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posted on April 30, 2004 06:33:10 PM new
Satellite dishes?? It's not the dishes Linda, it's the satellites themselves. Canada needs to pay for the ones they need by getting Canadians to pay for Canadian programming.

posted on April 30, 2004 07:21:05 PM new
On the one hand, I can see the Canadian government's point.

On the other, I can feel for the Canadian citizens who want DirecTV. I personally would be upset at such a prohibition. Just as I heartily dislike our own home-grown censorship. And we do have censorship in the US, both from the government and private citizens who want to dictate what the rest of us can see or hear on TV and radio.

But I figure what the Canadians do in their own country is their business. If they choose to keep in power a government that won't permit DirecTV, etc. from the US in, that's their business. One of the big problems we in the US face right now is the determined belief held by some (including the President) that every other country on earth should be carbon copies of us. In some cases whether they like it or not.
We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. -- John F. Kennedy
posted on April 30, 2004 08:03:13 PM new
bunicula, do you mean a carbon copy, as in a 'democratic gov't'?

I don't believe you mean a copy of us, say with 3 cars, SUV's, Starbucks every morning, home ownership, remoldeling so our homes look like an HGTV home, vactioning every year at Marthas vineyard, 15 credit cards, car loans, insurance, and all the 'luxeries' that a lot of the 'American dream' is..

I'm being sarcastic about this American Dream it can be a nightmare for a lot of people, huge mortgages, credit with high interest cards, and all that

Sure, we can get 100000000 channels on TV, but it costs.... well, unless you know how to pirate the dang thing

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known."- Carl Sagan
posted on April 30, 2004 08:15:55 PM new
Canadians are offered 100's of channels and this is just one example of many cable TV and internet companies in Canada. Rogers is another big one.


They offer almost all the US (except Fox News) & Canada major networks and lots of the specialty networks. Last time I checked Shaw offered about 200 or more channels.

Canadians have complained about the CRTC for years. Even though there are lots of Canadian singers some of the radio stations only play currently popular Country or Rock, etc so if 1/3 content is Canadian, a listener will hear KD Lang, Celine Dion, Sarah McLachlan or Shania Twain (whoever has the latest hit) so much it's truly sickening. But with the internet we can choose radio from all over.

We get Fox now but not Fox News which will probably be here before too long and if it was offered I'd watch it to see if I liked it or not.

I just found an article that was written today about Canadian viewing habits and how they prefer specialty TV.

Specialty Channels

[ edited by kiara on Apr 30, 2004 08:25 PM ]
posted on April 30, 2004 09:48:04 PM new
Kiara, do you Canadian's still use vinegar on french fries instead of ketchup?

Political correctness will be the death of us All.

"The Secret Service has announced it is doubling its protection for John Kerry. You can understand why — with two positions on every issue, he has twice as many people mad at him." —Jay Leno
posted on April 30, 2004 10:34:58 PM new
I can just imagine how the lefties here would be screaming if the situation were reversed.

ie: If only Fox News and other conservative news programs were being approved by the Canadian government as acceptable. And if they could only watch any leftie news program by purchasing a satellite dish which used US satellites.....and would face going to jail if they did.

You bet it would be a different story.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on April 30, 2004 11:20:52 PM new
Hi Bear

Yes, some Canadians use vinegar on their french fries and some use ketchup and some use both. Canadians also have salt and vinegar potato chips and ketchup chips and I think some places in the US have them now also.

As far as french fries go, I think they were originally from Belgium but when the US troops ate them in France during WWI they liked them so much they named them French Fries and wanted them in the US.

NTS, the first McDonalds was opened in B.C. Canada in 1967 and I think KFC was about the same time. Coke and Pepsi have real sugar in Canada, not corn syrup so they taste much better.

I can just imagine how the lefties here would be screaming if the situation were reversed.

Linda, what lefties? Even though Kraft explained the CRTC issue to you several times you still don't seem to understand it. This whole CRTC thing doesn't concern me or my friends at all and we get to view everything we wish to.

Just because we don't get Fox News it doesn't make us less informed about the world. Perhaps someone here can explain it to me. Is Fox News the only unbiased news programming in the US? Are Canadians missing important issues by not viewing it?

I would like you to explain this sudden deep concern you have over the CRTC, Linda since you don't live in Canada. Are you planning to move there?

posted on May 1, 2004 12:33:45 AM new
Fox News is the only conservative news channel in the US and that's why it's the highest rated news channel in the US. ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN all have a liberal bias and they can't get even half the number of viewers that Fox News gets.

Canadian lefties are scared to death of a Canadian Fox News channel breaking the liberal monopoly of the media.

Canadians are only getting one version of news - the liberal version. So much for freedom of speech!

"I voted for the $87 billion before I voted against it."
posted on May 1, 2004 01:17:14 AM new
Canadians are only getting one version of news - the liberal version.

You are assuming that Canadians only get one version of news and that just isn't true. And you are also assuming that Canadians only get their news from TV as you perhaps do, but they don't. They get their news from worldwide sources.

Canadians are way ahead of the Americans in overall usage of the internet and having high speed access, and they also read more newspapers than in America. Most of the people I know limit the amount of time their children watch TV and they encourage them to read or do outside activities instead like they do.

Besides, Helen posted reliable info that people that watched Fox News are less informed about the war in Iraq. So why would anyone want to encourage more people to have access to Fox? You don't have to answer that one.

posted on May 1, 2004 07:20:32 AM new
LOL! Forget free speech, the Canadian government knows best and it should restrict what kind of news Canadians get.

"I voted for the $87 billion before I voted against it."
posted on May 1, 2004 11:38:47 AM new
Put on your bifocals EAG, and try to figure this out. Here's an example....

Your company has enough money to hire a new secretary. Two well qualified people apply, yet you only have the money to afford one person, so you hire the one. Does that mean you've banned the other person or censored the other person?

posted on May 1, 2004 02:04:51 PM new
Hmmm. Kiara said "Canadians are offered 100's of channels" and "They offer almost all the US (except Fox News)"

I think a better analogy goes like this:

Your company has enough money to hire a 100 new secretaries. 101 well qualified people apply, yet you only have the money to afford 100 people, so you hire the 100 best brown-nosers.

"I voted for the $87 billion before I voted against it."
posted on May 1, 2004 02:12:15 PM new
Television is supposed to be a business. Why would they pass over the highest rated news channel (Fox News) and instead choose lame news channels that hardly anyone watches??

The answer is the Canadian government does not want a popular conservative news channel in Canada.

"I voted for the $87 billion before I voted against it."
posted on May 1, 2004 02:23:50 PM new
In all my reading on the subject.....

it's also tied into who gives the largest financial/political support to their party.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on May 1, 2004 02:40:28 PM new
LOL it's funny seeing our resident anti-american canucks show how little they know about their own country...

Socialism, has never really been for free speech...


It's too bad that their blindness can't see they are killing more soldiers than President Bush ever has... Protest Loud and Proud! Your fellow taliban and insurgents are rejoicing at the support...
posted on May 1, 2004 02:43:37 PM new
Canadians are way ahead of the Americans in overall usage of the internet and having high speed access, and they also read more newspapers than in America. Most of the people I know limit the amount of time their children watch TV and they encourage them to read or do outside activities instead like they do.

thanks kiara, Americans are just dumber than rocks.


You may be smarter than I, more well read, have had the fastest high speed internet (I only have crummy cable, they 'claim' to be high speed)

But wait, my kids, when they were children, oh until they were 12 or so anyway grew up on a fairly remote farm. They had to do chores, and feed the horses, cows and pigs, and we had TV but they didn't watch much then. They were both in 4-H and didn't want to join Girl Scouts, but then there wasn't any troop that was close then!

I read the newspaper.

And I honestly don't know what all you said has to do with anything Except that your saying because of all this, this is the reason you don't want or rather Canada doesn't need Fox News. ok.

Do you guys have Dennys up there, and do you sell Rainier Beer?

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known."- Carl Sagan
posted on May 1, 2004 02:46:36 PM new
whoops, I forgot Canada invented the internet too

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known."- Carl Sagan
posted on May 1, 2004 02:51:53 PM new
and twelve - some of the Canadian socialists have called other Canadian socialists communists. I thought that was funny when I read it. Even they see some of their own as further left than socialism.

NTS - That's true, from what I've read, about their Internet....but their media [tv] coverage is really lacking and not at all up-to-day with modern technology.

Maybe the popularity and advanced state of their Internet is because it's about the only way they can get information other than what their government allows them to hear.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on May 1, 2004 02:53:57 PM new
whoops, I forgot Canada invented the internet too

NO THEY DIDN'T....Al gore did.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on May 1, 2004 02:57:35 PM new
then hows come they have the worst postal system on the continent?

Why is it that Canadian ebay sellers can ask for $USD only, which of course $USD is worth more than $CND ???

I've asked Kraft that before, and now I forgot what she said.

What if I bought something from a Canadian Seller and converted it to $Canadian?

Hey I want more bang for MY BUCK too! and they come down on Americans for being 'capitolist pigs'??

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known."- Carl Sagan
posted on May 1, 2004 02:58:47 PM new
oh yeah sorry, Al Gore did

(shhhhhh, don't say anything, but he's from Canada)

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known."- Carl Sagan
posted on May 1, 2004 03:03:04 PM new
testing.... sig line

In cyberspace, you can't hear a liberal scream.
posted on May 1, 2004 03:21:40 PM new

Your new sig line is VERY true. To be able to see Ted Kennedy on TV, bursting at the seams - screaming at the top of his lungs - vs reading about his outbursts in print....would have a much different affect. Of course they could just be more descriptive and mention his bulging neck veins.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on May 1, 2004 03:27:55 PM new
I see that the explanations I've provided haven't sunk in yet. Maybe you'll understand it better when you lose your jobs to the Chinese.

posted on May 1, 2004 03:42:47 PM new
Kraft, I don't have a JOB TO LOSE!

But then there is Mikey.

Tell me this

Why was he OFFERED A JOB in AUSTRALIA? And with moving expenses??? And has had 'head hunters' keep calling him about new jobs?

I don't think China can do his job he does here in Seattle.

But thanks for the advanced notice

In cyberspace, you can't hear a liberal scream.
posted on May 1, 2004 03:48:55 PM new
well s h i t

let me explain without giving out a whole boatload of personal info here

I worked, and always did.

I don't work now, well, hmmmm, I have a medical condition, that prevents me from working. NO Helen, its not mental health

I have, and have always received money from a family trust. Before, it could be invested or put away. Now, its used for my bills, sharing the household expenses; mortgage, bills to the home, TAXES, food, and MEDICAL insurance I pay for.

That was way too much info, but just to let you know I don't live off the 'roll' or whatever people call it.

The trust... hey, we all (my siblings, cousins etc) receive it because of my grandfather, father and his brothers, and what they did. Sure, I could give it all away, but now, i need it.

In cyberspace, you can't hear a liberal scream.
posted on May 1, 2004 03:53:40 PM new
Nowhere did I say all Americans are dumb as rocks, I was trying to explain to EAG that Canadians don't rely on television as their only source of knowledge and news. I have family and friends in the US so I would never say something that ignorant because I don't believe it. I fly both flags and I love both countries.

but their media [tv] coverage is really lacking and not at all up-to-day with modern technology.

Lacking because we don't have Fox News?

If you took the time to check out the links I posted above you would see all the networks available to Canada and just how modern it truly is.

As far as the postal system works, I've been mailing packages to the US from Canada for over 20 years now. Sometimes I mail them from Canada, other times from the US. The ones sent from Canada almost always arrive to their destination sooner and never has one been damaged.

This whole discussion is really silly because it's so obvious that some of you have never visited Canada or viewed TV here. Some don't even know that we have fast food restaurants, etc. Do you realize how many Americans live in Canada and do business out of Canada? Do you realize how many Americans and Canadians get married to each other? Do you realize how many Americans love Canada?

But it does take your minds off that pesky war that Bush messed up so bad, doesn't it?

posted on May 1, 2004 04:03:03 PM new
kiara, we all know that there is a war going on. There are thread after threads devoted to them. And this is not the only message board on the internet that talks about it, as you know.

I have to say something here and now. I apologize that what may look like some kind of 'Canada bashing'.

My questions from the beginning, about McDonalds, Dennys and the rest was I, being sarcastic. I know you do have all the things we do. (well, with the exception of Fox News )

I have been to Canada, A LOT.

Its not my country. The U.S. is. Its my fathers country. (that was the major factor in our decision for Mike NOT to take the job in Australia, because we love our country)

kraft made mention that 'we' decorate our houses with Red White and Blue.

You betcha, a lot of us do. Is there something wrong with that?

If your proud of Canada, you fly your flag. If you really want to get into it, you can decorate your homes in maple leafs..... ok, that was a smart ass comment I guess

But, I said it above..... all we seem to hear from you guys is criticism of our country, our leaders, our foriegn affairs. Wouldn't you call that in a way America Bashing?

In cyberspace, you can't hear a liberal scream.
posted on May 1, 2004 04:07:44 PM new
kiara - You don't speak for all Canadians when you say it's fine. There are several sites I read yesteday where many Canadians said how much the TV there sucks. Now maybe that depends on where one lives...I don't know. But there were many complaining about the quality of what's shown on TV there, and the lack of quality in choices of what there is to watch. I understand you see it differently. But you're not the only person in Canada and many appear to be in disagreement with how it is there.

HDTV: The next technological frontier and why Canada lags

May 25, 2002
For anyone with about $3,000 to invest and a lot of couch time to fill, purchasing a High Definition Television will be the next logical step up the technology food chain.
Over the past couple weeks, one of the most important technical achievements of the Olympic Games was that NBC broadcast most significant events in HDTV. (For some strange reason, NBC chose to broadcast the events in HDTV a day delayed.)

However, the quality of the images shown in cinema-like (letterbox) format, or 16:9 aspect ratio, was unbeatable, with absolutely breathtaking colour and resolution. It even made watching the final of the men's hockey tournament interesting ... despite knowing the outcome (they win in HDTV, too). Seriously, it really is like "being there", a promise that TV can finally deliver on.

However, progress towards developing HDTV programming, particularly live programming, especially in Canada, has been painfully slow.


Re-elect President Bush!!

[ edited by Linda_K on May 1, 2004 04:13 PM ]
posted on May 1, 2004 04:09:49 PM new
Near, because there's not a big demand on this board to talk about Canadian issues, it seems like Canada doesn't have any, which is untrue. Our issues are the same as yours, just on a smaller scale.

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