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posted on February 10, 2004 07:28:14 PM new
My apologies - aparently I got it wrong. The local paper said the President flew F-104s.
Guess that was wrong.

posted on February 10, 2004 08:42:19 PM new
They originally trained him on cargo planes because he was... well... slow... and they didn't want to risk expensive jets or highly-trained personnel on him. Daddy got him his slot to try jets. Baby did well (insofar as he didn't crash any planes.) But Baby punked-out of a physical exam and nullified all his high-priced training. Poor Baby. He was just too busy getting hopped-up on dope and campaigning in that arch-quack southern state to keep it all together...

posted on February 10, 2004 09:02:26 PM new
I found another site with the action figure.


This one is kind of cruel. It says "Sold separately" and you can put your mouse over "spine".

I'm not promoting the sale of this, it's just something I found while reading about the president's flight career.

Kraft, awwww..... that is such a pitiful little crying face. Don't cry, Twelve still reads every single post you write. You are his fave.

posted on February 10, 2004 09:05:16 PM new
John Kerry and Jane Fonda didn't just oppose the war, THEY SIDED WITH THE ENEMY (North Vietnam).

I wouldn't be surprised if a photo turns up with John Kerry shaking hands with Ho Chi Min himself.


It CAN be done. -Ronald Reagan
posted on February 10, 2004 09:10:39 PM new
EAG, with that last post, you've just jettisoned yourself to The Twilight Zone.

Too bad, I kinda thought you had more on the ball...

posted on February 10, 2004 09:28:48 PM new
LMHO Kiara!!!... spine sold separately. I can't wait until Helen see it!

posted on February 10, 2004 09:54:56 PM new
And as a wounded war hero Kerry's patriotism can not be challenged

Bull Sh*T

Any idiot that got a scratched in action got a heart. All the heart means is that you weren't smart enough to keep you azz out of the way.

Prof I can only answer you as to my experience with Agent Orange, not to the effects of the genetics of others. I keep in regular contract with several members of my old unit, we meet several time a year and all are in good health, showing no ill effects from being exposed to the toxins. None of their children or grand kids have any genetic deformity's.

From our experience I we can only deduce that some people are more prone to ill effects that others.

"If you believe you can tell me what to think, I believe I can tell you where to go. Not all of us are sheep....."
posted on February 10, 2004 09:58:55 PM new
"Any idiot that got a scratched in action got a heart."

You're so wrong in that snide assumption, Bear, that I'd almost be willing to cut your heart out to prove it.

That was a disgraceful comment unworthy of you...

[ edited by plsmith on Feb 10, 2004 10:51 PM ]
posted on February 11, 2004 05:57:14 AM new

"Any idiot that got a scratched in action got a heart."

Bear, that insulting remark goes beyond your ignorant attempts at political smear. Your disgraceful remark discredits the oldest medal in the history of the American military. It's an affront not only to the dead and wounded but to families and friends of those who treasure that recognition by the American military.


ed.to add quote.
[ edited by Helenjw on Feb 11, 2004 05:59 AM ]
posted on February 11, 2004 10:12:22 AM new
"Any idiot that got a scratched in action got a heart."

Patty & Helen, both of you can kiss my azz. Neither one of you have any military experience so you have no idea what the hell your are talking about as usual.

I have 3 purple hearts among my other awards & have the scars to show for it. The purple heart is the most commonly awarded commendation in the military, they are given out by the handful. So plentiful that they are considered a joke by those who have them and it doesn't mean a thing. All it proves is that you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Until you have actual knowledge & experience in military life your opinions are only useful as fertilizer

(edited to add)

But don't take my word on it, post a message for Jack on the ebay board & ask him his opinion.

Hearts are bought & sold like trading cards at flea markets.

In fact at this monent 100 are for sale on ebay.


"If you believe you can tell me what to think, I believe I can tell you where to go. Not all of us are sheep....."
[ edited by Bear1949 on Feb 11, 2004 10:28 AM ]
posted on February 11, 2004 11:54:22 AM new
Purple Hearts are extremely hard if not impossible to get when you are a deserter from the National Guard.

Do they give medals for disappearing when you're supposed to report for duty during time of war ? If they did Bush would have a chest full of medals.

posted on February 11, 2004 12:20:58 PM new
Bear, you say...
"Any idiot that got a scratched in action got a heart. All the heart means is that you weren't smart enough to keep you azz out of the way."

Then you say later,
"I have 3 purple hearts among my other awards & have the scars to show for it."

If what you are telling me is true then it appears that you have defined yourself bear...an idiot that got scratched -- not even smart enough to keep your ass out of the way?


posted on February 11, 2004 12:37:49 PM new
Maybe it's just me, but it seems that Bear, Linda and Twelve have fallen into a pot of denial lately. You all seem so pi$$ed off at everything anymore. (???)

posted on February 11, 2004 12:58:52 PM new
I think you are selling yourself short, bear. At least it means that you, unlike Bush were there.

Since we are talking about Kerry, he was a recipient of a Silver Star after his service in Vietnam. Is that a distinction in your opinion?


posted on February 11, 2004 01:15:38 PM new
It that the one they award for dental hygine?

posted on February 11, 2004 01:20:27 PM new

LOL...no. I checked it before I asked the question.


posted on February 11, 2004 01:33:07 PM new

The Silver Star is awarded to a person who, while serving in any capacity with the U.S. Army, is cited for gallantry in action against an enemy of the United States while engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing foreign force, or while serving with friendly foreign forces engaged in armed conflict against an opposing armed force in which the United States is not a belligerent party. The required gallantry, while of a lesser degree than that required for the Distinguished Service Cross, must nevertheless have been performed with marked distinction.

I think that we can conclude that Kerry served with distinction and any effort to smear him with a link to Jane Fonda is shameful.

posted on February 11, 2004 02:57:52 PM new
Like I said Helen, when you enlist in the military, I'll listen to your opinion about the military matters.

But since you asked about my hearts, I stand by my statement. As a cherry I didn't know enough to keep my azz under cover when it should have been.

This topic of the thread was prompted by the idiotic statment about Kerry. wounded war hero Kerry.

As for being awarded the Silver star, I have yet to meet a soldier that thought "When I see action, I'm going to win the Silver Star". Anyone that says that is a bigger idiot than Clinton.

You learn to react to a situation, thought does not come into the equation. MANY more true hero's died in Nam & never received the recognition they deserved for chasing a VC into a village & killing them (the same thing Kerry did). Kerry was just lucky.

Massachusetts is about to become the first state to allow gays and lesbians to marry. Now here's the part I don't understand -- why would a gay guy want to marry a lesbian? ....Jay Leno
posted on February 11, 2004 02:59:21 PM new
Hey, bear, tell your crock of #*!@ to the medics. Tell it to the Vietnam nurses.

The neocons hate Kerry because he shows up your golden calf Bush for a coward.

You have the right to an informed opinion
-Harlan Ellison
posted on February 11, 2004 03:18:29 PM new
As a cherry I didn't know enough to keep my azz under cover when it should have been.

Does that mean you weren't trained properly to do that or does it mean that you never followed the training?

posted on February 11, 2004 04:13:02 PM new
"As for being awarded the Silver star, I have yet to meet a soldier that thought "When I see action, I'm going to win the Silver Star". Anyone that says that is a bigger idiot than Clinton.

Your implication that Kerry made such a statement is further evidence of your agenda to smear without regard for the truth. In this case, you have no evidence whatsoever.

You start with a photo of Kerry sitting three rows behind Jane Fonda at a Veterans rally. She has made a public statment today on Cnn stating that she never associated with John Kerry and that the story is hogwash.

It's funny that you come up with so many stories that are just that. HOGWASH


posted on February 12, 2004 11:00:06 AM new
Helen as usual you can't tell your azz from a hole in the ground.

Look the who originally posted the link to the photo.

Your implication that Kerry made such a statement is further evidence of your agenda to smear without regard for the truth. In this case, you have no evidence whatsoever.

Look up the accounts of what led to Kerry's award. I'll even show you the way,

In an intense three months of combat following that Christmas Eve battle, Kerry often would go beyond his Navy orders and beach his boat, in one case chasing and killing a teenage Viet Cong enemy who wore only a loin cloth and carried a rocket launcher. Kerry's aggressiveness in combat caused a commanding officer to wonder whether he should be given a medal or court-martialed.

Along with Kerry's unquestionable and repeated bravery, he also took an action that has received far less notice: He requested and was granted a transfer out of Vietnam six months before his combat tour was slated to end on the grounds that he had earned three Purple Hearts. None of his wounds was disabling; he said one cost him two days of service and the other two did not lead to any absence.

No period better captures the internal conflicts besetting John Kerry than Vietnam. He enlisted as a Navy officer candidate despite his criticisms as Yale's class orator of America's intervention in Southeast Asia. He would become a war hero, recipient of the Silver and Bronze stars, but would also become an antiwar leader, causing some former crewmates to feel he had betrayed them.

Again Helen, since you have so much combat experience & bonding with military brotheren, you opinion is about as wanted as a case of diarrhea

Kiara, No one that entered combat in Nam as a cherry was prepared for action. If you listened & learned from the vets you survived. Those that didn't learn quick enough paid the price.

Massachusetts is about to become the first state to allow gays and lesbians to marry. Now here's the part I don't understand -- why would a gay guy want to marry a lesbian? ....Jay Leno
posted on February 12, 2004 11:15:55 AM new
Bear, thanks for your answer. I'm sorry that you were hurt.

I wonder about the troops in Iraq now and how many are prepared to deal with the situations they've had to encounter. It must be very difficult for most of them.

posted on February 12, 2004 11:32:31 AM new
Kerry has flown under the radar for some time. Now that he is the front runner, the "dogs of war" will be unleashed. And THIS guy has a lot of skeletons in the closet.
posted on February 12, 2004 11:33:21 AM new


If you want to lead the way, post a link so that that the entire story can be read by all. I'll do that for you.

The Complete Biography of Kerry including the portion that bear chose to excerpt.


posted on February 12, 2004 11:50:45 AM new
Right you are, DeSquirrel; the Republican smear-of-choice is just getting underway:


Watch for Fox News and others to clamp onto this with ten-times the ferocity they mustered over JJ's tit...

Edited to add:

If you think The Drudge Report is merely a blowhard, right-wing Internet mouthpiece only read by conservatives in this country, consider the number of worldwide news agencies that picked up Drudge's unsubstantiated story and ran it in today's online editions. Perform your own Google search

The fact that Matt Drudge can initiate an international smear campaign citing no sources, no facts, whatsoever says a whole lot about The Media, its utter lack of journalism standards, and its predeliction to control politics and "news" with outright lies. Think it's just a "coincidence" that when questions about Bush's military record heated up and grew more widespread suddenly there's a bogus but sensational "report" deflecting the public's nervous eye from questioning Bush's character and focussing it instead on Kerry's?

[ edited by plsmith on Feb 12, 2004 12:17 PM ]
posted on February 12, 2004 12:30:36 PM new
Kiara, the people in todays military are trained in an exceptional way. Not like I & others like me encountered.

Better equipment, better support, better medical aid and believe it or not better chow.

The majority of deaths in Nam were caused by blood loss. The field medics today have supplies of clotting agents that in most cases have made tourniquets unnecessary.

Helen, I new you could find the link if you were prompted to.

Massachusetts is about to become the first state to allow gays and lesbians to marry. Now here's the part I don't understand -- why would a gay guy want to marry a lesbian? ....Jay Leno
posted on February 13, 2004 07:22:13 AM new
any effort to smear him with a link to Jane Fonda is shameful. Smear??? More like telling the truth. And much more 'truth' will come out IF he does get the dem nomination. Shameful???? No...truthful is more like it. His connection to Hanoi Jane [fonda] came after he served in vietnam....not during. And his voting records will be well publicized as to how he didn't support our US intelligence agencies nor our military. And then you ultra lefties, anti-war, have the nerve to say our intelligence was faulty.....all because of liberals like Kerry. They're who we can thank for the lapses in our intelligence.
Bear...you should know by now that all these non-military, liberal posters, know EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING....even our military which they work to see reduced and underfunded.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on February 13, 2004 07:26:45 AM new
...evidence of your agenda to smear without regard for the truth. In this case, you have no evidence whatsoever.

Now, that REALLY is funny. Accusing another of what you yourself do all the time. What appears to be acceptable when you're doing it.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on February 13, 2004 08:17:10 AM new

Linda, When you begin to flip out you resort to bolded rage...next will be **** eating smiles used as bullets. Is that all you have?

Asked about a photograph showing him sitting near actress Jane Fonda at an anti-war rally in 1970, Kerry said he protested the war after he had served in Vietnam and considered doing so a measure of his character.

Fonda has been criticized for decades for her opposition to the Vietnam War, particularly for traveling to North Vietnam in 1972, at the height of the war, and posing in an anti-aircraft gun.

"I disagreed, like everyone else in America, with the choice she made at that point in time. I thought it was terrible," Kerry said on the Imus program. "We just move on, Don. We're 30 years beyond that. I think people are interested in the future."


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