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posted on February 21, 2004 05:08:36 PM new
As long as the subject is now name calling...what's a "POS"?

Pretty Obvious Smartperson

Practically Ovulating Sexpartner


posted on February 21, 2004 05:14:06 PM new
"illogical minds and inability to think rationally."

It's a broad statement at best and yes it is an insult. I've no doubt you could be more insulting if you choose to do so.

It is not my logic. I have not filed a court case to make polygamy legal but someone else has. I do not plan to fight to make bisexuality legal but others are. I do not believe the definition of marriage or the legalities of it should be changed at all, but some people do. If you believe their logic is flawed in pursuing these things and for them using the legality of gay marriage, should it become legal, to launch their own fight for what the believe to be equal protection under the law. Then I suggest you set them straight on just how illogical their argument is. I also suggest you make it clear to your elected officials that you would not favor such an illogical move on their part and expect them to block any such attempts. For as you are surely aware, illogical or not, no matter which side of a given issue you are on, our government really does many illogical things.

posted on February 21, 2004 05:22:36 PM new

This may explain the problem with the argument about polygamy

Slippery Slope

posted on February 21, 2004 05:26:59 PM new
"POS" = Pissed Off Smith

posted on February 21, 2004 05:30:33 PM new
How can you possibly site a slippery slope Helen?
It's not a matter of it may happen or it could happen or it might just maybe happen. It IS happening. It's in the courts right now.

posted on February 21, 2004 05:41:14 PM new

How many cases?

posted on February 21, 2004 05:44:08 PM new
"The American Civil Liberties Union couldn't have put it any better. In fact, the ACLU agrees: it supports the repeal of all "laws prohibiting or penalizing the practice of plural marriage." How could it not? It believes that the state must not interfere with the intimate union of consenting adults. What difference does it make if those adults are two gay men or if they are a "fundamentalist" Mormon and his five wives?"

"He who says A must say B: No one who supports same-sex marriage can logically oppose the legalization of polygamy. If it is bigotry to insist that marriage be restricted to people of the opposite sex, it must be bigotry to insist that it be restricted to just two people. In some ways, the case for plural marriage is even stronger than the case for same-sex marriage. In much of the world, after all, polygamy is both lawful and common. And while the taboo against homosexuality reaches back to the Bible, there is no biblical injunction against multiple-wife marriage."


Legalize polygamy !!!!!!

Edited to add

The animals do it too.

[ edited by keiichem on Feb 21, 2004 05:45 PM ]
posted on February 21, 2004 05:50:49 PM new
Prof, my guesses are -
Pot O Sinners
People of Shame
Porcupines of Saskatchewan
Putrid Old Sweatpants

posted on February 21, 2004 05:52:14 PM new

What is the connection between homosexuality and polygamy.

posted on February 21, 2004 05:57:22 PM new
allow one-allow all.

posted on February 21, 2004 06:01:44 PM new
"allow one-allow all."

Like little children asking what's allowed? Can't we decide for ourselves without someone giving us permission or checking to see if it's OK with God?

posted on February 21, 2004 06:07:46 PM new
LOL, they seem to think that queers getting married aren't connected to anything other... I brought that up before and others have brought that up before,
If we allow queers to be married then anyone or anyones will be next.. the list is endless...

But that is what they want no boundries... Kraft people like you are so naive.... it is laughable you have made it to the age you have...


posted on February 21, 2004 06:09:14 PM new
Little child asketh "whats allowed"

I sayeth " Anything!!! as long as it ends at the tip of your nose"

posted on February 21, 2004 06:15:00 PM new
What difference does it make how many cases? All it takes is one to make it to the supreme court.

I'm not aware of any connection between polygamy and homosexuality. The only thing they have in common is that neither is allowed to carry out their particular beliefs in a lawful marriage. Why should gays have their beliefs legalized in a marriage union recognized by the government but polygamists not? Why should heterosexuals be allowed to live in polygamy but bisexuals or gays not?

posted on February 21, 2004 06:16:59 PM new
posted on February 21, 2004 05:52:14 PM new

What is the connection between homosexuality and polygamy.

we have tried polygamy,we have tried homosexuality in ancient time,read the bible.
they have male prostitutes near the temple.
why do you think moses take the jews into the desert for 40 years-ethnic cleansing!!
-sig file -------the lobster in the boiling pot of water who tries to prevent the others from climbing out.
posted on February 21, 2004 06:17:54 PM new
How would you know how laughably naive I am Twelve(Mr. Transparent)Pole, since you have me on Ignore?

My opinions are probably right on target. If they weren't you wouldn't talk about me so much.

posted on February 21, 2004 06:17:59 PM new

POS = Pretty Obvious Sycophant

posted on February 22, 2004 03:35:57 AM new
POS= Piece Of Sh*t

I calls'em like I sees'em... Canada and 99% Canucks are POS only ones that aren't are in the Hospital doing the world a favor and dying...


posted on February 22, 2004 05:37:03 AM new
I am glad this topic has made some of us question our beliefs. I feel that can be healthy for everyone in the long run.

If we allow queers to be married then anyone or anyones will be next.. the list is endless...

If some of you feel this is true, then why not outlaw all types of marriages all together. In other words get rid of the entire concept of marriage. Everyone would be equal at that point and there would be no slippery slope to go down.

Marriage is a Human Right not a Heterosexual Privledge

Bigotry and hate will not be tolerated.
posted on February 22, 2004 05:41:19 AM new
I posed this question yesterday and have't received a reply to it. Is it because what has happened in San Fransisco has had no effect on anyone's normal daily routines?

Let's put this in perspective.

In the past week over 3,000 gay couples have gotten married in California. Without debating whether or not it is legal, how has your life changed now that 3,000 gay couples have been married?

Has the marriage of 3,000 gay couples caused you any physical harm? Has it caused you to stop doing anything different in your normal daily routine?

Except for making you think and question your beliefs how was it affected your own personal life?

How would your life be different right now, if it was 3000 straight couples that got married within the past week?

Linda, Shoes, Twelve how would you respond?

Marriage is a Human Right not a Heterosexual Privledge

Bigotry and hate will not be tolerated.
posted on February 22, 2004 06:08:42 AM new
Logansdad are you a queer?

I answered your question, personally I find offensive that those 3000 deviants have disgraced the tradition of marriage...

It has shaken my belief that laws in this land need to be followed just because we don't agree with them. Therefore anyone that shoots down one of those illegal queers as they leave the court house should be left alone... after all they have shown that we can pick and choose what laws we want to follow.

If queers don't want to live within the law, then don't cry when one of you are tied behind a truck and dragged down the road.

After all that wouldn't affect my life either... in your warped concept of the world.


posted on February 22, 2004 06:19:13 AM new
i just have a question on gay marriages-
we all know about AIDS,have we found the medicine which cures aids??
are gay couples going to practice safe sex all their life??
heterosexual couples do not practice safe sex after marriage.
-sig file -------the lobster in the boiling pot of water who tries to prevent the others from climbing out.
posted on February 22, 2004 06:21:03 AM new
Helen, I liked your quote by Mark Twain.

Prof, so thrilled somebody asked what POS was (thought it an acronym like lol that I had yet to learn somewhere in my vast web experience. ha-ha!)

twelve, you are such a righteous and angry man - but I dont see how you ever get to change anything with this attitude. (Do you ever wake up and say; "The world's alright today. I CAN be content to be here regardless to what? Or do you have find SOMEBODY to call a POS to feel alright?)

Logan, one thing I'd like to point out to you is; people who call themselves Christian and mean it (not like politicians) cannot split themselves from their beliefs. It is very much who they are, and what bases their thinking and actions follow. So is it a religious issue? Yes, for a great many. For those who are not fundamentally religious, I gave you the reason for not wanting it called marriage. For me, I would prefer if "marriage" between homosexuals and heterosexuals does not mean the same thing. (I think the laws of marriage were originally created basically to protect kids from being illegitimate and thats something only straight couples will continue to do, is produce their own children.) Pat said thats like saying I wont share the sandbox. Maybe so, but I need the difference clarified. I am not saying you cannot have your own sandbox with the same sand and shovels as in the sandbox I am in.

Why you have to take the name of marriage that I have with a being of the opposite gender than myself, who leaves the toilet lid up, or uses logic that totally baffles me at times; and say its the same as two men together, or two women together does not ring true to me. I'm sorry, if you say its the exact same, you lie.

Logan, I didnt answer right away because I've only been on the computer sporadically the last couple of days.

And no it hasnt affected or effected my life at all. And as much as I dont think twelvepole is too right in the head and all around, I agree that we have laws in place to be followed. By everybody.
[ edited by neroter12 on Feb 22, 2004 06:33 AM ]
posted on February 22, 2004 06:27:07 AM new
only time will tell if gay marriages will survive.
just think of a new industry of mercenary women who will have their babies for a fee,what ever happen to those women who said they will sell their aborted fetus for its growth hormone?/
what about bisexual men??can they practise polygamy or have a woman as wife and man as mistress or vice versa??
-sig file -------the lobster in the boiling pot of water who tries to prevent the others from climbing out.
posted on February 22, 2004 06:32:32 AM new
No neuroter I cannot do that, people who do that soon become apathetic to what is happening in the US today... it is not "all right" and has not be "all right" for many many years...

That is the reason why queers can even think of themselves as equals, because people have become apathetic to their repugnancy...

posted on February 22, 2004 06:39:02 AM new
Twelve, I am not apathic but there are some days when I could care less what anybody says or is doing and I feel just fine inside my own skin.

I am sorry you dont know this feeling. Its wonderful!

posted on February 22, 2004 06:49:51 AM new
I will find my peace when the Lord calls me home...

Until then apathy is apathy... one day or seven...


posted on February 22, 2004 07:04:33 AM new
No you didnt answer the question. All you do and have done is give your opinion that being gay is wrong. Fine that is your opinion. But unless you can tell me how 3000 gays getting married has brought hardship onto your life, you haven't answered the question.

Marriage is a Human Right not a Heterosexual Privledge

Bigotry and hate will not be tolerated.
posted on February 22, 2004 07:29:31 AM new
it does not have to be hardship to individual,it could be the whole society going down one path to???
when the russians came to the aleutian islands off alaska coast,they found the natives practising -
there are male,female and she-male.
male take she-male on hunting trip which could last months,during that period,she-male take care of the camp,clean and cook and keep the male warm at nite.
she male is strongth enough to fend for himself and do not get pregnant,freeing the male to devote more time on hunting ,afterall this is the whole purpose of the trip-bring home the bacon!!
in some part of africa,a single woman staying at home will have sex with her brother in law ,not her brothers or father.
think of it.
-sig file -------the lobster in the boiling pot of water who tries to prevent the others from climbing out.
[ edited by stopwhining on Feb 22, 2004 07:30 AM ]
posted on February 22, 2004 07:31:04 AM new
And no it hasn't affected or effected my life at all. And as much as I don't think twelvepole is too right in the head and all around, I agree that we have laws in place to be followed. By everybody.

Thanks for answering the question. I do agree that laws need to be followed otherwise we would have anarchy. I wasn't trying to debate the legal issue on this. However, the 3000 people that did get married have no effect on my everyday life. I don't even know who they are or where they live. I don't care because it has no direct impact on my life. People are free to do what they want.

If 3,000 straight couples got married within the past week, would it have made a difference on my life? If 3000 babies were aborted this week would it have effected my life? Absolutely not.

People have different views on a lot of different issues - abortion, the death penalty. Does this stop people from living their own personal lives the way they want? No.

People have used the slippery slope issue:
There are straight couples now in threesomes, multiple partner relationships, master/slave relationships and I am sure there are thousands of other fetishes that are out there. This all happened before the "gay marriage issue" ever came about. I don't see how this will change now.
Along the same lines: if there is constitutional amendment defining marriage between a man and a woman. How do we know the government won't take that one step further to define marriage between like races or only say marriage is allowed between couples 21-40? We don't. But there is always that possibility.

People have said there has said values have decreased over the years. Yes, I would agree to that. Today's society does not have the same morals/values as did the generation from the 50's and 60's. However, we need to look at what has caused that change. Could it be that the "family unit" has changed? Your typical family today has two working parents. Children spend more time in front the TV playing violent video games than the did years ago. In my opinion it the parents who are to blame for today's decay of moral values. Parents do not spend enough time with their kids. Parents expect teachers to babysit and educate their kids for them. This is my opinion, but I am not telling parents how they should raise their kids. I have my personal opinions just like everyone else.

Neo, I just wanted to add that I am aware you did not bring up all these issues, but I wanted to address some of these issues at once.

Marriage is a Human Right not a Heterosexual Privledge

Bigotry and hate will not be tolerated.
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