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posted on February 13, 2004 01:40:51 AM new
It will be interesting to see how this turns out EAG, hope Drudge keeps up on it.


posted on February 13, 2004 01:43:22 AM new
Run, Twelvepole, run! Do not pass Go! Do not collect $200! Hie thee to a place of worship and commend thyself to God before it's too late...

posted on February 13, 2004 02:41:48 AM new
EAG, just put the fucktards on ignore... then you don't have to worry about it... makes the reading so much nicer.

Thanks Twelve, but insults from the lefties let me know I'm doing a good job. Plus, it's entertaining watching democrats going nuts.

It will be interesting to see how this turns out EAG, hope Drudge keeps up on it.

We can all relax now, Kerry is toast. The excrement is about to hit the fan.

It CAN be done. -Ronald Reagan
posted on February 13, 2004 03:11:59 AM new
Talk about the blind leading the blind...

posted on February 13, 2004 05:23:44 AM new

Alex Polier, 24, was named as the woman at the centre of a scandal that threatens to damage Democrat Kerry’s bid for the White House.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on February 13, 2004 06:39:55 AM new
There'll be lots of this kind of BS from the right....remember, it started as soon as Clinton was the apparent candidate. A good history of how and by whom it was done is the book "Blinded by the Right", by former republican writer David Brock.
As Bush's credibility fails, they'll get even dirtier, you can count on it.

By the way, I don't understand how the moralizers on this board can give such credence to stories that come from Matt Drudge, an admitted homosexual.

edited for word choice...
[ edited by profe51 on Feb 13, 2004 06:41 AM ]
posted on February 13, 2004 06:50:44 AM new
Yes, profe, we all know that since Drudge was the first to 'out' clinton and monica he was no longer a favorite reporter of theirs. LOL

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on February 13, 2004 07:23:06 AM new

here is link and click on newspaper to read it

posted on February 13, 2004 08:06:06 AM new
"As Bush's credibility fails, they'll get even dirtier, you can count on it."

And it's getting worse...

You don't think president Bush has had a rough ride over the last few weeks? Take a look at this new ABC/Washington Post news poll which has him losing a presidential match-up to John Kerry by a 52%-43% margin among registered voters.

And the more ominous news comes down in the details. Put simply, a majority of Americans now believe that the president bamboozled them on Iraq. In the more temperate phrasing of the Post: "A majority of Americans believe President Bush either lied or deliberately exaggerated evidence that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction in order to justify war." The precise numbers are 21% who say he lied and 31% who say he deliberately exaggerated.

Only 52% find the president "honest and trustworthy". And to borrow the title of the last book of the great J. Anthony Lukas, for Bush, that means big trouble.
Joshua Marshall

[ edited by Helenjw on Feb 13, 2004 08:37 AM ]
posted on February 13, 2004 08:21:53 AM new
You are currently ignoring posts from plsmith. Click here to view them.

See this is all you see from the fucktards... much better reading than anything they post...

Life will be Grand when narrow minded old folks pass on and the next generation rules this country. Bigots wouldnt even get elected as dog catcher.

"An Army of One"

Bigotry and hate will not be tolerated.
posted on February 13, 2004 09:03:11 AM new
Prof, you are forgiven, after all we all know of you proclivity for sheep. BTY aren't you lib demo's the ones that are so blaise about extramarital sex matters.

Massachusetts is about to become the first state to allow gays and lesbians to marry. Now here's the part I don't understand -- why would a gay guy want to marry a lesbian? ....Jay Leno
posted on February 13, 2004 09:11:42 AM new
Why, I do believe you've frightened Linda right off her tuffet with all those facts and figures, Helen!

posted on February 13, 2004 09:22:36 AM new
Alex Polier, 24, was named as the woman at the centre of a scandal that threatens to damage Democrat Kerry’s bid for the White House.

Edited because so-called scandal about "intern" does seem to focus on an AP writer. More in next post.

Censorship, like charity, should begin at home; but unlike charity, it should end there --Clare Booth Luce [ edited by bunnicula on Feb 13, 2004 09:25 AM ]
posted on February 13, 2004 09:23:48 AM new

posted on February 13, 2004 09:32:21 AM new
So, this so-called "scandal" seems to be swirling about Kerry and an AP writer(female).

This means we will be treated, if Kerry is elected, to a reprise of the last "scandal". It will be manufactured by the Republicans who will waste millions of dolars and create a media 3-ring circus about ( gasp ) that most dreaded of all crimes....sex.

The rest of the world could care less, but to Republicans sex is of all-consuming interest. No matter that any infidelity is between spouses and for them to deal with--if at all possible, Republicans will wring the last bit of titillation out of it they can. It's like adolescent boys slobbering over an illicit Playboy magazine.

Edited to put in spaces where needed. Darn keyboard--should never have cleaned it!

Censorship, like charity, should begin at home; but unlike charity, it should end there --Clare Booth Luce [ edited by bunnicula on Feb 13, 2004 09:34 AM ]
posted on February 13, 2004 10:14:23 AM new

It's as if they are forever stuck in puberty both in mind and body with an unhealthy and obsessive interest in sex. . While most people outgrow this stage of development, right wing conservatives remain stuck.

posted on February 13, 2004 04:47:27 PM new
Kerry refuses to respond to questions about his affair.


Democratic presidential frontrunner John Kerry told IMUS IN THE MORNING "there is nothing to report" after a DRUDGE REPORT exclusive revealed the frantic behind-the-scenes drama surrounding a woman who recently fled the country, reportedly at the prodding of Kerry!

The nature and details of a claimed two-year relationship, beginning in the Spring of 2001, between a young woman and Kerry is at the center of serious investigations at several media outlets.

After being approached by a top news producer, the woman fled to Africa, where she remains.

"Well, there is nothing to report," Kerry told IMUS. "So there is nothing to talk about. I'm not worried about it. No."

In expanded comments later in the broadcast, Don Imus told his on-air crew that "Kerry is dead" if "something comes out."


Unlike the Monica Lewinsky drama, which first played out publicly in this space, with audio tapes, cigar and a dress, the Kerry situation has posed a challenge to reporters investigating the claims.

"There is no lawsuit testimony this time [like Clinton with Paula Jones]," a top source said Thursday night. "It is hard to prove."

A close friend of the woman first approached a reporter late last year claiming fantastic stories -- stories that now threaten to turn the race for the presidency on its head.

Later on Friday, Kerry is scheduled to join General Wesley Clark, who, in an off-the-record conversation with a dozen reporters earlier this week, plainly stated: "Kerry will implode over an intern issue."

Reporters who witnessed Clark making the stunning comments marvel at the General's reluctance to later confirm they were spoken -- only to later endorse Kerry for the nomination!

Elsewhere, media response to the allegations varied widely.

The FRONTRUNNER details the coverage.

The television networks were quiet, although ABC News radio (2/12) mentioned the story yesterday afternoon. Meanwhile, local TV across the US reported the allegation extensively. For example, KTBS-TV Shreveport, LA (2/12, 10:00 p.m.) reported, "A bomb-shell was dropped on Senator Kerry today."

KABC-TV Los Angeles, CA (2/12, 6:00 p.m.) reported, "There's a report on the Internet from Internet gossip columnist Matt Drudge that John Kerry, the front runner, has had a problem with an intern in the past, perhaps an affair."

KDAF-TV Dallas, TX (2/12, 9:28 p.m.) referred to the story as a "bombshell rumor."

WBAL-TV Baltimore, MD (2/12, 11:11 p.m.) reported, "The Kerry camp is preparing a response."

WBTV-TV Charlotte, NC (2/12, 6:00 p.m.) reported, "Scandalous rumblings tonight inside John Kerry's campaign."

WSYX-TV Columbus, OH (2/12, 5:05 p.m.) reported, "Matt Drudge broke this bombshell on his website."

WTTE-TV Columbus, OH (2/12, 10:11 p.m.) reported, "The Democratic frontrunner -- some say he had an affair with an intern."

KRQE-TV Albuquerque, NM (2/12, 10:00 p.m.) reported, "Is John Kerry about to be caught up in a scandal?"

Various UK press outlets splashed the report on Friday.

The UK TIMES placed it on its front page -- in the lead position.

The UK SUN claims to have found the name of the woman in question, even interviewing her parents.


posted on February 13, 2004 04:55:24 PM new
Kerry refuses to respond to questions about his affair.

Good for him. Because it is nobody's business but his & his wife's.

Censorship, like charity, should begin at home; but unlike charity, it should end there --Clare Booth Luce
posted on February 13, 2004 05:06:46 PM new

Kerry refuses to respond to questions about his affair.

You are assuming that he had an affair with that remark.

posted on February 13, 2004 05:07:45 PM new
It turns out this rumor surfaced a week ago on Watchblog.com, which according to National Review's Jonah Goldberg "is apparently run by a guy named Cameron Barrett who works for Wesley Clark." A week ago, of course, Clark was still a Kerry rival; today, as CNN notes, the general endorsed the lieutenant.

February 06, 2004
Rumor: A Kerry Affair & Push Polling

Rumor has it that John Kerry (D) is going to be outed by Time Magazine next week for having an affair with a 20 year old woman who remains unknown. The affair supposedly took place intermittently right up to Kerry's Fall 2002 announcement of candidacy. At present, this is nothing more than a rumor; and after such sordid tactics as the "push polling" that took place in South Carolina in the 2000 elections, can such rumors be credible during campaign cycles? Could this create a Democratic backlash against Republicans for perceived scandalmongering?

Push Polling
Let's rewind history and study another rumor, one which cost Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) his candidacy in 2000. McCain was running a close campaign against George Bush in South Carolina, when Karl Rove introduced his brilliant strategy: push polling (Rove has been involved in push polling since the early 70s). Essentially, calls were made to households asking “Would you be more likely or less likely to vote for John McCain for president if you knew he had fathered an illegitimate black child?” Many took this to say that he had one, and seeing McCain and his wife on stage with their adopted Bangladeshi daughter, concluded that the rumor was true. The sight of the little dark skinned girl made the seed planted earlier grow, and McCain ended up losing South Carolina and subsequentially dropping out of the race.

So what does push polling have to do with a rumor of Kerry having an affair? Well some would argue that they are merely separate heads of the same beast. Pointing an indignant finger at the machinations of Karl Rove, the Bush administration's strategist who has a penchant for dispersing rumors, many on the Democrat side will claim that Rove is up to his old shenanigans and that the rumors have no basis. What caused McCain to lose in 2000 could inspire Democrats to rally behind Kerry, and lead to a major rift between the parties and brings the race to a closer finish. Theoretical, but plausible.

Echoes from Bubba
Any mention of a purported sexual scandal would be incomplete without bringing up the notorious ex-President William Jefferson Clinton. With a presidency overshadowed by allegations of oral sex, abuse of power, misconduct, and asking for clarification of the word "is", Clinton's legacy passed on a need for greater scrutiny of presidential candidates and tore down the veil that used to protect the private lives of most politicians. One could draw a parallel between Clinton's misconduct and Kerry's possible extra-marital relationship, there is no doubt. While many argued that Clinton's affairs were nobody's business except his own, others clamored that the President had an obligation to reflect moral clarity and to be a beacon of marriage values. Whether it was a valid impeachable offense or not was yet another matter to argue.

Push Me, Pull You
Karl Rove, if given the right opportunity, would without doubt pounce on this rumor, and has proven that tactics such as push polling do work. It may not matter if the rumor is true or is a complete fabrication, it will be used against Kerry now, and should he make it past the primaries and become the Democratic nominee (which appears to be with certainty), he will certainly have to fend these and other rumors. Push polling is not intended to get accurate results for candidates to use in speeches, it is intended to wound the image of the opposition. It is "push", because it should push the person into believing something that is specious or rumor (i.e.- “Would you be more likely or less likely to vote for John Kerry for president if you knew he had sex with an intern?”). It conveys that the caller has juicy information, and wants you to know, but indemnifies itself from liability by phrasing it as a question. It is also intended to pull the person taking the "poll" into dropping their candidate and voting for the opposition, and many times does, but this year may be an occasion for a large disenfranchised voter base who is disillusioned and tired of shady politicking practices. There could be a backlash against both major parties, but it is not guaranteed. Whatever the outcome, both major candidates may be badly bruised and tarnished if they allow scandalmongering and surreptitious polling tactics to take precedence over running an on-message campaign based on policies, truth, and exhortations of their accomplishments.


posted on February 13, 2004 06:36:17 PM new
I wonder how many US soldiers will die due to Kerry not telling about who he might be banging?

I swear, these conservatives are sooo hung up on sexual affairs it is pitiful.

Conservative men must all be latent homosexuals and are jealous of Clinton and Kerry being with women, and conservative females are sooo insecure in their sexual relationships they can't face the possibility that a man might have an extra-marital affair.

Why don't you folks worry about something of substance.

Why don't you worry about Bush losing more jobs than any time since the Depression ? Or how about the budget deficit ? Or how about the lies about WMDs? How about Bush avoiding Vietnam by beating all odds and getting a spot in the National Guard just like Dan Quayle did.

Why not talk about how Bush is screwing the whole country instead of how Kerry might be having an affair.

[ edited by Reamond on Feb 13, 2004 06:40 PM ]
posted on February 13, 2004 06:54:09 PM new
Reamond - It's called the conservatives appearing to be the one's who still have morals/values and believe in the commitment of marriage. Making a vow to be with only our spouse. Not brushing off extramarital affairs as if they don't show the moral character of a person. They do show lack of moral character...and that IS important to many American's....believe it or not.

But I have no worry about this story...if it's true, from what I've read about his wife, she'll handle this 'problem' a lot differently than that 'stand by your man, hillary' did. Mrs. Kerry is a tiger and ol' Mr Kerry might just find himself in the position of having to find another rich lady to live off of.

Re-elect President Bush!!
[ edited by Linda_K on Feb 13, 2004 06:56 PM ]
posted on February 13, 2004 07:09:36 PM new
"Accusations only Pat....NO PROOF. That's the problem....NO PROOF. But sure you guys buy into it. It's easy to make any accusation. "

You have the right to an informed opinion
-Harlan Ellison
posted on February 13, 2004 07:12:47 PM new

That kind of immorality pales in comparison to that of our president who waged a war based on lies resulting in the death of 9, 000 people.

posted on February 13, 2004 07:15:56 PM new
...assuming there is any truth to the allegation of marital infidelity concocted by a bunch of professional liars.
[ edited by Helenjw on Feb 13, 2004 07:17 PM ]
posted on February 13, 2004 08:26:55 PM new
I am just curious as to why conservatives ae so gleeful about this considering that Edwards is a much more electable candidate.
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on February 13, 2004 09:18:03 PM new
I don't feel 'gleeful'. It's just a news report....and if true will matter to a lot of people who might have been hoping to see Kerry win the nomination. Even some democrats have morals.

Edwards following are mostly women who find him physically attractive. You know the kind that votes only because they find a man handsome...not for what his position on the issues are.

I don't think anyone serious believes he'd be a threat to this President getting re-elected. He has too little experience under his belt.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on February 13, 2004 09:27:13 PM new

Yes...dumber than a box of rocks describes it.

posted on February 14, 2004 10:29:11 AM new
Helen, how do you manage to compose these posts, isn't it difficult with you nose always pointed skyward.

posted on February 14, 2004 10:31:33 AM new
You're confusing Helen with LindaKKK, Bear.

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