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posted on September 3, 2003 12:39:05 PM new
Who says we don't want to talk about them? I don't believe that's true at all.

But I rarely see issues brought up to be discussed usually just some op-ed piece that supports the position we've been lied to....that the whole world is falling apart because of something Bush has done or hasn't done. It's hatred, KD....out and out hatred...not disagreeing with anothers political stand.

Maybe because you tend to agree with them you're not able to see they don't answer questions posed to them, when asked. They just ramble on and on....post more op-ed pieces.

Very rarely is there any proof produced that the accusation-of-the-day is true. And on top of that the op-eds posted usually have 50 different issues in each one.

It's been said by many that the left's hatred of Bush outweighs their concern for our national interests. I believe that to be true with many here.
posted on September 3, 2003 01:15:22 PM new

I see that you are laughing like a hyena again, spouting the latest Fox news spin.

You and nearthesea are a pair!!!

Funny story about non critical thinkers and readers...Al Franken's book is being purchased by neo-cons who fail to see the irony in the message on the cover, "A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right."


posted on September 3, 2003 01:23:14 PM new
Helen - Unlike you, I have supported my country's position long before Fox news was even a thought in someone's mind.

It's just sad that you can't see that our intelligence does the best they can to warn our presidents of the dangers we face. And then they make the call/decision.

You can't be honest and force yourself to even acknowledge that security advisors under several administrations, including clinton's, felt saddam posted a threat to the world and our nation. NO.....it's ONLY bush that felt this way. lol how sad.
posted on September 3, 2003 01:23:32 PM new
Maybe what you read isn't hate-based but more fear-based, Linda. The people that speak out the most against Bush are the ones that fear what he'll do next. This is based on what he's done since President and even what he did before he was President. His track record is lousey.

I see an added 1/2 a trillion dollars you now owe. I see oil prices at 30 plus dollars a barrel. I see unemployment being sky high. I see the cost of living going up monthly.
I see the rich getting richer and the poor... well, you know what I mean. You're not even in a recession! All this in 3 years makes me think it's GOT to be the man in charge responsible. If Bush is so blind to all of this and chooses war over the welfare of his own people, then I hope people like Skylite and others will continue with their messages. To me, they care more about the people than the President and that's the way it should be.

P.S. Near, I don't like all those nazi-ralated names either. I think you automatically lose when you resort to this type of stuff, but I'm trying to keep my mouth shut about it and let people say what they want.

posted on September 3, 2003 01:30:55 PM new
I try to refrain from saying anything to the people who use 'your a Nazi' as their answer to anything... but I usually have to laugh, because I cannot understand any logic in what they spout, such as Nazi, Fascist etc.

But to each his/her own huh?

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on September 3, 2003 01:32:42 PM new
No Helen, they are purchasing it, if they are for pure comedy reading

Al Franken is a joke, errrr a joker

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on September 3, 2003 01:35:12 PM new
It must all be for impact, Near. Like saying the F word when you were a teenager.

posted on September 3, 2003 01:35:14 PM new
Helen - Unlike you, I have supported my country's position long before Fox news was even a thought in someone's mind.

Linda, how do you know how long I have supported my country. You silly vixen news junkie.

You should know that Bush failed to take advice from members of his own intelligence community.

There was a time that Saddam posed a threat but that threat was dissipated by repeated bombings and sanctions. There were no WMD Linda.

posted on September 3, 2003 01:36:30 PM new
Helen, Saddam WAS the WOMD. You knew that now didn't you?

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on September 3, 2003 01:38:23 PM new
KD -

Maybe what you read isn't hate-based but more fear-based, Linda.

I don't agree, KD. I don't know about you but when I'm fearful I say so. I don't attack. Makes it hard for the person to respond to the other's concerns when they're being attacked.

The people that speak out the most against Bush are the ones that fear what he'll do next. This is based on what he's done since President and even what he did before he was President. His track record is lousey. Well..and then there's those of us who think differently than that. Those who believe most of what he's done up until now has been appropriate. Makes the world go 'round. But bashing is different than discussing, imo.

I see an added 1/2 a trillion dollars you now owe. And as I've said before if Bush is successful at turning the economy around, the debt can be reduced quickly.

I see oil prices at 30 plus dollars a barrel. And this is Bush's fault? lol No, blame the Saudi's for tightening up the availability.

I see unemployment being sky high. It's been at this level before and we, as a nation, got through it. Look at other countries in the world. Take Germany...right now they have a 10% unemployment rate. Did Bush cause that too? lol

I see the cost of living going up monthly. Are you talking about inflation? If you are please post your source.

I see the rich getting richer and the poor... well, you know what I mean. I see a president who believed that those who earn the money, and to the degree they pay taxes, deserve the tax breaks. I don't support giving it to those who haven't earned it.

You're not even in a recession! All this in 3 years makes me think it's GOT to be the man in charge responsible. I believe this would have happened anyway....both the economy and 9-11 even if clinton had remained in office.

If Bush is so blind to all of this and chooses war over the welfare of his own people, then I hope people like Skylite and others will continue with their messages.

Saddam has presented a threat to the world and other countries for a very long time. That threat has now been removed. Bush is agressively going after all terrorists to work at keeping other 9-11 off American soil. Those who support this position, support Bush on this issue.

To me, they care more about the people than the President and that's the way it should be. The president cares about the people in the US whether you believe it or not. But there will be no 'people' enjoying the American lifestyle IF we do not let the terrorists know we're not going to sit around when they continue their actions.

posted on September 3, 2003 01:41:44 PM new
Ugh helen - You should know that Bush failed to take advice from members of his own intelligence community.....

LOL...neither did clinton....just as I've already posted on this thread. Works both ways.

As commanders-in-chief it's their job to hear all the information that is provided to them....and then it's their call.
[ edited by Linda_K on Sep 3, 2003 01:44 PM ]
posted on September 3, 2003 01:46:58 PM new
"But there will be no 'people' enjoying the American lifestyle IF we do not let the terrorists know we're not going to sit around when they continue their actions."

Oh, I see...Was the devastation of Iraq a demonstration to the terrorists to show what we can do???

LINDA wake up.

posted on September 3, 2003 01:55:25 PM new

I haven't called you or anyone else a Nazi or a fascist. But posters on your side of the fence have called me names that are just as objectionable. I suppose it goes with the territory.


posted on September 3, 2003 01:57:23 PM new
Helen - If you think they're not seeing Bush means business...you're wrong. Even Saddam's son said it really surprised him went Bush started dropping the bombs. After all....they're so used to all that 'talking' but taking no action.

Yes, I do believe it shows them we're serious. It even convinced Syria to start helping us...when Bush threatened them at first about hiding Saddam and his supporters. Immediately Syria started sending them back to Iraq. THEY took us seriously. So did Pakistan. Didn't you see their military leaders speech? He gave it to his people, saying he felt it was in their country's best interest to do so. He was right....with Bush in the White House.
posted on September 3, 2003 02:08:52 PM new
I didn't mean you, Helen, but you're right about being called names.

posted on September 3, 2003 02:10:03 PM new


To suggest that we waged a war against a country in order to demonstrate our ability to terrorists outside that country is horrific. Iraq had no connection to Al Qaida.
Now, however terrorists groups are moving back into Iraq and Afghanistan. They are now seeing an opportunity -- to take advantage of failure.

posted on September 3, 2003 02:17:50 PM new
helen - failure??? LOL There's been no failure...just problems...and problems can always be worked out.

Who you rootin' for helen? The terrorists that are coming into Iraq because they don't want to see a country that's free? Or might you, just for once, be on our side and hope we get the problems worked out quickly?

posted on September 3, 2003 02:30:43 PM new


Just problems? You call the death of thousands of Iraqis and hundreds of Americans and thousands of wounded, just problems??? You call the unplanned post war situation and the soaring unplanned expense, just problems? Iraq is a disaster without electricity or water. At least 10 Americans are being seriously wounded daily...and one or more killed every day. This war is beyond a problem, Linda. It's a disaster with no end in sight.

I am hopeful that Bush will be able to get help from the UN. That's what I'm "rootin for" as you so snidely suggest. But after his failed diplomacy before the war, I doubt that.


posted on September 3, 2003 03:44:16 PM new
Expand your horizons helen....read this article. I know it might offend your thinking how wrong this war is. But this, to me, is what these wars have been all about. Fighting terrorism, a war without boarders.


It's by Paul Wolfowitz from 9-2. And it addresses the issue of:
Iraq Isn't Part of the War on Terror?
[ edited by Linda_K on Sep 3, 2003 03:49 PM ]
posted on September 3, 2003 04:12:19 PM new
The poodle wears diapers.

posted on September 3, 2003 04:26:30 PM new

What significant meaning do you find in that article, Linda? It's clearly an effort by Wolfowitz to link the invasion of Iraq with a war on terrorism which of course, I don't accept.

You are in need of some serious horizon expansion. Such blind faith and unconditional acceptance is not healthy.

I'm going out for awhile...BBL


posted on September 3, 2003 04:34:46 PM new
Just a few thoughts.

Al Qaida is not the only terrorist org. in the world. Iraq was an aggressive terrorist sponsoring state and would jump (and did) at the opportunity to assist the attack on western civilazation as we know it.

ALL commanders in Chief get intellegence information daily and often times seperate parts of the government disagree on how to proceed. SOOOO all president past, present and future have and will go against the wishes of various governmental departments. That is what they are elected to do.

Look for a detailed and multiple orginazation report on WOMD around mid to late September.

Like or not there was WOMD and Sadam was or is not as dumb as you would like to think. Using them at full force in public during this conflict would have been to much to overcome if he were to survive and return to power. Not using them gave hime the result he was hoping for.

I believe his was mistake may have been underestimating the resolve of President Bush to not pull out under pressure and the level of pursuit of the members closest to the Sadam Regime.

Had he not underestimated that and truly though this was the end of his regime for good I shutter to think of the possibilities.

Bush had made some mistakes, I am not fond of his economic plan. It did not work under regan and it is a VERY similar plan. I agree with the war and am uncecided about the post war plan as it is to early to tell at this point. You can't turn around an entire country in a matter of months regardless of what you think.

As of this moment ther are no better candidates for president and time is running out for that to happen.

a final note about all those that spew the you un american nazi facist bs on either side. the far left and far right are the true weakness in our country. Neither side truly cares about the people of this country both are ONLY party and agenda driven. If a plan was put in place by one side that would secure this country for centuries , wipe out the national debt and reduce the unemploymnet to zero the other would make damn sure in didn't go into effect just because they didn't come up with it.

So in effect it is BOTH parties that are trying to tear apart this country by the seam and both are to selfish to see it.

posted on September 3, 2003 04:35:27 PM new
I'm waiting on the announcement that Helen, Skylite, Bigcity & Austi are uniting in matrimony and melding into one monotonous voice.

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34
posted on September 3, 2003 07:51:32 PM new
The poodle is facist and he is fraudulant.

He allowed the sheep to pull the wool over his eyes.

Never again!

Shiny pink poodle toenails clicking against the hot sidewalk of American life!

Who does Johnny Depp think he is?

He is yet another facist poodle hiding the in the kennel de france.

CAN ZEE Americanos accept such an immense fraud as zee actor who profits well enough to live anywhere in the world? zen inzult us? call us zee mean American puppy

the poodle wears diapers!

posted on September 4, 2003 03:03:05 AM new
Nice piece of poetry, A real eye opener.

I think you answered Helen's inept questions as well as anyone could and you did it in a way she may be able to understand.

Reverend Colin

posted on September 4, 2003 05:59:34 AM new
Dumb de dumb, dumb.

posted on September 4, 2003 06:41:52 AM new
Yes you are Helen, glad to see whatever therapy you are using is letting you admit it...

posted on September 4, 2003 06:50:21 AM new

You're a crude, boorish and vacant old soul, twelvepole. Keep smiling...maybe that will help.

posted on September 4, 2003 07:38:30 AM new
"So did Pakistan." (took us seriously)

Some believe Pakistan is harboring Osama bin Laden.


posted on September 4, 2003 07:55:36 AM new
ARF! yap! yap!

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