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posted on March 24, 2004 04:28:20 PM new
NORFOLK, Va. - The animal-rights activists who once suggested Ronald McDonald was a bloody butcher are going after Colonel Sanders, contending cruelty is the "secret recipe" for KFC's fried chicken.

Starting next month, Norfolk-based People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals plans to hand out "Buckets of Blood" to children outside KFC restaurants and at schools near the restaurants. The buckets are part of PETA's campaign against what it says are farming and slaughter abuses by KFC's suppliers.

The 5-inch-tall, red-and-white striped containers mimic KFC's buckets. But instead of fried chicken, each is filled with items including a bag of fake blood and bones, a bloodied plastic chicken and a cardboard caricature of a blood-spattered Colonel Sanders holding a butcher knife toward a terrified-looking chicken.

Labels on the bucket proclaim, "Shhh! The 'secret recipe' in this bucket of body parts is ... cruelty" and "The Colonel's secret recipe: live scalding, painful debeaking, crippled chickens."

KFC spokeswoman Bonnie Warschauer initially said, "We don't comment on the corporate terrorist activities of PETA. They are corporate terrorists and just like the United States government, we will not negotiate with corporate terrorists."

Warschauer added that "PETA has totally crossed the line of free speech and acceptable behavior" and "all they want is a vegetarian world."

"They misrepresent the truth about our responsible, industry-leading animal welfare standards," she said. "We're committed to the humane treatment of chickens."

KFC, part of Louisville, Ky.-based Yum! Brands Inc., has an animal welfare advisory council made up of highly regarded experts, Warschauer said. She added that while the company does not own chicken farms, it monitors suppliers to determine whether they are using humane procedures.

PETA spokesman Bruce Friedrich said the campaign is "about getting KFC to stop supporting abuse of chickens that shocks the conscience of any kind person."

A label on the bucket says "Just for you, KFC's suppliers cram thousands of chickens into filthy sheds, sear baby chicks' beaks off with a hot wire, slam the birds into crates (breaking their wings and legs), slice their throats open and scald them to death while they're still conscious. Enjoy."

The buckets are reminiscent of the "Unhappy Meals" PETA began distributing in 2000 as part of a public relations assault against McDonald's. The boxes, similar to the Happy Meals that McDonald's serves to children, contained a stuffed doll that looked like Ronald McDonald holding a bloody butcher's knife.

PETA suspended its campaign against McDonald's in response to an announcement by the fast-food chain that it would improve living conditions for its chickens. McDonald's officials said PETA had nothing to do with its initiative.

PETA plans to begin handing out the buckets on the West Coast and in the Midwest in mid- to late April, then branch out from there, Friedrich said. PETA eventually will have people distributing the buckets all over North America as well as in Australia, India, the United Kingdom and South Africa, he said.
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If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on March 24, 2004 05:06:30 PM new
It's too bad PETA has to be so radical to get people to understand what happens to these animals. Animals feel pain and get frightened and scared just like your pet. They don't deserve to be treated this way, so I support PETA's actions all the way.

LoL at your 'what you're up to' post, Fenix!

posted on March 24, 2004 06:44:47 PM new
May someone show what pain is to all those peta people...

GD rediculous... hell now I will go get a bucket of KFC just for spite...


posted on March 24, 2004 07:14:36 PM new
"May someone show what pain is to all those peta people..."

Sure. Do you have any pictures of yourself?

posted on March 24, 2004 08:08:07 PM new

[ edited by Twelvepole on Mar 24, 2004 08:15 PM ]
posted on March 24, 2004 08:27:38 PM new
Hey Ms. leftist kraftdinner hypocrite.

You play both sides of the coin like most leftists. Ever heard of oscar mayer or Louis Rich meats. Guess what, those are KRAFT companies.

Support Terrorists. That is exactly what you are doing. Dump PETA. Eat a steak.

[ edited by stonecold613 on Mar 26, 2004 04:33 AM ]
posted on March 24, 2004 09:00:10 PM new
Stonecold, like I don't own Kraft Foods or anything, so how am I a hypocrite? Also, I'm female so the Mr. part is wrong also. The leftist part is correct.

posted on March 25, 2004 03:07:41 AM new
kraft is I believe vegitarian...

Animals have been bred for years for food... nothing new here.. just the terrorist group PETA...


posted on March 25, 2004 04:22:55 AM new
Your post doesn't make any sense stonecold. Please elaborate. What do Kraft companies have to do with KFC and PETA?

posted on March 25, 2004 06:38:07 AM new
I wonder how many in PETA actually eat meat.

Impeach Bush

Marriage is a Human Right not a Heterosexual Privledge.
Bigotry and hate will not be tolerated.
posted on March 25, 2004 07:40:40 AM new
The people who actively take actions like this:

hand out "Buckets of Blood" to children

only prove to all they are sick fanatics who are NUTS and wish to use scare tactics to get others to follow their way of thinking.

If they don't want to eat animals..that's their choice. But to work at forcing their beliefs on little children with 'buckets of blood' crosses the line of sanity, imo.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on March 25, 2004 10:47:08 AM new

With their buckets of blood they are learning how to be little terrorists.

posted on March 25, 2004 11:29:47 AM new
I don't agree. They're learning that those who are actively envolved with PETA will do anything no matter the affect it has on young children - who by the way - don't purchase their food. Their parents do.

PETA has become a joke. They're looking to more and more people with common sense just like those the left sees at the abortion clinics [who oppose abortion]. People who've gone over the edge....fanatics.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on March 25, 2004 11:41:01 AM new
I don't agree (of course!) Linda. This problem isn't going to just dissappear. It's not eating meat that's so bad, it's conditions under which these animals, that are for food, are treated while they're alive. Would you be willing to let you pet spend a day living under these conditions? What's the difference?

posted on March 25, 2004 12:01:05 PM new
I wonder how many in PETA actually eat meat.

I wonder what it would be like to eat PETA . I start with all the young virgins first then work my way up to the old hens.

These people are all nuts!

Re-elect Arthur Den Dragon
posted on March 25, 2004 12:41:17 PM new
What's nuts about them, Trai? Are the things they campaign against false? Would you rather have them doing this to educate the young, or would you rather children watch slaughterhouse films and films about the conditions these poor creatures have to live under? How do you get the truth out to people? Adults don't seem to want to change so you have to go after the young and misinformed.

I dare anyone to watch one of these films and come away with the same convictions you had before you watched it.

Go ahead and eat all the chicken you want, but have a heart for the sacrifices these animals had to go through so you could have an overstuffed belly.

posted on March 25, 2004 12:55:42 PM new
Whats nuts about them? Check out the type of tactics they use and you should not have to ask. Radical comes to mind.
One can use better means to educate as there is always room to improve.

As much as I feel that any animal should not have to suffer I do draw the line at some of these idiots that want to give human rights to animals.
In this case we are talking about chickens here and not about small children.

There is such a thing as going overboard with this kind of stunt.

Re-elect Arthur Den Dragon
posted on March 25, 2004 01:02:51 PM new
What better means to educate, Trai? People aren't getting educated at ALL about what happens in the commercial meat industry. If you wanted to educate your child, what would you tell them? Especially an adult who's blinded by the industry - what do they tell their children if they don't know themselves?

posted on March 25, 2004 01:20:57 PM new
KD - Would you be willing to let you pet spend a day living under these conditions? What's the difference?

The difference is these animals are raised for our consumption....not as pets.

But I like this statement even more. lol:

Would you rather have them doing this to educate the young, or would you rather children watch slaughterhouse films and films about the conditions these poor creatures have to live under? Those aren't the only two choices to get this agenda out.

How do you get the truth out to people? They way it's normally done usually works just fine.

Adults don't seem to want to change so you have to go after the young and misinformed.

Go after? Yea....with blood and scare tactics....real nice thing to do to young children.

The truth has already been given to the public. Since adult's don't WANT TO CHANGE....now you and the PETA fanatics think they should be FORCED? lol

Maybe everyone who eats meat should be required to sign a note saying "I understand....and I still choose to eat meat". Then their children won't have to have these nuts taking these un-necessary actions.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on March 25, 2004 01:24:18 PM new
Starting next month, Norfolk-based People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals plans to hand out "Buckets of Blood" to children outside KFC restaurants and at schools near the restaurants.

If some idiot walked up to "my kid" and handed over a "bucket of blood" to upset them then there would be a heavy price to pay right on the spot.
I suffer no fool gladly!

would you rather children watch slaughterhouse films and films about the conditions these poor creatures have to live under? How do you get the truth out to people?

Besides films, have you ever gone to visit farms? While Im sure some producers are not up to snuff Im not convinced that this is a Industry wide problem. Would the taxpayer be willing to pay more so that the farmer can build larger pens? It all costs a lot of money.

As stated before there is always means to improve but at what price. So who will pay?

We are talking about a no brain chicken here right?

Re-elect Arthur Den Dragon

[ edited by trai on Mar 25, 2004 01:26 PM ]
posted on March 25, 2004 01:48:20 PM new
I still don't understand how you get people, that have been conditioned to think commercially raised animals are raised properly, to educate their children about the real abuses. Whether or not we eat an animal or we choose to have one as a pet, it shouldn't make any difference as to it being treated well. Children understand this. Many adults don't.

I think everyone should have free choice in what they eat, but a choice that's based on the truth. And if you know what the truth is, you shouldn't have any problem sharing that with your children. Has anyone here discussed the truth about how these animals are raised with their children?

posted on March 25, 2004 02:09:11 PM new
KD - Maybe you could consider how you feel when someone is trying to *force* their way of thinking on you. Then just reverse that to see how others feel about seeing these nuts are targeting CHILDREN in this manner.

If this issue is important enough to parents, yes, they will discuss it with their children. If it's not...that's THEIR choice.

It appears you support *FORCING* them to hear it from groups like PETA in this manner. But I'd bet you wouldn't agree to have any form of religion FORCED on our young children so they could make up their own minds, would you? It's no different, KD.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on March 25, 2004 02:29:06 PM new
Besides films, have you ever gone to visit farms? While Im sure some producers are not up to snuff Im not convinced that this is a Industry wide problem.

Trust me, it is.I have been personally involved in the livestock industry all of my life. I have relatives in the poultry business. It's not pretty and it's not humane.

PETA is the only organization that's going to bat for the humane treatment of non-pet animals. I respect them for that and agree with them in spirit. This time though ,they've gone too far.

It's going to take "radicals" to bring about an awareness of the inhumanity of this industry. Nobody really wants to know about it. I think most people feel like as long as the boneless skinless breasts are cheap, who cares how the animal lived it's life?

statements like,

We are talking about a no brain chicken here right?

Are the proof of that ignorant attitude.


posted on March 25, 2004 02:31:13 PM new
I didn't hear they were forcing children to take these packages. Just like people that hand out flyers on the street, nobody forces anyone to take one. If parents have educated their children about the truth in their Happy Meals and chicken wings, then these packages shouldn't shock any of them, right?

You talk about proper education regarding these matters - please tell me what you mean, Linda.

posted on March 25, 2004 03:01:42 PM new
shouldn't shock any of them?

No...no more than showing the bloodly bodies of partial term abortions would to YOUNG children to make a point. What they're doing is much more than handing out fliers. It's nuts KD nuts.

Proper education? I don't think I used those words but paying for media exposure or doing as you said..printing up flier and mailing them out.

They are targeting young children with scare tactics....what don't you get about that approach being frightening to young children?

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on March 25, 2004 03:09:57 PM new
Trai I agree with you, if I had a child and this lunatic tried to hand them something like that... I hand them a fist to the face...

Profe it may seem inhumane, however we are not prepared to pay the cost those eggs and meat would be if they were not "farmed" that way.

Look at beef prices... going up everyday until they price themselves out. Pork is the more reasonable priced "red" meat now.

Oh and kd I am wondering if you have ever been to a chicken fight?
Now that would probably curl your hair LOL

and yes I have been to them... used to be legal in KY, not sure if they still are or not...


[ edited by Twelvepole on Mar 25, 2004 03:12 PM ]
posted on March 25, 2004 03:15:44 PM new
But Linda, this kind of stuff isn't taught in schools. Something so basic as to what you put in your mouth, should be part of what everyone who eats, is taught. Children make decisions based on what they're taught. If certain things are left out to make things seem better than they really are, what kind of truth is that? Who fills in the gaps for these children if parents won't tell them? IMO, children should be taught about abortion and some of the horrors in life. And as grown-ups, we shouldn't feel need to have the wool pulled over our own eyes to avoid these realities.

posted on March 25, 2004 03:29:00 PM new
KD - Come on.....you won't convince me that if some lunatic was doing what I suggested out side a business....say Planned Parenthood ...you wouldn't be having a fit about that.

But Linda, this kind of stuff isn't taught in schools. No...we're having enough trouble teaching them to read before graduation, they don't need more issue brought before them.

Something so basic as to what you put in your mouth, should be part of what everyone who eats, is taught.

There are many things that should be taught....we're not speaking of teaching...we're speaking of SCARE TACTICS being used on children.

Children make decisions based on what they're taught. If certain things are left out to make things seem better than they really are, what kind of truth is that? Who fills in the gaps for these children if parents won't tell them?

KD, so far we're not a police state where it's the governments job to teach our children everything, that's what parents are for. IF this is important to them their children will be taught. If it's not....it's not. There's no list of 'have to teach all this information to a child before they grow up'...there are somethings they will learn all by themselves and maybe even after they've entered adulthood.

IMO, children should be taught about abortion and some of the horrors in life. And as grown-ups, we shouldn't feel need to have the wool pulled over our own eyes to avoid these realities. I don't think it's anyone trying to pull the wool over anyone's eyes. I think most people just don't care.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on March 25, 2004 04:01:32 PM new
Are the proof of that ignorant attitude.

Are you calling me Ignorant now? I do not call you that just because you express a opinion. Show me a smart chicken!

PETA is the only organization that's going to bat for the humane treatment of non-pet animals

I'm all in favor of "humane" treatment of animals but how does one agree what is humane treatment. For me its giving them more room in the pens.

Other people will not be happy unless you supply said chickens with an easy chair, cable T.V. and a subscription to "Rooster" monthly magazine. [Stud of the week]

Re-elect Arthur Den Dragon
posted on March 25, 2004 05:14:31 PM new
Linda, The problem is that nobody does anything about these issues or a group like PETA wouldn't be necessary. Like I said, next time you take a bite of meat, try to remember the sacrifices that animal went through for you. You can only ignore something like this for so long.

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