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posted on February 16, 2004 12:56:00 PM new
I don't care if Kerry had sex with six interns. It's none my business. Or anyone else's other than his wife.

Now, I am neither Democrat or Republican.AndI'm pretty much middle of the road in most things. But I can say that the Republican party is making swerve farther fromtheir sideof the road with their obsession about sex and their burning desire to make Christianity (& not all of it, mind you, just their version of it) a state religion.


Censorship, like charity, should begin at home; but unlike charity, it should end there --Clare Booth Luce
posted on February 16, 2004 01:06:09 PM new
We all know you are not alone in that opinion. But there are those to whom this issue is important, to whom it is a moral issue.

Just as it is important to many if President Bush was given an honorable discharge when they don't think he should have been because.... It's a matter of judging anothers character by the standards we all hold.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on February 16, 2004 01:14:15 PM new
It's a matter of judging anothers character by the standards we all hold.

Nope, not for me it's not a moral issue. It isn't against any laws for two adults to have an affair. It is, on the other hand, against the law to be AWOL from military service, and while I'm not an attorney, I'd bet it's against the law for a president to lie about it, if he did. That was the whole point of Clinton's impeachment wasn't it? He lied about it.

posted on February 16, 2004 01:20:29 PM new

I'm wondering how seriously you regard an infidelity in the total scheme of things. How would you feel about Bush, for example if he had an affair with an intern. Would you call him a sleeze ball and renounce his presidential term as miserable.

posted on February 16, 2004 01:23:23 PM new
profe - We each decide what is important to us and what is not.

This is a new, breaking story. It's probably mostly politics....and we all know how that goes. Rehashing the awol issue has been going on since President Bush was running for governor of TX and in all that time no one has been able to PROVE anything was done improperly. And he does have an honorable discharge.

This story is no different and most likely won't be going away.....it's meant to discredit Kerry....JUST as the unfounded accusations that Bush was a deserter are.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on February 16, 2004 01:41:19 PM new

The point though is that you are equating what you consider wrong - the alleged affair to what is illegal- Bush's disappearance for 6 months during which he missed his flight exam which led to his August 1972 suspension from flight status in the Texas Air National Guard.

posted on February 16, 2004 01:44:52 PM new
If I ran for President and of all the people who voted I had the choice of getting the votes of all the people who had cheated on their spouses or the people who hadn't, I would choose the votes of the people who had cheated. And if I had to choose between the unmarried virgins or the unmarried nonvirgins I would choose to have the votes of the nonvirgins.

And I think I would win. Certainly I would win the Republican vote as Republican=hypocrite.

posted on February 16, 2004 01:51:19 PM new
No, helen, the point is it's never been proven to be illegal.....after all these years.

Honorable discharges are not given to soldiers who acted illegally, dishonorable ones are. That's the point.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on February 16, 2004 02:01:48 PM new

Yes, it is against the law to be AWOL from the Army.


It's interesting how you selectively respond to my posts.

posted on February 16, 2004 02:13:25 PM new
For the well connected I suppose it's not so bad.

1. What Price AWOL
Many servicemen who go AWOL are not aware of the seriousness of the act. AWOL is a serious offense, as much so
as larceny, fraud or robbery; and yet, some soldiers seem to think that AWOL is only playing “hooky” for awhile.
They don’t realize the costs, penalties, embarrassment, and grief to themselves and loved ones that the thoughtless act
can bring.
2. Soldier Outlaw
• Notification that you are a fugitive or outlaw wanted by the Army is made to:
Your family — Police in your hometown — Sheriff of your county — FBI — Military Police — The Adjutant
General Washington — Commander of Army in which your home is located.
• Your security clearance is withdrawn.
• There is a reward for your arrest.


posted on February 16, 2004 02:24:52 PM new
LOL @ It's interesting how you selectively respond to my posts.

But it's different when you do the same thing to me and others?

Like bear said, not everyone sits here 24/7. If I answered every question you posed to me...I'd never get anything else done. And like I said I'm tired of the personal insults from you and Pat when I do state my views. Then there's your continual statement that you don't really give a $hit what I think. So why bother??????

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on February 16, 2004 02:30:51 PM new
Because you're such a blabbermouth, Linda.

Statements like this one are typical of your attempts to imply that your idiotic opinions are held by anyone but you:

"But there are those to whom this issue is important, to whom it is a moral issue."

If it's a moral issue for you, stand on your own two feet and say so.

posted on February 16, 2004 03:36:02 PM new
FACTS JUST OUT! Choke on 'em!

Feb 16, 6:26 PM EST

Woman Denies Rumors of Kerry Affair

Associated Press Writer

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) -- A woman who has been the subject of rumors linking her to Sen. John Kerry denied Monday that she ever had an affair with the Democratic presidential candidate.

Breaking her silence four days after the allegations surfaced on the Internet, Alexandra Polier issued a statement to The Associated Press, saying, "I have never had a relationship with Senator Kerry, and the rumors in the press are completely false."

Kerry already has denied reports that he had an extramarital affair. On Monday, his campaign said he would have no further comment.

Polier's statement was released to the AP in Nairobi, where the 27-year-old freelance journalist is visiting the parents of her fiance, Yaron Schwartzman, an Israeli who was raised in Kenya. She previously worked as an editorial assistant for the AP in New York.

"Whoever is spreading these rumors and allegations does not know me," Polier said, appealing to the media to respect her privacy and the privacy of her fiance and his family.

Polier also took issue with reports that referred to her as a former Kerry intern.

"I never interned or worked for John Kerry," she told AP over the phone.

In a separate statement, Polier's parents, Terry and Donna Polier of Malvern, Pa., dismissed the "completely false and unsubstantiated" allegations about their daughter.

"We love and support her 100 percent and these unfounded rumors are hurtful to our entire family," the statement said. "We appreciate the way Senator Kerry has handled the situation, and intend on voting for him for president of the United States."

The statement did not address purported quotes by Polier's parents in the British tabloid The Sun that were harshly critical of Kerry.

Kerry has won 14 of 16 Democratic primaries and caucuses, and is expected to be the Democratic challenger to President Bush in November.

Rumors of a relationship between Kerry and Polier first appeared Thursday on the Internet and were picked up by newspapers in several countries outside the United States. Few U.S. publications printed her name, however.

Asked Friday about the reports, Kerry told reporters: "I just deny it categorically. It's rumor. It's untrue. And that's the last time I intend" to respond to questions about it.

Regarding her silence until now, Polier said, "Because these stories were false, I assumed the media would ignore them. It seems that efforts to peddle these lies continue, so I feel compelled to address them."

By Monday, reporters and photographers were camped outside the Schwartzmans' Nairobi home, and at one point pursued the car of Yaron's mother, Hannah Schwartzman, as she left the walled compound.

Polier and Yaron Schwartzman met at Clark University, in Worcester, Mass. Polier graduated from Clark in 1999. She received her master's in journalism from Columbia in 2002. They arrived in Kenya last October.

[ edited by plsmith on Feb 16, 2004 03:40 PM ]
posted on February 16, 2004 03:42:42 PM new


Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on February 16, 2004 03:46:04 PM new
Just making sure everyone sees it, sweetpea...

[ edited by plsmith on Feb 16, 2004 03:46 PM ]
posted on February 16, 2004 04:34:04 PM new
As for the link to the Sun, that was posted on the Drudge site a day or two ago. In fact just about every newspaper that wrote about Kerry/intern made reference to "internet gossip" Matt Drudge. Nobody had any good reporting on the subject.

For the best reading on what happened copy and paste the following URL which leads to an opinion piece by Thomas Oliphant wherein he takes apart the "intern" scandal and Bush being called a "deserter" by Michael Moore. He explains the difference between journalism and sleazeball rumormongering (my words not Oliphant's).


A short quote from the above opinion:

"The first sin is part of a chain of truly weird events that has produced a classic bit of modern media manipulation that has slowly but surely in turn produced the following phenomenon -- published rumors about the possibility of a story about Kerry fooling around with a young woman appearing despite the absence of any allegation (much less purported information) to that effect"
[ edited by getalife on Feb 16, 2004 04:39 PM ]
posted on February 16, 2004 04:41:54 PM new
getalife - sleazeball rumormongering

Just like what was done in 1992 to President Bush Sr. huh? All the accepted news media/major news media were questioning him about his affair, which was never proven.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on February 16, 2004 08:23:37 PM new
Linda_K: I personally never said anything at all about Bush 41. And furthermore I don't see any connection between the two.

If you would enlighten me with some facts maybe I would agree with you. Precisely what are the facts? In the case of Kerry and the intern there were no facts presented, just "published rumors about the possibility of a story about Kerry fooling around with a young woman appearing despite the absence of any allegation (much less purported information) to that effect." Who is "all the accepted news media/major news media."

I certainly wouldn't accept Matt Drudge as major news media any more that I would accept the National Enquirer or the Star.

posted on February 16, 2004 08:27:40 PM new
Getalife, you've just committed an arch no-no, asking Linda to provide some facts...
posted on February 16, 2004 08:35:57 PM new
We had about 8 straight years of sleazeball rumor mongering while Clinton was in office.

posted on February 16, 2004 08:52:07 PM new

Way to go, getalife!!!

posted on February 16, 2004 09:24:28 PM new
getalife - No where did I state YOU said anything. I said, Just like in 1992 huh? It's the same thing going on now as went on when the democrats did it to Bush 2. Don't read anymore into my statement than that please, because that's all I said.

posted earlier in a different thread on the exact same subject.

posted on February 16, 2004 04:07:35 PM


As main press players blast the DRUDGE REPORT and foreign outlets for revealing details of a behind-the-scenes campaign drama surrounding candidate Kerry and the nature of his relationship with a mystery woman -- just 12 years ago the same players peppered former President George Bush with questions surrounding an infidelity rumor!

In 1992 top reporters swiftly reacted to a footnote in a book quoting a long dead ambassador.

CNN rushed to get the rumor into the media stream as White House correspondent Mary Tillotson confronted President Bush as he hosted Israel Prime Minister Rabin in the Oval Office.
"There is an extensive series of reports in today's New York Post alleging that a former U.S. ambassador, a man now deceased, had told several persons that he arranged for a sexual tryst involving you and one of your female staffers in Geneva in 1984."

Asked NBC's Stone Phillips to the president's face at the height of the "rumor mongering":
"Have you ever had an affair?"

CBS's Harry Smith then confronted Bush spokesperson Mary Matalin over on-air morning coffee:
"Let me ask you about something else. There's a book out, or a book that's just about out that in a footnote names that then-Vice President Bush had an affair with an assistant when he was on a mission in Geneva.

Well, that footnote has turned into frontpage news (holding up N.Y.POST), at least in New York, in the N.Y. POST. Albeit a tabloid, it is usually a conservative newspaper. Are you ready to say that accusation is a flat out lie?"

NEWSWEEK's Jonathan Alter defended the aggressive adultery rumor line-of-questioning of the first President Bush on ABC's NIGHTLINE on August 12, 1992, on a broadcast titled: "The Media Charges George Bush With Adultery."
"In this situation, the Oval Office isn't a temple," Alter explained. "The President is a candidate and he has to be asked tough, often distasteful, but nonetheless important kinds of questions."

UPI's Helen Thomas also defended the Bush affair reportage:
"Some people might have felt that it wasn't appropriate. But when you have the President there, I think it's very legitimate to ask him any question."

CUT TO 2004:
NEWSWEEK'S Alter blasted any and all coverage of the Kerry infidelity probe last week on a New York City talkradio outlet -- calling the investigation "sleazy."

The media outrage over an erupting story of possible infidelity of a presidential candidate -- 2004 -- peaked with Joe Conason's cover story in SALON late last week ["There he goes again! Matt Drudge and the GOP smear machine are back in the Democrats' pants"]
Conason lamented:
"But the kind of proof usually required by national news organizations isn't what Drudge needs in order to put innuendo into circulation."

But is this really the same Joe Conason who in the Summer of 1992 wrote a magazine cover story entitled "1,000 REASONS NOT TO VOTE FOR GEORGE BUSH?"
Consaon's reason #1:
"He cheats on his wife."

The rumor of President Bush having an affair was never proved by the media.


Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on February 16, 2004 09:52:30 PM new
John Kerry 1971 New York Times

"Guilty as Lieutenant Calley may have been of the actual act of murder, the verdict does not single out the real criminal ... the United States of America,"

Meet The Press NBC 1971

"I committed the same kinds of atrocities as thousands of others," he told the network, "in that I shot in free-fire zones, fired .50-caliber machine bullets, used harass-and-interdiction fire, joined in search-and-destroy missions and burned villages."

posted on February 16, 2004 10:04:38 PM new
FACTS JUST OUT! Choke on 'em!

Feb 16, 6:26 PM EST

Woman Denies Rumors of Kerry Affair

Associated Press Writer

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) -- A woman who has been the subject of rumors linking her to Sen. John Kerry denied Monday that she ever had an affair with the Democratic presidential candidate.

Breaking her silence four days after the allegations surfaced on the Internet, Alexandra Polier issued a statement to The Associated Press, saying, "I have never had a relationship with Senator Kerry, and the rumors in the press are completely false."

Kerry already has denied reports that he had an extramarital affair. On Monday, his campaign said he would have no further comment.

Polier's statement was released to the AP in Nairobi, where the 27-year-old freelance journalist is visiting the parents of her fiance, Yaron Schwartzman, an Israeli who was raised in Kenya. She previously worked as an editorial assistant for the AP in New York.

"Whoever is spreading these rumors and allegations does not know me," Polier said, appealing to the media to respect her privacy and the privacy of her fiance and his family.

Polier also took issue with reports that referred to her as a former Kerry intern.

"I never interned or worked for John Kerry," she told AP over the phone.

In a separate statement, Polier's parents, Terry and Donna Polier of Malvern, Pa., dismissed the "completely false and unsubstantiated" allegations about their daughter.

"We love and support her 100 percent and these unfounded rumors are hurtful to our entire family," the statement said. "We appreciate the way Senator Kerry has handled the situation, and intend on voting for him for president of the United States."

The statement did not address purported quotes by Polier's parents in the British tabloid The Sun that were harshly critical of Kerry.

Kerry has won 14 of 16 Democratic primaries and caucuses, and is expected to be the Democratic challenger to President Bush in November.

Rumors of a relationship between Kerry and Polier first appeared Thursday on the Internet and were picked up by newspapers in several countries outside the United States. Few U.S. publications printed her name, however.

Asked Friday about the reports, Kerry told reporters: "I just deny it categorically. It's rumor. It's untrue. And that's the last time I intend" to respond to questions about it.

Regarding her silence until now, Polier said, "Because these stories were false, I assumed the media would ignore them. It seems that efforts to peddle these lies continue, so I feel compelled to address them."

By Monday, reporters and photographers were camped outside the Schwartzmans' Nairobi home, and at one point pursued the car of Yaron's mother, Hannah Schwartzman, as she left the walled compound.

Polier and Yaron Schwartzman met at Clark University, in Worcester, Mass. Polier graduated from Clark in 1999. She received her master's in journalism from Columbia in 2002. They arrived in Kenya last October.

posted on February 16, 2004 10:16:43 PM new
Nice quotes Fred.....I'm sure we'll be hearing and reading a LOT more things like that before this election is over.

Whatever their side does is A-okay... if the Republicans do it, that's different.

Posting it over and over won't make the story go away. Many like myself can remember all to easily that both monica and clinton denied it too until they were proven to have lied to us.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on February 16, 2004 10:20:05 PM new
"Many like myself ..."

There are no others like you, Linda.

posted on February 16, 2004 10:20:07 PM new

Smear, smear, smear. What about health care, jobs, deficits, the Iraq Debacle, education, and the environment?

posted on February 16, 2004 10:30:17 PM new
.I'm sure we'll be hearing and reading a LOT more things like that before this election is over.

How about 200,000 Vets. the day he accepts the nomination

posted on February 16, 2004 10:44:45 PM new
Linda_K:The difference between the two incidences is there was a published report in a book (I don't know if the ambassador was named, do you)that named a time and a place where the affair happened. And a known person, at least to the writer of the book, said he had set the tryst up. My 12th grade English teacher used to call those "concrete facts."

Drudge had no facts. He named newspapers and news organizations that were researching the story and quickly retracted those allegations. His facts changed like the weather here in Florida. His story was that other news organizations had a story. Stories published after the fact named Drudge as their source. The parents of the young lady and the lady herself said there was no substance to the rumors. Apparently quotes in the Sun attributed to the parents were untrue.

But I ask you this. Had President Bush committed adultery, would it have been anyone else's business other than his and his wife's? I would answer no to that question. And if your answer is yes, then what is your complaint that he was asked the question in the first place. If your answer is no I would guess that means Republicans should get a free ride.

You also state "It's the same thing going on now as went on when the democrats did it to Bush 2." Then you go on to name CNN, NBC, Newsweek, CBS, Stone Phillips, and Jonathan Alter. I have always thought these were news agencies and media representatives but I now find out they are Democrats.

But hey, lets not let facts get in the way. George Bush never did.

posted on February 16, 2004 10:47:27 PM new
"Guilty as Lieutenant Calley may have been of the actual act of murder, the verdict does not single out the real criminal ... the United States of America,"

"I committed the same kinds of atrocities as thousands of others," he told the network, "in that I shot in free-fire zones, fired .50-caliber machine bullets, used harass-and-interdiction fire, joined in search-and-destroy missions and burned villages."

Wow, I think we'll be hearing more about these quotes by "hero" Kerry in the future.


Liberals are unAmerican
[ edited by ebayauctionguy on Feb 16, 2004 10:48 PM ]
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