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posted on April 18, 2004 09:14:07 PM new
March 30. 2004

U.S. Senator Zell Miller
Floor Statement: 'A House Divided Cannot Stand'
Remarks as Delivered on the Senate Floor

After watching the harsh acrimony generated by the September 11 Commission – which, let me say at the outset, is made up of good and able members – I’ve come to seriously question this panel’s usefulness.

I believe it will ultimately play a role in doing great harm to this country, for its unintended consequences, I fear, will be to energize our enemies and demoralize our troops.

After being drowned in a tidal wave of all who didn’t do enough before 9/11, I have come to believe that the Commission should issue a report that says: “No one did enough in the past. No one did near enough.”

Then thank everyone for serving, send them home and let’s get on with the job of protecting this country in the future.

Tragically, these hearings have proved to be a very divisive diversion for this country. Tragically, they have devoured valuable time, looking backwards when we should be looking forward.

Can you imagine handling the attack on Pearl Harbor this way? Can you imagine Congress, the media and the public standing for this kind of political gamesmanship and finger pointing after that “day of infamy” in 1941?

Some partisans tried that ploy, but they were soon quieted by the patriots who understood how important it was to get on with the war and take the battle to America’s enemies, and not dwell on what FDR knew when.

You see, back then the highest priority was to win a war, not win an election. That’s what made them “The Greatest Generation.”

I realize that many well-meaning Americans see the hearings as “democracy in action.” Years ago, when I was teaching political science, I probably would have had my class watching it live on television and using that very phrase with them.

There are also the not-so-well-meaning political operatives who see these hearings as an opportunity to “score cheap points.”

Then, there are the Media Meddlers who see this as “great theater” that can be played out on the evening news and on endless talk shows for a week or more.

Congressional hearings have long been one of Washington’s most entertaining pastimes. Joe McCarthy. Watergate. Iran Contra. They all kept us glued to the TV, and made for conversation around the water coolers and arguments over a beer at the corner pub.

A Congressional hearing in Washington, D.C. is the ultimate aphrodisiac for political groupies and partisan punks.

But, it’s not the groupies, punks and television-sotted American public that I’m worried about. This latter crowd can get excited and divided over just about anything. Whether it’s some off-key wanna-be dreaming of being the American Idol, or what brainless bimbo The Bachelor or Average Joe will choose or who will Donald Trump fire next week.

No, it is the real enemies of America that I’m concerned about.

These evil killers who right now, right now are gleefully watching the shrill partisan finger pointing of these hearings and grinning like a mule eating briars.

They see this as a major split within the Great Satan America. They see anger, they see division, instability, bickering, peevishness and dissension.

They see the President of the United States hammered unmercifully. They see all this and they are greatly, greatly encouraged.

We should not be doing anything to encourage our enemies in this battle between good and evil. Yet, these hearings, in my opinion, are doing just that.

We are playing with fire. We’re playing directly into the hands of our enemy by allowing these hearings to become the great divider they have become.

Dick Clarke’s book and its release coinciding with these hearings have done this country a tremendous disservice, and someday we will reap its whirlwind.

Long ago, Sir Walter Scott observed that revenge is “the sweetest morsel that ever was cooked in hell.”

The vindictive Clarke has now had his revenge, but what kind of hell has he, his CBS publisher and his axe-to-grind advocates unleashed?

These hearings, coming on the heels of the election the terrorists influenced in Spain, bolster and energize our evil enemies as they have not been energized since 9/11.

Chances are very good that these evil enemies of America will attempt to influence our 2004 election in a similar dramatic way as they did Spain’s. And to think that could never be in this country is to stick your head in the sand.

That is why the sooner we stop this endless bickering over the past and join together to prepare for the future, the better off this country will be. There are some things - whether this city believes it or not - that are just more important than political campaigns.

The recent past is so ripe for political second-guessing “gotcha” and Monday morning quarter-backing. And it is so tempting in an election year. We should not allow ourselves to indulge that temptation. We should put our country first.

Every administration from Jimmy Carter to George W. Bush bears some of the blame. Dick Clarke bears a big heap of it because it was he who was in the catbird’s seat to do something about it for more than a decade. Tragically, it was the decade in which we did the least.

We did nothing after terrorists attacked the World Trade Center in 1993, killing six and injuring more than 1,000 Americans.

We did nothing in 1996 when sixteen U.S. servicemen were killed in the bombing of the Khobar Towers.

When our embassies were attacked in 1998, killing 263 people, our only response was to fire a few missiles on an empty tent.

Is it any wonder? Is it any wonder that after that decade of weak-willed responses to that murderous terror, our enemies thought we would never fight back?

In the 1990's is when Dick Clarke should have resigned. In the 1990's is when he should have apologized. That is when he should have written his book. That is, if he really had America’s best interest at heart.

Some will say, “We owe it to the families” to get more information about what happened in the past and I can understand that. But no amount of finger-pointing will bring our victims back.

So, now we owe it to future families and all of America now in jeopardy not to encourage more terrorists, resulting in even more grieving families, perhaps many more over the ones of 9/11.

It’s obvious to me that this country is rapidly dividing itself into two camps: the wimps and the warriors.

The ones who want to argue and assess and appease, and the ones who want to carry this fight to our enemies and kill him them before they kill us. And, in case you haven’t figured it out, I proudly belong to the latter.

This is a time like no other in the history of this country, and this country is being crippled with petty partisan politics of the worst possible kind. In time of war, it is not just unpatriotic; it is stupid, and it is criminal.

So, I pray that all this time, all this energy, all this talk and all this attention could be focused on the future instead of the past.

I pray we would stop pointing fingers, assigning blame and wringing our hands about what happened on that day David McCullogh has called “the worst day in our history” more than two years ago.

And instead, pour all of our energy into how we can kill these terrorists before they kill us - again.

For make no mistake about it. They watch these hearings. They are scheming and smiling about the distraction and the divisiveness they see in America. And while they may not know who said it years ago in America, they know instinctively that a house divided cannot stand.

There is one other group that we should remember is listening to all of this - our troops.
I was in Iraq in January and one day when I was meeting with the 1st Armored Division, a unit with a proud history known as Old Ironsides, we were discussing troop morale, and the Commanding General said it was top notch.

And I turned to the Division’s Sergeant Major, the top enlisted man in the division, a big, burly, 6-foot-3, 240 pound African American and I said, “That’s good, but how do you sustain that kind of morale?”

Without hesitation he narrowed his eyes, and he looked at me and said “The morale will stay high just as long as these troops know the people back home support us.”

Just as long as the people back home support us. What kind of message are these hearings and the outrageously political speeches on the floor of the Senate yesterday sending to those marvelous young Americans in the uniform of our country?

I say Unite America! Before it is too late! Put aside these petty partisan differences when it comes to the protection of our people.

Argue and argue and argue and debate and debate and debate over all the other things – jobs and education and the deficit and the environment – but please, please do not use the lives of Americans and the security of this country as a cheap-shot political talking point.

Sorry for the long post. btw Sen Miller is a Democrat from Georgia
posted on April 18, 2004 09:15:06 PM new
ooops link

posted on April 18, 2004 09:39:59 PM new
He's a very wise man. It does this ol' heart good to see that there are still a few who can see what's really happening to our country....and how much our enemies are enjoying watching our divided nation.

United we stand? Not anymore.

Kind of like siblings....used to be when you picked on your 'family member' that was okay. But boy let someone else pick on them and you'd be right there...on their side against their foe. Not anymore....now too many, imo, are agreeing with the foe...against their own country when THIS foe wants our country destroyed.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on April 18, 2004 09:45:42 PM new
Great Post. Now let's see who comes in to challange that. Thanks Nearthesea for the link. He has a great biography.

posted on April 18, 2004 09:53:15 PM new
Linda, yep, thats how I see it. I like this guy

Libra, I read his biography, now why isn't THIS guy running for President as a Democrat?

I also like his passion for baseball

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known."- Carl Sagan
posted on April 18, 2004 09:58:54 PM new
Thanks for posting that, NearTheSea

I've been wondering about this lately and yesterday when I commented about Tenet's claim that it will be at least five years before America can fully prepare itself for another attack I asked if this was something they would want the enemy to know though I'm certain they are aware of it.

Yes, I do think of the enemy watching everything while they make their plans and they study the weaknesses of the people and the governments of the US and Canada.

I wonder how there can be a true stand of support from everyone when so many are aware of past faults and current faults of the administrations. I think it's good that questions are asked otherwise there are no safeguards. We put our trust in the government to protect us and they failed so now I think we all have to work together so it doesn't happen again. Not sure how to do it but a start would be to have the right people in government, the ones that want what's best for the people. There aren't many choices when it comes to voting though.

And yes, I fully agree that we should continue to support all the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. I haven't met anyone yet that doesn't.

posted on April 18, 2004 10:15:04 PM new
kiara says: We put our trust in the government to protect us and they failed

So very, very easy to blame with 20/20 hindsight. No one...republican, democrat nor Indepentant wouldn't have stopped this if it were at all possible. We're too open a country to protect everything and everyone from those who have intentions to destroy us.

but a start would be to have the right people in government, the ones that want what's best for the people.

And they're already in office. The ones that don't sit back and wring there hands wondering what to do....but leaders who take action like this President has done.

And yes, I fully agree that we should continue to support all the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. I haven't met anyone yet that doesn't. LOL

Then let me introduce you to helen....she's great at pointing out everything our country does wrong.

Re-elect President Bush!!

[ edited by Linda_K on Apr 18, 2004 10:17 PM ]
posted on April 18, 2004 10:29:38 PM new
Helen doesn't support the troops? That's the first I've heard. Where did she say that??

posted on April 18, 2004 10:33:04 PM new

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on April 18, 2004 10:35:07 PM new
kiara says: We put our trust in the government to protect us and they failed

Let me add my 2 cents to Linda's point. We are virtually defenseless in our free and open countries. Once a suicidal terrorist is here with a weapon, there's not much we can do to stop him from blowing up a movie theater or shooting up a grocery store.

That's why we have to bring the fight to the enemy and kill them before they can make it over here.

posted on April 18, 2004 10:46:14 PM new
This is how I see it, this 9-11 panel

What the 'intelligence' gathered is their may be a hijacking

OK, what was the Bush Admin to do? shut down every flight after getting that report? NO ONE, Not one person, had thought, they would not only hijack, but use those plane(s) as weapons.
How could this ever have been prevented?
Shutting down all the airlines for the days after 9-11 crippled the U.S. more than anyone could imagine. And YES, it effected the economy. And that is the Bushs' Administration's fault also.

On Sen Millers speech:

No, it is the real enemies of America that I’m concerned about.These evil killers who right now, right now are gleefully watching the shrill partisan finger pointing of these hearings and grinning like a mule eating briars.They see this as a major split within the Great Satan America. They see anger, they see division, instability, bickering, peevishness and dissension.They see the President of the United States hammered unmercifully. They see all this and they are greatly, greatly encouraged.We should not be doing anything to encourage our enemies in this battle between good and evil. Yet, these hearings, in my opinion, are doing just that.

We are playing with fire. We’re playing directly into the hands of our enemy by allowing these hearings to become the great divider they have become.

This man has done a great service by this speech. But is ANYONE listening?

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known."- Carl Sagan
posted on April 18, 2004 11:19:12 PM new
Many in his party think of him as a trader to his party. Zell Miller is a big supporter of President Bush, and as are many other Democrats are working for his reelection.


posted on April 19, 2004 03:09:17 AM new
And yes, I fully agree that we should continue to support all the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan

We're talking about US troops Kiara, not the taliban or insurgents...

Your support for those two organizations is quite apparent.

You and baghdad helen should be quite proud of yourselves in the deaths of many a brave US soldier...


[ edited by Twelvepole on Apr 19, 2004 04:36 AM ]
posted on April 19, 2004 07:52:04 AM new
That good ole Georgia cracker Zell Miller is full of himself.

The 9-11 Commission must do a thorough and public job. There should be some heads roll in the Bush Admin too. CIA, INS, and FBI heads should be the first to go.

We were not the victims of some powerful group of terrorists.

We were the victims of our own complacency expertly used by OBL and company.

All the laws and information we needed to stop the 9-11 attacks were already in place before 9-11.

Had we enforced our immigration laws, all of the terrorists would have been stopped upon entering or would have been deported before long 9-11.

We have millions here now illegally and what does Bush do ? He proposes to give them legal status. His brother proposed giving them driver's licenses.

Now with the "Patriot" Act, all of us legal law abiding citizens are being asked to give up our civil liberties so that the FBI can use the Act to nail a two-bit whorehouse in New Orleans.

If al Qaeda had the ability to attack here in the US, they would have done so by now. If al Qaeda had any WOMDs, they would have used them by now.

And if we want to get al Qaeda, why do we have all these troops tied down in Iraq ?

Bush's "war on terrorism" has been a fiasco. We crumbled some mud huts in Afghanstan that comprised the Taliban government and we still don't have that country stabilized. We haven't caught the al Qaeda leadership, and it appears that Pakistan may be more of a problem than Afghanistan.

In democracies you must be open and free to air problems in government or you can not make the necessary changes.

If supporting Bush means quashing public debate, then it is a pathetic re-election strategy and one that most voters can see through.

When the news isn't in Bush's favor, it's not time to stop the news, it's time to elect a different president.

Bush is starting to sound and act like Nixon.

posted on April 19, 2004 08:12:33 AM new
When I said the governments failed us, Canada and the US both let terrorists into their countries. When some came through Canada and into the US they were not checked out by the US Customs as they should have been. Others were (and still are) working and living in the US on expired Visas and no one is checking them, even after what has happened. Remember the ones in the flight schools?

Lou Dobbs on CNN reported last week about the hundreds of illegal immigrants flooding into the US and now hundreds more are coming in from Brazil daily. If caught, there are no holding facilities for them as it's already too crowded so they are set free onto the streets and into society. The US government has virtually given up on trying to stop the problem because they don't have the means or political will to deal with it.

posted on April 19, 2004 09:03:43 AM new
Many in his party think of him as a trader to his party.

Guess I was reading from the wrong Democrat for this gang then.

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known."- Carl Sagan
posted on April 19, 2004 09:39:23 AM new
Wow, what a bunch of psychological blackmail! Why doesn't anyone answer questions like why, when the use of planes by terrorists was a well known fact, did the U.S. turn a blind eye to the reports of Arab illegals taking up flight training? And remember after 911 a whole bunch of big money was made on the stock market? Did anyone find out who made this money?

How can anyone make any kind of judgement about a government that doesn't give it's folks all the facts to make their decision on? What a hoot!

posted on April 19, 2004 09:49:49 AM new
The Associated Press reported Friday, April 9, that 88 illegal aliens who had successfully boarded Continental Airlines cross-country flight 1803 in Los Angeles were detained by federal agents acting on a tip when the plane landed in Newark, N.J. They are now waiting to have their cases heard before an immigration judge.

Because only photo identification, not proof of citizenship, is required to board a domestic flight, it is not unheard of for illegal aliens to fly within the United States, and it is unknown how agents knew who to pull aside once the plane landed in New Jersey.

On Saturday, April 10, the Associated Press published another story that was eerily similar. The AP reported that officials nabbed more than 40 illegal immigrants on two Saturday morning flights from Los Angeles to Newark. Agents also arrested four other illegals waiting for the planes to arrive and charged them with immigrant smuggling.

Kraft, I agree with you that it is psychological blackmail. And any of us who dare report actual happenings or if we question our governments we are treated like Helen and I were yesterday on the Highways Closed to Baghdad thread.

posted on April 19, 2004 09:59:33 AM new

Cry me a river... your support against this government and our troops in Iraq is quite eveident for all to see...


posted on April 19, 2004 10:32:04 AM new
There is an interesting report on "homegrown terrorists" in today's news.

"All of this homeland security, all of the orientation of the government's war on terror is about protecting our borders," said Ken Toole, director of the Montana Human Rights Network, which monitors right-wing groups. "We're moving back into this period where radical right-wing activism is being dismissed as goofy and loopy, whereas the Al Qaeda threat is around every corner. But the right-wingers are much closer to home. And they are still there."

Homegrown Terrorists

Sorry to disappoint you, twelve but there are no tears here. I pride myself on my knowledge and I do support the troops and have done so since the beginning and it's here for all to see. No wimpy, cowardly, lying board troll on Vendio will stop me from speaking out about what I believe in.

posted on April 19, 2004 10:51:10 AM new
kraft:Wow, what a bunch of psychological blackmail! Why doesn't anyone answer questions like why, when the use of planes by terrorists was a well known fact, did the U.S. turn a blind eye to the reports of Arab illegals taking up flight training? And remember after 911 a whole bunch of big money was made on the stock market? Did anyone find out who made this money?

(not italicing or bolding your comments )

Ok the use of planes was a well known fact. Was the fact that they suspected a hijacking a fact, or using the planes as a weapon a fact? I don't see any psychological blackmail, and I haven't been to the other thread you mentioned.
How can anyone answer the questions you asked? Except the dead suicide terrorist that did this crime against the WTC and Pentagon, (and were most likely shootin for the White House)
Surely, the intelligence heard 'HIJACKING'.
Sure, some in their think tanks could say 'they could use a plane and slam into a huge building, maybe even in NYC' BUT which plane... should we have banned every Arab, every Muslim, any immigrant from boarding a plane, once they got that info???

About the stock market.. since you asked 'did anyone find out who made all that money on the stock market' then you don't know. I don't know. How do you know that a 'whole bunch of money was made' ?(right after 9-11 or on 9-11? )

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known."- Carl Sagan
posted on April 19, 2004 10:56:04 AM new
No wimpy, cowardly, lying board troll on Vendio

You shouldn't speak about skylite like that... guess a nerve was hit... caught you and now watch the tap dancing go on... LOL


posted on April 19, 2004 11:05:26 AM new
Near, most pre-911 terrorism was done using planes. Hijacking and suspected bombings. Lockerbie comes to mind.

posted on April 19, 2004 11:18:35 AM new
I think these hearings are infinitely importnat. Not because at the end there will will be a single direction at which to point the finger but to show in bright and shining light where the kinks in the armor were. to bring the childish bickering and secret keeping between egencies to an end and to remind our intelligence angencies that there is a single goal and departmental credit and personal glory is not it.

As for this candy *ss excuse of the hearings giving "aid" to our foes... B*llshit. This is an election year and in this nation we celebrate the time honored tradition of all democracies of eviscerating our public servants. If this does not amuse them and give them false hope nothing willl. The hearings are nothing compared to a good political campaign.

Besides - are we honestly trying to say that we are willing to tell all government agencies that they can screw up as much as possibly and never fear these shortfalls coming to light ssimply because someone that does not like us may overhear the scolding?

That does emind me of an old time honored form of government, or course I don't believe it was one ever referred to as a democracy.

~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on April 19, 2004 11:38:40 AM new
woaw fenix, I didn't write the speech.

I thought it a good one, but only in my opinion.

I really didn't think it would bring arguements like this.

I have only read some of the 9-11 investigations, I haven't watched it.

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known."- Carl Sagan
posted on April 19, 2004 11:53:14 AM new
Near - please do not think that my post was directed at you - it certainly was not.

I understand that you posted the wrtings of another, I was disagreeing with the sentiment of the article,
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on April 19, 2004 01:03:40 PM new
Just heard a live speech by Bush in PA.

Just how a nation can unite behind this man is beyond imagination.

He said that since 9-11 the two oceans no longer protect us from foreign enemies.

Did someone forget to brief Bush about ICBMs and who has them ? Didn't someone tell Bush that ICBMs have been around for nearly half a century ??

Does Bush think the 9-11 terrorists swam here ?

A world power can not unite behind an idiot.

posted on April 19, 2004 01:45:26 PM new
just in my opinion, so don't jump all over me, but 'the two oceans to protect us' part:

I've always thought that to mean that we have always thought ourselves (the US) invulnerable to attacks from foriegn countries (ok, yeah CANADA can attack, or Mexico, but thats a looooooong shot )

We have always seen other places in the world with this ongoing, and always have seen it from a distance, and no doubt, most everyone thought, 'boy I'm glad that doesn't happen here' Very simplistic I know, but WE HAVE ALWAYS THOUGHT THAT WAY, after WWII that is.

We have become comfortable and complacent.
And we shouldn't be, not any longer. JMHO.

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known."- Carl Sagan
posted on April 19, 2004 02:14:55 PM new
I've always thought that to mean that we have always thought ourselves (the US) invulnerable to attacks from foriegn countries

Do you know what ICBMs are ? We have had civil defence drills all through the 1950s and 1960s due to the ability of our enemies to attack us from the other side of the world.

I have no idea where Bush and NTS got the idea that oceans can protect us from ICBMs.

If we have considered ourselves as "invulnerable" all these decades then we sure blew several trillion dollars on defences we never needed.

posted on April 19, 2004 02:30:35 PM new
Hi Reamond

What I am getting out of it,is these suicide bomber/terrorists, ya know, like you see in Israel about everyday in the paper...

Yeah I've heard of ICBM, and even known what the four letters stand for

YES, we'd become complacent. You don't agree? Then you now work for the NSA, or some other Gov't intelligent agency, right?

I give. Your all knowing, and won't quit.

I say, was 9-11 caused by Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles?

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known."- Carl Sagan
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