posted on September 29, 2003 07:15:35 AM new
“We do what we think is right. “
When were you consulted.??
“leftist are burdened with hate of anything good”
You are talking to adults colin not kids; the good vs evil BS has worn a little thin; without any facts or reasoning.
There are 2 types of Pro-Bush Pro-War Suppoters,
Those that fabricate and perpetuate Lies, half-truths and imaginary stories and the truly simple that believe them.
That’s SCUM & their TOY BOYS; which are you??
YOU put America in a bad light.
“We don't just bend over and take crap anymore.”
Oh contraire colin!
You have much more bending over to do before the neo-cons have finished heir orgy.
Unfortunately Helen; if your presidential ‘appointment’ system is the same as last time in Florida,
Bush will be in again.
It seems your next Leader, regardless of what you or even colin may think or vote; will be appointed by either “Diebold, ES&S, and Sequoia--with a fourth, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), coming on strong. “
posted on September 29, 2003 08:06:21 AM new Frightening!!!
From your Link
The unelected Bush Regime now controls the government, the military, the judiciary--and the machinery of democracy itself. Absent some unlikely great awakening by the co-opted dullards of the corporate media, next November the last shreds of a genuine American republic will disappear--at the push of a button.