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posted on February 14, 2004 10:36:03 AM new
PRESIDENTIAL hopeful John Kerry was branded a “sleazeball” last night by the parents of a young woman he allegedly tried to woo.

Alex Polier, 24, was named as the woman at the centre of a scandal that threatens to damage Democrat Kerry’s bid for the White House.

Her mother Donna claims Kerry, 60 — dubbed the new JFK — once chased Alex to be on his campaign team and was “after her”.

There is no evidence the pair had an affair, but her father Terry, 56, said: “I think he’s a sleazeball. I did kind of wonder if my daughter didn’t get that kind of feeling herself.


At the centre of the allegations is Alex Polier, 24, who had worked as a New York-based reporter for Associated Press. She now is now in Kenya.

Her parents, Donna and Terry, speaking from Malvern, Pennsylvania yesterday, said there was no evidence of an affair, only that Senator Kerry may have been attracted to their daughter.

Mr Polier said Senator Kerry had called his daughter "two or three years ago" to ask her to work on his re-election team. She declined.

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Kerry to answer sex affair claim
By New York Correspondent PHILLIP COOREY
February 14, 2004

FACING the first crisis of his campaign, Democratic presidential nomination front-runner John Kerry will today respond to allegations he had a two-year affair with a young woman who has since fled the country.

Branded a political dirty trick by the Democrats, the pro-Republican Drudge Report website yesterday accused Senator Kerry, 60, of having an affair that threatened "to turn the race for the presidency on its head".

At the centre of the allegations is Alex Polier, 24, who had worked as a New York-based reporter for Associated Press. She now is now in Kenya.

Her parents, Donna and Terry, speaking from Malvern, Pennsylvania yesterday, said there was no evidence of an affair, only that Senator Kerry may have been attracted to their daughter.

Mr Polier said Senator Kerry had called his daughter "two or three years ago" to ask her to work on his re-election team. She declined.

"I think he's a sleaze-ball," Mr Polier told London's Sun newspaper.

Mrs Polier claimed Senator Kerry was "after" her daughter.


Help John Kerry, donate you daughter to another scum sucking liberal

posted on February 14, 2004 10:41:23 AM new
PL, not in this life time, Helen is the one riding her high horse, refusing to acknowledge that some people have morals.

posted on February 14, 2004 10:51:56 AM new
Helen is the one riding her high horse, refusing to acknowledge that some people have morals.

I do have difficulty acknowledging that a poor bear has no mind.

posted on February 14, 2004 10:58:00 AM new
The difference between Christian fundamentalists' "morality" and that of people of faith is that the former believe their way is the only way. It's an externalized practice of their religion(s) and a completely unwarranted meddling in what their fellow men should and should not be allowed to do, as opposed to an internalized attempt to lead Christ-like lives themselves. It's not faith at all; it's not moral at all; it's politically motivated zealotry that shames the teachings of Christ.
People of faith understand that their relationship with God is an inside job, not a soapbox from which to judge and/or condemn other human beings. Any reckoning to be done should be left to God, and God alone...

[ edited by plsmith on Feb 14, 2004 11:02 AM ]
posted on February 14, 2004 12:11:27 PM new
Yes, bear, I also read that this morning. Funny why her Dad would call him a 'sleezebag' IF all he did was ask her to join his campaign. Those protective Dads....they're just so unreasonable. LOL

Also appears quite odd that IF there was no 'advance' or relationship why Alex just doesn't say so publically. Would end the matter quickly.

What some who judge the 'faith' of others appear to forget is those people don't live in isolation. They live in the world with all the 'non-believers' and have a right to say and work to form their country the way they'd like to see it be, right along with everyone else.

Some who speak tolerance of other's thinking/believing/voting differently, call out for tolerance but don't practice it themselves

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on February 14, 2004 12:21:36 PM new
"What some who judge the 'faith' of others appear to forget is those people don't live in isolation. They live in the world with all the 'non-believers' and have a right to say and work to form their country the way they'd like to see it be, right along with everyone else."

Right, Linda, and religion is not supposed to run the world. And certainly not this country.
You can continue to blather that it is your "right" to foist your bible-based beliefs onto other people, and I will continue to say that you're full of rocks for doing so.

posted on February 14, 2004 06:27:31 PM new
Wrong again Helen, you've got me confused with one of your mindless liberal bears.....pooh bear....

'This won't go away. What happened is much nastier than is being reported'

Alex Polier, the twenty-four year old journalist who could end Senator John Kerry's hopes of becoming the next president of the United States is alleged to have had a two-year affair with the front-runner for the Democratic nomination. Last night the rumours were in danger of becoming a full-blown scandal.

"This is not going to go away," one American friend of Miss Polier said yesterday. "What actually happened is much nastier than is being reported."

The allegations come at a crucial time for the senator. Polls showed him leading Mr Bush by 52 per cent to 42 per cent, and aides will be anxious to see if the apparent scandal affects his standing among voters.


posted on February 14, 2004 06:53:34 PM new
and religion is not supposed to run the world. And certainly not this country.

lol Says who? It sure does in a lot of countries. Religion has always been a part of our nation, since it's founding. Even as recent as JFKs time, it mattered to many voters what religion a man running for president practiced.

Our beautiful Constitution gives us freedom of religion. That's not ever going to change, no matter how much some wish it would. And if those people are our elected representatives, their decisions will, in part, be based on their religious views.

BTW - my beliefs are NOT Bible based. But I fully respect the *rights* of those who do to practice Bible based beliefs.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on February 14, 2004 06:55:16 PM new


You should wonder about the credibility of a story that the mainstream media ignores.

They at least need to know who, what, when, where and how and sometimes why. LOL

[ edited by Helenjw on Feb 14, 2004 07:01 PM ]
posted on February 14, 2004 06:58:44 PM new
Our beautiful Constitution gives us freedom of religion

It also gives us freedom from religion.

posted on February 14, 2004 07:03:49 PM new
And separation of church and state...

Really, Linda, you're making the impracticality of sticks and stones on chatboards hard to bear!

posted on February 14, 2004 10:11:35 PM new

You should wonder about the credibility of a story that the mainstream media ignores

By that you mean American liberal controlled news media?




IF you can't tell by READING, the Telegraph is a ENGLISH (as in Great Brittan) main stream media source.

posted on February 14, 2004 11:46:06 PM new
You're gonna get your own box of rocks soon, Bear...

The Daily Telegraph is Britain's leading right-wing newspaper. It is owned, haha, by Hollinger International of Ontario, Canada, which also owns the rightist Chicago Sun-Times and the conservative Jerusalem Post.
Don't attempt to pass off its reporting of Democrat Kerry as 'fair' unless you're prepared to countenance a Berkeley Barb report about the evil-doings of Bush...

[ edited by plsmith on Feb 14, 2004 11:47 PM ]
posted on February 16, 2004 03:19:56 AM new

John Kerry girl tells all

in New York

THE beauty said to have had a fling with presidential hopeful John Kerry has recorded a bombshell tell-all interview.

Journalist Alex Polier taped a talk with a US TV network at Christmas.

The former Washington intern, 27, told all about an alleged fling with the 60-year-old super-rich senator in spring 2001.

The channel is sitting on the tape until it has enough evidence to back her story.

If the sex claims are true, they would shatter his White House hopes.

Kerry, a married dad of two, has denied the fling. But Alex told pals she fled to Kenya on his suggestion.

One TV source said: “She wants to tell her story. She has talked at length about her relationship with Kerry. But no one is believing her.”

Kerry was front-runner for the Democratic nomination to take on George Bush in November.

His hopes were hit as hints of a scandal emerged.



Liberals are unAmerican
posted on February 16, 2004 03:21:10 AM new
At least Kerry has good taste in women!


Liberals are unAmerican
[ edited by ebayauctionguy on Feb 16, 2004 03:21 AM ]
posted on February 16, 2004 04:45:23 AM new

This reminds me of another election year... Does anyone have a Hart...


posted on February 16, 2004 06:34:49 AM new
"Flees the country?"

Excuse me? From what? Who is pursuing?
Sounds very dramatic but I can't see it means anything.

posted on February 16, 2004 06:42:30 AM new
Prof, you are forgiven, after all we all know of you proclivity for sheep. BTY aren't you lib demo's the ones that are so blaise about extramarital sex matters.

Thanks anyhow bear, but I'm not interested in your forgiveness. Has it ever occured to you that any possibly thoughtful points you may actually be able to make here are obscured by your childish and mean spirited name calling? For someone who claims to be old enough to be a veteran, you certainly don't act any more mature than some junior high school punk.

posted on February 16, 2004 09:11:28 AM new
Just calling it like I see it Prof.

PL I got all the rocks I need, been with me for years & years.

posted on February 16, 2004 10:33:09 AM new
LOL, the drudgery of smearage must continue on another front.

"NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) - A woman who has been the subject of rumors linking her to Sen. John Kerry denied Monday that she ever had an affair with the Democratic presidential candidate.

Breaking her silence four days after the allegations surfaced on the Internet, Alexandra Polier issued a statement to The Associated Press, saying, "I have never had a relationship with Senator Kerry, and the rumors in the press are completely false."

Kerry already has denied reports that he had an extramarital affair. On Monday, his campaign said he would have no further comment.

Polier's statement was released to the AP in Nairobi, where the 27-year-old freelance journalist is visiting the parents of her fiance, Yaron Schwartzman, an Israeli who was raised in Kenya. She previously worked as an editorial assistant for the AP in New York.

"Whoever is spreading these rumors and allegations does not know me," Polier said, appealing to the media to respect her privacy and the privacy of her fiance and his family.

Polier also took issue with reports that referred to her as a former Kerry intern.

"I never interned or worked for John Kerry," she told AP over the phone.

In a separate statement, Polier's parents, Terry and Donna Polier of Malvern, Pa., dismissed the "completely false and unsubstantiated" allegations about their daughter.

"We love and support her 100 percent and these unfounded rumors are hurtful to our entire family," the statement said. "We appreciate the way Senator Kerry has handled the situation, and intend on voting for him for president of the United States.""


You have the right to an informed opinion
-Harlan Ellison
posted on February 16, 2004 10:59:11 AM new

Thanks for posting that, snowy.


posted on February 16, 2004 11:02:30 AM new
Whoever is spreading these rumors and allegations does not know me," Polier said, appealing to the media to respect her privacy and the privacy of her fiance and his family.

There is speculation going on that these rumors have come from the clinton side of the democratic party. Setting up a hillary run this year.

Then....there could have been a pay-off....wouldn't be the first time some young woman was paid for her denial.

In one of the Drudge reports HER girlfriend sure sounded like she knew differently about this affair. And with her father calling Kerry a sleeze....he must have had a reason.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on February 16, 2004 11:41:48 AM new
LindaK, you do know that the Sun is a very aggressive tabloid paper, don't you? I take what is said there with a shaker of salt. Same for Mr. Drudge, who seems to thrive on unsubstantiated rumour, not journalism. The parents have said they will be voting for Sen. Kerry, at the end of my quote above.


You have the right to an informed opinion
-Harlan Ellison [ edited by snowyegret on Feb 16, 2004 11:58 AM ]
posted on February 16, 2004 12:01:43 PM new
Yes, snowy, I know which papers are reporting on this issue and am fully aware of what they are or aren't.

And I also know that The Drudge report was the one everyone was putting down as being wrong about the clinton-monica story too. Which turned out, while main-stream media chose NOT to print the investigation, to be the only one who was correct.

This story is not over...


Taken just now from The Drudge Report

FRI FEB 16, 2004 14:05:38 ET XXXXX

A woman at the center of John Kerry intrigue dated longtime Kerry Finance Director Peter Maroney, sources tell the DRUDGE REPORT.

When pressed by media outlets in recent week, the Kerry campaign confirmed the relationship, according to top sources.

Alex Polier on Monday denied "Internet and tabloid rumors relating to me and Senator John Kerry."

Rumors swirling around Polier ignited a behind-the-scenes campaign drama.

As first reported in this space, a serious investigation of the woman and the nature of her relationship with Sen. John Kerry has been underway at TIME magazine, ABC NEWS, the WASHINGTON POST, THE HILL and the ASSOCIATED PRESS, where the woman in question once worked.
TIME magazine's Tim Burger and ABC NEWS have developed intriguing elements to the case, sources reveal.

She would joke that she was dating 'the next president of the United States, says a source.
Polier's flippant remarks and flirtatious manner, according to friends, fueled the intrigue.

In an off-the-record conversation with a dozen reporters earlier this week, General Wesley Clark plainly stated: "Kerry will implode over an intern issue." [Three reporters in attendance confirm Clark made the startling comments. "This guy is going to blow up. Have you seen the NATIONAL ENQUIRER story" [on Kerry's womanizing].

The Kerry commotion is the key reason why Dean reversed his decision to drop out of the race after Wisconsin, campaign sources said.


Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on February 16, 2004 12:19:49 PM new

Just watched this and it stated that the woman in question publicly denied ever having a fling with Kerry.

posted on February 16, 2004 12:26:58 PM new
denied - Okay....but so did monica - so did clinton....turns out they were lying to us.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on February 16, 2004 12:37:45 PM new


It's Clinton's fault. Hahaha!!!

Snowy, when I thanked you for posting the article I considered mentioning that it would not be accepted by Linda.

I was right.


posted on February 16, 2004 12:43:31 PM new
helen - You are rarely 'right' when it comes to your continued assumptions of my posts.

I said this story is NOT over...and it's not. I didn't say either side of this position is right or wrong, because we don't know yet....it's still new.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on February 16, 2004 12:43:35 PM new
denied - Okay.

Strange?? One would think that this lady would be the one who should know if she got laid or not.

posted on February 16, 2004 12:46:56 PM new
Yes, in a perfect world it would be nice that everyone told the truth.
And I'd agree she should know if she did or not. But as we recently saw...monica and clinton both denied it too. Does that mean she didn't know?
Re-elect President Bush!!
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