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posted on June 26, 2004 10:40:03 AM new
logansdad - So sad to read that's your view of the soldiers who put their lives on the line to protect our country and your right to slam them in that way.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on June 26, 2004 02:39:43 PM new

"So sad to read that's your view of the soldiers who put their lives on the line to protect our country and your right to slam them in that way."

So sad to see more of your unfair insinuations Linda. Where do you see that logansdad fails to appreciate what the Marines did in Iraq? If logansdad said something that you don't understand why not ask him to explain it rather than jumping to unsupported conclusions. By making such outrageously false allegations, you become the loser, the one who can't rationally discuss a comment.


posted on June 26, 2004 02:41:13 PM new
Twelvepole, Please remember that millions of hard working Americans who work for say $6.50 per hour without benefits are not teens. They are people that work in stores,farms,hotels and motels,gas stations,boat yards, landscape, delivery jobs,restaurants and more. I think these are the type of jobs you say have a big turnover and you are right about the turnover. I believe if you paid these workers a living wage the turnover would drop by 1/2 of what it is now. I personally don't think its very hard to run a small business if you have bright well paid people working with you as equals. But I do think that business owners that live high off the sweat of their workers backs while they pay these workers peanuts are nothing but GREEDY SELF CENTERED PIGS. After all isn't that what all the OUTSOURCING of the American jobs is all about.


posted on June 26, 2004 03:17:33 PM new
linda says,"logansdad - So sad to read that's your view of the soldiers who put their lives on the line to protect our country and your right to slam them in that way. "

And, linda, what was that you said about Kerry??????
He aided the enemy by speaking out against the war? But at least HE fought in it.....bushy didn't.
linda, Kerry put his life on the line to fight for our country....bush didn't.

See "Blast from the past" thread.

[ edited by crowfarm on Jun 26, 2004 03:19 PM ]
posted on June 26, 2004 03:21:32 PM new
Linda_K, once again you have no shame with a comment like that. You must be getting dumber by the day if you can't see that logansdad was having a little fun. I just showed these 2 young men both your post and logansdad post. They both thought the posts were very funny. One said "WOW that woman must be wacked out, where is she coming from" while they were laughing and kidding each other?

Just to let you in on a little secret. While working with these guys to-day, I over hear a lot of talk about a big weekend party at Penn State University and about how they were going to get there. All I can say is its great to be young and I hope they find a couple young ladies that also think that way. Ha Ha.

You and I will most likly be asleep by 11pm you old prude. Ha Ha.

posted on June 26, 2004 04:41:17 PM new
We do have a McDonalds that pays $7.50 and hour.

posted on June 26, 2004 05:32:52 PM new

That's great, but a family cannot live on $7.50 per hour. I make a measly $8 and cannot live on that even alone.

posted on June 26, 2004 06:38:33 PM new
go into any ethnic neighborhood and see how they manage to live on 3.75 dollars an hour.
-sig file -------we eat to live,not live to eat.
Benjamin Franklin
posted on June 26, 2004 08:32:59 PM new
Ypu people on this board have no idea what it is like living on minimum wage. I love seeing all the Republican and Democrat idiots argue. You people have no lives.

posted on June 26, 2004 08:37:28 PM new
Oh thank you o great wise one!
Now, since you have a crystal ball and know everything.....do some good with it....give me the winning lottery numbers for next Wednesday....and I'll HAVE a life!

posted on June 26, 2004 09:27:29 PM new
Hey Quatermass, hold on a minute and don't let some of these fools scare you off. Many of us want to hear what you have to say. We need and want your opinion to help us in our fight to defeat poor living standards in Americans. Some people on this board do know what its like to be poor. I have been there and lived that way a few times in my life. Now that you have made contact do not be shy come join us and you will see a lot of people here are on your side. Many of us believe in you because we know what its like. Take some time and look at my posts and my replies to other posts. I hope you will see that BIGPEEPA is working for all working class Americans. Working class Americans are very close to making an important change soon so come and join our fight to make a better America.


posted on June 26, 2004 09:39:16 PM new
CROWFARM, I think your heart is in the right place but chill on some of your posts will ya please. We need people like quatermass to have their say. quatermass wasn't attacking you, quatermass was attacking the system they live under.

posted on June 27, 2004 05:58:13 AM new
Linda, logansdad - So sad to read that's your view of the soldiers who put their lives on the line to protect our country and your right to slam them in that way.

Most of the soldiers that are in the military are young 18-26. The vast majority have choosen to go into the military on their own free will - usually to help pay for college or to help straighten out their lives. They have made a choice just like you and I chose to get a job outside the government. Why should they deserve special treatment when they get out of the military. They should look for a job just like any other teenager or college graduate. They should not be given any special treatment.

In case you forgot, most teenagers have one thing on their mind - sex. Why do you think most servicemen try to get laid when they are on leave? I guess that is just another sterotype you see in movies???

Re-defeat Bush
June is Gay Pride Month
All animals are created equal, but some are more equal than others.

Change is constant. The history of mankind is about change. One set of beliefs is pushed aside by a new set. The old order is swept away by the new. If people become attached to the old order, they see their best interest in defending it. They become the losers. They become the old order and in turn are vulnerable. People who belong to the new order are winners.
James A Belaco & Ralph C. Stayer
posted on June 27, 2004 06:09:22 AM new
Uh, bigpeepa, quatermass says,

"I love seeing all the Republican and Democrat idiots argue. You people have no lives."

Bigpeepa, he can take care of himself.

posted on June 27, 2004 06:22:30 AM new
Who doesn't know what it's like to live on minimum wage? I certainly know what it's like. So does my daughter who is raising a child. It isn't easy.

posted on June 27, 2004 06:58:25 AM new

Quatermass also said, "There are plenty of jobs to be had in this country. You people who cry and complain all the time are the ones who don't have good jobs and are envious of those who do. get a life and grow up!!"

So, bigpeepa, rather than worrying about his welfare, we need to worry about his sensitivity and misinformed data about the economy.

posted on June 27, 2004 07:32:53 AM new
Quatermass, we're jealous of those with high paying jobs? I hardly think so. I pitty you and those like you. Someday you will fall on your face, and there will be no one there to pick you up because you didn't take the time to pick someone else up. It's the way the universe works, like it or not. What comes around. . . .

Some of the most generous people I know are those who "have not". Some of the stingiest people I know are those that "have". You, my venio poster opponent, throw off nothing but bad Karma. Thankfully, you live no where near me or mine.

[ edited by cblev65252 on Jun 27, 2004 07:33 AM ]
posted on June 27, 2004 08:21:30 AM new
Linda, logasdad is beyond sad, pathetic comes to mind...

Of course what would you expect from someone that made a lifestyle choice that makes him unwanted in the military...

Less of course like those serving who are liars and dishonorable... read homosexual

The reason they must seem so bossy to someone who probably has no honor or discipline, is because they do have those traits...

posted on June 27, 2004 08:51:05 AM new
Logansdad: I did a marine. ha-ha-ha-ha. I think its a requirement they watch alot of porn or something, so quite the good lover's they are...lol Maybe - and I'm playing here,not being mean, you can get one like the guy from the village people?? Whadda ya think? lol >>>>

Twelve, you must be long removed from the military. There are alot of gays serving right alongside the straights (what the dynamic among themseves is...I dont know though.) When we lived on base there was an obviously lesbian staff sgt living across the street from us. I barely said hello to her a few times. I think once I actually spoke with her a few mintues and remarked how nicely she colored the neighborhood the way she did her house up for halloween. She was plesant - minded her own business for the most part, and didnt interfer with anybody. Looked to me she put on her boots and went to off to work everyday like the rest of em'. She also had two or young kids and I did notice her's were more well-behaved in comparsion to some of the other unattended brats running around.

posted on June 27, 2004 09:33:12 AM new
Twelvelindapole says, "Less of course like those serving who are liars and dishonorable... read homosexual"

What an intelligent comment. Must know a lot of gays to pass such judgement.

But, linda, like I said in the thread you choose to ignore....at least they're serving...unlike bush who hid out in a bottle instead of laying his life on the line for our country which many gays are doing right now.

posted on June 27, 2004 10:00:29 AM new
of course they are going to be well behaved... or discharged... don't ask don't tell was not implemented until after I got out...

I do know that many serve and lie about the fact they are homosexual...

anyway this getting off topic...

Min wage, serves one purpose and one purpose only... to raise the cost of living for everyone.

AIN'T LIFE GRAND... [ edited by Twelvepole on Jun 27, 2004 10:01 AM ]
posted on June 27, 2004 01:12:01 PM new
Yes, it does, twelve. All costs are passed on to the consumer....we pay for those teens to start out at $7 in the long run.

And I'm sure you noticed logansdad didn't mention the reason a lot of young people sign up ....to serve their country...because they believe the same way Tillman did...our country is worth fighting for.

Some of the most generous people I know are those who "have not". Some of the stingiest people I know are those that "have".

On that statement I want to say something. I don't see it as haves vs have-nots issue. It's the way each political party wishes to deal with the problem....not that one takes care of it and the other doesn't care about it as so many appear to think....and act like their way is so superior to the others.

The left wants the government to take care of everyone...make their lives better for them. Fix every problem they have...even if it was a choice they, themselves made...such as not getting an education...or a skill. Require little from them. Just 'give it to them because they deserve it' kind of thinking. But in how to pay for that....they believe they have some 'right' to take from those in our country who are producing...have achieved ...have made different, more positive life choices...and then FORCE them to take care of those who can't/won't take care of themselves.

Whereas the right wants people to become self dependent - self- sufficient...take care of themselves...and is willing to give them help...just not for their whole lives. Wants them to take personal responsibility to obtain what they want....work for it...earn it themselves. The right believes they can help through encouraging private donations to groups that help the less fortunate.

So there is no difference between the 'right' and the 'left' wanting to help those less fortunate, just a difference in how it's approached.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on June 27, 2004 01:29:37 PM new
logansdad - No their first priorty is getting laid since they didn't get any in the Marine Corp. After getting laid their next priorty is trying to find a job where they can boss the little guy around.

I have to laugh at the assumptions, by some here, that I'm a prude because I disagree with your above statements.

What I wasn't responding to was your lack of knowledge when you said; "since they didn't get any"... Because anyone who has served, or knows them would know that's not true at all....they get the same as in the general population Not all of our Armed Forces are in Iraq.

But rather to your "where they can boss the little guy around". Because I find the left, who claim to support our troops, are always putting them down in one way or another. And I believe we owe our freedoms to soldiers, past and present. I don't see them in the same negative light that you appeared to by that statement.

The training they get forms great leadership qualities, personal responsibility, self reliance and also develops a strong sense of being a 'team player' - brotherhood and most importantly a love and support for their country.

And all this has absolutely nothing to do with minimum wage increase. So...we're off topic once again.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on June 27, 2004 01:35:43 PM new

Linda,you state, "Because I find the left, who claim to support our troops, are always putting them down in one way or another."

Exactly what ways do you mean when you say, "one way or another"?


[ edited by Helenjw on Jun 27, 2004 01:45 PM ]
posted on June 27, 2004 01:37:21 PM new
Linda, I agree with that statement. It IS a decidedly different approach. But you have to admit the chips fall differently as a result as well. If we were lookling at it from, say, a scientific viewpoint.

Kraft said in another thread "they get what they deserve" - I can not believe she has borrowed from what most accuse a republican's attitude to be!! (She is making Helen's sh** list today for sure!!!) ....hahaha.

posted on June 27, 2004 01:43:00 PM new

And also, you should apologize to logansdad and maybe you would become a "Big person" like you called Bunnicula.

According to your answer, you came up with no derogatory remarks made by logansdad other than your faulty perception of his remark.

You say, "I don't see them in the same negative light that you appeared to by that statement.".

Apologize, Linda. It's the right thing to do.


posted on June 27, 2004 02:42:16 PM new
Apologize, Linda. It's the right thing to do.

LOL, wow Helen and yet you never seem to be able to do the same...

What does Linda need to apologize for?

posted on June 27, 2004 02:47:47 PM new
neroter - (She is making Helen's sh** list today for sure!!!) ....hahaha.

LOL - Anyone who EVER disagrees with helen...even ONCE...will be on her sh** list. I've been there since day one....doesn't bother me even a tiny bit. But KD will be back in helen's good graces in no time flat - that I have no doubt about.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on June 27, 2004 02:50:03 PM new

Back to your corner, tweedledum twelvepole

[ edited by Helenjw on Jun 27, 2004 02:51 PM ]
posted on June 27, 2004 02:52:03 PM new
twelve - You've got to see the humor in her demand....

Re-elect President Bush!!
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