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posted on May 7, 2004 08:41:04 PM new
Could things get any worse for the U.S? Mr. Kraft just asked me this and thought the only explanation that fits would be Bush being the anti-Christ. Do you think he is? Could things get worse than they are?

posted on May 7, 2004 09:57:33 PM new
Aw c'mon Kraft, dontcha think the anti-christ would have a way better doo?

posted on May 8, 2004 02:34:30 PM new
Mr Kraft must be the non atheist in the family then.

I think its only a Christian myth to believe in an anti CHRIST

So, since I'm a Christian, I'll answer. I don't know. It could be anyone. No one will know the true anti christ until its too late. But then thats the Christian mythology

In cyberspace, you can't hear a liberal scream.
posted on May 8, 2004 03:05:13 PM new
One thing's for sure, there are plenty of anti-Christians on this board.

"I voted for the $87 billion before I voted against it."
posted on May 8, 2004 03:40:55 PM new
That's the biggest understatement ever made.

At times I feel the hatred coming right through my monitor. Not too willing to practice the tolerance they expect those who don't agree with their views to have/use.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on May 8, 2004 03:54:25 PM new
"At times I feel the hatred coming right through my monitor. Not too willing to practice the tolerance they expect those who don't agree with their views to have/use."

Linda, asking questions that you view as "off limits" doesn't make them hateful. Some people are sick about what's happening to the U.S. Some think Bush is evil because of what he's doing. I remember reading that the anti-Christ will be a wolf in sheep's clothing, so Mr. Kraft's question is an honest one.

Thanks Near. I appreciate your answer.

posted on May 8, 2004 04:10:50 PM new
Linda, asking questions that you view as "off limits" doesn't make them hateful.

I don't know who said it was. Not I. It's the responses that usually come after the questions are answered that I'm referring to.

Some think Bush is evil because of what he's doing.

Yes, but those same people here were OUTRAGED when he called our enemies 'evil'. Somehow they see our enemies as friendly chaps who intend us no harm....and a president that's fighting terrorism as the evil one. Kind of mixed up on who's on our side and whose not.

so Mr. Kraft's question is an honest one. I never said it wasn't. I'm taking it you and Mr. Kraft have reconciled now. That's good....glad you were able to work things out.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on May 8, 2004 04:20:47 PM new
Some people used to (may still do) think the Pope is the Anti Christ

Some think it may not be just ONE person, male or female, but a group of peoples

Some think that the anti christ is a country, region, a religion, or yes even aliens from another planet.

The Anti christ could be your next door neighbor, your husband, best friend, or the anti christ may not come around for a very, very long time, or it may be tommorow. No one knows, no one is supposed to know, no one is supposed to try and figure it out. They only need to know that an anti christ IS coming, and to be ready. There will be false prophets, lots of them, before the anti christ, in whatever form it takes, shows itself.

End of Sermon, and until next Sunday,
thank you for coming, God Bless you and God Bless America

In cyberspace, you can't hear a liberal scream.
posted on May 8, 2004 05:12:06 PM new
No, we have a bunch of sick women in the Military and why should a man take the blunt of it.

posted on May 8, 2004 06:16:17 PM new
I kind of think more along those lines, Near. I think the anti-Christ is religion, as I've said before. It seems to be the only thing that fits, imo.

Thanks for asking, Linda. No we're not back together but I'm so radiant, he has a difficult time keeping away from me on the weekends.

posted on May 8, 2004 06:55:28 PM new
I have to agree with NTS, because yeah, if you buy into the whole Christian mythology, everything that is going on in the middle east right now sounds alot like the biblical prophecies of the old testament.

posted on May 9, 2004 07:42:51 AM new
At times I feel the hatred coming right through my monitor. Not too willing to practice the tolerance they expect those who don't agree with their views to have/use.

I missed this yesterday but I want to comment on it.

Linda, (even though I wasn't on this topic) you will never see any hatred coming from me, I have never had it in me to hate anyone and I'm convinced the hatred that consumes anyone will eventually rot them right to their soul.

You have such blind devotion for President Bush and the people around him that you can't even see when they've done wrong, even if they admit it or if it is proven as a fact.

Most of us here that don't agree with Bush's policies are very moderate people. Trouble is, your scales are tilted so extreme to the right that any view other than your own is observed by you as totally left-wing or as you like to preach over and over again, "leftie". In fact there are others here that have no tolerance for any moderate views and want us all to disappear or be silenced.

Linda you have shown disdain towards all Muslims, to all of Iraq and even to your neighbor Canada and you show no tolerance for other cultures or beliefs and are totally arrogant towards all.

Hint: The hatred you see on your monitor may be coming from within you, not from us. And please understand that I am trying to say this in the very kindest way.

posted on May 9, 2004 11:34:59 AM new
Kraftdinner, I sure hope Bush is not the anti-Christ. Bush does use religion to get votes and to divide the American people. Using religion this way is very shameful but Bush seems to be beyond shame.

You asked if things can get worse? We all have watched how things are going in America under his leadership. I believe that masses of republicans are not blind. They also see that Bush is not the leader they thought he would be and will vote him out.

posted on May 13, 2004 12:56:37 AM new

I agree with you. Things are pretty srcewed up. About religion. There have been so many wars fought in the past and still in the present due to religion. There has been so much blood spilled because of it.

Many, if not most, conservative "Christians" have a major hatred towards anything that they belief is against the Bible. Through their "belief system" and that is all it is, they think their way is the way EVERYONE should follow. Any group that does not conform to their ways is considered an outcast that should be dealt with. The current agenda for the so called "Christian" right is the elimination of marriage rights for gay men and women. Using the bible, they will site, blah....blah......blah.....and EXPECT the rest of society to follow their ways.

A past example of the Christain control freaks, is what happen to the Wicca population of Europe in the 1500's. For those who don't know, Wicca is one of the world's oldest religions that was originally practiced in Ireland, Scotland, and some parts of Europe. The christians didn't like the Wicca faith, so what was the answer to that. They (the christians) would gather them up, tie them to stakes, and burn them alive. In Wicca history, this was known as the Burning Times. It is estimated that 9 million Wicca were burned alive. England, in 1951, was the last country to remove from the books, laws against the Wicca faith.

Another example is what happen to the Amish. For those who don't know, there are no more Amish in Europe. They fled to the US and Canada starting in the 1700's. The state of Pennsylvania has the largest Amish population in the US. Why did they leave? The powers of the Christian church scorned the Amish for their practice of baptizing the children when they were older, rather than as infants. The answer was to place the Amish in large burlap type bags and throw them in the river. Thousands were drowned, tortured or burned at the stake.

It was the belief system of the Christians at that time, as well as the Christians of this time the EVERYONE MUST follow their ways. Pretty sick isn't it?

True Americans do not exclude anybody. They recognize that everyone should have the same rights. Bigotry, intolerance and hatred are cancers of the mind.

[ edited by yeager on May 13, 2004 01:00 AM ]
posted on May 13, 2004 11:01:10 AM new
Great post Yeager! I agree that organized religion is the biggest problem facing us today. I am amazed that Bush claims he is following God's path as I've never seen the U.S. is such turmoil since Viet Nam and Kent State. His God sure goes for war and killing bad people plus He doesn't mind him lying either. We all know the REAL God hates gays too, so Bush is only doing his job as a missionary... I mean President.

posted on May 13, 2004 06:11:32 PM new
What’s The Diff Between Bush and Kerry?

We have to remember our recent history.

Remember back to the 2000 Presidential Elections?

Those Debate?

OK. Everyone said that Bush was OK because he was being reigned in by the experienced Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Carl Rove. Republicans said it was OK to have a Figurehead, so long as the Real Power was in control.

Bush was and is a puppet. Republican voters AGREED on this!

Bush isn’t the Anti-Christ. Bush is a guy who would rather go down to the local tavern, order a pitcher of beer, and rack up the balls for a game of pool.

That is, if others would leave him alone.

I really feel sorry for him. He didn’t want the Governor of Texas nor did he want the Presidency. Other pushed him into it and he has been beaten down into the dirt for it. I say, save your tears for Bush: he doesn’t deserve this.

Instead, place the blame where it belongs. Rumsfeld, Carl Rove, Paul Wolfowitz, etc.

If you give a damn about a human being, you will not make George Bush into a reelected President. I’m in a position to know and to tell you that he wishes nothing else than to leave office with some dignity and grace and not be hated by all Americans.

Will you help him out?

Please. Please do not vote for him this fall. You will be hurting and really, torturing a really nice guy who really doesn’t want this office.

posted on May 13, 2004 06:18:44 PM new

posted on May 13, 2004 06:23:50 PM new
ok I was wrong on the other thread, thats 4 posts now

In cyberspace, you can't hear a liberal scream.
posted on May 13, 2004 09:01:58 PM new
Thanks kraft,

To add to my post, concerning the beheading of Nick Berg. When this happened, the terrorist that did it yelled, "God is Great".

Now, who's God is that I wonder. Is that the American God, or the God serving the Middle East region of the world? They couldn't be the same God, could they? Or, are there many God's?

I also wonder when people of other faiths die, pass away, expire, or go home to be with the Lord, or what have you, do they go to the same "heaven" as those of the Christian faith. Or is there a separate area for them???

Again, I say, religion is the root of all evil.

True Americans do not exclude anybody. They recognize that everyone should have the same rights. Bigotry, intolerance and hatred are cancers of the mind.
posted on May 13, 2004 09:07:58 PM new

"One thing's for sure, there are plenty of anti-Christians on this board".

Please understand that I am not anti-Christian, I am anti-religion. If I were Jewish, would that make me anti-Christian in your mind?

Also, why would you care if a person is anti-Christian? How would that involve you? How would that affect your life?

True Americans do not exclude anybody. They recognize that everyone should have the same rights. Bigotry, intolerance and hatred are cancers of the mind.
posted on May 13, 2004 09:33:56 PM new
Yeager -

We each need our own interpretation of who/what God is, that's why organized religion doesn't work - here or in the Middle East. My God should be different from yours because "he" made us into individuals. Once you start to make God/religion into something that only fits certain groups of people, you're doomed because the pieces will never fit for the individual. Everything has to fit or it's not God, imo.

I wonder about Heaven too. I'm not looking forward to seeing all the creeps that asked for forgivesness at the last minute and were allowed in. Can you imagine Charles Manson sitting in a corner singing his dreadful tunes and having to pretend you like him because you're in Heaven? No thanks!

posted on May 14, 2004 12:17:31 AM new
If there is a God, and if the Bible is true, then you folks are in big trouble. Atheists are betting the farm with nothing to gain.

Kraft, your excuses are lame. The Bible says nothing about organized religion and you don't have to be a member of a church to be a good Christian. And there are some very liberal (too liberal) Christian churches out there that you probably would like. You don't have to be a conservative to be a Christian. You should try reading the Bible (the New Testament) before making ignorant statements.

I wonder about Heaven too. I'm not looking forward to seeing all the creeps that asked for forgivesness at the last minute and were allowed in.

I'd welcome Osama Bin Ladin himself if he became born again as a Christian. No sin is unforgivable and Christ already paid the price for our sins on the cross.

"I voted for the $87 billion before I voted against it."
posted on May 14, 2004 05:19:15 AM new
If there is a God, and if the Bible is true, then you folks are in big trouble.

So believe in Christ just in case. Oh brother......
When a dog howls at the moon, we call it religion. When he barks at strangers, we call it patriotism. - Edward Abbey
posted on May 14, 2004 10:51:03 AM new
"Kraft, your excuses are lame."

What excuses are you talking about EAG?

posted on May 16, 2004 05:10:40 AM new

Maybe you can answer this one for me.

At a time before European settlers came to the new world, the only people that were here were the Native People. In the many tribes of Native People, there were many different types of Gods. To some tribes, the sun was the God, some recognized certain animals as Gods. They didn't know anything about Christianity. This was a learned concept for them.

So here is the question. Before they learned of Christianity, when the Native People died, where did their souls go? Since the places that you would call heaven or hell was a foreign concept to them, what do you think happened to their soul?

I will be waiting for your answer. No lame answers please.

True Americans do not exclude anybody. They recognize that everyone should have the same rights. Bigotry, intolerance and hatred are cancers of the mind.
posted on May 16, 2004 11:39:57 AM new
The word "hell" is a greek word for a garbage dump where trash is burned. I believe that those who "go to hell" receive death of their soul and simply cease to exist. No burning or knashing of teeth for eternity.

If God were to reveal Himself to us, there would still be people who reject Him and then they would deserve a terrible punishment like brimstone and fire.

This life is basically just a tryout or test to see who deserves to go to heaven.

"I voted for the $87 billion before I voted against it."
posted on May 16, 2004 11:52:57 AM new
This life is basically just a tryout or test to see who deserves to go to heaven.

So we have an all powerful god who knows the beginning and end, and everything about us, yet this god must have "tryouts" to play on his "team".

A bit of a tangent with logic there.

posted on May 16, 2004 12:15:02 PM new
"This life is basically just a tryout or test to see who deserves to go to heaven."

I don't see how that relates to the natives Yeager was asking you about, EAG.

Is it possible that we are all God? Is it possible that God lives in every person? Do you know of anything God can do that we can't do for ourselves? The need for someone to look after us and our destiny seems to override our common sense when the power of "God" is already in each person to find, not a separate being that lives in the sky. So EAG, please answer this for me - what can your God do that I or anyone can't do for ourselves?
[ edited by kraftdinner on May 16, 2004 12:17 PM ]
posted on May 16, 2004 08:34:18 PM new
EAG, I'd like to read your answer to Yeager also, are you going to answer the question?
When a dog howls at the moon, we call it religion. When he barks at strangers, we call it patriotism. - Edward Abbey
posted on May 16, 2004 09:17:10 PM new
I think I can take a stab at the question. It was one I was asking my best friend, who had just become a Christian, oh over 30 years ago

She said something like this, and I don't know scripture, but a few, but, that before death, in like between life and death time, God/Jesus reveals himself to that person, and asks him if he wants salvation. (I am really really paraphrasing here) And that moment of death, the person can still choose. Some might not! And some may.
So the Native Americans, who never had Salvation, God, Jesus or Faith told to them, they still, of course, can have 'eternal salvation'

But that was how it was explained to me,but dang, I was a teenager way back then. I probably got some of that wrong.

The whole point is you still have free will, the NA who never heard of Christ or One God, STILL had free will.

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