. Their whole culture is Wohabi. We cant just take out the government without the citizens attacking our country. They are tought from birth to destroy anyone who is not in the Wohabi religion. Its their culture. They are like one big AL QUIDA. They are the Nazi version of Islam.

posted on August 27, 2003 06:19:22 PM new
Research Saudi Arabia. Do a Google search for Saudi Arabia, Al Quida, Wohabyism

posted on August 27, 2003 06:23:28 PM new
The government was involved. The king was not directly involved but most of the government was involved. A Saudi Aviation agent was sent here to help 2 of the highjackers.
[ edited by bigcitycollectables on Aug 27, 2003 06:24 PM ]
posted on August 27, 2003 06:31:11 PM new
Would you please go back to the last time we had this arguement and read where I have been interested in Saudi Arabia for years. My father was there for 10 years. I think I might know a little about the country. You are taking your information from writings of people looking to further their opinions. My base of knowledge comes from two people who lived every day among the Saudi people. Not on military bases but working with them directly and personally on a daily basis.

If you were truly aware of what is going on in Saudi Arabia you would know that they have arrested well over 500 people believed to be involved in terrorist activites, and put more than a couple of them to death. They have helped to track the path of millions of dollars in fund transfers and frozen many accounts. They have launched numerous investigations of various religious charityies that are now believed to be fronts for terrorist activities and frozen the accounts od those that have proven to be just that.

Your overall ignorance in of these facts does not surprise me, but your advocating of a religious holocaust terrifies me. The only difference between you and Hitler was that he had charisma and could spell.
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Men Are Like Grapes. If You Stomp on Them and Keep Them in the Dark Long Enough, They Might Turn Into Something That You Would Take to Dinner
posted on August 27, 2003 06:36:00 PM new
Thats a smokescreen. And if it isnt then that mean the top of the Royal family are FINNALLY cooperating.

That doesnt mean the rest of the country are.

Are you telling me their culture isnt Wohabyism??

posted on August 27, 2003 06:37:04 PM new
audi Arabia and the United States are to create a joint task force aimed at combating the funding of extremist groups in the country, US reports have said.

Agents from the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) are due to fly to Riyadh this week to begin setting up the force, the Washington Post newspaper reported.

The operation will focus on gathering information from bank accounts, computer records and other financial data to track and then cut off the money flow, senior officials from both governments told the paper.

"[The task force] represents kindled, renewed fervour on the part of the Saudis to get to the bottom of terrorism within their own peninsula," David Aufhauser, general counsel of the US Treasury Department, told Associated Press news agency.

The task force's success would also be an effective test of whether the Saudi Government was serious in halting extremist activity within its borders, added Mr Aufhauser - who heads US efforts to combat terrorism financing.
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Men Are Like Grapes. If You Stomp on Them and Keep Them in the Dark Long Enough, They Might Turn Into Something That You Would Take to Dinner
posted on August 27, 2003 06:39:02 PM new
Part of the reason we were attacked is becouse we had our soldiers stationed on their holy land.

posted on August 27, 2003 06:41:12 PM new
Saudi clerics condemn terrorism

Leading clerics in Saudi Arabia have issued a religious ruling, or fatwa, saying that terror attacks by Islamic extremists are "serious criminal acts".

The Council of Senior Clerics said it fully backed the Saudi authorities in their campaign against those who were carrying out acts of sabotage, bombing and murder in the country.

It said those who claimed that such activities were part of a holy war were "ignorant and misguided".

"These acts have nothing to do with jihad for the sake of God," said the council, which is headed by the kingdom's highest religious authority, Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul-Aziz al-Sheikh.

It also said those who assisted or sheltered the extremists were guilty of "great sin".

"We must rally around the leadership of this country and its scholars, especially in this time of dissent," the council said.

On Thursday, Crown Prince Abdullah urged all Saudi citizens to be "the eye, ear and hand" of the security forces in its campaign against extremists.

Saudi Arabia has been tightening security since triple suicide attacks on Western targets in Riyadh on 12 May killed 35 people, including nine attackers.
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Men Are Like Grapes. If You Stomp on Them and Keep Them in the Dark Long Enough, They Might Turn Into Something That You Would Take to Dinner
posted on August 27, 2003 06:45:24 PM new
The 9/11 Report should be declassified as the senators said. Most of their governemt needs to be removed. Their whole culture are extremists. They are all taught to hate and destroy the west. Their going to half to arrest their whole country or end their own culture and religion all together.

Their government is a contradiction within itself.

posted on August 27, 2003 06:46:05 PM new
YEs - that is ver y well may be true - and that fact is also part of why Bin Lauden so deeply despise the House of Faud. He resents the American presence in the Kingdom. HE is an extremist. The Kingdom is not. The Kingdom has been a victim of Bin Lauden as well. Why are you so dense to that fact?
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Men Are Like Grapes. If You Stomp on Them and Keep Them in the Dark Long Enough, They Might Turn Into Something That You Would Take to Dinner
posted on August 27, 2003 06:47:18 PM new
Untill they shut down their schools and change their culture all together I wont take anything they say seriously.

These arent just a few groups of people. ITS THE WHOLE COUNTRY.

posted on August 27, 2003 06:49:50 PM new
They are one of the most opressive governments in the world.

They are also in the oil bsuiness with the Bin Laden family and George Bush. (Carlyle Group)

posted on August 27, 2003 06:50:43 PM new
You know what - even if it were true that the only thing the religion wants is the destruction of Americans (which BTW is not a religion, and considering that Islam is centuries older than the Unite States don't you think there may be some type of error in this interpretation) who the hell are you to decide they should all be killed. What is with this state sanctioned holocaust that you are championing.
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Men Are Like Grapes. If You Stomp on Them and Keep Them in the Dark Long Enough, They Might Turn Into Something That You Would Take to Dinner
posted on August 27, 2003 06:51:48 PM new
Do you spend the weekends on street corners with a countdown til the end of the world sign?
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Men Are Like Grapes. If You Stomp on Them and Keep Them in the Dark Long Enough, They Might Turn Into Something That You Would Take to Dinner
posted on August 27, 2003 06:53:10 PM new
JEDDAH: Pakistan and Saudi Arabia have agreed to enhance bilateral cooperation in all fields, including increased collaboration to jointly fight against terrorism.

The commonality of views emerged following a marathon set of meetings of Prime Minister Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali with important Saudi leaders, including Khadim-e-Haramain Sharifain King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz.

The prime minister also had meetings with the Imam-e-Ka’aba and the head of Iraqi Governing Council. During the meetings with the Saudi leaders and members of the Royal family, there was unanimity of views and a firm resolve to further strengthen the time-tested brotherly relations between Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, besides increased cooperation in all fields.

The Pakistani and Saudi leadership agreed for enhanced collaboration in the fight against terrorism, besides increased coordination to further strengthen the OIC for the welfare of the Muslim Ummah.

The prime minister, in his meeting with King Fahd appreciated his great services for Islam and the Ummah. Jamali had called on the King on Saturday evening at the Royal Court and conveyed best wishes and regards from President General Pervez Musharraf for his health and long life. The prime minister also praised King Fahd’s services for the upkeep of the Haramain - the Khana-e-Ka’aba and Masjid-e-Nabavi (SAWS). The king emphasised on increased and excellent relations between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia and prayed for the progress and prosperity of the people of Pakistan

In the meeting with Saudi Minister for Interior Prince Naif bin Abdul Aziz, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia expressed the resolve to intensify fight against terrorism and agreed to continue to share intelligence against terrorist activists.

Jamali also had an exclusive meeting with the Deputy Crown Prince, who is also the minister for defence and aviation. In the meeting the prime minister underlined the importance of the brotherly bilateral relations between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia and offered cooperation in all areas. Prince Sultan said excellent relations existed ever since the independence of Pakistan and added that Pakistan and Saudi Arabia together can constitute a force for peace and stability in the Islamic world. The two leaders expressed the resolve that the two countries can play an important role in the OIC and work together for the welfare of the Muslim world. They noted the "solid" cooperation between the two countries and agreed to take necessary measures to further consolidate them.
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Men Are Like Grapes. If You Stomp on Them and Keep Them in the Dark Long Enough, They Might Turn Into Something That You Would Take to Dinner
posted on August 27, 2003 06:53:55 PM new
I beg to differ. There are many indications that funding for the attacks of 9/11 were facilitated and funded by the Saudi Royal Family. Unfortunately we will never have access to the complete details as the results of the official investigation have been sealed and the released version heavily censored.

At the very least Saudi Arabia should be subject to international sanctions in the form of an embargo with the exception of humanitarian products (medicine, food etc.). Their goods should be subject to restrictive tariffs (yes I realize that this is oil) and severe restrictions placed on the ability of their nationals to enter and stay within the borders of the United States.
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